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The Japanese vampire typically has very pale hair (usually [[Blond Guys Are Evil|blonde]], though [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|white]] and [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|lavender]] also work) and [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|bright red eyes]]. This may reflect the influence of [[Yoshitaka Amano]]'s illustrations for the ''[[Vampire Hunter D]]'' series and for the Japanese adaptations of [[Elric of Melnibone]] (which stars a handsome [[Heroic Albino]]). It may also be part of the idea that vampires are European and [[Phenotype Stereotype|will look like it]]. They are also usually very "beautiful" (see [[Bishonen]] and [[Bishoujo]]), but, possibly surprisingly, they rarely [[Bishie Sparkle|sparkle]].
They also tend toward being (and in some works exclusively are) members of highly wealthy families, and usually reside in a [[Big Fancy House]] at the very least, and a massive ominous castle if possible.
[[Half-Human Hybrid|Half]]-[[Dhampyr|vampires]] are common, and [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad|will not be happy about it]].
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** More on Alucard: as noted above, he is practically immortal and has regenerative abilities beyond almost any other character in fiction. He also has superhuman senses, superhuman strength, incredible accuracy with any weapon, intangibility, super speed, invisibility, the ability to defy gravity, the ability to manipulate shadows (literal and figurative) into physical form, weather control, teleportation, telekinesis, mind control, mind reading, summoning an army consisting of souls whose blood he has sucked, gaining a person's knowledge and memories through blood sucking, hibernation, and the ability to sense superhuman activity. None of the other [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampires]] in the series show these traits, implying that it might have to be something you gather over time after leveling up; no one has drunk more levels than he. This might be a case of [[Power Copying]]. The demon dogs are a result of Alucard having drunk the blood of the Hounds of Baskerville.
** It's easier to say that the more powerful Hellsing vampires are less like the traditional concept and more like [[Humanoid Abomination|Humanoid Abominations]], with Alucard himself ending into outright [[Eldritch Abomination]] territory.
* ''[[Blood Plus|Blood+]]'' stretches Our Vampires Are Different nearly to the limit by including several different types of vampires -- referred to under the general heading of "chiropterans," from the word for bat -- none of which display many of the traits listed above. The vampires are communal, like bees, the mook Chiropterans are the workers, the Chevaliers are the drones, and Saya and Diva are the Queens of their "Hives".
** The source of all the various types of chiropterans are the chiropteran queens, of which there are apparently only two at a time, always born as twins. Each queen's blood is lethal to her sister and to any chiropterans created from her sister's blood. The queens need blood to live (transfusions work fine, although drinking it makes them more powerful) and are basically immortal, but that's about where their resemblance to classical vampires ends; they have none of the usual vulnerabilities, and aside from the opposite queen's blood, the only thing that might ''possibly'' be sufficient to kill them would be complete exsanguination or decapitation. Maybe. They also alternate between a few years of activity and thirty years of hibernation wrapped in a cocoon.
** The queens can create "chevaliers" by feeding a human some of their blood; the chevaliers, even more than the queens, are supernaturally strong, fast, and resilient, with the ability to shapeshift in various ways, most notably into monstrous batlike forms or into the forms of people whose blood they have drunk.
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Arcueid: "Yeah, I guess you can call it that." }}
** According to ''[[Fate/Zero]]'', there are even some mages who experiment on creating Dead Apostles. The only example given of this phenomenon is via the creation of a potion. Even so, the results aren't [[Came Back Wrong|as planned]].
* The Proxies of ''[[Ergo Proxy]]'' might qualify as an example of this. They have at least one traditional vampire weakness {{spoiler|namely, they are supposed to die if they come into contact with UV light}}, and some of them, particularly Ergo Proxy himself and Kazkis Proxy look a lot like the Crusnick forms in ''[[Trinity Blood]]''. This resemblance might be deliberate, as like the Krusnicks, Proxies are on the order of [[Physical God]] and evoke [[Our Angels Are Different]].
* ''[[Gunnm|Battle Angel Alita: Last Order's]]'' vampires have a lot of notable differences from the mythical standard. First, they're more literal representations of [[The Virus]]; their condition is due to genetic modification from a factor called the V-Virus, which transforms them via an excruciatingly painful experience called Altered Shock. (They consider "vampire" to be an insult, and [[Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word|prefer the term]] "Cognate".) Less than one percent of individuals bitten by infected hosts survive this process, and those that do often commit suicide out of inability to cope with the increased carnivorous urge colloquially termed the "thirst for blood". Cognates don't have any particular aversion to sunlight, holy symbols, or garlic (though individual tastes and cultural stigma, as usual, do vary), and they do show a reflection. However, they also lack many of the more fantastical abilities of mythical vampires. They are not truly immortal (aging is halted, however), as their mechanism for fending off physical injury and aging (unlimited cell division) makes them highly susceptible to another means of death: cancer. Their regenerative capabilities can also be overridden with enough damage (decapitation and striking vital points are handy). The shapeshifting and hypnotic powers are also lacking, though individual Cognates that are very long-lived can sometimes undergo second "Altered Shocks", which tend to grant them unique and powerful abilities such as the ability to read minds by detecting neural pulse flow or the like.
