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== Drowned Ophelia is Ophelia's [[The Heartless|despair made manifest.]] ==
At the end of the game, Ophelia cries a single black tear. She also seems to have some understanding of the events that took place- otherwise you'd think things between her and Eddie would be ''considerably'' more tense- and of course she managed to survive underwater for ''over three months''. Drowned Ophelia was created by the Sea, yes, but rather than an entirely separate being, she was an [[Enemy Without]] of the real Ophelia, and upon Drowned Ophelia's death re-integrated with her original self.
As one of those who have been touched by the Sea, survived, and remained sane Ophelia now may retain her Drowned Ophelia powers.
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== [[Brutal Legend]] shares a universe with [[Psychonauts]] and the entire game takes place within Eddie's Mind. ==
Sit tight, kids. This is about to get Freudian. WARNING: Unmasked spoilers to follow!!! Proceed with care.
Eddie was left in a vegetative state following the scaffold collapse at the start of the game and his trip into the game world is really a dive into the mind. Each character and faction represent a different aspect of Eddie's psyche and the conflicts they share are inner conflicts within Eddie.
Lars is a sort of idealized version of what Eddie would like to be: the [[The Last DJ|last warrior in the metal militia]] fighting a desperate cause against commercialism and conformity. Lars represents Eddie back in his youth when he thought metal could take over the world. In a word, the Super-Ego
Lionwhite is the side of Eddie that "sold out" when he started being a roadie for nu-metal bands. He envisions him as a pretentious, power-hungry glam rocker to further juxtapose him to Lars. He is the ID that craves material payoff for his music. His betrayal of the human race mirrors Eddie's betrayal (however small and largely subjective) of true metal (Is it any surprise that Lionwhite is slain by a piece of a falling mirror?)
Ophelia is harder to describe. She represents the heavy-metal sub culture that is often maligned by the outside world as strange and dangerous. She is the community that surrounds heavy metal (shown by her devotion to Lars Naturally, Eddie loves this but ultimately has to turn away from it when it when he believes that she turned away from the true metal (by betraying Lars). Her defection to the Drowning Doom represents drug use (all of Lita's remarks about how she craved the Black Tears) as a way to deal with pain.
* Ophelia could be a perfect girlfriend rendered by Eddie's mind in simillar fasion to Divine Comedy's Beatrice,who was the embodiment of divine and perfect being in Dante's mind.
Doviculus is the devotion to Heavy Metal taken to the extreme and unhealthy (as any fanatical devotion can be). Doviculus is the diehard [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] that permeate the heavy metal community. Obsesses with brutality and purity, he forgets the true purpose of metal and perverts for his own aims. By ripping Ophelia's heart out, he seeks to consume the community for his own ends. Eddie realizes this and must kill him to reclaim the true purpose of metal: enjoyment.
Along the way, the various [[Expy|Expies]] of the Eddie's metal gods show up to guide him and bless his mission. Were Raz or any other Psychonaut to venture into Eddie's mind, they would experience much of the same things.
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* Car: Hover Car, A small car that resembles but is legally destintic from a [[Star Wars]] Landspeeder.
* Stage: Glowing pyramid, various sci-fi style cues. Merch booths resemble [[2001: A Space Odyssey|monoliths]].
* Solos (Besides Rally, Summon Flag and Summon (hover)Car)
** Once More - Briefly boosts fan income and unit speed.
** Mister Mechano - Briefly makes your units invincible, but they are much slower whilst under the effects of the Solo.
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* Avatar: Led, by the mysterious [[Johnny Cash|"Man in Black"]] whose specializes in moody acoustic twang and southern rock. Swings a bulllwhip and wields a black acoustic.
* Car: A beatup looking pickup truck. It doesn't have weapons but friendly troops can get on board the back and can be transported across the battlefield.
* Solos (Besides Rally, Summon Flag and Summon Car)
** Liberated Avian-Plays the song everyone wants to hear and raises speed and attack
** Stampede-Sends rush of bulls charging through the area, damaging all enemy units
** Unforgiven-Used after enemy slays you. Launches bolts of energy that home in on the enemy that killed you
** Roughneck-Deals damage to infantry units in range
** Patriotic Ballad-Inspires troops to fight harder, raising defense and healing nearby units
* Units
** Good-ol-boys-Typical combat infantry similar to the Headbangers. Double teaming causes a hoedown similar to the mosh pit
** Huntsman-Long range infantry using shotguns and bows to pick off enemy units
** Truckers-Supply force driving pickups with speakers in the back they keeps the front-lines healed and provides a mild attack boost to allied units
** Rally Racers-Fast, Anti-infantry rally cars similar to NASCAR
** Desperadoes-Mounted cavalry on horse back specializing in infantry harassment. Between lassos hoist individual units off the ground for a scrape across the field while small arms harass other units.
