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== Animorphs ==
''My name is...''
== Jake ==
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* [[Comes Great Responsibility]]: "Power enough to win? No. Power enough to fight? Ah, yes. Just enough, little Jake, here is just enough power to imprison you in a cage of duty, to make you fight."
* [[Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?]]: Magnificently played out in ''The Attack''. {{spoiler|He manipulates the collective memory of the Howlers to force Crayak into eliminating them.}}
* [[Don't Call Me "Sir"!]] / [[They Call Me Mister Tibbs]]: A [[Running Gag]] between him and Ax.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]
* [[Dreaming of Things to Come]]: In ''The Capture''.
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* [[Jumped At the Call]]: It's often said that she is the only one in the group that actually enjoys fighting the Yeerks. However, in rare moments even Rachel has expressed her desire to be a just [[I Just Want to Be Normal|a regular girl]] rather than [[Blood Knight|the warrior]] her friends see her as.
* [[The Lancer]]: The challenger part of Rachel. At times she's almost closer to the [[Evil Counterpart]] of this trope. For much of the series, and especially near the end, she's effectively [[The Dragon]] to Jake, while Marco and Tobias fullfill the more traditional Lancer roles.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: She suffers from this in the first Megamorphs book.
* [[Life or Limb Decision]]: Forced to make one in ''The Solution''. {{spoiler|She chews through her own tail to escape being locked in the cage with David.}}
* [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]
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* [[My Future Self and Me]]: In ''The Stranger'' Rachel meets her counterpart from a [[Bad Future]]. {{spoiler|She's a Controller.}}
* [[Never Smile At a Crocodile]]: Rachel morphs one in ''The Reaction''. {{spoiler|Half the team ends up having to fight the thing at the end.}}
* [[One of the Boys]]: Her father tells her mother in ''The Stranger'' that Rachel is as good as a son because she's a tough as a boy. They go hiking, watch ball games and go to gymnastic events together. [[Double Subversion|Double subverted]], though, since Rachel is ''also'' characterized as [[The Fashionista]] who insists on hiding outfits (not clothes, ''outfits'') in Cassie's barn just because she wants to look immaculate at all times.
* [[Power Blonde]]: Don't mistake her for just a pretty face. She's called "[[Xena: Warrior Princess]]." for a reason.
* [[Psycho Sidekick]]: Arguably to Jake
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* {{spoiler|[[Can't Stay Normal]]: She is a temporal anomaly - see the main page for a better description.}}
* [[Color Me Black]]: Inverted in ''Megamorphs #03'' - confronted with a racist in 1934's Princeton University, Cassie opts to turn herself white. Namely, [[Animorphism|into a polar bear]].
* [[The Face]]: Neither fighting nor scouting etc is her speciality. Her domain is being [[The Empath]].
** [[The Chick]]: arguably the most tradtionally feminine since Rachel is a [[Blood Knight]].
** [[The Heart]]: The "moral compass" of the group. [[Deconstructed Trope|Deconstructed]] in later books -- her natural empathy may torture her, but her insight into the feelings and motivations of others allows her to become the most successfully [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulative]] Animorph.
** [[The Conscience]]
* [[Farmer's Daughter]]: Maybe. It's not clear if either of her parents were farmers before becoming vets, or if they still are, but she lives on a farm.
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* [[Kangaroos Represent Australia]]: Presumably the reason why ''The Unexpected'' exists.
* [[Living Weapon]]: Cassie's plan to get rid of the Helmacrons in ''The Suspicion'' is to acquire and morph anteaters, the one animal in the world specially designed to see, attack, and destroy creatures like them. It works.
* [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bitch]]: She's the most compassionate, but she also gets people very well, which means that she can manipulate people if she feels like she has to--and given the circumstances she's put in, this naturally comes up.
* [[The Messiah]]
* [[Morality Pet]]: She becomes this to {{spoiler|Aftran}}.
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* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: Often calls Rachel "''[[Xena: Warrior Princess]].''"
* [[Animorphism]]
* [[The Call Knows Where You Live]]
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Are you insane!?" and variants thereof.
* [[Class Clown]]
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{{quote|'''Rachel:''' Kinda the perfect morph for Marco, when you thought about it.}}
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: In ''The Predator''. He changes his mind after {{spoiler|learning his mother is still alive as Visser One's host.}}
* [[Shapeshifter Identity Crisis]]: In ''The Proposal''.
* [[Shapeshifter Mashup]] : ''The Proposal'' again.
* [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids]]: Often tells Cassie this.