* ''[[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]'' is rather... complicated about vampires.
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* ''[[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle]]'' features a variation on the standard vampire tropes, although since Tsubasa is essentially a multiverse AU it is not clear whether this particular vampire definition applies to the whole CLAMP multiverse or just the unknown world the vampires in question originated from. So far, the established rules are that vampires can be both "pure blood", presumably by birth, or "turned", by drinking the blood of a vampire. Kamui and Subaru are pure blooded and Kamui is responsible for turning {{spoiler|Fay}}. Vampires are explicitly stated not to be vulnerable to sun or holy water and while they are long-lived and have incredible healing capacity, they are not outright immortal. (This is also basic rule of the CLAMP-verse, everything no matter how powerful dies eventually.) Vampirism comes with a couple nifty side effects like enhanced speed and strength, nails that can turn into massive claws, and [[Eyes of Gold|golden, slit-pupiled eyes like a cat's]]. There is also an interesting twist on the need to drink another's blood, at least for turned vampires, as when the turning is performed, {{spoiler|the old vampire's blood can be mixed with the blood of a human who will become the new vampire's sole host. Kurogane agrees to become Fay's host in order to save his life}}. The only on-screen feeding seen so far has NOT gone for the usual jugular-biting, but rather from an intentional wound in the wrist. The [[Ho Yay|relationship]] between the particular vampire and host may have had something to do with it... (not that it's stopped the fans from imagining the "possibilities")
* Bisco Hatori's manga ''[[Millennium Snow]]'' features vampires similar to the ones in ''[[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle]]'': they are not hurt by sunlight or crosses, and are not really immortal, living for about a thousand years. ''Millennium Snow'''s vampires do not strictly have to drink blood to survive, although doing without requires them to eat a lot of food to keep up their energy. When one of these vampires drinks the blood of a human, it forms a bond between them which extends the human's lifespan to match the vampire's, and that human becomes the vampire's sole source of blood. These vampires are also able to fly, and drinking some of their blood can heal a human, although [[It Only Works Once]].
* ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' borrows the "Shinso"/"True Ancestor" term from the Nasuverse (though Del Rey may have translated it differently). The primary example, of course, is Evangeline A. K. McDowell. Among other things, she can fly, walk freely in the sunlight, is perfectly comfortable [[Creepy Cool Crosses|wearing a crucifix necklace]], does not appear to need blood to survive (although it makes her considerably more powerful), and seems to be virtually invincible<ref>She explains at one point that she had all the traditional weaknesses at first, but eventually overcame them</ref>. She also became a vampire (involuntary) through a magic ritual rather than being bitten and has the ability to [[People Puppets|control the people]] she's drank blood from. To top it off, she's a supremely powerful mage who, on the one occasion her powers were completely unsealed, essentially [[Curb Stomp Battle|curb-stomped]] a ''demon god''.
* One of ''[[Bleach]]'''s earlier arcs focused on the Bounts, a tribe of {{spoiler|artificially developed}} supernatural soul-suckers. Historically, they've been known as vampires although they notably don't conform to many of the usual tales; for example, people simply die after being a Bount's meal. And no one knew about the [[Empathic Weapon|talking supernaturally powered dolls]], all with [[Theme Naming|German names and summon commands]].
* How different are the "Vampires" in Osamu Tezuka's ''[[Vampires (manga)|Vampires]]''? Well, they're actually [[Our Werewolves Are Different|werewolves.]]
* In ''[[Vampire Hunter D]]'' movie, the mere presence of a vampire noble causes all sorts of minor disasters -- crosses bend out of shape, mirrors crack, flowers die... They must find it hard to make any kind of casual visits.
** They also have immense supernatural powers at night... and are [[The Stoic|stoic]] as all hell, a trait D the [[Dhampyr]] has inherited.
** Killing them, or at least keeping them down can be somewhat difficult, {{spoiler|Carmilla}} was stabbed in the heart by {{spoiler|Dracula}} with a giant sword, it was effective in causing death but the ghost still hang around waiting for a chance to revive itself {{spoiler|all she needed was a sufficient amount of human blood and she would have been up and about again.}}
** Sunlight is effective however, even on half-breeds (although they have a far higher tolerance but over time it still wears them down and can kill them).
** Male vampires seem to be able to reproduce with human women and its implied that two pure vampires can also reproduce. Biting also seems to work and only requires that the victim be bitten.
* In ''[[The Record of a Fallen Vampire]]'' there is only ''one'' pure vampire (the rest are Dhampirs); according to lore they came to earth from beyond the moon and over time lost the need for blood (they kept the fangs). They're immortal, very sensitive to sunlight and the ''shape'' of the cross can effect them. {{spoiler|the Vampire King and his Dhamphir enemies are currently teaming up to fight alien invaders, who are coincidentally hiding behind the moon and only want to kill half the earth's population...}}
* The vampires in ''[[Vampire Knight]]'' are ranked by how "pure" their lineage is. Pure-blooded vampires--those that don't have any human blood in them--have all sorts of mystical powers and suffer little to none of the typical weaknesses. It seems acceptable for them to indulge in [[Incest Is Relative|incest]] to keep their blood pure. Other vampires, that are descended from pure bloods but have some human ancestry, have some of the weaknesses of traditional vampires but still seem very powerful. Both types crave blood, but are able to satisfy their cravings with special blood tablets. However, humans that are turned into vampires have a much more difficult time controlling their bloodlust, and eventually lose their humanity and turn into nothing but monstrous, mindless killers.