** Sixteen Wheeler-Specialty of the Country faction, an armored personnel transport that can quickly deliver a large force safely to the battle field
** Ranch Hands-Stealth units riding tractors. Specialize in destroying towers with the added bonus of automatically constructing a new Merch Booth when a geyser becomes available
** El Toro-Similar to the Tainted Coil's Maiden attack, this unit is [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: A giant bull that rampages across the battlefield, stomping, kicking and breathing fire from its nostrils. Requires the Avatar to be on its back
* Song Reccomendations
** Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
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J-Pop: An anime inspired faction that has [[Ninja]], [[Samurai]], [[Humongous Mecha]], [[Magical Girl|Magical Girls]] and other stables of Shonen. Lead by a [[Haruhi Suzumiya|young woman with a yellow head band and a red arm band]] and [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|a young angsty mecha pilot who wants to run away]] they come from across the sea in the name of exploration until Eddie offends them by accident and they seek revenge.
* Faction Name: The '''S'''eeking '''O'''ther '''S'''ocieties Organization. Specializes in paralyzing enemy units and evading detection
* Avatar: The [[Genki Girl|overly cheerful]] and [[Yandere (disambiguation)|phenomenally violent]] Hikari Sugiyama. Wields a glittery guitar and matching katana and is capable of motivating her troops with threats of a rarely followed up "death penalty." Needless to say, she has never had problems with morale.
* Car: Taxi, a mysterious taxi cab that somehow shows up whenever needed.
* Solos (In addition to Summon Flag, Rally Army and Summon Car)
** [[Unwanted Harem]]-Gathers nearby infantry to Avatar where they stand helplessly panting while you pick them off
** [[Dancing Theme]]-Avatar performs short dance and all enemy units will focus on her briefly (leaving any buildings/units they were attacking alone)
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** [[Beam Spam]]-Crowd control burst of lasers
* Units
** Sentai-Color coded melee infantry using overly stylized martial arts learned exclusively from anime. Double team produces a stylized attack combination.
** Senshi-Magical girls that provide long range magical attacks. Double team triggers transformation sequence that [[Transformation Is a Free Action|leaves enemies paralyzed]]
** Shinobi-Stealthy ninja that specialize in destroying buildings (much like roadies do). Double team allows Avatar to mimic stealth and lead the team
** [[Mega Neko]]-Cat unparalleled in its size and cuteness. Heals nearby units with its warm and cuddly personality. In addition, it also renders enemy units paralyzed by its adorable mewing and unexplainable "[[Kawaisa]]". Mostly a support vehicle, the Avatar can Double team to bring [[Mega Neko|MegaNeko's]] claws out...
** [[Shinigami]]- Agents of death clad in black kimonos, they are indistinguishable from sentai units were it not for their "[[Rescue Arc]]" special ability which allows them to immediately rush to a besieged ally or building, plowing down anything in their way. Double team allows for the Avatar to instantly warp anywhere on the map
** [[Humongous Mecha|Power Suit]]-Mecha Units that specialize in vehicle destruction. Double team allows two Power Suits to combine into one for extra damage.
** D-Racer-Rapid speed anti infantry in the form of drift racers. Double Team yields similar effects to the car in normal gameplay (i.e. Guns, rockets, etc...)
** [[Zettai Ryouiki]]-Giant mecha in the form of a school girl (Essentially a mecha version of the avatar). Inspires fear int he enemy but the pilot has the nasty tendency to break down and run away when the fighting gets too tough (Or influenced by Ophelia's despair statuses). Avatar must Double Team to slap sense into the pilot
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* This Troper would not like this, since Classical music inspired Heavy Metal.
* Faction Name: The Symphony
* Avatar: Amadeus Von Bludhaven, the first one. His orchestrations lead to the creation of all other life. Wields a sharpened conductor's baton for solos (called movements which cause phantoms of an orcestra to apear and play) and in meele combat. Some meele combos incorporate his clockwork implants as extending limbs.
