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* [[Broken Base]]: Season 6, everyone! Many people think that, with Aída leaving the show and [[Flanderization]] of the other characters, [[Jumping the Shark|it hit]] [[Rock Bottom]]. Others thought it was a good opportunity to make fan favourite [[Kindhearted Simpleton|Luisma]] the main protagonist.
* [[Cargo Ship]]: Barajas/[[Doraemon]]. Is as funny as it sounds.
* [[Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy]]: Although the hilarious comedy downplays this quite a bit, it can create this due to [[Flanderization]] and the characters being ''really'' unsympathetic sometimes., Season[[Seasonal 7Rot|especially isin thelater worst offenderseasons]].
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]: Mauricio. People tend to downplay his bastardry due to his hilarious antics.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: This trope should be called "The '''Luisma'''". His funny and over-the-top antics has made him the soul of the series. His actor, Paco León, has received many awards for this character and is famous for it.
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** Also, the representation of spanish people as lazy and vulgar. Many people has started to become like this, which earned a lot of criticism.
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: Luisma says that [[Distaff Counterpart|Jose]] and him are [[Like Brother and Sister]]. The actors (Paco and María León, respectively) are siblings in [[Real Life]].
** Also, in one episode, Jonathan says "This woman looks like momma" after watching a yoghurt TV ad. The woman is Carmen Machi, who portrays Aída herself.
* [[Ho Yay]]: Very much. [[In-Universe]] with Fidel pinning on Jonathan.
** This moment takes the cake:
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* [[Jerkass Woobie]]: Every character can act like a real dick and be pitiful at the same time.
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: Mauricio when pulling a [[Karma Houdini]]. Fidel can also be considered this.
* [[Replacement Scrappy]]: Ainhoa was set up to be this. However, she's more of a [[Base Breaker]], due to freeing Luisma out of his previous [[Flanderization]].
** Subverted with Barajas. At first, it looked like he was going to be a crappy carbon-copy of Luisma. However, his [[Non Sequitur]] [[Cloudcuckoolander]] tendencies made him one of the show's fan favourites.
* [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]]: Mauricio became [[The Scrappy]] because of his feud with Chema in Season 7. When {{spoiler|Chema saves him and reconciles with him}}, he got this treatment. The same goes for Paz after {{spoiler|her divorce with Edu}}.
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** The triangle Mauricio/Soraya/Chema in the infamous Season 7. It gets resolved early. (Thank, God!)
* [[Ron the Death Eater]]: Chema and Fidel can become this. It doesn't help that they can be portrayed as [[Soapbox Sadie|Soapbox Sadies]] [[Hypocrite|Hypocrites]] in-series.
* [[Seasonal Rot]]: While Season 6 was more of a [[Broken Base]], Season 7 is considered the worst, making failure attempts at drama and taking the characters' [[Jerkass|unpleasantness]] [[Up to Eleven]]. The following seasons and the [[Grand Finale]] solved this, somewhatin a way.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Discounting [[Base Breaker|Base Breakers]], we have:
** After their introduction, people gave [[Tagalong Kid|Tagalong Kids]] Germán and Aidita a pass, being [[The Cutie|cuties]] despite not having funny traits. Once they grow older and [[Took a Level in Jerkass|take massive levels in jerkass]], they very much earned the fandom's hatred.
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