* According to ''[[Rosario to+ Vampire]]'', a vampire is an S class monster, and as such one of the most powerful monsters in existence. Vampires have super strength and super speed, and a huge ammount of ''youki'' or spiritual energy. Sunlight does not seem to bother them, nor garlic. Religious icons onlyweaken/limit them. They are, however, extremely vulnerable to water due to its purifying properties; even touching it will cause immense pain. To compensate for this, water used for bathing and cooking is treated with herbs. Vampires do not need blood to survive, but they find it a delicious treat and can consume it alongside regular food. Human blood is supposed to be especially tasty to vampires, compared to that of a monster.
** Vampires are capable of having children. They can donate their blood to a human, giving them a temporary [[Healing Factor]] and super strength and speed. However, the human risks turning into a ghoul, a mindless, souless berserker that cannot be restored except with powerful magic. If the human is restored, their strength, speed, and other attributes will be on par or even greater than a vampire, and they are not affected by the water weakness. Vampires can also shapeshift, but most consider it a lost art due to vanity.
** Nothing said blood isn't required, just that Moka hasn't bitten anyone before. The neck bite isn't the only way to get blood.
* In ''[[To Aru Majutsu no Index]]'', their vampires ''aren't'' different. Not from normal people anyway. Presumably, we haven't met any since they're apparently in hiding, but we're informed that they're just like normal people; They love, live, laugh etc. Aisa Himegame is rather horrified with her [[Power Incontinence|natural ability]] to draw them in and then simply kill them due to something about her blood.
* ''[[Trinity Blood]]'' has vampires called Methuselah, the result of humans being infected by a extra terrestrial bacterium; they are living creatures, look almost totally human and at puberty develop a weakness to sunlight. They are able to breed with each other. They are naturally faster, stronger and more resilient then humans, although some humans can match them in combat with enough training. Biting humans results in the death of the victim.
** Then there are the Krushnik, the results of test tube babies being infected with nanomachines. They feed off the blood of the Mesthuselah (they are to vampires as vampires are to humans), have no known weakness, and at full power are basically unstoppable death machines. There are thankfully only 4 of them.
* ''[[Yami no Matsuei]]'' featured a vampire girl who turned out to be something closer to a zombie.
** In the manga, Muraki is described almost like an energy vampire of some kind.
** In the anime adaption of the ''[[Yami no Matsuei]]'' manga, the singer Maria Wong (who was brought back from the dead and turned into a vampire by Doctor Muraki's sorcery in the Nagasaki Story Arc) has brown hair and eyes when she is human, but while possessed her hair and skin (and clothing) turn white, her eyes bright red, and she grows fangs and sharp fingernails. Once the spell is broken, she returns to her normal appearance... Unfortunately, she's still (un)dead, having killed herself months earlier after cracking under the abuse of her stepmother. {{spoiler|In the anime, Maria still gets a [[Bittersweet Ending]]: she has some bits of energy left for a brilliant and very successful last performance before she truly dies.}}
* The vampires in Junji Ito's short ''Blood-bubble Bushes'' feed on the fruits of the titular bushes. An arch-vampire implants the bush into the wounds of human victims, and the plant will continue to grow and [[Body Horror|bear succulent globes of blood]], until the victim's body is reduced to a dry husk. The only way a victim can save herself is to consume the fruit sprouted from her own wound, but that will turn her into another vampire.
* ''Master of Mosquiton'' is a perfect example of this trope.
* Hazuki in ''[[Tsukuyomi Moon Phase]]''.
** Like in ''[[Black Blood Brothers]]'', each lineage of vampires have different special powers or don't posses a weakness. If another vampire sucks the blood of another, they temporary gain that vampire's powers, or permanently if they drain them completely. {{spoiler|This is the reason why everyone wants Hazuki's blood. She is the only one who possess the ability to walk in the daylight.}}
* Miyu of ''[[Vampire Princess Miyu]]''. Also, in the setting, vampires are a form of [[Eldritch Abomination]] called a Shinma, who police the rogues of their race and return them to their own reality when they escape to torment humans: Miyu is the one who carries out this mission.
* ''[[Nightwalker]]''.
* ''[[Soul Eater]]'' has Mosquito, whose appearance, depending on the amount of blood he's consumed, varies from a little old man, a giant insect, something kind of resembling a gorilla, to a black suit-clad bishounen (each form older and stronger than the last). The kind of blood seems to matter, as Mosquito is very interested in Death the Kid's 'D-type' blood. He doesn't get to drink it, merely cause the boy to lose quite a bit through (temporary) loss of limb.
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