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Jerkass Woobie/Anime and Manga: Difference between revisions

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** Sasuke's status is [[Base Breaker|debatable]], but he essentially [["Well Done, Son" Guy|struggled for his father's approval]], only to lose his entire family in the Uchiha clan massacre.
** Neji is introduced looking down on his teammate, Lee, and hating Hinata enough to [[Hannibal Lecture]] her about her inferiority and trying to kill her. It is later revealed that he believes that his father was killed for the main branch when he was young, and he can be punished at any time, potentially fatally, if the Main Branch members activate the Cursed Seal on his head. Once he learns the truth, he overcomes his previous belief that [[You Can't Fight Fate]], which results in him working to improve his relations with the main family and getting along with Lee when he isn't acting too eccentrically.
** Pain is responsible for many deaths, {{spoiler|razed the Leaf Village and almost killed Hinata}} to teach Tsunade and Naruto lessons about pain, and is incredibly ruthless toward his goal of enforcing peace with tailed beast-based jutsu weapons, but his childhood was a long process of losing everyone he cared about and trying and failing to bring about peace.
** Sora in the Fire Temple [[Filler]] arc, who is incredibly rude to most people, but has a dark past and an even darker present, as the host of much of the Nine-Tailed Fox's chakra.
** Itachi Uchiha. {{spoiler|He doomed himself to a life of being hated by his only remaining family, who he truly loved all along, along with the stigma of being a missing-nin AND part of an evil organisation, all while hating violence and combat. He was ordered to kill his family in order to prevent another war from breaking out, but he spared Sasuke. His actions were partly motivated by love for Sasuke, but he put on a cold emotionless front, acting like he just wanted to kill Sasuke and take his eyes (which wasn't true, of course); but one cannot deny that his methods of helping Sasuke (Mind Raping him twice) were a bit extreme.}} In short, you hate him for some of his actions, but once you learn the reason, you also want to hug him.
** Karin. She used to be [[The Scrappy|one of the most hated characters in the manga]] and she was a bit of a jerk before she started to genuinely care for her other teammates, but {{spoiler|her being so badly hurt by Sasuke and her warning ''Sakura'' about Sasuke intending to kill her}} made her turn into a Jerk Ass Woobie for a good fraction of the fandom. Still, die-hard SasuSaku fans remain firmly in their [[Die for Our Ship]] position. {{spoiler|The fact that she actually got over Sasuke after all he did to her}} has also helped pull her out of the Scrappy pile.
** Arguably, the Nine-Tailed Fox. You'd never believe it, but {{spoiler|after the downright ridiculous asskicking that it endured, to have its power taken from it and locked away again seems very depressing. Not to mention, it openly expresses its bitterness over humans imprisoning it and using it as a power source for decades.}} This sentiment is starting to be recognized by the fandom. {{spoiler|Even ''Naruto'' feels sorry for it, and apologizes for trapping it in its prison again.}}
** Utakata, the Jinchūriki of the Six-Tailed Slug. He is quite aloof toward Hotaru and tries to [[Shoo the Dog|rid himself of her at every opportunity]], but this is largely the result of him being a fugitive for {{spoiler|killing his master when he tried to extract his Tailed Beast}}, an experience that left him quite bitter and unwilling to trust others. And just when he comes to terms with this, {{spoiler|Pain captures him and extracts the Six-Tails, killing him}}.
** [[Manipulative Bastard]] Kabuto has become one. He had a deep existential crisis after {{spoiler|Orochimaru's death}} (Naruto inspired him to continue) and he is shown thinking that all he wanted was for someone to notice him. He just wanted to be acknowledged. Still doesn't excuse his monstrous moral event horizon crossing moments though.
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*** Misa in custody. Imagine the mental state of the poor girl. {{spoiler|She's taken off the street, continuously blindfolded and restrained for two ''months'', under constant surveillance, and ''she has no idea why she is there or if she will ever be untied.''}} If she wasn't crazy before, she has every excuse to be afterward.
