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Ouran High School Host Club/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== One of the Hitachiin twins is straight, and one is gay. ==
Considering the [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy|issues with Haruhi]], Kaoru's probably the one being serious about the Twincest; Hikaru just goes along with it because he likes getting attention, messing with people, and placating his brother - who ''does'' ship the two of them. Also, it should make the [[Twincest]]/HoYay fans, the Hitachiin x Haruhi fans, and the Twincest-playing trickster fans happy, or at least not discontent.
* In the manga, Kaoru is canonically in love with Haruhi as well, and the twins get into a bit of a dispute over it (a real one... mostly). Although, it does seem very like that Hikaru is bi, as some form of he has love for Tamaki further complicates his feelings for Haruhi. Its never blatantly stated that its romantic love, but its difficult, for me at least, to not interpret it as such.
== Kyoya is in love with Tamaki ==
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His grandmother is going to do or say something especially despicable in front of Tamaki in front of everyone, and Tamaki won't do anything about it for the usual reasons. Haruhi, still confused about her feelings towards Tamaki and needing and outlet for her emotions, will punch the grandmother right in the face. It will have repercussions later, but it will be awesome.
* I think Haruhi is more likely to deliver a verbal [[Curb Stomp]] by saying something so devastingly insightful and far more damaging than any mere punch in the nose. It will still be awesome.
** And the way it will be awesome? These devastatingly insightful words will turn into giant, colorful arrows that will proceed to pierce Tamaki's grandmother from various directions, culminating in a giant lightning bolt falling from the sky and frying the old bag, who will then fall backwards in slow motion (possibly with Beartrap mouth,) much like with Renge and Tamaki himself back in season 1 of the anime.
== Tamaki Really ''is'' Haruhi's Real Father ==
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== Éclair Tonnerre's binoculars stood for her bitchiness. ==
In the last episode, she seemed to accept the fact that Tamaki wouldn't marry her and dropped her bitchnoculars and seemingly, her bitchiness.
== Haruhi [[Bi the Way|likes the girls too]]. ==
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== Tamaki and Haruhi are the reincarnations of [[Fullmetal Alchemist|Edward]] and [[Fullmetal Alchemist|Winry]] respectively. ==
* Basically, since {{spoiler|1=the Gate was sealed in CoS}}, Edward and Winry never got to be together, so they've been reborn into a world where they can finally have their happy ending...and as an added bonus, Ed gets to be tall!
** Roy gets to enjoy a life with his apparently best friend Wrath. Shou Tucker is still a doctor that misses his daughter, though he's much less crazy about it. Rose (or is it Riza) is now a rich french lady. Dante got redeemed and transformed into a chaotic fangirl. Also, Al got a pretty raw deal by becoming a short kid's younger brother again.
** Jossed by the fact that Ed canonically lives to be at least 100.
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== Haruhi is the little girl in the twins' flashbacks. ==
* Both Haruhi and the unknown little girl had long brown hair. The little girl's face is never shown, something that would usually indicate a secret, surprise character that would be revealed later. At that age she can't tell the twins apart, but she's one of the few people who seems to realize that they're separate individuals. Haruhi's mother would still be alive at that point, and with a lawyer's salary and maybe a bit of financial aid, Haruhi could very well have attended the same school as the Hitachiins.
* Haruhi doesn't remember being in preschool/kindergarten with the twins, but they remember her. She stands out in their flashbacks as someone who actually realized they were different people and not just two identical parts of a matched set. This probably has a lot to do with their current feelings toward her.
* Impossible sadly due to the twins being in a different social class to Haruhi and so probally being in a very posh private school, maybe the elementary school to the middle and high school Ouran.
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== Renge is Aphrodite ==
* Aphrodite did something to anger Zeus and got sent to Earth with her powers revoked and memory locked away as punishment. She finds solace in dating sims and managing the Host Club.
* That's also how she can speak fluent Japanese and French both.
