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* [[Ironic Echo]]: Dr. Light's words from Unrest In The House Of Light.
* [[Grave Marking Scene]]: Mega Man does what any good protagonist does: He visits the shrine made to the one who fell before him. The words 'Hope Rides Alone' are carved in to the statue by Dr. Light.
* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]]: '''HOPE RIDES ALONE!''' The phrase gives Megaman the drive to storm the Fortress.
** "The fight of '''PROTO''' '''''MAAAAAAAN!'''''"
* [[Take Up My Sword]]: The reason Mega Man has chosen to fight. He feels Protoman deserves his fight to finish. "And as I live, there is no evil that will stand! And I will finish what was started, the fight of PROTOMAN!"
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Thirty years before the birth of Protoman, Drs. Light and Wily are partners. It is revealed that Dr. Thomas Light's father died while working in the mines. Light decides to study robotics, hoping that it will end the suffering in the hellish condition of the mines. Wily has been his partner in this endeavor, providing invaluable assistance in the research - but as the project nears fruition, Light discovers with horror that Wily has designed the robots to carry and use weapons, and fears that Wily's motives are less than benevolent. On the night that the machines are to be activated, Light confronts Wily, who insists that the machines they've created will give them the power to rule the world and change it for the better. Light denounces Wily's theories, even Wily's hopes for profit and power based on their inventions, instead espousing the strength of human character. It is revealed that he has another reason to build these machines: His girlfriend, Emily Stanton, who works hard in the factory. Realizing that it's too late to change course, Light reluctantly switches on the machines.
* [[Big Bad Friend]]: Dr. Wily and Light work together presumably very well. Until Wily suggests that these robots could be used for [[Take Over the World|non-industrial means.]]
* [[Counterpoint Duet]]: Light and Wily.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Dr. Light's motivation for constructing robots powerful enough to replace man kind is [[No OSHA Compliance|his father dying in a mineshaft]].
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* [[Determinator]]: ''Emily''. She rebukes ''Wily'' and flat-out informs him that Light's a better man. Wily takes that information rather poorly.
* [[Final Speech]]: Emily's last words. {{spoiler|Though a better candidate may be her letter to Light}}.
* [[Historical In-Joke]]: On the Father of Death wanted poster, Edwin ''Stanton'', the Secretary of War for the [[Abraham Lincoln|Lincoln Administration]], vows to bring Emily's murderer to justice.
* [[If I Can't Have You]]: Though he doesn't actually ''say'' it, this is the motive for Dr. Wily's murder of Emily.
** Though there's also the fact that she caught him stealing Light's stuff.
** Seeing them live, yeah. The interaction between Turbo Lover (Wily) and The Gambler (Emily) is amazing.
* [[Killed Mid-Sentence]]: Emily.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Dr. Light breaks his arm from the fall... and apparently walks it off, as it's not brought up again.
* [[Music Box Intervals]]: The beginning of the song and after Emily is killed have a music box playing.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Light does this during the first part of the song.
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* [[Act Break]]: By means of a [[Time Skip]].
** It's interesting that, to this point, an instrumental track represents a [[Time Skip]].
* [[Call Forward]]: The very first sentence of Hope Rides Alone reads "No one was left who could remember how it had happened...how the world had fallen under darkness..."
* [[Crystal Spires and Togas]]: Wily's robot workers tear down much of the city and rebuild it in this style to placate his new subjects.
** Reflected in the music slowly turning more electronic until the strings have stopped and the electronic rhythm dominates the song. Subsequently, the second half of the album is largely synth based, leading back to how synth based the first album was.
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Joe is tired of the silent oppression of the city and yearns to leave. After a heartfelt bit to a girl in a bar, he makes his way to his old home to get his father's motorcyle. Kicking it into motion, he rides to the outskirts of the city, past all the modern marvels Wily has constructed. When he comes to a stop, a figure steps out of the shadows, Thomas Light. Before Light can speak, another figure emerges from behind Joe, the one eyed sniper robot that killed Emily.
* [[And Now for Someone Completely Different]]: Up until now, the story had focused on Light.
* [[Arc Words]]: First bluntly stated here: "Don't turn your back on the City."
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: Joe sweet-talks a girl he barely knows while declaring his intent to get out of the City.
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* [[Oh Crap]]: Joe's initial reaction to the Sniper.
* [[Slashed Throat]]: Here, the Sniper dies this way.
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: Light says this to Joe right before he kills the Sniper.
** From the notes: "I built this. It's mine to destroy."
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Dr. Light and Joe hatch their plan - armed with a satchel full of explosives, Joe will ride his motorcycle into Dr. Wily's tower at the center of the city and destroy the broadcast tower which feeds Wily's propaganda to the telescreens across the city. With his source of power cut off and the people left to think for themselves, Light will then sneak into the city and kill Wily himself. Wearing the slain robot's helmet, Joe sets off on his fateful ride...
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: Joe--He even lampshades it.
{{quote|"I've got this burning like my veins are filled with nothing but gasoline..."}}
** Which immediately segues into the [[Foreshadowing|somewhat ominous]] line "And with this spark it's gonna be the biggest fire they've ever seen."
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Track 11: ''The Fall''
Joe ascends the tower with the broadcast signal, triumph in every note. As he reaches the roof, he sets the bomb, but it explodes too early for him to get away; Joe is flung off the roof and falls to his death. The tower is destroyed--and, one by one, the telescreens across the city explode. And yet, even as the broadcast tower collapses, Dr. Wily's voice continues to boom from the loudspeakers.
* [[Action Bomb]]: Joe ended up being this, albeit accidentally.
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* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: Subverted; if you listened to Act I, you would think the plan would outright fail, as Wily has control during that time and this is the prequel. But Light and Joe's scheme works, and the tower and telescreens are destroyed. It's then [[Double Subverted]] as even though it worked, it doesn't change anything.
* [[Heartbeat Soundtrack]]: Here, [[It Got Worse|it flatlines]].
* [[It's All Upstairs From Here]]: The tower has no elevator, so Joe climbs up countless flights of stairs.
* [[Last-Note Nightmare]]: The entire piece is filled with an air of hope and imminent triumph which just plain ''deflates'' at the very end.
* [[Made of Explodium]]: Joe's motorcycle, unless it had a bomb attached to it, too.
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* [[He's Back]]: The latter half of the song, for Light.
* [[It Got Worse]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: A band member revealed that Wily later called the Sniper robots "Joe", like in the games, for an extra jab at Light.
* [[Leitmotif]]: The piano segment behind Emily's vocals are the same as the opening acoustic guitar lick of ''Hope Rides Alone''.
* [[Made of Iron]]: The robot army, which Light compares to a speeding locomotive that would barely notice him as it ran him over.
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