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Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (anime)/WMG/Open Two: Difference between revisions

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I haven't really got much to support this apart from my love of (Fate)Yuuha and the "fact" that [[The Man Behind the Man]] usually stays in the background, letting the [[Disc One Final Boss]] take centrestage. Also, [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You|on Earth, behind every successful man is a woman. On Mid-Childa, behind every successful woman is a man!]]
* This is an amazingly bitter theory, even if the poster submitted in jest or good-heartedness. It basically says that because Yuuno didn't get his [[Throw the Dog a Bone|bone]] like he "deserved"; then nothing Nanoha and Fate accomplished without him could have been done.
** Let's go all the way with this and see where it goes. So Nanoha and Fate are ''hiding'' Yuuno like a dirty little secret; being together with him...oh, one hour every two months or so; in a closet in the Infinite Library; and they've either not told Vivio about him at all; or somehow trained her not to talk about him. Using his amazing skills of training and mind control; he has manipulated and dictated their every action without anyone in the TSAB ever talking to him.
== Lutecia's mother has veto'd Lutecia working for the Time Space Administration Bureau. ==
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* In the [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Manga]], it's explicitly stated that the Wolkenritter do not age, and Vita will have to use transformation magic to prevent people on Earth from noticing this, while Signum and Shamal only have to change their hairstyles.
== Hayate is a [[Glass Cannon]] ''[[Willfully Weak|by choice]]'' ==
So let's say you're a sweet little girl who hates even the thought of hurting people and you've suddenly been handed more raw destructive power than any other character in your entire series. Kind of a scary thought, isn't it? I'll bet you're terrified of hurting your family or your newfound friends by [[Does Not Know His Own Strength|not knowing your own strength]] and accidentally flash-frying them with a poorly-cast practice spell, right? [[World of Cardboard Speech|The world suddenly seems to be made of cardboard]]... but luckily for you, your new friends in the TSAB have this handy dandy limiter technology you can incorporate into your device partner to nerf your magical powers down to levels you're comfortable with. Sure you're going to have to wear one anyways to get into a unit with your friends, but there's no such thing as being too careful, right? Besides, you're not really a direct combat person anyways, you don't really ''need'' to be able to out-[[Beam Spam]] a [[Touhou]] character when you've got four loyal knights protecting you all the time. Let's just hope nobody ever really ''really'' [[Unstoppable Rage|pisses you off]] and forces you to show everyone [[I Am Not Left-Handed|what]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|you're]] ''[[Super Mode|really]]'' [[Limit Break|capable]] [[One-Winged Angel|of...]]
* Whether Hayate asked for that limiter is actually a moot point: TSAB would have placed on her, regardless. Whether she actually wanted to have one on her in the first place is a different question, but I think pretty much every over-S mage in the series does so voluntarily. Frankly, she or he can kick pretty much anyone's ass through their sheer magical experience and skills, even without the crazy mana output.
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Because they are partly machines, their brains are much easier to synchronize with two Devices at once, which is almost impossible for pure organics.
* Subaru's mother/original Quint used both Revolver Knuckles, which are different devices simultaneously and she was human.
** Perhaps they were originally one device, but were later modified to act as seperate devices.
*** Teana's Cross Mirage is two guns. Schach has two tonfu sticks. A Device can consist of two parts...
**** It can... only they were just inherited, not modified. Not to mention Hayate, who uses new Book of Night Sky and Swerzkreuz at the same time. And Strike Canon IS device. Or at least no less device than Revolver Knuckles, Subaru's first rollerblades and Teana's Anchor Gun.
***** I'm sorry, but what part of ''"This weapon is ''not a "magical device"'' (hereinafter referred to as "device"), but an armed interface being produced as a "magic-driven weapon."'' [emphasis added] makes you think the Strike Cannon is a device?
****** Only by that logic they would need to reclassify Teana grappler gun and Subaru first scates. I can't see difference.
******* The Strike Cannon uses magic ''as a power source'', it is not used to cast spells. Teana's Anchor Gun, and Subaru's skates are used to cast spells.
******* I don't see a problem: since Devices are very much like PCs, amateur-made ones like Teana and Subaru's are basically comparable to early personal computers of [[The Nineties]] running MS-DOS. Intelligent Devices are something like the latest model MacBook in terms of performance and comfort. And Strike Cannon is like a [[PlayStation 3]]: a portable supercomputer but only specialized for one task. That's the difference. Therefore, I don't think Nanoha will be using both Strike Cannon and Raising Heart simultaneously like Subaru did with her Devices: either one after the other, or by merging them in the [[Mecha Expansion Pack]] kind of way.
******** Only, you know... It's was Subaru that did exactly that - Revolver Knuckle(s) are interfaced through Mach Caliber, so de facto she uses one device and not two. And in article simultaneous use of RH and Strike Canon was explicitly stated - RH have new form for it, to act as support flying turret...
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== The Blaster system is a Lost Logia. ==
Seriously, is anything else that basically destroys the person using it displayed by the characters? The closest anything else comes is the Book of Darkness.
