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Nostalgia Critic/WMG: Difference between revisions

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He's tall and skinny with a goatee. He changes his name often, and the place where he posts his videos is nondescript.
He's Doctor Forrester. He's showing us these horrible '80s/'90s movies to find the one that drives us insane, and thus use it to rule the world. His comments are because, after seeing Joel and Mike and the Bots "riff" on movies, he decided to try it himself.
This "The Bum" guy? He's what happened to Dr. Earhardt.
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== The Nostalgia Critic and [[Roger Ebert]] are different reincarnations of the same [[Doctor Who|Time Lord]]. ==
If NC is the first reincarnation, he has decided to continue review films, but want to do it in a more humorous way. If Ebert the first one, he has tiered of just reviewing bad films and decided to be a serious reviewer instead. But he stills unleashes colourful insults to bad films when he encounters them.
* If this is true, he's ''incredibly'' narcissistic. Also, they must be separated by several incarnations- going by the Doctor, they usually don't like their immediate successor. And NC ''loves'' Ebert.
== The Nostalgia Critic sold his soul to the Devil ==
...a.k.a. Teddy Ruxpin. Well, think about it. At the end of the Halloween '08 special, that demon bear ostensibly killed the Critic; how else would you come out of a conflict with [[Satan]] except by selling your soul? Further proof: [[Running Gag|the number of times]] he's [[Death Is Cheap|come back to life]]. Sure, [[Transformers|Optimus Prime]] brought him back once, but the sheer number of times he's died and come back is [[Rule of Funny|absurd]]. It's even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] by Chester A. Bum in his review of the fight. We really see the fruits of this little deal later on, in the Final Battle with [[The Angry Video Game Nerd]], when the Critic, well, shoots lightning and resembles the devil, with no real explanation. He then resembles a different devil and bellows [[Skyward Scream|DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE]] at the end of his [[Good Burger]] review, with, again, no real explanation.
Stretching the WMG a little further, at the end of the Nostalgia Critic's [[Up to Eleven|Top 11]] [[Disney Animated Canon|Disney]] Villains, he puts {{spoiler|Chernobog}} at Number 1, likely at the request of Teddy Ruxpin. It seems Teddy objected to the review anyway, most likely disliking the Nostalgia Critic's apparent pleasure at {{spoiler|the heavenly light the devil}} is no match for; either that, or Teddy was objecting to the Critic {{spoiler|saying that if the devil had a form, that's what he would look like, because that cute little creepy plush teddy bear really is the Devil's true form}}, which is of course why {{spoiler|his computer was possessed}} at the end of the video.
* If this is the case, then his near-suicide is [[Fridge Horror|even more depressing.]] He's stuck either with his dead-end life, or ''Hell.''
** And even if he didn't sell his soul to Teddy Ruxpin, he's either sold it to Sage or at the very least, can be controlled by him. Nobody deserves that.
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== The Critic, Ask That Guy, and Chester A Bum are brothers ==
Both the Critic and Ask That Guy had a [[Hilariously Abusive Childhood]], with several notable similarities. Chester also seems to have had a rather bizarre past (if his "''I'' (insert joke here) once!" lines are any indication). I think they suffered the same terrible childhood together and just deal with it differently.
Chester turned to drugs to forget his experiences, ending up as a homeless addict with so many confused memories that he honestly isn't sure what did and didn't happen to him any more.
Critic chooses to wallow in self pity, becoming a [[Jerkass Woobie]] in the process, and takes his frustration out on nostalgic movies and TV shows as a way of rebelling against his own childhood (hating not on his own experiences, but the entertainment from the period that reminds him of it). He also subconsciously tries to retroactively ruin the childhoods of others out of jealousy, by tearing down their pleasant memories of the past.
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== Nostalgia Critic and Nostalgia Chick are secret long lost twins! ==
Just like He-Man and She-Ra! If they ever find out about it, then they are gonna be ''pissed''.
** In the commentary for ''[[Fern Gully]]'', the alternate version of the "date" had them going all the way and finding out they were siblings ala [[Star Wars|Luke and Leia]].
