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* ''[[The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde]]''; clearly, when Hyde brutally murders Sir Danvers Carew for absolutely no reason, he has reached this point. However, Jekyll crosses it himself in his decision to continue using the formula, despite knowing his actions have made him a brutal killer as a result.
* ''[[Frankenstein (novel)|Frankenstein]]'': When the Monster kills Victor's younger brother and frames his nanny for it, that is indeed evil, but is as least partially an accident. However, the monster truly crosses the line later by maliciously murdering Elizabeth.
** On the other hand, Victor crosses it simply by ''allowing'' the poor nanny to hang for a murder he knows she's innocent of. Sure, nobody would believe him if he told what really happened, but he doesn't even ''try'' to suggest the poor woman was framed.
* In Tolkien's ''[[The Silmarillion]]'', Melkor's destruction of the Two Trees, murder of Finwë and theft of the Silmarils. After this, he can never again take a form that looks anything other than completely evil, and is named as Morgoth, the Dark Enemy of the World.
** In the Akallabêth, after the Silmarillion but before the events of the [[The Lord of the Rings]], Sauron crosses it when he engineers the destruction of Númenor by corrupting its king; like Morgoth, after this action he can never again take an appearance that is not evil.
* Saruman in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]] at the very end, when does everything possible to destroy the Shire out of pure spite. Up until that point, he'd done plenty of awful things, but had continually been offered (and refused) opportunities for redemption. The destruction of the Shire shows that he's irrevocably fallen from a wizard who was once great and wise to a bitter man with nothing left but hatred and the desire to harm others as much as possible.
* While never a morally upstanding guy, Turin is one of the few sympathetic characters in Middle Earth to pass this, at the climax of [[The Children of Hurin]] when he murders a lame man in a fir of rage, leaving even himself so disgusted that he commits suicide.
* [[Battle Royale|Kinpatsu Sakamochi]] crosses it when he reveals to the class that he raped Shuya and Yoshitoki's caretaker. Just to add insult to injury, he {{spoiler|kills [[Disproportionate Retribution|Yoshitoki for having a rightful outburst from the revelation and Fumiyo for whispering]]}}.
* Even if it wasn't fully intentional, Badrang certainly crossed this in ''[[Redwall|Martin the Warrior]]'' when he {{spoiler|killed Rose while fleeing from his own fortress.}} Martin must've been aware of this trope, since he wasted ''very little time'' {{spoiler|chasing after Badrang and stabbing him with the sword he stole from him.}}
** Vilu Daskar from ''Legend of Luke'' also qualifies. He had done many evil deeds in his time, but the worst chronicled was the incident where he [[You Said You Would Let Them Go|promised a family of hedgehogs he'd release them]], if they showed him the hiding place of their secret stash of grain - then "released" them, tied up in their own grain sacks, weighted down with stones! He also murdered {{spoiler|Martin's mother, Sayna}}, [[Evil Laugh|laughing his head off]] all the while!
* In the [[Harry Turtledove]] novel ''[[The Guns of the South]]'', the AWB crosses this when they gun down Robert E. Lee's family in the middle of a crowd. The fact that they would be so single-mindedly callous turns pretty much the entire Confederacy against them.
** It wasn't just the collateral damage, or even the fact that President Lee lost his wife, it was the fact that the AWB tried to "undo" a democratic election by assassination that was the MEH.
** Driving the point home is the fact that ''Nathan Bedford Forrest'', Lee's opponent in said election in an alliance with the AWB, requests permission to lead the Confederate Army against them. Which means they must REALLY have crossed the MEH: Forrest is generally regarded as a real life [[Complete Monster]].
*** The AWB was too violent and too racist for one of the real-life founders of the Ku Klux Klan. The mind quite frankly boggles to think of it.
*** If this was Nathan Bedford Forrest, then they must REALLY have crossed the MEH: he is generally regarded as a real life [[Complete Monster]].