** To a smaller degree, Kiyomi Takada. Specially because of {{spoiler|[[Alas, Poor Villain|her VERY ugly death]], [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|orchestrated by none other than]] [[Villain Protagonist|her beloved Light]].}}
** Light Yagami himself qualifies. He [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]], he was a [[Nice Guy]] with a bright future ahead of him before becoming a [[Serial Killer]] with a [[A God Am I|God Complex.]] [[Word of God|Even the author]] says his life was ruined the moment he picked up the Death Note [[Break the Haughty|and over the course of the series he gets put through hell]] and {{spoiler|fails and dies horribly in the end}} ''but'' he has no one to blame but himself.
** Mello, a mob boss that kidnaps innocent (and not-so-innocent) girls and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|a overbearing jerk that shouts at people]] but he acts that way out of a severe inferiority complex. He {{spoiler|blows up his base, blows up his face, gets his best friend killed, and dies horribly at the hands of Takada.}}
** Beyond Birthday from ''[[Death Note]]:'' ''[[Another Note]]''. L's neglected [[Beta Test Baddie|Backup]] turned [[Serial Killer]]. As much of a [[Complete Monster]] he was, {{spoiler|he was born with the ability to see when everyone is going to die, he was raised at an orphanage, neglected by his role model, and saw his classmate commit suicide (and of course knew it would happen). He's batshit crazy and totally psychotic but ouch, he attempted to burn himself alive!}}
* Lucia from ''[[Rave Master]]''. The one that had to watch his mother die and got locked up for ten years for no reason when he was 6, and proceeded to commit mass murder immediately after escaping.
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** Once you get glimpses of their backstories as {{spoiler|[[Artificial Human|Artificial Humans]] who were bred ''only'' to pilot Gundams}}, the Trinity siblings from [[Mobile Suit Gundam 00]] come off a pretty damn pitiful. Of course that does '''not''' excuse the heaps of shit they pull on everyone [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones|except for each other]].
*** [[The Smart Guy|Tieria Erde]]. At first, he's cold, stern and the most dedicated to Celestial Being's mission. However, after (thefirst) Lockon's death in season 1 and the separation from VEDA, we see that Tieria is a very insecure man.
* Any teen character in ''[[Ranma ½|[[Ranma One Half½]]'' you might be inclined to feel sympathy for is a [[Jerkass Woobie]].
** Ranma Saotome has had a ''horrible'' childhood that, among other things, means that he has been inflicted with a [[Gender Bender]] curse that not only embarrasses him and frequently gets him into strife, but puts him at the risk of having to commit [[Seppuku]] at the hands of his [[Yamato Nadeshiko|good-hearted]] but [[Cloudcuckoolander]] [[Hot Mom]] -- which means that he will not only die painfully, but die knowing that he disappointed his beloved mother so badly that she thought it would be best to die. He also routinely harasses his (admittedly, no saint herself) fiancée by hitting her where it hurts her the most (her ''relatively'' small chest [in comparison to his [[Gender Bender]] form and the rest of his fiancees]] and her inability to be properly feminine no matter how hard she tries), sometimes actively encourages his fiancées, and loves to harass and torment his rivals, despite ''knowing'' that they'll come after him with the aim of brutally thrashing him.
** Ryôga Hibiki has terrible luck, is cursed to assume the form of a [[Baleful Polymorph|small, defenseless pig]] when he gets wet, has one of the worst ever seen cases of [[No Sense of Direction]], the direction issues are inherited from both his parents and so he almost never sees his family, is a [[Courtly Love|dedicated romantic]], is too shy to even talk to other girls (despite the fact most would probably find him [[Mr. Fanservice|highly attractive]]), and the one girl he's in love with is engaged to someone else. He's also bad tempered and masquerade as her pet to get affection from her, even if it's only as her pet.
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** Japan sometimes gets this kind of interpretation too, from fans who believe that as ruthless and double-crossing as he may have been toward his siblings during his [[Imperial Japan|imperial period]], he probably still did not deserve to have two atomic bombs dropped on him and may very well have become as [[Break the Cutie|emotionally]] [[Broken Ace|broken]] as his siblings in his [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|misguided]] [[Lonely At the Top|pursuit of empire status]].