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Elfangor's younger brother, Aximili joined the group when he was rescued by the kids from the wreckage of Elfangor's Dome ship, which fell into the Pacific Ocean. Initially considering himself an outsider, Aximili, or "Ax" as he came to be known, retained many of the traits and values of his people (which ranged from loyalty and discipline to outright ruthlessness and xenophobia), and the distinctions led to both comedic and insightful critiques on Earth customs. As the series progressed, it became apparent that he and the kids were more alike than different, and as he adapted to life on Earth Ax was forced, like his Earth counterparts, to question the principles that he had hitherto taken for granted.
* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: Aside from "Ax", the others sometimes call him Ax-man.
* [[Alien Among Us]]
* [[Alien Arts Are Appreciated]]: Has a great appreciation for many human inventions. He even wonders why humans use computers when they have books. He considers the cinnamon bun to be our greatest achievement, however.
* [[Aliens Steal Cable]]: He loves television.
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: He is an ''aristh'', the equivalent of a cadet, and yet he manages to fight and hinder the Yeerks alongside five human teenagers.
* [[Animorphism]]
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* [[No Nudity Taboo]]: Since his species never wears clothes, he frequently wonders aloud why humans even bother with them. He also feels no embarrassment when the other team members morph nude in front of him.
* [[Our Centaurs Are Different]]
* [[Pretty Boy]]: In human morph, which is attributed in part to having two girls' DNA.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]
* [[Running Gag]]: Aside from his food obsession and bluntness, there's the way he always calls Jake "Prince Jake", only for Jake to say "Don't call me Prince", and repeats himself when in human morph. Morph. Mor-''phhh...'' As the series progresses, it evolves from a [[Verbal Tic]] into playful team banter.
** It's eventually noted that if Jake ''doesn't say'' "Don't call me prince", it's a sign of how serious the situation is.
* [[Rascally Raccoon]]: His last book, ''The Sacrifice'', sees him morph a raccoon to {{spoiler|sneak off and report to the Andalite military.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Rank Up]]: See [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]] above.}}
* [[Scaled Up]]: In ''The Alien'' he morphs a rattlesnake in an attempt to assassinate Visser Three.
* [[Sense Freak]]: See [[Big Eater]] above.
* [[Sixth Ranger]]
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Knows about alien things. You know, being an alien and all.
* [[Some Call Me... Tim|Some Call Me Ax]]: Or occasionally, Phillip.
* [[Spock Speak]]
* [[Token Non-Human]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Cruel Mercy]]}}: {{spoiler|After he's finally beaten, he's robbed of his prized Andalite body and forced to live out the rest of his natural life in his natural Yeerk state, blind and helpless. For Visser Three, who was in love with the sense of sight, this is very fitting}}.
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Most of his fights with the Animorphs end up like this.
* [[Cyclops]]: In ''The Sickness'' he morphs a creature that's basically a giant, tentacled eyeball.
* [[Dishing Out Dirt]]: In ''The Visitor'' he morphs a three-legged, twenty-foot tall creature that's strong enough to rip up chunks of cement from the ground and throw them.
* [[Enemy Mine]]: Teams up with the Animorphs to escape The Nartec in ''The Mutation''.
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* [[Spike Shooter]]: In ''The Reaction'' he morphs a [[Sea Monster|Lebtin Javelin Fish]], a kind of manta ray that fires spears from its mouth. His [[Vertebrate with Extra Limbs|Dule Fansa]] also shoots spikes from its four arms.
* [[The Starscream]]: To Visser One. {{spoiler|He succeeds eventually}}
* [[Start of Darkness]]: ''The Hork-Bajir Chronicles'' probably counts, since aside from Dak and Alrea's story, about a third of the novel is spent exploring his own back story.
* [[Stronger Sibling]]: Labeled as such at birth, hence his 'primary' designation.
* [[Stupid Evil]]: It's only most of the way through the series when he even begins to ''suspect'' that the Animorphs are human.
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{{quote|''You tell me what you think I should do. Andalites, humans, there's no difference: You're both smug, moralizing, superior races. You both live in beautiful worlds. You have hands and eyes and the freedom to move about wherever you like. And you hate us for wanting all those same things.''}}
A low-ranking Yeerk assigned to the daughter of a billionaire banker. By chance she observes Cassie leaving a battle and begins to follow her, convinced she has some connection to the Andalite bandits. Due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, they get stranded together in the woods and Aftran learns Cassie's secret, forcing Cassie to face the other side of the war head on.
* [[Creepy Child]]: In her first few appearances, before Cassie figures out what she is.
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* [[Deal with the Devil]]: Taylor the Girl made one with the Yeerks in order to be pretty again. It involved selling out herself and her mom. Taylor the Yeerk makes another one with {{spoiler|Visser Three following her demotion from sub-visser, becoming part of his plot against the Animorphs and the Peace Faction in return for promotion}}. And the Animorphs make one with her in order to try and assassinate Visser Three.
* [[Don't You Dare Pity Me!]]: Can verge on this, when she's not using her situation to her advantage.