* In ''[[Modern Faerie Tales]]'' there is an interesting example: Roiben, a noble knight of the seelie court, is mystically compelled to obey the commands of the sadistic unseelie queen. Her idea of a good time is forcing him to domake what[[Sadistic wouldChoice|sadistic normallychoices]] crossthat theoften [[Moralrequire Eventcrossing Horizon]]the orline makein such a [[Sadistic Choice]]manner.
* Starting from ''Dark Moon'' in ''[[The Firebringer Trilogy]]'', the once honourable-honorable and noble unicorn king Korr starts getting... a little crazy. At one point, he charges two innocent mares, with the clear intent to kill at least one of them. But he truly crosses the line when his own daughter steps in front of him... ''and he doesn't so much as falter''.
* In [[Chung Kuo]], rebel leader deVore crosses the moral event horizon in an infamous scene and never looks back. {{context}}
* The famous Swedish ''[[The Millennium Trilogy|Millennium]]'' trilogy has a both gruesome and realistic crossing of the [[Moral Event Horizon]]. From his first appearance, the lawyer Nils Bjurman is smug and arrogant. He is the legal guardian of the protagonist Lisbeth Salander - she is borderline-insane and thus declared unfit to be independent. Bjurman gradually abuses his position more and more: first interrogating Lisbeth about her sex life, then blackmailing her into giving him a blow job. However, on their next meeting he crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]] in a spectacularly disgusting way: he binds and handcuffs her to a bed, then anally rapes her all night. He really [[Humiliation Conga|gets what's coming to him though]].
* In the ''[[Eternal Champion]]'' novella, the human military commander played near it when he {{spoiler|killed the Eldren commander while under a truce}}. But, the main character Ekrose crossed this firmly when he {{spoiler|killed the entire human race to protect the Eldren}}.
* [[Alpha Bitch|Chris Hargensen]] attained this status in [[Stephen King]]'s first novel, ''[[Carrie]].'' It's made clear in dialogue and descriptions that she is a cruel, manipulative, sadistic creature (one of her earlier exploits involved putting a firecracker in another girl's shoe, nearly causing the girl to lose some toes) who has never really faced consequences {{spoiler|prior to being excluded from the prom}} because of her father's status and willingness to use it. [[Mugging the Monster|She sets off the destruction of the whole town]] with the [[Prank Date]] she arranges, and [[Karmic Death|nobody is sorry when she finally gets it.]]
** Her boyfriend, Billy Nolan, takes part in the lethal prank too. And we shall not even ''get into'' Margaret White's treatment of her daughter...
* When [[Harry Potter/Characters/Ministry of Magic|Dolores Umbridge]] [[Tyrant Takes the Helm|takes over]], she spends most of ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Order of Thethe Phoenix (novel)|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]'' finding new and more creative ways to [[Kick the Dog]] (usually Harry). Her [[Moral Event Horizon]] probably comes when she forces Harry to write lines using an enchanted quill that repeatedly carves the words into his own hand, until it won't stop bleeding; if not, it's after she becomes Headmistress when we find out she's using that punishment against students basically indiscriminately for minor offences. SheThen managesshe to getgets ''worse'' in ''[[Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (novel)|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]]''.
** Dumbledore invokes this trope himself in relation to Voldemort, describing the {{spoiler|creation of a Horcrux}} as "moving beyond the realm of what we might describe as 'usual evil.'" Considering the implications of {{spoiler|tearing one's soul apart}}, this is probably justified.
** Also crossed when Bellatrix, Barty Jr., and two other Death Eaters subject Alice and Frank Longbottom (Neville's parents) to a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] - prolonged torture by Cruciatus curse until they became insane, unrecognizable vegetables. It's even worse that they did it after Voldemort was gone.
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* Jefferson Pinkard remains a sympathetic character for amazingly long in [[Harry Turtledove]]'s ''[[Timeline-191]]'' series, despite being a member of the Nazi-equivalent Freedom Party, as we've known him since long before he joined and understand exactly why he's bitter enough to do it. At most, the reader is probably hoping for a while after he joins that he'll realize the path he's on before it's too late. However, when he comes up with a way to mass murder black people using truck fumes, the line is finally crossed definitively.