** Romano, the elder of the Italy brothers and a notorious [[Tsundere]], has shades of this: harboring a [[Hair-Trigger Temper]] and generally negative demeanor, yet also having an inferiority complex and abandonment issues stemming from [[Parental Favoritism|his grandfather ignoring him in favor of his more talented younger brother]] and feeling like others only wanted to use him for said grandfather's inheritance. An early profile even stated that being pushed around by [[The Mafia]] made his viewpoint of the world more slanted and negative. Of course, [[The Woobie|the more sympathetic traits]] run the risk of being blown out of proportion by Fanon, where [[Fan Dumb|some fans]] opt to [[Ron the Death Eater|lay all the blame instead on the younger brother, Veneziano]], who ''does'' care for his "fratello" and tries to help him with mixed degrees of success.
** Belarus, a terrifying [[Ax Crazy]] [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] became this when Russia threatened to send her to Siberia because Lithuania expressed reservations about accompanying him to a meeting. Can you imagine your own brother caring so little about you that he uses sending you to the horror that was the gulags as an incentive to make someone else do what he wants? If this happens on a regular basis, her bitterness comes as no surprise. Even if it's Belarus, that's just not right. There's also the fact that the poor girl is hopelessly and creepily but also very genuinely in love with Russia, her brother, who will never, ever return her feelings. Of course, let's not forget the [[Jerkass]] part, specifically how she scares off anyone who is around her brother because she's jealous of them and how she once broke Lithuania's fingers on a date with him (the poor guy is such a sweet [[Nice Guy]]... but he refuses to see that Belarus not only is flawed, but that [[Dogged Nice Guy|she does NOT owe him pussy just because he likes her]].)
** Even though France is a [[Anything That Moves|lech]], a liar and an all around [[Manipulative Bastard|bastard]] at times, he has his moment to be pitied. At the end of the first volume, there is a sketch of a much younger France with a girl with short hair and wearing armor. And she tells him, "I'm fighting for you, you know!" Yeah, she's Joan of Arc. We know how that ended. To think of France, hedonistic and arrogant, startled and then drawn to this one girl, only to lose her- it makes you feel for him at least a little, right? That's not counting the French Revolution, the Terror...on second thought, those pretty much explain (along with Jeanne's death) why France became the way he is.
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh (anime)|Yu-Gi-Oh]]'':
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** Kanda Yu turns out to have a very good reason for being so cynical and rude to nearly everyone. {{spoiler|Namely, [http://www.mangareader.net/210-43761-16/dgray-man/chapter-190.html this], over and over again for ''months''. Additionally, he was created artificially and ''knows it'', grew up with very little human affection, and was eventually forced to kill his only friend, who had [[Break the Cutie|gone berserk and killed 40-some people]].}} Also, {{spoiler|the Second Exorcist project, which Kanda is a product of, involved ''implanting the brains of dead Exorcists into new bodies'', and he eventually started ''regaining memories of his own death''.}} Kanda's life sucks so much that using an [[Exposition Beam]] to show someone his memories qualifies as [[Mind Rape]], and the local [[Creepy Child]] [[Even Evil Has Standards|feels sick when she sees them]].
** If you don't feel bad for Kanda after seeing [http://www.mangareader.net/210-46708-37/dgray-man/chapter-191.html this], you're a horrible person.
* Kaede from ''[[Shuffle]]''. You feel bad for her for how messed up in the head she became following her mother's death and how she lost the will to live. But you also hate her for treating Rin like shit all throughout their childhood, because he decided to take the blame on himself so she wouldn't figure out that the death of her mother was actually her fault. For what it's worth, when she finds out the truth, she ends up hating herself for how she treated Rin and decides to [[The Atoner|try to atone for her bad actions by devoting herself to Rin]]. Rin does not really want this, but he is afraid of making Kaede have a relapse by not allowing her to punish herself in this way. Kaede is also shown to have romantic feelings for Rin, but considers herself unworthy to be loved by Rin or to stay by Rin's side, and acts like a [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] (in the anime) when she finds out he and Asa are a couple. There's also the fact that Kaede has feelings for Rin and is hopelessly devoted to him, but Rin is Asa's boyfriend, so Rin will never return Kaede's feelings.