* Stage: Quiet, reserved, dignified, and hosting a full orchestra. Merch booths are very arty and should probably resemble a treble clef.
* Car: Horseless Carriage, [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]] a carriage that moves on it's own arcane powers. Instead of guns it has a balista on top.
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** Ode to Joy: Basic friendly buff.
** Komm Susser Todd: Basic enemy debuff (extra effective against mecha based units from the SOS Organization).
** Nth Movement: Disrupts enemy solos.
** Oh, Joyous Machine: Summons a unit of Gear Dragoons.
** 12th Cannon (misspelling is deliberate!): Ultimate last-ditch defense solo. The stage unfolds a series of Tuba cannons, which fire off volleys that do more damage the closer the enemy is to the stage.
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** Conductor: A fragile clockwork walker with a conductor riding astride it. Provides low attack and speed bonuses. Double teaming sharply increases these buffs, and Amedus can up the tempo to increase them even more for a short time.
** Brass Buss: A brass band artillery vehicle. Double team to drive and aim, and add a shockwave effect to the shot.
** Gear Dragoons: First Ones riding clockwork horses, swathed in robes. Summoned via solo. Similar in role to Tick Choppers - dedicated anti-infantry that attacks from range with hand cannons.
** Mortonome: T4 ultimate unit. Massive support unit that resembles a metronome on tank tracks, massively buffs units within range. Has some small scatter-shot cannons to defend itself. Double team to affect all Symphony units on the field, and allow Amedus to conduct the Death Symphony (similar to the Bladehenge solo on the Rock Crusher).
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** Stoner - Anti-Infantry vehicle. Like a big van with a catapult on top, throws stones. Double-team lets you aim where the stone lands.
Power Metal: An apocalyspe-themed faction, based on bands like [[Dragon Force (video game)]], Hammerfall, and so on. It follows that, since metal can directly affect the world, power metal, which is ''faster'' metal, can rip holes in time and space. For this reason, the Titans sealed the genre itself away untill its power was diluted enough to be realeased.
* Faction Name: Apocalyptus (add umulaunts as required)
* Avatar: [[Dragon Force (video game)|Sherman Lu]], a member of the SOS Organization that tried to emulate Eddie by deserting his old faction. His attempts to play metal really, really fast got him possessed by Chukka, Demon of Power, so named because of the sound of the bass guitars in Power Metal. He wears jet black medieval armour with spikes and wings made of shards of metal, and has a broadsword for a melee weapon. The army is [[Mighty Glacier|slow but powerful.]]
* Car: [[Bilingual Bonus|Fames]], a car made out of glittering metal bones.
* Stage: Like what you get [[Discworld|when you take the stage away but leave... stage-ness... behind]]. Mostly made of metal and fire, like [[Ormag Ã]]¶den is. Same for Merch Booths.
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** Metal Dragon - this ressurects a Metal Dragon from ages past. The dragon is summoned via solo, and flies above, raining catastrophic destruction. It refuses to follow orders.
* Song Reccomendations
** Heart of a Dragon - [[Dragon Force (video game)]]
** Hearts on Fire - Hammerfall
Jazz: An old-timey faction, with much of their units in [[Deliberately Monochrome]] sepiatone. (To help distinguish them from the Drowning Doom, which are also [[Deliberately Monochrome]].) They're [[The Mafia|mobster-themed]]. [[Anachronism Stew|Sort of.]] You can call them old-fashioned, but they've never forgotten: They're the ''original'' Music of Sin.
* Faction Name: The Zoot Shooters
* Avatar: [[Punny Name|Fatty Headstrong,]] a chubby, unassuming-looking guy in a pinstriped suit who sold his soul for the ability to instantly master any instrument. This also made him immortal, but unfortunately, he also happened to piss off the Mob. He [[Sleeps With The Fishes]], [[And I Must Scream|still perfectly alive]], until he's broken free. He swears revenge, and starts racking up toadies of his own.
* Stage: A big band pit, with flashing neon lights and dozens of those tiny bulbs. You know what they look like if you've seen pretty much any 30's period piece.
* Car: One of those 1930's mobster cars. You know what I'm talking about again.
* Solos:
** Never Bring Me Down: Makes Fatty immune to any avatar-targeting solos such as Anvil of Burden for a brief period.
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* Units:
** Hepcats: Basic melee unit. Double team walks around snapping their fingers, enticing enemy units with their catchy beat and temporarily immobilizing them.
