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*** The odd thing is that if you have full 100% chameleon armor on all the time, this becomes such a [[Game Breaker]] that the game becomes a breeze. You never, ever get attacked unless there is a script, as long as all the armor is on, and even enemies that are scripted to attack you won't see you. You can run around, smack guards and steal all day long and aside from the guard talking to you, they won't even see it. You can just run up, punch a guard in the face, and he will do the whole "you broke the law" talk, and if you resist he pulls out his sword and says "Where did he go!?" It makes for some quite funny gameplay.
** In ''Daggerfall'', if you stand a certain distance from some enemies, they neither come closer to engage in melee nor draw their bow and snipe at you from that distance. They stand perfectly still and do nothing.
* You can trick the AI into a lot of things in ''[[Super Smash Bros.]] Brawl'', but the most memorable trick is probably the 'Fly To Survive' scheme... only useable with the handful of characters who posess limited flight capabilities, and mostly useful for the Cruel Brawl survival-test, where you face a bunch of SERIOUSLY overpowered AI's... but by simple constantly flying UNDER the island the battle takes place on - hanging off the ledge on either side to reset your flight-time counter - you can trick the AI's into jumping off the screen with a little practice.
** In the previous game, ''Melee'', one famous enemy was Donkey Kong who had one tactic if the opponent stayed still on his stage. Charge, jump, jump, flip-hammer-punch. Unfortunately for him, his flip-hammer-punch disables his ability to hang on to edges, you spawn on a fairly small platform, and to properly hit you, he has to miss your platform by a bit, over one of the few levels in the game where you can't really recover from a fall--particularly since his timing puts him into the ground just when an instant death enemy jumps up to bite at people's heels...
** In ''Melee'', all you have to do to get easy wins is make your opponent a maximum-difficulty Roy, turn off items, play in Jungle Japes, KO Roy once, and stand on the far right side of the stage. He WILL fall to his death over and over and over again when he tries to go directly from the respawn platform to your platform and misses the jump.
*** You could also battle a Luigi in both of the Mushroom Kingdom stages. Luigi's AI has him use his Green Missile for recoveries, so spiking him into one of the small pits causes Luigi to use the move, hit the wall, and fall to his death.
**** Even easier, level nine Ness on Jungle Japes, 1 stock match. Do nothing. He jumps toward you, tries to recover, falls down the hole between your platform and the main one, hits the side of the stage with PK Thunder, continues to fall, and dies.
***** [[Overly Long Gag|Even]] ''[[Overly Long Gag|easier,]]'' just leave Ness at level 1. He will do the same thing, minus PK Thunder.
*** Also, on the original Smash Bros. you could defeat Pikachu on Story Mode without even touching him by just jumping around the tower on the right, causing Pikachu to quick attack himself off of the platform.
*** It's also possible to do something similar with Fox in the original Super Smash Brothers: stand near the nose of the Great Fox and wait for him to charge you, then jump over him. Fox will be unable to recover, and will either fall off the screen or land on the Great Fox's lasers, at which point it's only a matter of time before the lasers fire and he asplodes.
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** Prior to Generation IV, computer players (unlike human players) never switch their Pokemon, even if the matchup is extremely unfavorable for them (except for Agatha and a very few other trainers, namely cooltrainers, who wastes a lot of moves switching their pokemon every other turn for no apparent reason. Gen 3 Blue will swap if his Pokemon is put to sleep and slowly dying.). If you use Trick to give them a Choice item and lock them into using a single move, then you can switch to a Pokemon that resists that move and setup to your heart's desire. Amazingly, the computer won't switch even if they're forced to Struggle.
*** Even in Gen V AI trainers still switch out so rarely that for one to do so is an event in itself.
** Gen V has a Pokemon, Zoroark, that disguises itself to look like another Pokemon in your party, but it still has the same moveset and Dark typing. This masquerade is revealed if Zoroark is hit with an attack. [[The All-Seeing AI|Unlike with many games]], this affects how the AI plays, so when fighting a trainer using Psychic-type Pokemon, a Zoroark can disguise itself as a Poison-type Pokemon, and as Psychic is super-effective against Poison but fails against Dark, this caused the AI to continuously use Psychic-type moves against my Dark-type. The Zoroark's illusion was never broken, and it became impossible to lose.
