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* In [[Metal Gear Solid]] 4, when you fight Crying Wolf during the snowstorm, you occasionly see the landscape from Crying Wolf's perspective when she's about to rush you.
* Gran Bruce in ''[[Viewtiful Joe]]'' is presented as a dim-witted Australian Jaws, right down to his theme music and his name (the same as the nickname of the shark prop from ''Jaws'').
** On a bonus note, during the credits, you see "movie posters" of each episode. The one for Gran Bruce's stage looks like the Jaws 2 poster, with Sylvia water skiing and Gran Bruce coming out of the water.
* In ''[[Rayman]] 2'', there is a scene where you control Rayman as he slides down an icy path, just ahead of a monster (the Guardian of the Cave of Bad Dreams) trying to capture and eat him. The camera viewpoint is from within the Guardian's mouth, complete with saliva-dripping teeth.
* [[Xenogears]] has you chasing such a boss through the sewers.
* The fantastic sniper battle with The End in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]] 3'' switches the view to The End's scope occasionally just before he shoots you, presumably to give you a chance to dodge his shots once in a while.
** Earlier, during the boss fight with Psycho Mantis, one of the many pieces of [[Interface Screw|Interface Screwing]] he does means that if you go into First Person View, you actually go into Mantis's. This helps you find him, considering he's invisible.
** In ''Metal Gear Solid 4'' there is also the Crying Wolf fight. The game switches to her perspective to tell you that she's running towards you to let you prepare yourself.
* The first fight against Shredder in the home versions of ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtles in Time]]''. You can win only by throwing random [[Mook|Mooks]] at the screen, a move which didn't seem to have much of a point in the original arcade game.
* The first boss in ''[[Battletoads]]'' operates the same way. The toads cringe in horror at the sight of the boss - the perspective then switches to the boss' view of the fight - you never actually see what it looks like outside of a leg or two.
* ''[[Indiana Jones and The EmperorsEmperor's Tomb]]'' has this in a [[Scrappy Level|level]] where Indy is chased by a [[Drill Tank]].
* Kingfin in ''[[Super Mario Bros.|Super Mario Galaxy]]''.
* Occurs near the beginning of ''[[Final Fantasy X]]''. We catch a view of Tidus swimming in a small pool before he's attacked by a trio of Sahagins, a battle which is interrupted by the Geosgaeno boss. It's unclear whether it was the perspective of the Sahagins or Geosgaeno, but the trope is still there in full force.
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