== Haruhi is the [[Revolutionary Girl Utena|Rose Bride]] ==
In the not too distant future Ohtori Academy changed it's name to Ouran. All of the various characters who compete for Haruhi's affections are really trying to gain the "Power to Revolutionize the World". Tamaki wants the power so he can keep the "family" he built within the Host Club together forever. The twins want it so they can create a miracle where someone will finally be able to tell them apart. Honey wants to find "True Strength". Mori wants to help him. The Lobelia girls want to prove their superiority over men. Kasanoda wants control over how the world views him, and Renge wants the world to be perfect and ideal like her Dating Sim games. Kyouya is End of the World.
* Does that mean that Kyouya and Haruhi...
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== Kyouya's father is abusive ==
At least in the anime. Yoshio is definitely emotionally abusive/neglectful, and sometimes seems to think of his son as nothing more than another tool to make connections. Sure, he implied he was proud of Kyouya like once, but he's never said a thing to Kyouya himself, which has/will lead to Kyouya having some serious issues. He's probably physically abusive as well, because he clearly cares a lot about his public image, and yet had no problem with smacking Kyouya so hard that his glasses flew off of his face. If Yoshio thought he could get away with doing this in public (though he DID apologize for making a scene), just what's going on back at home? And remember that when Kyouya walked away from his friends, he shrugged off their concerns with a statement something like "I expected that to happen anyway," so it's obvious that this is far from the first time Yoshio has hurt him. [[Made Myself Sad|....I made myself sad.]]
* It's also why Kyouya never allowed himself to make any real friends before Tamaki; he used people as little more than connections not because he wanted to, but because he was too afraid not to do exactly what his father says.
* Jossed in the manga where Kyouya's father never actually hit him, and instead congratulated his son for his involvment in the Host Club (he thought it was a clever business move).
== Everyone knows that Haruhi is a girl. ==
Tamaki is the only person established as being THAT stupid. Every member of the host club figured it out almost immediately. All the female customers are probably just playing along because they like her as a person. I can see Bisco making the reveal the no secret.
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* Tamaki thinks small, caring about himself more than anything. Lelouch thinks big, like {{spoiler|talking over the world}}.
So in conclusion, if Lelouch and Tamaki went into the same room, the universe would explode. Unless Milly and the others were there with Lelouch, whereupon it would evolve into a full-scale war that would consume at least a story arc before collapsing under it's own weight. Hell, let's throw [[Haruhi Suzumya]], and a couple time lords in there, too.
** I hate to disagree on WMG but I think most Ouran fans would agree Tamaki's not a loser, and selfish? He's constantly trying to get the Host Club to help other characters, including the Newspaper Club who was out to ruin his name. I mean, have you even seen or read the series? I'd argue that Lelouch is far more selfish because his reasons for his plan are all because of his sister's wish. That's selfless on a small scale, but considering {{spoiler|multiple people die because of his plan and pretty much everyone is affected by his taking over the world}} I think that's more selfish.
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They're red-haired trouble-making twins who enjoy fucking with everyone.
* Does that mean one of them's going to die in an explosion?
* This is actually more or less confirmed by Word of God.
== The whole of Ouran High School is real, these are just their memoires as written by Renge ==
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== Honey, Mori, and possibly Kyouya are Saiyans ==
Honey is extremely strong for someone his size. It's not because he's a trained martial artist. He's a saiyan. Notice how he eats so much cake? Think of how much Goku eats. It's regular for a saiyan. Mori is a saiyan as well. We just don't see him eat on camera.
Kyouya, however is dificult. He doesn't use his strength often. He DOES however use it in the last episode of the anime. He puts a dent in the hood of the limo. But he only uses a bit of his strength. He actualy hits it with all of the force you would use to slam down a pencil.
Therefore, three of the hosts are saiyans.
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== The Suoh family is related to the [[Lyrical Nanoha|Takamachi]] family ==
In fact, both are descendants of the Fuwa samurai clan. That's why both Tamaki and Nanoha have access to the fabled Starlight attacks ([[Guys Smash, Girls Shoot|Starlight Kick and Starlight Breaker]], respectively)--it's an ancient technique that has been passed down in their families for generations!
== Haruhi is genderfluid/genderqueer. ==
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