** In my opinion, he'd crossed the line before that, given the way he treats his wife earlier in the series. You could say his actions are somewhat justified, as he walked in on her cheating on him, but he hadn't stayed true to her either, which blows his reaction waaay out of proportion. I personally wasn't at all shocked at his masterminding the Freedom Party death camp policies by that point.
*** He didn't treat his wife too badly the first time he caught her. He only went off the deep end the second time, at a time in his life when everything was already going to hell.
* [[Legacy of the Force|Darth Caedus]], the [[Face Heel Turn|villainous]] [[Star Wars Expanded Universe|Jacen Solo]], was apparently intended, to be morally grey at first, sliding down into worse and worse acts of [[Necessary Evil]] until the Evil overwhelmed the Necessary. It didn't really turn out like that, considering what he did, including {{spoiler|fridging his own aunt, bombarding [[Throwaway Country|throwaway planet]] Fondor after they had already surrendered, and lighting decidedly NON-throwaway planet Kashyyyk on fire from orbit.}} Fans lost all sympathy for him long before this was intended to happen.
** Interestingly, what his family considered to be his [[Moral Event Horizon]] was comparatively minor, {{spoiler|using a Nightsister Blood Trail to track Jaina to the Jedi's secret base.}}
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*** In the current series, ''[[Fate of the Jedi]]'', Daala initially seems fairly reasonable -wrong, but reasonable- about the Jedi and their role in the Galactic Alliance, especially considering the actions of Jacen Solo. She even shuts down her "Jedi Court" when the parents of one of the Jedi that went berserk revealed that it's head judge was using the imprisoned jedi as wall art. Then, in Allies, she attempts to force the Jedi to bend to her will and surrender all Jedi that have snapped (despite the Jedi Temple being far better equipped to hold a mad force user.) by laying siege to the Temple with a Mandalorian Battle Fleet, with orders to "do what is necessary." The Jedi respond by sending out the Grand Master's personal assistant, a young apprentice (on the grounds that nobody could possibly misconstrue it as an attack, but she has the standing in the order to show good faith), wearing no armor, carrying no weapon, intending only to negotiate. The Mandalorian Commander, after ascertaining that she is neither of the Jedi he was sent to "arrest", calmly informs her that "My orders make no provision for negotiation." and pulls out his sidearm and shoots her down without warning. He then proceeds to announce that if the mad Jedi are not turned over promptly, he will order his fleet to vaporize the entire temple, and that anyone who tries to leave will be slaughtered without warning. Daala's response, on seeing the LIVE BROADCAST TO THE ENTIRE GALAXY, in which troops operating under her direct orders shot a teenaged girl down in cold blood and then threatened to massacre thousands of people? "Good. Now they should take me seriously." These words make her administration look like a terrorist organization.
**** That is a good example of why Daala is an evil ruler, but she crossed the Event Horizon ''long'' before that. She had standing orders from Tarkin himself to watch over a secret weapons facility situated in a black hole cluster, so when he died on the Death Star these orders were never replaced. So decades went by with she and her group of scientists completely unaware of outside events, such as the fall of the Empire, until Han Solo and some others stumble upon the facility. After realizing that her orders no longer matter, she takes her few Star Destroyers and sets about attacking civilian outposts and peaceful planets throughout the galaxy as a show of rebellion against the New Republic. Her targets? One is a completely unarmed and helpless outpost on Dantooine, simply because they had ties to the New Republic, and they are killed to the last citizen. Later on, she sees a Jedi of a particular species (ironically, the ''only'' member of that species that is even connected to the New Republic), decides that the entire planet is in bed with the Republic, and razes some of its major cities to the ground, killing countless civilians. She represents the worst that Imperials had to offer: completely amoral with a preference for killing civilians to make a point.