* Dante in ''[[Devil May Cry]] 4'' is [[That One Boss]] for a lot of players and is considered a [[Perfect Play AI]]. One of the reasons for this is if you try to shoot him, he will knock your bullet away [[Shoot the Bullet|with a bullet of his own.]] However, while he's shooting your bullets, he's vulnerable to attack. Get him into a shooting match and you can make him eat your [[Red Right Hand|Devil Bringer]], even on the highest difficulty.
* All the robots in ''[[One Must Fall]]'' have strategies that the computer always seems to fall for. Perhaps the most mind-numbing one is to just keep using the Nova's crouching sweep kick. The computer never blocks it and will just walk into it over and over again. Likewise, the computer doesn't know how to dodge the Shadow Grab. And possibly the first one that every player learns is fierce low kick right off the start of the fight, which pretty much no computer opponent will ever stop.
** It also has serious problems with the Jaguar's overhead throw.
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* The AI in ''[[Golden Axe]]'' doesn't take holes in the floor into account, which means it is easy to [http://epicgoldenaxe.ytmnd.com/ trick] any computer opponent from walking or jumping into the game's many [[Bottomless Pits]]. [[Speed Run|Speed Runs]] rely on this.
* In ''[[Iji]]'' Komato Sentinel Proxima's AI has a few bugs in it, making it possible to trap it into a non-attacking infinite loop. The creator actually pointed this out in a Youtube video of how to beat it. It may have been intentional, given that Proxima is a robot in-game.
** The AI of a normally overpowered [[Boss in Mook Clothing|Komato Annihilator]] can be exploited to have it [[Hoist by His Own Petard|destroy itself with its enormous firepower]] in certain areas. If Iji jumps up onto a wall that the Annihilator cannot reach or break down and stays in front of the Annihilator, the AI's typical reaction would be to fire the Shocksplinter or Splintergun at Iji. This causes the weapon's explosions to rebound against the wall and back onto the Annihilator, dealing it [[Splash Damage]]. Have the AI repeat this several times trying to damage Iji, and eventually it will explode upon running out of health.
* The arcade classic ''[[Defender]]'' had the Mutant Reverse Line. The playing field is [[Wrap Around]], but the deadly mutant aliens never took advantage of this: Players crossing the threshold would cause any nearby attackers to scurry off in the opposite direction on the long way around. But given the game's [[Nintendo Hard|vicious difficulty level]], no one complained.
* Another arcade classic ''[[Robotron: 2084]]'' had the "Mikey bug." On the fifth level, there are about a dozen Mommy clones and one Mikey clone. The [[Body Snatcher|brain robots]] would all seek out Mikey and ignore the Mommy clones. If you could keep Mikey alive, and not rescue him, you could finish off most of the brains and then score a huge number of points picking up the Mommy clones. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwO0pXtBz2k Here's an example.]
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** Guts Man is [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o1RosfnTIk particularly good at this] in ''[[Mega Man Powered Up]]''.
** [[Rock Man 4 Minus Infinity]]: Using Recycle Inhaler to trap Snatchman in an E-Tank gives Rush back to you. You can use this to [[One-Hit Kill]] the boss with Rush Cannon.
* The AI in ''[[Command and& Conquer|Red Alert 2]]'' will always (and we mean always) fire their once-per-ten-minutes superweapon at the most expensive cluster of your units and buildings possible. Usually this means your War Factory, source of your main assault forces. But the Naval units you can build rack up the expenses pretty quickly as well, and superweapons do next to nothing to Naval production facilities. Cluster a bunch of Subs/Destroyers/Aircraft Carriers/Dreadnoughts around your Naval Yard, then have them scurry off when the Superweapon alarm goes off. The Superweapon lightly grazes the naval pen, and you lose nothing.
** The AI also targets whichever War Factory is set as your primary building (where the units come out). So you can build one away from your base and set it as the primary just before the AI fires the superweapon, drawing the fire.
** On campaign missions, the AI also build along a fixed base layout plan. Block the predefined location with a unit/building and the AI won't rebuild what was originally there. Also, AI units appear to be permanently stuck in Guard mode, meaning that they are very susceptible to luring via shooting them with artillery then retreating behind a wall of tanks. The AI will mindlessly charge the wall and get slaughtered.
