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* When Rachel goes to Shelby for her [[Lady Gaga]] dress, Shelby creates a much better dress than Rachel's dads. One reason behind this may be that she is a show choir director, which means she has to deal with costuming issues regularly.
* In "Laryngitis", Brittany claims to have kissed every boy in the school, but given that Artie's first kiss was in "Wheels" and he seems pretty faithful to Tina, he probably hadn't kissed her at that point. Then why didn't he break her perfect record? Because she thought he was a robot.
* Everyone remembers how [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|awesome]] Figgins standing up to Sue for the Glee Clubs' sake was back in Sectionals. {{spoiler|By the time the actual finale rolls around, the situation repeats itself, only this time the roles are ''completely reversed'', with Sue saving the club from Figgins.}}. -[[Tropers/Tal 9922|Tal 9922]]
* In 'Grilled Cheesus', when Kurt makes his initial statement about why he doesn't like religious institutions, Mercedes gives him a pronounced, disapproving side-eye in the background before jumping in with her wish to sing church music in glee. This disapproval makes sense - not very pleasant sense, but sense - of her later behaviour after finding out about Burt's heart attack - walking right past her best friend without so much as stopping to speak to him, let alone offer any comfort, and then flatly telling him that he should be turning to her God to get through his 'dark time'. But why does such a trivial matter get between them and stop her giving her best friend support when he needs it most? Because though their friendship is real, it's also superficial enough that they've ''never talked about anything particularly meaningful to either of them''. This explains why, a year and change in, she doesn't know that he's an atheist and he doesn't realise that she'd be offended by what sounds like him snubbing her faith...and why, in 'The Substitute', he's so eager to spend time with Blaine, whom he describes as 'someone he can talk to'.
** This could also explain his budding friendship with Rachel. Not only are they very similar in personality (for better and for worse), but Rachel having 2 gay dads means she can understand what Kurt's going through in ways that Mercedes--despite her best intentions--cannot.
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* While reading comments for a review of the first episode of the second half of season one of ''[[Glee]]'' there was one that said "''Glee'' is an upbeat show about terrible people." And suddenly why the show was so jarring to me became clear, it's not that she was unused to [[Gray and Grey Morality]] but that she had never seen a show where it was treated like sunlight and sugar. All the characters are manipulative or stupid or both or at least seemingly dumb enough to be let off being horrible to other people by the fandom. And yet this show attempts a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] an episode. She actually feels more at peace with the show now. - Miz.
** That's what I found brilliant about the show, personally. In shows portraying high school, it tends to be either "The nerds are beautiful people and the popular kids are total tools" or "the popular kids are sparkly and the nerds are creepy loners." With ''[[Glee]]'', however, it's essentially "everyone is a douche and/or kind of stupid in high school, but that's normal." Which is kind of true. That (along with other clues) leads to why Mr. Schuester, while a decent guy, is so incredibly clueless and immature; ''he never mentally left high school''. -Simplefaith
** ''Much'' more specific bit of ''[[Glee]]'' Fridge Brilliance: in ''Dreams'', after Artie's Safety Dance [[Flashmob]] scene is shown to be [[All Just a Dream]], Tina brings him a hot pretzel. It being ''specifically'' a hot pretzel is the brilliance - mall food courts tend to be in a prime location on the main level. Auntie Anne's seems to prefer locations well away from the food court, so it makes sense that in ''this'' mall it (or a [[Writing Around Trademarks]] version) would be on an upper level away from the elevators or otherwise inconveniently placed for wheelchair access. They have someone who thinks like an internet nitpicker! - [[Tropers/Nlpnt|Nlpnt]]
** And of course, Jesse's bizarre behavior in episode 21 is easy to explain if you recall that him and Rachel are [[Birds of a Feather]]. His seemingly unreasonable actions actually mirrors Rachel's pre-[[Character Development]]; a total Primadonna who's use to getting his way and throws a hissy fit and walks out on the group when he feels he didn't get the respect he deserved. It's just [[Played for Drama]] because he's supposed to be the villain compared to Rachel, who is arguably the protagonist (along with Finn and Will). That, coupled with the fact that his defection ''to'' New Directions was all and act in the first place, it's not a surprise that his [[Jerkass|jerkassness]] seemed to come out of nowhere.
** Puck keeps calling himself a stud, and he totally is. Because you know what studs are for: ''breeding''. animeHrmIne
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* In the episode "A Night of Neglect", Rachel describes herself as a neglected artist. She is, in fact, the least neglected artist on the show—and this is the first episode ever in which she doesn't sing at all. - StrangenessAndCharm
* The episode title "On My Way" has multiple meanings- 1) Rachel and Finn getting married, 2) Quinn's life getting back on track, and 3) the text Quinn sends to Rachel right before {{spoiler|she gets into a car accident.}}
* At the beginning of "Britney/Brittany", Brittany gives a little speech about how, due to her similar name, she has been constantly living in the shadow of Britney Spears, and how she doesn't want to do a Spears song. Mr. Shue decides to adhere to the request. Who does he start talking about immediately after? [[Office Space|Michael Bolton]]. --[[Tropers/Wackd|Wackd]]
* "Duets" and Santana performing "Ragdoll" with Mercedes, with lyrics like "How I love you, my oh my / River deep, mountain high / If I lost you, would I cry / Oh how I love you babe". Earlier in the episode, she had refused to do a duet with Brittany, saying that she didn't love her. Now, remember how Sue accused Beiste of molesting Brittany a couple of episodes earlier? And how Brittany was told to show where Coach Beiste allegedly touched her on a ''ragdoll''? (Which, incidentally, can be spotted even later in the series - it might even have ended up in Brittany's room, if my memory hasn't failed me.) In denial much, are we, Santana?
* The meta reason for the Blaine/Rachel kiss and the ensuing drama is [[Katy Perry]]. ''I kissed a girl and liked it / hope my boyfriend won't mind it...''
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