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[[File:lucia-sumire.jpg|frame|Lucia & Sumire]]
One day middle school student Sumire Takahana meets the mysterious Lucia Nahashi, who is part of a group called Venus Vanguard. From that day on, Sumire is drawn into Lucia's ongoing battles with "The Virus", an evil spirit that snatches people's souls away. Sumire discovers that she not only has the power to see the Virus, but that she can turn into a mindless living antibody, called "Berserker mode"--an ability that Lucia finds highly useful for her purposes. It's needless to say that these events turn Sumire's life totally upside down.
''[[Venus Versus Virus]]'' started as a manga series by Atsushi Suzumi and got adapted into an anime series by Studio Hibari in 2007. Even though it's filled with action and supernatural mystery, the focus of the series is on [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship|the relationship between Sumire and Lucia]] in face of the threats they encounter.
=== Tropes: ===
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* [[Action Girl]]: Lucia and Sumire.
* [[Action Prologue]]: The beginning of the anime.
* [[Alliteration]]
* [[Added Alliterative Appeal]]
* [[A God Am I]]: {{spoiler|Aion thinks of himself as this. In the anime, Lucif does.}}
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: This appears to be the case with Lucia to Sumire. {{spoiler|Though the ending of the manga is just vague enough to suggest that it's no longer the case.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Artificial Human]]}}: {{spoiler|In the anime, Lucif's henchmen, including Yoshiki}}.
* [[Art Evolution]]: Compare the [[What Could Have Been|oneshot]] to the actual manga.
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* [[Battle Aura]]: Sumire's doesn't glow, but it has enough heat to vaporize the snow in a radius around her feet.
* [[Because Destiny Says So]]: A lot of things, according to Lucif. {{spoiler|Also, maybe Lucia and Sumire's friendship, since they are the key and the gate. Sumire has Lilith's powers, which didn't awaken until she touched Lilith's brooch.}}
* [[Bi the Way]]: Sumire has a male love interest, but it's all but outright stated she's in love with Lucia.
* [[Big Bad]]: {{spoiler|Aion in the manga, Lucif in the anime.}}
* [[Bishie Sparkle]]: In the anime, Yoshiki does this toward Nene and Riku.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: Lucia and Sumire sometimes feel this way about having Vision.
* [[Blow You Away]]: Sumire displays this in the last episode of the anime.
* [[Body Horror]]: When a human becomes a Virus.
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* [[Creepy Twins]]: Lola and Layla have some of this when they're together.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Ruka.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Lucia's definitely qualifies.
* [[Deflector Shields]]: Used extensively by Guy.
** A variation is also used to contain Sumire when she's in her Berserker mode.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]: Lucia, and she begins to warm up to Sumire as the series progresses.
* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: Even a blank can do serious damage when the gun is is fired from a very close range.
** Also, a vaccine is for enhancing a person's immune system, not for destroying viruses directly. Since they're not literal viruses or vaccine, it's probably more [[Rule of Cool]].
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: When Sumire goes into berserk mode, all the time in the anime and at first in the manga, she acts as if she wants to ''rape'' Lucia.
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]]: Lucia, Ruka, Lola, and Layla.
* [[Emotionless Girl]]: Layla, especially in the anime. Lucia often behaves like this too.
* [[Enemy Within]]
* [[Evil Eye]]: Lucia.
* [[Extraordinarily Empowered Girl]]: Sumire and Lucia, but {{spoiler|they aren't the only ones}}.
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Lucia has one over her left eye.
* [[Feminine Women Can Cook]]: Or at least arrange flowers.
* [[Gecko Ending]]: In the anime, leaving the viewer with [[Venus Versus Virus/WMG|a game of "guess what the symbols mean"]].
* [[Girls with Guns]]
* [[God]]: {{spoiler|Aion is considered to be the God of the True World he and Sonoka are trying to make.}}
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* [[The Gunslinger]]: Lucia, although she loads her gun with blanks containing Virus-antidote.
* [[Gun Twirling]]: Sumire tries this once in the anime. She ends up dropping her gun.