* Akira Inugami from ''[[Wolf Guy|Wolf Guy Wolfen Crest]]''. He rescues his [[Morality Pet]] teacher from baddies regularly, gives hope to his oppressed fellow classmates, and stops an [[Ax Crazy]] psycho from gunning down the student body vice president at point-blank range, but he can be a cold-hearted snarky jerk to everyone. He also lost his parents at a very young age, has a habit of making enemies who want to violently beat him up and murder him, and is pursued and lusted after by ''two'' [[Ax Crazy]] psychos who are major threats to anyone he is close to or not. Basically, he's a nice guy [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|underneath]] it all, but he spares NO ONE the [[Deadpan Snarker|snark]] and is literally the [[Doom Magnet|unluckiest bastard walking.]] Which backfires horribly when {{spoiler|his beloved teacher becomes his [[Morality Chain]] -- and one of the [[Ax Crazy]] psychos has her kidnapped and gangraped. Which causes Inugami a heartbreaking [[Heroic BSOD]].}}
* ''[[Berserk]]'':
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* ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]'':
** Sôsuke Sagara. Originally a sweet, innocent kid, his heartbreaking backstory turns him into a cold-hearted [[Jerkass]]. He finds it extremely hard to understand other people's feelings, and tends to do very [[Sociopathic Hero|morally ambiguous things]] without much consideration for others. Most of the time, it's played for laughs. There are numerous times where he finds himself unable to understand why someone feels fear or sadness (even when someone died). The poor guy goes through so much crap throughout the series, though, including his childhood as a [[Child Soldiers|child soldier]], so it's easy to feel sympathy for him despite his flaws.
** Xia Yu Fan and Xia Yu Lan. Out of all the villains, these two seem to garner a lot of sympathy among fans. The fact that they were taken in by ''[[Ax Crazy|Gauron]]'' of all people at such a young age certainly deserves sympathy.
* ''[[Bakemonogatari]]'':
** Hitagi Senjougahara. She acts cold and abusive towards others, especially towards her eventual boyfriend, Koyomi Araragi. She also pulls out a stapler and a box cutter, threatens Koyomi with them by shoving them in his face, and promises to disfigure him with them if he reveals her secret, then uses them anyway (stapling his face as a warning). All this within minutes of the start of the first episode. In episode two, Hitagi recounts how her mother joined a cult when Hitagi was sick, and that one night, her mother brought a higher up from the cult home. Hitagi injured him as he attempted to sexually assault her, while her mother watching without aiding her. As a result, her family was broken apart with Hitagi feeling that she's responsible. After that, she met a crab which took her feelings(weight) and memories of her mother. Hitagi begs the head crab to return to her the lost memories of her mother and her feelings(weight), but despite this, she has forever lost her mother.
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* ''[[Bleach]]'':
** Muramasa. Sure, he personally instigated the [[Empathic Weapon|Zanpakuto]] Rebellion and {{spoiler|incinerated Katen Kyokotsu and Sogyo no Kotowari to death}}, but as Kouga descended deeper into madness, he quickly became a [[Smug Snake|self-centered, arrogant, abusive]] [[Jerkass]] that frequently treated Muramasa as a mere tool, instead of an actual person. However, since Muramasa was the one that led Kouga to his crazy, power-drunken self, one could say that he brought it on himself. This disharmony caused Muramasa to literally lose the ability to hear his master when needed...which led to Kouga [[Kick the Dog|stabbing]] Muramasa as soon as he was unsealed, completely uncaring about Muramasa's explanation.
** Also, Homura from the third movie. There's no denying that Homura was a stubborn, jealous, possessive, and irrational teenage girl, who had the potential to be as unstable as Loly can get at times, with an almost-unhealthy obsession towards Rukia to top it all off; but for all her faults, she was a sincerely sweet and cheerful girl, whose only wish was to reunite with the only other friend and loved one she had. In fact, she wasn't even evil to begin with, just selfish, naive, and misguided, with a justifiable excuse for her implied hatred (and fear) of the Shinigami. Considering her past, her interactions with Rukia are all the more heartwarming; as an orphan, she was forced to survive on her own in a lawless slum district, ended up getting murdered by an (albeit mind-controlled) Shinigami, absorbed said mind-controlling hollow into herself as a fail-safe to keep it from killing Rukia (thereby making it into the subconscious source of her power), and unintentionally causing the now-innate hollow spirit energy to revive and transport them to Hueco Mundo, where she presumably spent most of her life relentlessly fighting for survival against hundreds of cannibalistic monsters in a dimension she knew nothing about after forcing the still-barely alive hollow into submission. And keep in mind that, at the time, she was barely over the age of ten. The final kicker is that Homura was a genuinely likable and sympathetic character, even taking into account her [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]/PsychoLesbian tendencies, which makes her death scene even more of a [[Tear Jerker]] than it already is.
