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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Ranma ½|Ranma One Half]]'', when Kodachi gets a photo of a [[Not What It Looks Like]] scene between her and Ranma, she makes hundreds of copies and scatters them everywhere. Ranma proceeds to catch and eat them all.
** But the ultimate example is the "Ukyo's Secret Sauce" story where, when confessing that he (accidentally) ruined Ukyo's personal sauce that she has been aging for ten years failed to cause the whole mess to subside (Ukyo jumped to the conclusion that Akane forced Ranma to claim it, so it made things ''worse''), Ranma gulps down the ''whole cask'', and almost dies from it. Note that this was less to hide how terrible it tasted from her (she was the first person to find out), but more from desperation to [[Reset Button|return things to the way they were]], so that [[Status Quo Is God|he wouldn't have to reveal whether he loved Akane or Ukyo better]]. Before that, he devoured every okonomiyaki that Ukyo made with it, but that was to protect her from [[Masochist's Meal|eating them out of pride]], and potentially making herself terribly sick.
* In the manga of ''[[Death Note]]'' it's explained that {{spoiler|Light eats the killer scrap of paper he used to kill Higuchi with.}}
* One chapter of ''[[Franken Fran]]'' had a man attempt to serve his murdered daughter to the guests at her birthday dinner. Unfortunately, Fran instantly recognized the human meat for what it was, being a surgeon.
* In ''[[Kara no Kyoukai:|Kara no Kyoukai]]'', when [[Big Bad|Araya Souren]] asks how Lio Shirazumi will hide the body of his first murder, he responds by EATING THE BODY IN '''THREE HOURS'''.
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** In fact, the game ''Concrete Jungle'' explored what would happen if he didn't get rid of the evidence. It wasn't pretty.
* When a car full of college kids gets pulled over in ''[[Super Troopers]]'', one of them is forced to eat a bag of pot before the cops get close enough to see it. And then a bag of shrooms... The one tasked with eating it all was very reluctant, but the guy the drugs belonged to still insisted the eater pay him back after the fact.
* In the Spielberg/Zemeckis movie ''[[1941]]'', the lost Japanese sailors capture an American merchant. When they discover a small compass among his merchandise, and when he notices they are very much interested in that compass, he eats it immediately. The Japanese then force-feed him a laxative.
* In [[Robert Altman]]'s ''[[Cookie's Fortune]]'', Glenn Close's character eats "Cookie"'s suicide note to make her suicide look like murder.
* In Danish film ''The Green Butchers'' (''De grønne slagtere'') by Anders Thomas Jensen, two butchers accidentally kill a man and sell the meat to hide the evidence. It ends up being very popular...
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* Dharma eats a court deposition in an episode of ''[[Dharma and Greg]]'', but ends up in jail for destroying evidence.
* In an episode of ''[[Green Wing]]'', Martin steals his girlfriend's phone out of her bag in order to erase a voice mail message. So that she doesn't see the phone, he decides to hide it...in his mouth. Somehow she fails to notice this and starts kissing him, causing him to swallow the phone whole. It's probably worth mentioning that the phone was not unusually small, and occupied most of the inside of his mouth.
** In another episode, Dr Statham steals a patient's gallbladder on the operating table and ends up trying to eat it. This, of course, is normal behaviour for Dr Statham.
* Alan Partridge does a bit about this in one episode of ''[[I'm Alan Partridge]]''.
* The last episode of ''[[Jonathan Creek]]'' features the theft of a porcelain idol in front of about twenty people - it turns out that it had previously been switched with an edible duplicate and scoffed. Unfortunately for the thieves, {{spoiler|the one who ate it happened to be allergic to one of the food colourings used on it}}.
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'''Bashir''': "...You're joking."
'''Garak''': "Yes doctor, I am." }}
* Richard Hammond (aka "Hamster") has eaten things to keep Jeremy Clarkson from getting his hands on them in ''[[Top Gear]]'', including a cardboard picture of a car (intended for the Cool Wall) and a piece of paper with the points for that week's challenge (which would prove Jeremy won).
{{quote|'''Jeremy Clarkson''': [''waving the chewed card''] Look what he's done. He's eaten it.
'''James May''': [''calmly''] Hamsters eat cardboard. }}
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== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* A 1994 sequence in ''[[For Better or For Worse]]'' involved some friends of Elizabeth trying to get her hooked up with Anthony (who liked her but was too shy to say so) by writing a fake note that claimed to be from Elizabeth to Anthony. When the note was discovered by a teacher, taken away and then returned to Anthony at the end of the class (still unread), one of the friends, Dawn, grabbed the note and ate it to avoid embarrassment for everybody involved. Elizabeth and Anthony still ended up getting together, and many years later (after various intervening twists and turns) got married.
* In a series of ''[[Peanuts]]'' strips, Snoopy imagines himself to be a spy, and steals Sally's report which he thinks to be a secret document. When Sally catches him, he eats the paper, much to her anger. Yes, [[Stealth Pun|a dog really did eat her homework]].
* In one ''[[Dilbert]]'' strip, Mordack the Denier eats Wally's requisition form for a new computer (in front of him) and says "We lost the paperwork." Wally responds by holding up a giant stack and saying "Good thing I made 75 more copies."
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* In the first case of "Trials and Tribulations" ''[[Phoenix Wright]]'', a suspect eats {{spoiler|a small glass bottle with poison that his girlfriend used to poison an attorney. He also ate the large gold necklace it was attached to. It was too big to swallow, so he chewed it up into pieces first.}}
** {{spoiler|The bottle was empty. It had been used for carrying poison previously, but there wasn't enough to hurt him.}} Also the shards of glass were apparently not a problem.
*** {{spoiler|This is [[No One Could Survive That|Feeny]] we're talking about, of course it's not a problem}}
* Parodied in ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]'', upon decoding the Cobb's Knob map:
{{quote|You memorize the location of the door, then eat both the map and the encryption key. For no particular reason, really, it just seemed like a cool spy thing to do. }}
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* In a sad but amusing incident of a man attempting this, the mortally-wounded captain of a French ship captured during the Napoleonic Wars attempted to do this to his code papers. Unfortunately he picked the wrong set of papers and instead chewed up his own commission.
* Sun Tsu in Ancient Art of War tells of a spy who's given battle plans written in silk that's enclosed in a ball of wax. The spy is instructed to swallow the ball and proceed to a location, sneaking past the enemy; once there, the ball will pass through his digestive system and out the other end. The spy doesn't know it, but the plans are phony and his whereabouts are leaked to the enemy so they will capture him and think the phony plans are real.
* At various South African diamond mines there used to be (and probably still is) an X-ray machine through which all workers have to pass on leaving to ensure that they did not seek an unofficial bonus to their paycheck.
** Before X-ray machines were invented, a daily cavity search was a part of black miners' routine - the white miners just had to empty their pockets and boots.
* [[Played for Laughs]] with this [http://www.offworlddesigns.com/p-546-meat-is-murder-t-shirt.aspx t-shirt design].
* A related example, a man once tried to beat a DUI by eating his own underwear in the hopes that it would absorb the alcohol and defeat the Breathalyzer.
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[[Category:Crime and Punishment Tropes]]
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[[Category:Alliterative Trope Titles]]
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