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== Douchey [[Mc Nitpick]] and John from The Room Movie Dot Com are related. ==
They both look similar and both scream [[Big No|'Noooooooo!']] in a whiny voice while flailing wildly. They both also seem obsessive in nature (Douchey picking out every little [[Fan Dumb|mistake]] with the Nostalgia Critic and John [[Stalker with a Crush|defending]] Tommy Wiseau's image).
=== Melvin, Brother of the Joker ===
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* Bio-Dome. He would later on go to review it, as he claimed it was by far one of the worst he has done.
* [[Old Dogs]]. Not nostalgic, but VERY bad.
* [[Lost in Space]]. He did review it mere weeks later, coincidence?
== NC and Spoony will do a camera-to-camera review of Highlander 3 ==
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In his commentary for the Simon Sez review, he said that he was planning on doing two more crossovers by the end of the year. He, then, made a gag about wanting to have a crossover with Nash in the Doug's First Movie review. This gag was [[foreshadowing]] for a future crossover review that he'll be having with Nash this year.
* Does [http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/nash/wtfiwwy/33538-live-gooey-hot-pockets this] count?
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== Some things are far worse for people because of the Critic's non-existence ==
This is going both off the above and the special:
* [[The Angry Joe Show|Angry Joe]] is admitted by darn near everywhere to be [[President Evil]] and nuked all of Canada. This also by extension kills Jesu Otaku's fellow [[Desu Des Brigade]] Member Arkada, not to mention billions of innocents. Plus who's to stay he won't, or hasn't already, bombed France and several other countries.
** Oh and his presidency? Caused by murdering President Insano.
** The "world peace in a week"? The world was so scared shitless at Angry Joe's firepower, they soon surrendered. They applauded because they were afraid [[The Angry Joe Show|Angry Joe]] would vaporize them.
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** 90's Kid was shot dead by his landlord.
* Spoony as the Critic has prevented several people from becoming reviewers. The only reason for Douchey loving him is because he does whatever his trolls say, which also led to [[Harsher in Hindsight|his Breakup with Scarlett]], and Burton being shoved back in the closet. As a result he's also the only person on the site, as he kept bumping anyone fans didn't like.
* Todd is now one of the sleazy producers making the same shit he ridicules in reality.
* [[Marz Gurl]] is the Nostalgia Chick, but as a result has abandoned Anime forever.
* Due to her now constant fear of getting bumped thanks to Spoony's occasional [[Orwellian Editor]] tendencies getting channeled into pleasing the trolls, Jesu Otkau leaves her old friends behind. Without her to provide a balance to the team, the site falls apart.
** The one upside being Tsubake never got built.... but without the brigade Prof became bitter without anyone to rely on, Vixen turned into a [[Small Name, Big Ego]], Ark... was doing pretty good up until the whole blowing up with the rest of Canada thing. And Mal isolated himself from the world at large. As for the brigaders... nothing really happened to them, there wasn't a brigade for them to join but considering the rest of the Domino effect.
* Bennett the Sage becomes President Angry Joe's [[Treacherous Advisor]] and manipulates him, helping Joe turn America into a Dictatorship and [[Evil Empire]] with time.
* Paw will never form a cute [[OT 3OT3]] with Todd and Roses and stay on his own.
* [[Death Is Cheap|Phelous survived the destruction of Canada.]] However the nation's destruction filled him with rage, and Phelous is forming a terrorist cell to end America.
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== Nostalgia Critic's gun is magic. ==
The Nostalgia Critic was able to do things like kill Santa Christ and shoot at people in a video and nearly kill them. He could even {{spoiler|kill an angel}}. It is more subtle than Linkara's magic gun but it has powers beyond comprehension.
* To add to this, I bet Nostalgia Critic bought his magic gun from the same place Linkara bought his.
** Linkara's magic gun only works to protect him, because of the soul of a little girl. But Critic's gun has killed a lot of innocent people, including [[Mary Poppins]], an angel, and Santa Christ. So whose soul is in there?
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