** The arrancar Ulquiorra. He's stated to be the personification of Nihilism, is loyal to [[Complete Monster]] Aizen, considers Ichigo and all others below his power level little more than "trash", [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?|cannot comprehend things like love and friendship]], kidnaps Orihime and is very cold towards her, badly injures her friend Ishida's hand (cuts it off in the manga, breaks and burns it in the anime), and kills Ichigo in front of Orihime to prove a point to her. However, he seems to gradually soften up towards humanity thanks to his interactions with the captive Orihime, and Ichigo, too, to a lesser extent. He also regards the senseless killing done by other arrancars as childish, and is [[Even Evil Has Standards|disgusted]] when Nnoitra says that he should [[Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil|rape]] Orihime. His {{spoiler|death}} is also incredibly heartbreaking. It even seems like he is finally starting to understand human bonds, seeing how, in {{spoiler|his last moments, Ulquiorra reaches out to Orihime and asks her if she finds him frightening, mirroring their conversation before Ichigo arrives in the tower. She replies with tears in her eyes that she doesn't and reaches back for him, but his body dissolves before they can touch.}} Of course, however, fans go from considering him a [[Jerkass Woobie]] to [[Draco in Leather Pants|something else entirely.]]
*** His backstory in "Unmasked" also reveals that he never experienced happiness and that his hollow brothers/clan tried to eat him because he was different from them. Again, [[Draco in Leather Pants|don't forget that he is STILL a pretty creepy bastard when at his worst]]
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* Uzuki of ''[[Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru]]''. When we first see him in the anime, he lashes out at people who express concern for him, stating that he hates feeling pathetic, and dislikes Yuki, who genuinely sees him as a friend because, like him, Yuki was abandoned by his parents, but Yuki is a lot more popular than him. A demon ends up playing off Uzuki's jealousy and resentment, giving him the power he needs to try to kill Yuki. However, Yuki ends up saving him and we learn that his parents abandoned him, his mother tried to kill him several times, and he's pretty much a loner at school. We then get a [[Tear Jerker|heartbreaking]] scene where he's suicidally depressed and states that he should have died along with the demon that possessed him. He then states that he's a horrible person for giving into his resentment and apologizes to Yuki, wondering why, even though he was mean, Yuki is still being nice to him. Yuki responds: "[[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|Because when I first came to this school I was all alone and you were the only one who went out of his way to befriend me. That meant a lot to me and it made me very happy. I'm glad that you're my friend, Uzuki-kun.]]"
* ''[[Revolutionary Girl Utena]]'':
** Nanami Kiryuu. Good lord, what a bad day she has had... {{spoiler|After discovering that her brother Touga, who she loved ever since she was a child, was not her blood sibling, she feels like the connection she had was fake, and now has nothing to hold on to. After that, she runs away from home, into the house of a pair of close, happy siblings, only to walk in on them having sex. And after that, she walks in on Touga making out with a member of her old gang, to hear her brother say that he never loved her to begin with, and to have her ex-friend claim that she has no connection to her anymore. And then after that, she gets the Akio Car treatment, where Touga attempts to rape her, which she fights off in fright, and then loses her duel, sobbing that she feels like she's just a face in the crowd and has no way to reconnect with the brother she loves. It's very hard not to feel sorry for her after all that, even though she was a raging [[Alpha Bitch]] [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] most of the time. She does seem to become nicer afterwards, too, warning Utena to not hang around with Akio or Anthy anymore as she thinks they're up to no good, but her warnings fall in deaf ears.}} Ouch.
