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** Heck, it doesn't need to be a rant, as the following proves {{spoiler|when all the dead bodies of those he has killed to create his orange construct-esque Lanterns are resurrected and surround him}}.
{{quote|'''Larfleeze''': ''Yuh-oh.''}}
** Really, there were a lot of gems in the "Agent Orange" arc where Larfleeze made his debut that qualify, even if he wasn't at center stage. Some memorable ones include Hal Jordan temporarily falling under the [[The Corruption|evil influence]] of the Orange Power Battery:
{{quote|'''Orange Power Battery''': ''You could really go for a hamburger right now, couldn't you? Two hamburgers!'' }}
** Larfleeze to rival Orange Lantern [[Lex Luthor]]: The ring is mine! And if you ever get hair, that's mine too!
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** How rich is he? {{spoiler|he just bought ''Japan''.}}
* Superman playing Santa Claus is nothing new. But [http://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/1317677.html#cutid1 Batman getting involved] is something special. Also, "I suppose I should do something about that whole Middle East thing..."
* The way [[Shazam|Black Adam]] discovers what his new magic word is, in one of the funniest (and greatest) things Peter J. Tomasi has ever written, in issue #6 of the ''Black Adam'' miniseries.
{{quote|'''Teth-Adam''': ''[in a diner]'' Hrm. Please prepare me one of these, "chocolate egg creams". '''''[KRAK-OOM]'''''}}
* Miss Martian of [[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]] fame has developed an [[Enemy Within]] version of herself that demands that vengeance must be taken on the humans for cruel experiments. Miss Martian doesn't do vengeance. Puppies (we're within her mind, remember) are much nicer, so she conjures up some to attack (read: lick and play with) her evil side. A response that is implied to be a sufficient threat for keeping evil side in line in future encounters.
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* [[Martian Manhunter]] #24 from start to finish. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle hide all the [[Bland-Name Product|Choco]] cookies in JLI headquarters, as well as the surrounding area. [[Hulking Out|Mayhem]] [[Hilarity Ensues|ensues]].
** After he cools down and is convinced he has a problem, J'onn exorcizes a physical manifestation of his addiction from himself. The craving-creature latches on to various other league members, revealing a sample of their cravings. In particular, Ice laments not being able to indulge in a sautéed baby seal since leaving her homeland.
* When [[Superboy]] discovers that [[Lex Luthor]] was one of his gene donors, he begins to angst that he might turn evil when he grows up.
{{quote|'''Robin''': "It could be worse... You could go bald."}}
* [http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/fuyukun/Pippins-Pic.jpg Lex Luthor commenting] on the [[Foe Yay]] between [[Batman]] and the Joker.
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** Robin asks him to vibrate at high speed to become intangible. Amnesiac Impulse tries to comply... with spasms.
{{quote|'''Robin''': I ask for vibration, he gives me epileptic seizures.}}
** In another issue, after [[Superboy]] has [[Brought Down to Normal|lost his powers]], Impulse tries to come up with creative ways to give him new powers, each having their own [[Mythology Gag]]. These include [[Spider-Man|putting a (non-radioactive) spider in his food]], [[Captain America (comics)|putting "super-soldier syrup" in his drink]], and [[The Flash|dousing him in chemicals and blasting him with electricity]].
** In one of their first missions together, Superboy [[Lampshade|Lampshades]] that he and Robin are more like [[Parental Substitute|Impulse's parents]] than his teammates. Robin slyly says he knows which one of them is the "mom" to which Superboy violently replies:
{{quote|'''Superboy''': Oh no! It's not me! I'm not the mom! I am NOT the MOM!}}
** [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|Two words]]: [[Meaningful Name|Mighty]] [[Gag Boobs|Endowed]].
{{quote|'''Robin''': Wow. She's certainly got '''huge'''...[[Monty Python and Thethe Holy Grail|tracts of land]].<br />
'''Impulse''': We're supposed to fight '''her?'''<br />
'''[[Casanova|Superboy]]''': If there's a God, then yes! <br />
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* I never thought I'd see the day when Pokemon appear in comic books other than manga. Well, here [http://i573.photobucket.com/albums/ss175/galateus/comics/co/1250056393248.jpg it is!]
{{quote|''"Yes, perhaps this is a warrior's game..."''}}
* ''[[Knightfall]]'': The end of Batman's fight with Firefly.
* When Superboy and Supergirl are caught in a "walls closing in" [[Death Trap]]:
{{quote|'''Superboy''': Why couldn't I be doing this with [[Power Girl]]!?
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{{quote|"I would rather dance alone, barefoot, on broken glass, than dance with you, Mister Wayne."}}
** Superman's (ill-fated) arrival and his subsequent pwning of the Mad Hatter.
* There's a story where the Guardians of Oa visit the Zamorans, with Sodam Yat, Arisia, and Guy Gardner as backup. When they are hit by a bright violet flash: The Guardians continue being stoic, Arisia and Sodam cover their eyes in pain, and Guy whips up [[Cool Shades]] and puts them on with a smug look on his face.
* From ''[[Justice Society of America]]'', [http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Gd8NBIma-zo/TDE5LPZ_zII/AAAAAAAANuo/poSxacWOEl4/s1600/jsa+-+curedofthegay.jpg Obsidian's fake out] and everyone's expression. Seems to also be something of a [[Take That]] to people who thought the author (Bill Willingham) would pull something like that in his run.
* From [[52]], Renee Montoya and the Question are investigating a warehouse together. They saw someone enter who appears to have vanished. Montoya says there must be a secret door, the Question's immediate response? 'What is this, D&D?' After finding the switch by accident the two of them fall through the floor and end up with Renee on top of the Question while he delivers the immortal line:
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** And at the end of the scene:
{{quote|'''Batman:''' Diana, Alfred will need that recipe.}}
* In ''Detective Comics'' #609, during his fight with Anarky, Batman is beset by some hobos that are on Anarky's side. One of them - a legless cripple - tries to take on Batman. [http://i53.tinypic.com/2is7eic.jpg Bats' exasperated face] in the last panel, in an otherwise serious comic, is priceless.
* In one issue of ''Robin'', a group of heroes led by The Veteran (the invincible personification of Patriotism) is fighting their way across Bludhaven, which is filled with C- and D-list villains recently escaped from a prison, to get to Robin. One such villain, who appears to be made of straw, leaps out of the shadows and declares...
{{quote|'''Wicker Man''': Behold! I am the Wicker Man! Beware my power!
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'''Ganthet''': {{spoiler|Wazzzup!}}
'''Darkseid''': (''deadpan'') I am too late. }}
* Lex Luthor once managed to easily capture Superboy by making a kryptonite cage labelled [[Shmuck Bait|"Lex Luthor's trap for Superboy"]]. Superboy walked right into it.
* Stephanie Brown AKA the current [[Batgirl]] has a [[Precocious Crush]] on her developing contact for the police, Detective Nicholas Gage, who avoided any action on her feelings. It leads to ...
{{quote|'''Batgirl''': (''As she swings by Gage and Gordon, giving Gage a smile and a small wave'') "Hey, you!"
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