* [[Double Consciousness]]: Literally, sort of; see [[Humanity Is Infectious]] below.
* [[The Dragon]]: To Visser Three, apparently.
* [[Electronic Eyes]]: Her entire skull has been replaced, bone by bone with steel. I think we can safely assume her eyes have been as well.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]:
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* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[First-Name Basis]]: Taylor's last name is never revealed.
* [[Foe Yay]]: Largely averted. It is ''possible'' to read her obsession with capturing and breaking Tobias (and some of the [[We Can Rule Together|lines she says to him]]) as rather [[Foe Yay]]-y, but it requires you to ignore her personality. She's described as so cold, nasty, and downright insane that most of it comes off exactly the way it's supposed to: as the behaviour of an insecure, sadistic bullying bitch who doesn't like letting her victims get away. [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] she ain't.
* [[Hollywood Cyborg]]: She was healed by advanced alien technology.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|Taylor the Yeerk fakes one in order to bring the kids in on her plot. Taylor the Human pulls one in Book 43, temporarily taking control of her body in order to warn Tobias out of trusting her master}}.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Plays mindgames with Tobias, tricks the kids into helping her plot to attack the Yeerk pool, and generally manipulates everyone's emotions for kicks and profit. She's good at it too, to the point where Tobias cannot get her out of his head.
* [[Not So Different]]: Claims she and Tobias aren't in order to screw with his mind. On some level, he seems to believe her.
** Specifically Tobias thinks about this in her first appearance, when it becomes clear that her perception of the human-Yeerk relationship is similar to Tobias' [[Double Consciousness]] about being a hawk.
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: Or whatever the "gainfully employed by a megalomaniacal alien empire" equivalent is.
* [[Puppeteer Parasite]] - Sub-Visser Fifty-one, who's actual Yeerk name is never revealed.
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* [[I Am Dying Please Take My Macguffin]]
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Loren.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|Tobias}} is actually his son.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: The Yeerks come to know him as 'Beast Elfangor'.
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* [[General Ripper]]: In ''The Hork-Bajir Chronicles''. He tried to wipe out the Hork-Bajir once he realized they couldn't be saved from the Yeerks.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: When {{spoiler|the Andalites threaten to destroy Earth in order to contain the Yeerks, and Ax is told he is too low-ranking to challenge the officer's decision, the recently freed Alloran takes up the challenge for him. The Andalite officers promptly reconsider, thus sparing earth.}} Not bad for an ex-[[General Ripper]].
* [[I Call It Vera]]: He calls his beautifully-designed personal ship the ''Jahar,'' [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|after his wife]].
* [[I Cannot Self-Terminate]]: See [[Death Seeker]] above.
* [[Motive Rant]]: He gives Elfangor one in ''The Andalite Chronicles''.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Million-to-One Chance]]: {{spoiler|His evolution from Ketran gamer to demigod is due to a series of freak accidents, each more improbable than the last.}}
* [[Mysterious Backer]]: He tries to help the heroes, but he is either too roundabout in his methods to really gain their trust or too caught up in his game with Crayak to help at all.
** {{spoiler|The last ''Megamorphs'' heavily implies that the team basically exists because he arranged things from behind the scene, including the [[Contrived Coincidence|Contrived Coincidences]] of getting members who were already unknowingly connected to the conflict in some way.}}
* [[Pointy Ears]]: In his favored form.
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* [[Cyclops]]: Even before ascending, Crayak's original form was a monstrous, one-eyed creature.
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: Shows up with [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere|no explanation]] as the Yeerk dies in Jake's brain in ''The Capture''.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To the Ellimist.
* [[Evil Is Petty]]: After ''The Attack'' he spends most of his time coming up with ways to punish Jake for what he did to the Howlers.
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* [[Deceptively-Human Robots]]: He appears human as long as he can project his hologram.
* [[Do-Anything Robot]]: To some degree in ''The Attack''.
* [[Drop in-In Character]]
* [[Foreign Language Tirade]]: In ''The Answer''. See [[What the Hell, Hero?]] below.
* [[The Gump]]: Franklin Roosevelt got the name for the "New Deal" from Erek during a game of poker. Erek was Louis Pasteur's lab assistant and gave him the idea to try killing bacteria with heat.
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{{quote|''A fool is strong so that others will see. A wise person is strong for himself. The Hork-Bajir will be strong for the Hork-Bajir. That way, when the Yeerks are all gone, we will still be strong.''}}
The daughter of the first two free Hork-Bajir in generations, Toby Hamee is a seer, a rare anomaly among Hork-Bajir born with genius-level intelligence. Her keen mind and charisma quickly elevate her to leader of the free Hork-Bajir.
* [[A Child Shall Lead Them]]
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