** Mikage Souji could qualify as well. {{spoiler|Just as he was beginning to evolve out of his computer-like personality and developed feelings for a woman named Tokiko, Akio seduced her just so he could manipulate Mikage into burning down the memorial center. And, of course, killing the 100 boys trapped inside. Not only that, but Akio gets Mikage to work for him years later as a puppetmaster, pulling the strings of the black rose duellists. Unfortunately, Mikage doesn't know that he's a puppet at all, and that Akio has tampered with his memories.}}
** Saionji too. Yes, Saionji was a total [[Jerkass]], but not even he deserved Touga's horrible treatment and manipulation of him.
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* ''[[Ooku]]'': Shogun Iemitsu the Younger (or [[She Is the King|Lady Chie]], depending on who you ask). We first see her when the former buddhist monk Arikoto is presented to her, given a 'maidenly' name, and ''beaten about the head and face'' '''by''' ''her until he bleeds, for not answering to it fast enough''. However, even without factoring in the [[Deus Angst Machina|improbable extent]] of her [[Dark and Troubled Past]], it becomes clear that she is, in truth, a prisoner in the Shogun's castle who has been stripped of both her name and, to a large degree, her gender as well. Not to mention the fact that the closest thing to love she gets {{spoiler|[[A Match Made in Stockholm|before Arikoto comes into the picture]]}} is from someone who she knows [[Loving a Shadow|only sees the reflection]] of [[Child by Rape|a father she never knew]] in her.
* Nakai of ''[[Bakuman。]]''. While he crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]] in the eyes of the readers and some of the cast when, {{spoiler|after seemingly getting Kato's attention, he asks Aoki to be his girlfriend in order to have him draw for her}}, not to mention his whiny-ness, he essentially has the same dream as Moritaka (getting a girlfriend and a manga series), but has been at it for longer and has not had nearly as much success.
* ''[[Muhyo and Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation]]'':
** Ebisu typically exhibits both aspects of the [[Jerkass Woobie]] simultaneously, rather than appearing to be a jerk with a more sympathetic side. In the past, he lived without parents, and supported himself by commiting petty crimes with his skills as a medium. When a ghost turned on him, he got saved by Goryo, and became his assistant in his Magical Law business, which had become ruthless in the way it did business. He's typically fairly arrogant and condescending towards most people besides Goryo, but at the same time, comes off as pitiable after {{spoiler|being fired for failing to execute one of Goryo's plans, even if he eventually gets back together with Goryo}}. He never completely changes and doesn't regret his actions, even if he acknowledges that many of them are less than noble, but his past shows that he mainly does what he does out of loyalty, and he helps to teach Roji a lesson about how he can best help Muhyo.
** The Cortlaw siblings are this to varying degrees, with Mick being the heaviest on the [[Jerkass]] end ({{spoiler|killing Panza when she tries [[Taking the Bullet]] for Roji}}) {{spoiler|until his final moments}}, Ivy a mixture of both, and Kid being mostly a standard [[Woobie]] complicit in Ark's plans (albeit largely through manipulation with a few critical lies). They lost their parents to the MLS ({{spoiler|unaware that they resisted arrest and killed some of those sent after them}}) and are willing to resort to dark magic to bring them back. Kid {{spoiler|admitting he was wrong and hoping to [[Together in Death|see his family again]] as he is dying}} is particularly [[Tear Jerker|heart-wrenching]].
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** Vita was used as a personal soldier for the owners of an [[Artifact of Doom]] for centuries, and seemed to take it harder than the other Wolkenritter. While doing so, she was also quite abrasive to her allies, especially Reinforce, pushing them away when they tried to get close to her, and showed cruelty to her enemies beyond what was necessary to collect their Linker Cores. She becomes a nicer person after meeting Hayate, but still is not above [[Gag Boobs|barbs about the size of Signum's breasts]] and the lethality of [[Lethal Chef|Shamal's cooking]].
** The Huckebeins from ''Force''. They're afflicted with a deadly virus that will kill them unless they kill other people, and have resolved to do what they have to to stay alive. Okay, fine, villainous but understandable...what isn't is [[Smug Snake|the degree]] [[Kick the Dog|of dickishness]] with which they go about it. The fact that they've been immune to karma so far doesn't help matters.