** The entire [[Star Wars Expanded Universe|Yuuzhan Vong race]] in the [[New Jedi Order]] series goes about crossing the MEH wantonly. Aside from the killing off of many major characters, some of their things involve going against their word and destroying an entire planet's ecosystem despite losing a contest for its fate, intentionally attacking/destroying civilian targets in order to burden the New Republic with billions of displaced refugees, spreading a lethal disease among civilians, breeding a toxic animal specially designed to butcher Jedi, and butcher hundreds of Jedi, many young adults and teens, sacrifice millions to their Gods, as well as horribly mutilating and exploiting anyone who joins up with them.
** [[The Thrawn Trilogy|Joruus C'baoth]] cements his status as an [[Ax Crazy]] [[Complete Monster|monster]] when he [[Mind Rape|Mind Rapes]] General Covell into a mindless extension of his own will, and reveals his plan to do the same to the rest of the Empire.
* In [[Michael Crichton]]'s (may God rest his soul) second-to-last novel ''Pirate Latitudes'', the Governor's new secretary, Robert Hacklett, {{spoiler|first takes over the island and throws Captain Hunter in prison after his return, but crosses the Horizon when he allows his wife to be raped, right in front of him.}} At least he gets his due when {{spoiler|said wife shoots him in the groin with a flintlock pistol.}}
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*** Arrested, tortured and ''executed'' by torture or by burning at the stake. Almost three thousand people died in various horrible ways... some of them as young as 14 (Worse, Safehold years are shorter than Earth-standard; chronologically, some of those kids were only 12). Oh, and he shows "mercy" by not executing the babies and toddlers--he just has them sent to extremely strict monasteries.
**** So heinous is this particular Moral Event Horizon that the long-awaited declaration of Holy War against Charis is rendered an ''afterthought'' by comparison.
** But Clyntahn then rises to the challenge of finding something worse to do by... to be honest, I don't want to type the complete list because its that long and that horrible. So, skipping to the highlight, Clyntahn manages to -- on a lost colony world where the entire history of the human race prior to its founding has been entirely erased and literally zero precedent exists for his actions -- spontaneously re-invent the Nazi extermination camps, then throws over seven million people into them. In addition to deliberately sabotaging as much of an entire nation's harvest and transport network as he can immediately before a long winter begins, specifically to cause mass starvation. By the time he's done over fifteen percent of the entire population of the Republic of Siddermark will be dead, and it can be stated ''without sarcasm'' that Zhaspahr Clyntahn has reached a point where the only succinct summation of his character would be 'Adolf Hitler, only without the redeeming features.'
* [[Complete Monster|High Lord Kalarus]] of the ''[[Codex Alera]]'' charges straight across this and never looks back. He spends most of his first appearance [[Kick the Dog|finding inventive ways to be a sexist pig and belittle slaves]], and his second involves attempting to kill a couple of 17-year-olds because his [[Smug Snake]] son tried to kill them and failed, and he doesn't want to look bad because of it. But we only really get an idea of how disgusting the man is in the book after that, when we learn {{spoiler|what he did and is doing to [[The Woobie|Rook]]}}. If the fact that he was {{spoiler|[[I Have Your Wife|holding her 5-year-old daughter hostage]]}} isn't enough to make you hate him, the fact that he later {{spoiler|keeps Lady Placida under control by setting gargoyles to kill the aforementioned 5-year-old if she tries anything}} should definitely do it. He also had his Legions ''target orphanages'' when he attacked another city, just to draw the defenders out.
*** On top of reinventing Nazi-esque ethnic cleansing Clyntahn also reinvented terrorist suicide bombing and Stalin-esque police state terror and purges. Again, on a world that had never before known their like in either its history or its culture. The man managed to reproduce at least half of the greatest horrors of human history, all by himself, and all spontaneously without any prior examples to work from. Even ''Sauron'' needed prior inspiration to come up with some of his crap, for God's sake.