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* In the ''Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes'' games for PSP, the recommended tactic is to use the backwards doubletap, tricking the AI to rush forward to catch up to you, during which is he vulnerable to a forward doubletap rush leading into a combo he will be unable to counter out of. Rinse and repeat through the insane difficulty story mode.
* ''[[Pac-Man]]'' is completely deterministic - if you make the same moves on a given level, the ghosts will always respond the same way - allowing players to develop and memorize patterns guaranteed to clear a level if executed correctly. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZWAEMvRR48 Here's the particularly show-off-y "Donut Dazzler" pattern.] ''Ms. Pac Man'' simply randomized the ghosts for the first 7 seconds to avoid this.
* The first ''[[Command and& Conquer]]'' was full of these.
** Attacking an enemy harvester would always make the AI empty its base to defend the harvester with everything it had.
** Building a wall of sandbags or other barriers allowed the player to completely trap the AI in its base. It never intentionally tries to destroy them.
** The AI would rebuild its bases according to the predetermined layouts if any of it was destroyed, and it would ALWAYS replace lost buildings if it had the financial capability to do so, allowing the player to drain their funds easily if a vulnerable building could be found to continuously whale on (and the AI would always spend money to repair damaged buildings). The final mission of the GDI campaign actually seems to be designed to allow the player to exploit this; a large group of Nod [[Green Rocks|tiberium]] silos is concentrated outside of the main base, allowing the player to continuously capture them (stealing the money inside), sell the silos and transfer the stored tiberium to their own storage facilities, and then the AI would then rebuild them and fill them up to be captured again. On the flip side, another GDI final mission has the AI suddenly start building near a tiberium field, making the AI rather dangerous.
** The AI scanned for targets starting from the top left of the screen, possibly assuming that was where your construction yard was. This meant that you could defend against airstrikes by putting a minigunner northwest of your base. This was much more cost-effective than building multiple SAM sites to destroy the planes, which had no rebuild cost. It also meant that you could potentially stop your base from ever being attacked, simply by diverting the AI away from it.
** Similarly, with Engineers the AI always tried to take over your Tiberium silos. Even if it has to walk past your Construction Yard or other valueable buildings, not to mention other units eager to shoot them, to get there. When you don't have silos, it may send Engineers into defense structures, which can't be taken over. (You as the player cannot give such an order; when the computer does it, the engineers just disappear into the building which remains unaffected.)
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* Up until NHL 2001, the goalie AI was so slow at poke checking, skating in front of the goalie would cause it to attempt a poke check with the player free to shoot on an empty net.
* ''[[Ghostbusters the Video Game]]'' has a particularly frustrating scene where you must use your capture stream to throw [[Demonic Spiders|possessed stone angel statues]] into a magical gate. This is a very difficult task as the angels are fast and have a powerful attack, while the capture stream slam is very hard to aim well. But, if you stand right in front of the gate and strafe left and right, the angels will crash into it while trying to charge you and complete it for you.
* [[MMOs]] in general, just by their very nature of (nearly) anything being possible, often have issues with this - as they have to make the AI fluid enough to allow players to use different strategies, while smart enough to prevent exploits. Since players tend to come up with solutions that the developers haven't thought of - this leads to more exploits than in other games.
** In one of the early Elf quests of the Epic Story line, in ''[[The Lord of the Rings Online]]'', you're charged with rescuing an elf, where you have to carefully navigate through a fortress city, avoiding patrols (which will spawn more mobs) until you reach the ship the elf is held captive on. However, this part can be easily breezed past by simply making a bee-line to the ship, jumping the side rail, and standing behind it. All the mobs that aggroed and spawned will be stuck on the railing, failing to path to the part with no railing, and instead, trying to rush directly at you. At this point, you can just pick each of them off at your leisure with any ranged skill you have - before advancing the quest by talking to the elf.
* The [[Final Boss]] of ''The Twisted Tales of Spike [[Mc Fang]]'' can be manipulated into getting stuck at the side of the throne on the top of the arena while the player stands on the other side of the throne throwing boomerang hats and easily dodging his very powerful attacks.
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