** Precia in the first movie. She's just as cruel to Fate as in canon, but it's revealed that not only was she a loving mother who wanted to spend more time with her daughter, but {{spoiler|she [[Unfinished, Untested, Used Anyway|tried to prevent the premature launch of the reactor]] that caused the meltdown that killed Alicia}}, and the companion manga shows just how painful it was for her, especially with {{spoiler|her [[Tear Jerker|cradling Alicia's lifeless body in her arms]] as tears are streaming down her face}}. In her final moments, as she's falling to her apparent death, she appears to finally understand {{spoiler|Alicia's desire for a little sister}} and regret her actions.
* ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'':
** Mewtwo. He goes on a rampage against all living things to prove [[The Social Darwinist|clone superiority]], but after [[Cloning Blues|what happened to him]], [[Beta Test Baddie|can you blame]] him?
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* Lots of these show up in ''[[Fairy Tail]]''. Looks like Hiro Mashima loves this trope.
** [[Knight of Cerebus|Gerard]] [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid|Fernandez]] (or Jellal, [[Spell My Name with an "S"|however you want to call him]]), Erza's childhood friend who, like her, was [[Made a Slave]] by a bunch of Zeref cultists who could charitably be called [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]], and ended up being locked up in a cell and tortured almost to death when he wasn't even in his double digits. Flash forward to the present time, and Gerard, after being possessed by Zeref himself, getting a well-deserved revenge against the slavers and having completed the Tower of Heaven, had cooked up a plan to create the "World of Magic" where everyone would be free...which would require mountains of corpses, the sacrifice of Erza herself, and, generally, screwing things up royally for anyone who wasn't magically gifted. He had gone through so much hell in his short life that he thought no sacrifice was too great if it would mean nobody would have suffer like him. {{spoiler|And just for grim irony, it turned out that his plan of reviving Zeref had no chance of succeeding from the very beginning, and that it wasn't Zeref who was speak to him}}. All in all, [[Base Breaker]] as he is, you can't deny that his life ''sucked''.
** [[Magnificent Bitch|Urtear]] [[Time Master|Milkovich]], [[Big Bad]] Hades' right hand woman {{spoiler|and the person responsible for Gerard's [[Start of Darkness]], since it was her who spoke to Gerard's mind, pretending to be Zeref}}, was revealed to be one as well at the end of the Tenrou Island arc. Want the lowdown? {{spoiler|When she was just an infant, she was separated from her mother Ur by a bunch of heartless scientists who wanted to use her for her immense magical potential. (Ur had asked for their help for her ill child. Those monsters took away the little girl and told her mother that Urtear had died from her fever and that her body was too horribly mangled for a mother to see.) Raised as little more than a sentient lab rat, Urtear was told that her mom had abandoned her and grew to resent her...but, most of all, she desired to go back in time to the moment of her abandonment and prevent it from coming to pass. In order to do so, she grew up into a brilliant and Machiavellian [[The Chessmaster|Chessmaster]] and [[Manipulative Bitch]] who would stop at nothing to awaken Zeref and uncover the World of Magic, confident that all her evil actions would be erased the moment she travelled back in time and averted the very event that sparked them.}} In the end, Urtear committed a lot of terrible things which were fueled by her desperate desire to {{spoiler|meet with her mother and achieve some happiness for herself. When her plan failed, she fell into such shame and depression over what she had become that she tried to commit suicide to atone...and, ironically enough, she was saved by her [[Morality Pet]], Meredy, a young girl Urtear had taken under her wing (after destroying her village...) and treated like a real daughter.}} Now, will someone please punch this woman in the face, and then give her a big hug?
* Suzu of ''[[Peacemaker Kurogane]]''. Suzu becomes an insane [[Jerkass]] after he thinks that Tetsunosuke (his only friend) killed his master, Yoshida (whom he admired and was the only person who cared for him). Not to mention that he was taken in by a [[Depraved Homosexual]] old man and raped when he was alone and starving on the streets.
* Alviss of ''[[MAR]]'', after you watch his backstory and during the Ghost Chess Arc.
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