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Star Trek Deep Space Nine Relaunch: Difference between revisions

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* [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]]: ''Raise the Dawn''.
Furthermore, ''[[Star Trek Deep Space Nine a Stitch In Time]]'' and ''The Lives of Dax'' are often considered a part of the relaunch, if unofficially. See also the [[Terok Nor]] trilogy, which while a prequel, has heavy ties to the relaunch. One suggested reading list begins with ''The Lives of Dax'' (as it contains events that are referenced throughout the rest of the relaunch), and goes into ''The Left Hand of Destiny'' (as it actually begins almost directly after the end of the TV series, with Worf and Martok on their way back to Qo'Nos from Deep Space 9 to assume their new positions). From there, proceed as noted above.
Several stories in Star Trek: [[Starfleet Corps of Engineers]] are crossovers with this series. Its characters also make cameos elsewhere, including in ''[[Star Trek: Klingon Empire]]''.
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* [[Actual Pacifist]]: The Eav'oq, an alien race who are spiritually averse to violence, and particularly to killing. They certainly claim to be total pacifists, and so far their behaviour supports it. They refused to fight and kill even when faced with potential genocide at the hands of the Ascendants.
* [[Adventurer Archaeologist]]: The crew of the ''Even Odds'' are often in line with this trope. Technically they're a retrieval squad, but they usually have a genuine archaeologist or two among them. While research is implied to be their primary activity, the resident archaeologists certainly participate in the actual retrievals, which usually involve the sort of excitement you don't find on genuine digs.
** When Jake joins them, he's actually quite taken with this trope, hoping they're the sort of adventurer archaeologists that put lost items in museums and help people retrieve their cultural artifacts. {{spoiler|He becomes steadily more disillusioned as he realizes just how much they're in it purely for the money.}}
* [[Affably Evil]]: Ethan Locken. For someone who tortures children to death, he's really quite friendly.
* [[Air Vent Passageway]]: Hilariously subverted and lampshaded in ''Section 31: Abyss.'' After escaping her cell, Ezri goes up into an air vent, which (contrary to what the holonovels of her youth would have her believe) is very small, dirty, dark, and has creepy things living in it. (She is, however, successful in using the air vents to move through the base and access important rooms).
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* [[Sequel Hook]]: {{spoiler|Brunt and Gaila}} forming an alliance at the end of ''Worlds of Deep Space Nine: Ferenginar''. It has since been followed up on in the ''[[Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins]]'' anthology.
* [[Servant Race]]: The Himh workers, who are definitely this and not a [[Slave Race]]. They are free to leave Himh society if they choose.
* [[Shadow Archetype]]: Of a non-evil variety, Dez is one to Benjamin Sisko. While Sisko commanded absolute loyalty from his crew by showing them just how much they could count on him, Dez's crew clearly believes he could get them killed on almost every mission and doesn't have a lot of confidence in him. Sisko was forthright and honest in almost all aspects of his life, Dez can't seem to keep himself from obfuscating and shading the truth. Sisko lives by a strong sense of morals and an ethical code, Dez justifies whatever he does to make money. The contrast between the man who was Jake's father and the man who wants to be his father just grow the longer Jake stays with Dez.
* [[Shapeshifters Do It for a Change]]: Wex, {{spoiler|who is actually Odo disguised as a Trelian female}}, does not do a particularly great job at hiding her attraction to Kira.
* [[Shout-Out]]: To ''[[Farscape]]'', several times. One example is a ship named the ''Zelbinion''.
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* [[We Can Rule Together]]: In ''Abyss'', Ethan Locken pulls this on Bashir, who thinks it's completely ludicrous. He lampshades the trope by accusing Locken of sounding just like the villain in every piece of over-the-top entertainment ever made.
* [[Weapon of Mass Destruction]]: Locken's bioweapon-laden missiles. Also, in a crossover story with the [[Starfleet Corps of Engineers]], someone tries to turn abandoned station Empok Nor into a mobile weapons platform. It would have been powerful enough to lay waste to entire star systems had it been completed.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: Despite Dez's insistence to himself that he made his peace with his father's absenteeism and disinterest long ago, it's clear from how he desperately wants to "get it right" by being a surrogate father to Jake that he's still carrying a lot of it around.
* [[Wham! Line]]: Odo to Laas, following {{spoiler|the dissolution of the Great Link: "As of this moment, you and I ''are'' the Dominion"}}.
* [[While You Were in Diapers]]: Kain, a Ferengi politician, has this retort when criticized by a colleague: "You watch it, boy. I was cheating Yridians when your mother was too young to chew food".
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