== Caledfwlch Techniques reverse-engineered the Mana Conversion Affinity ==
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== Agito will be reminded of her promise to {{spoiler|kill Signum}} ==
If Signum's injuries left her unable to join battle again, then maybe she had a little breakdown(or even an
[[Heroic BSOD]]) an reminds Agito of their promise claiming that now she's unable to live up to Zest's ideals.
* Technically, the wording was that Signum asked {{spoiler|to be killed}} if she strayed off her present path like Regius had. It's less clear what Agito would do next if Signum were crippled but still remained honorable.
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* Society: The Mid is basically a [[Crystal Spires and Togas|clean, scientifically advanced]] [[Utopia]] that the communists of early 20th century believed themselves to be able to achieve.
* Economy: The topic of money is thoroughly neglected throughout the series, but everyone keeps working to their fullest, and there are no homeless or poverty.
** Thats EXTREMELY dubious. Just because YOU dont see it doesnt mean its not there. The series just doesnt focus on such possible elements. For all the [[Loads and Loads of Characters]] How many were not already working within the military?
* Politics: There are no politics, instead, the entire government on the Mid consists of the Bureau, read: the Communist Party.
* Religion: Religion is not abandoned altogether, but put into service of the state, with only one ideology propagated across the worlds, even where TSAB is not present yet.
** That doesn't quite work. We see monetary transactions with the devices doubling as [[Mundane Utility|credit cards]] in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]''.
The Saint Church would disagree with the statement that there is no religion on Mid-Childa and as for Politics--the show deals primarily wtih military and police matters, so a lack of focus on elections or other leaders is not surprising. Hell, there are the {{spoiler|[[Man Behind the Man|brains in the jars]] [[Government Conspiracy|controlling things from behind the scenes]]}} to worry about too.
== Fate's Original outfit Sepculation ==
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Unison devices are the pinnacle of artificial intelligence and so much human-like because they are created from a critically injured (or not) human mage, using their linker core as a base. In this manner they function similarly to [[Warhammer 40000|Dreadnoughts]]. It was a great honor to be considered worthy of being turned into a unison device to be able to continue serving one's lord.
* Rein was created using the linker core of Reinforce (and possibly part of Hayate's?).
* Agito is ancient. It's very probable, though not outright stated, that she was Signum's unison device before she got absorbed into the Book. Although we don't know how she was created, it might stand to reason that a unison device is created optimized for a specific master, and that this assignment can't be changed after the act.
* Considering that part of the Book of Darkness in the PSP game Gears of Destiny was actually human before becoming Unlimited Darkness, it's very probable.
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* Raising Heart only works properly when somebody possessing high magical powers (in this case, Nanoha) uses it, making this a rather specific criteria for it's usage. It can be said that Raising Heart requires a lot of magical energy for it to work, thus any mage below a certain rank (possibly AAA, since Nanoha registers at that rank on the TSAB scale in the first season) wouldn't be able to handle it.
* Tuning up and/or upgrading Raising Heart as stated by Nanoha herself is quite difficult as the necessary parts needed for it are either rare, or is already out of production. If upgrades are possible (such is the case with the cartridge system), there are other parts that may need tuning up or reinforcement.
* Raising Heart functions mostly as a high powered beam cannon/shotgun/rifle, putting emphasis on power and range. This characteristics coincide with the Mid-Childian magical philosophy of long distance combat.
== Miura is a guy ==
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== Unison Devices are fragments of a Mage's linker core's elemental affinity ==
Though this series show Elemental Magic less often than others, there are mages capable of using one or two forms of elemental based spells (Fate & Erio's magic are lightning based, Signum uses a flaming sword etc...). Then there are Unison Devices, small magical beings capable of fusing with a mage and enhance their magic with a certain element. They can also use magic by themselves and is also shown to be capable of handling their own Device. [[N Ow]] since one of them is explicitly stated to be born from the linker core of a mage (Rein), this theory makes a lot of sense.
* Except canon stated that Rein's ice-based magic isn't an "Elemental Affinity" and the original Reinforce didn't displayed any preference for an element. It's a mistery how Unison Devices are created but if Rein Zwei is any indication they can born from the fuse of a linker core(if this is the real process or is a special event is left to guess). Still, their elemental powers seems to be only something that comes with some of them. So far the only two elements officially classified as MCA(Mana Conversion Affinity) are Lightning and Fire(the latter barely).
* It's not the original Reinforce's Linker core that makes Rein's magic lean towards Ice, It's Hayate's Linker core that possible gave Rein her elemental affinity since canon also states that Rein was born from Hayate's linker core.
* Reinforce Zwei was born from the fusion of Hayate's Linker Core with the original Reinforce's. And, as stated above, canon dismissed the idea of "ice" as an elemental affinity.
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== [[Al Hazred]] is El Hazard the Magnificent World ==
The people of El Hazard seem to have a form of [[Sufficiently Advanced Technology]], including two weapons of mass destruction (a Death Star expy and an artificial-mage-slash-android wielding what's basically an [[Command and& Conquer|ion cannon]] in staff form). The drill-tipped buildings in the TOS imagery are reminiscent of the [[Arabian Nights]]-style architecture.
== Curren's abilities are similar to [[Fate/stay night|UBW]] ==
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