** [[Portmanteau|Stradiviolent]]: Ranged unit. Their violin cases are ''literally'' tommy guns. Double Team: ''Never'' [[More Dakka|enuff dakka.]]
** Aceist: In ''our'' day, basses were played ''standing up!'' These healers can't move very fast, but provide ''extremely'' fast and thorough healing to those in their radius. Double Team allows them to move more quickly and extends their radius.
** Flapper Girl: Runs out into the field, providing... [[Male Gaze|distractions]] to enemy units, temporarily stopping them from attacking. Yes, even [[Even the Girls Want Her|female ones.]] Double Team draws enemy units towards wherever she and Fatty are standing, despite their orders.
** Hospitality Wagon: Anti-vehicle unit, manned by mobsters with machine guns. Trades power and health for speed and a wider attack radius. Double Team allows for a lock-on that pursues an enemy vehicle until it dies.
** Moll: Throws booze bombs that cause rival units to infight. (I.E., they start attacking their teammates.) Double Team allows her to create clouds of alcohol vapor on the field that cause confusion for enemy units who pass through them.
** Prohibitive Officer: He's on the take, and can disrupt fan income by "auditing" enemy merch booths. Only has a weak revolver, but double teaming unlocks the ability to call in some officers to quickly take down an enemy merch booth.
[[Metalocalypse|Dethklok]]: Special multiplayer faction gained by completing special goals within the game. Inspired by Metalocalypse
* Faction Name: Mordhaus
* Avatars: Toki (lower solo power, higher melee) and Skwisgaar (more effective solos but less melee damage). Players can switch between the two by returning to the stage (like the Techno Faction). Both wield their own guitars as well as battle axes similar to Eddie's.
* Stage: Much like the Duncan Hills Coffee Deth-Jam stage with Nathan, Pickles, Murderface and Toki or Skwisgaar depending on who is leading the army. Merch booths skull'd appropriately.
* Vehicles: Fiery chariots drawn by Thunderhorses
* Toki Solos
** The Gears: Inspire your minions to fight with berserker rage
** Duncan Hills Coffee Song: Pour scalding hot coffee on your enemies.
** Murdertrain a Comin: Play the most depressing solo in the world to debuff your enemies.
** Crush my Opponent's Battle Balls: A more powerful version of Duncan Hills
** Dethsupport: Heals nearby troops
** The Comet Song: Rains Comets down on enemy buildings
* Skwisgaar Solos( Due to gaps in Playing ability, some solos are exclusive to Skwisgaar. Solos affect ALL units AND buildings in the area but only of the same faction.)
** Murmaider: Deal brutal damage to Drowning Doom
** Dethharmonic: Deal brutal damage to The Symphony
** Fan Song: [[Take That|Deals brutal damage to the brainless mutants of the Rough Riders]]
** I Tamper With The Evidence at Odin's Murder Site: Deals Brutal damage to Apocalyptus
** Grandpa's Guitars: Eviscerate the Children of the Flower
** Water Horsey Blues: Bites back against the Zoot Shooters
** Better Metal Snake: Brutalize Ironheade
** Laser Cannon Deth Sentence: Destroys the forces of D-Unit
** The Cyborg Slayers: Short Circuit the Legion of Light
** Bloodlines: Expunges the Tainted Coil
** Symmetry: Devastates the SOS Organization
* Units
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** Victory First: makes units invincible for 30 seconds.
** Metal Crew: Summons weak clones of all faction leaders.
** Reighn of Destruction: Carpet bombs the area.
* Units
** War Artist: War is a dance to these warriors. Basic melee attacker. uses a sword. double-team makes them invisible.
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* This is further explained in the game as Eddie and others refer him coming from his world to their's as 'time travel' not 'travel to different worlds'. The History of Metal explains this as well. The world in the opening cinematic is centuries after the playable world, and new technology etc. has been invented so it appears just like our own universe.
== The reason rock has more power in the Age of Metal is because it is powered by Ormagöden's final scream ==
Which, as illustrated by the Artifact of Legend 'Fall of the Fire Beast' "...resonates throughout the world to this day." The reason why Eddie had never encountered this kind of power (fire and lightning from guitars, healing basses etc.) is because Ormagöden's scream had finally died or was dying out. Which also explains why the quality of metal music was slowly sinking over time until we arrived at 'Cabbage Boy' -cringes-
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