** Oh, and that {{spoiler|five year old girl? His illegitimate granddaughter.}}
* [[Complete Monster|High Lord Kalarus]] of the ''[[Codex Alera]]'' charges straight across this and never looks back. He spends most of his first appearance [[Kick the Dog|finding inventive ways to be a sexist pig and belittle slaves]], and his second involves attempting to kill a couple of 17-year-olds because his [[Smug Snake]] son tried to kill them and failed, and he doesn't want to look bad because of it. But we only really get an idea of how disgusting the man is in the book after that, when we learn {{spoiler|what he did and is doing to [[The Woobie|Rook]]}}. If the fact that he was {{spoiler|[[I Have Your Wife|holding her 5-year-old daughter hostage]]}} isn't enough to make you hate him, the fact that he later {{spoiler|keeps Lady Placida under control by setting gargoyles to kill the aforementioned 5-year-old if she tries anything}} should definitely do it. He also had his Legions ''target orphanages'' when he attacked another city, just to draw the defenders out. Oh, and that {{spoiler|five year old girl? His illegitimate granddaughter.}}
* In ''[[The Dresden Files]]'', Nicodemus Archleone comes off as [[Affably Evil]] and even portrays himself a [[Noble Demon]]...except {{spoiler|he gleefully tortured Shiro to death for the sole purpose of gaining more power.}} At this point, while he's still ''very'' affable and polite and erudite, there's no doubt that he is ''not'' sympathetic at all.
** A later book in the series reveals that he actually crossed the MEH ''centuries'' ago. By unleashing something terrible on the world. Even if you haven't read the books, you've probably heard of it. It's called the ''Black Plague''.
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* In the [[Father Brown]] story ''The Sign of the Broken Swords'', we learn that {{spoiler|a brilliant but amoral general had betrayed his country, in wartime, [[Pride|so that he could appear wealthy to his daughter's beau]].}} And as if that weren't bad enough, {{spoiler|he murdered a subordinate [[He Knows Too Much|who knew too much]], and, when he saw he'd broken his sword, he [[The Uriah Gambit|led his men on an intentionally foolish charge]] to make said subordinate look like a casualty of war.}}
* In ''[[Star Trek: A Time to...|Star Trek: A Time to Kill]]'', Prime Minister Kinchawn crosses it rather early, after he uses his illegally-acquired weapons to shoot down 10 Klingon ships in orbit of Tezwa, killing 6,000 warriors. If this didn't represent his crossing the line, his casual willingness to see millions of Tezwans killed in a Klingon counterstrike, including his own family, certainly does. What makes it worse is his apparent self-image as a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], when he's really totally [[Drunk with Power]]. He sees his own children's death as merely a means to acquire more sympathy and thus more support and power, and seems to truly believe this is somehow reasonable.
* For Esteban Garcia in ''[[The House of the Spirits]]'' it probably happens when he molests, and likely rapes, Alba when she is still a little girl. But if that isn't enough he helps to organize The Terror. During that which he find her again. This time we know for certain he that he rapes and tortures her and at least threatens to let his men rape her as welltoo.
* ''[[Needful Things]]'' Leland Gaunt seems like an [[Affably Evil]] [[Magnificent Bastard]] up until {{spoiler|[[Harmful to Minors|Brian kills himself]] due to Gaunt's manipulations.}} Crossing the MEH by long-distance?
* {{spoiler|Ivo Corbière}} from the ''[[Brother Cadfael]]'' novel ''Saint Peter's Fair'' has already stooped to murder to get his hands on {{spoiler|a list of Empress Maude's partisans to give to King Stephen, so that he, Corbière, can win an earldom at least}}. {{spoiler|Emma has it, and Corbière}} crosses the Horizon when he {{spoiler|threatens to rape her to get it--and enjoy doing so}}. The readers cheer when {{spoiler|Emma, in resisting him, knocks the brazier over and he burns to death.}}
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