* {{spoiler|[[Happily Ever After]]}}: The manga and presumably the anime.
* [[The Heartless]]: When people with Vision lose their Fragments, they turn into Viruses.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: {{spoiler|In the anime, Yoshiki betrays Lucif to save Sumire, and in the manga Ruka betrays Sonoka to get even for Sonoka treating her like a disposable minion.}}
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* [[Homoerotic Subtext]]: There are hints between Lucia and Sumire, as pointed out by a few characters.
* [[The Hunter]]: Lucia and Sumire.
* [[I Have the High Ground]]: Ruka is often depicted doing this.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Sumire, at regular intervals.
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: {{spoiler|Lucia to Sumire in the finale of the anime, and to a lesser extent at the end of the manga.}}
* [[Intertwined Fingers]]: Sumire and Lucia do this often, starting in the opening credits.
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* [[Limp and Livid]]: Sumire in her Berserker mode.
* [[Magic Skirt]]: For all the jumping around Sumire does in a miniskirt, there's never a [[Panty Shot]].
* [[Magnetic Medium]]: The Virus prefers to attack people who see it.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Lucia's name means "light," and her parents are named {{spoiler|Lucif and Lilith}}, although those ones are also kind of silly.
** Sumire Taka''hana'' keeps flowers around to lend cheer to Lucia's environment. For those non-Japanese speakers, ''hana'' means "flower."
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* [[Older Than They Look]]: In the anime, {{spoiler|Lola and Layla are ageless artificial humans, so they're much older than Lucia and Sumire. In the manga, they're just preteen girls with psychic powers.}}
* [[Onee-Sama]]: Lucia gets addressed this way by Sumire's classmates.
* [["On the Next Episode of..." Catchphrase]]: "I'll kill you gently! Teehee!" (As said by Lola.)
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: In the anime, Lola {{spoiler|summons the ghosts of Nahashi and Lilith to restrain Lucif from attacking Sumire and Lucia.}} They fall under types 2 and 7 and look like blue-white versions of themselves.
* [[Our Souls Are Different]]: Those with Vision have a Fragment of the True World within their souls.
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* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Ruka, and Sumire in her Berserker form.
* [[Religion of Evil]]: {{spoiler|Aion and his followers are described as being a cult and responsible for many of the problems involving the Viruses, and their religions has shades of [[Gnosticism]].}}
* [[Revolvers Are Just Better]]: Lucia prefers a revolver over the half-automatic gun Sumire uses, although Sumire also uses a revolver in the manga.
* [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]]: Albeit a rather troubled one.
** Lampshaded when Sumire's feelings for Lucia get pointed out to her by her male love interest, of all people.
* [[Say It with Hearts]]: Ruka is fond of doing this.
* [[Screw Destiny]]: {{spoiler|Lucia and Sumire reject their destinies as the "Gate" and "Key" to the True World at the end of the manga.}}
* [[Sex as Rite-Of-Passage]]: One of Sumire's friends, Mika, exclaims how Sumire has "become a woman" after she ''thinks'' Sumire lost her virginity during the spring.
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: Yoshiki. {{spoiler|At least he seems that way until his true intentions are revealed.}}
* [[Shower of Angst]]: Lucia has a few.
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* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: In the English version of the manga, two characters' names are spelled Ruka and Lola. In the English version of the anime, they're spelled Luca and Laura.
** Also, in early fansubs of episode 1, Lucia was subbed as "Ruchia."
* [[Subtext]]: Ooooh boy, is there ever.
* [[Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious]]: Viruses see those with Vision this way.
* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Sumire's Berserker mode.
* [[Sweet Tooth]]: Lola loves chocolate, whereas her twin sister Layla prefers konpeito.
* [[Token Mini-Moe]]: Lola and Layla.
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* [[Urban Fantasy]]
* [[Vague Age]]: For the most part, Lucia is depicted as being older than Sumire, but she is apparently only one year older (two years in the anime).
* [[The Virus]]: Obviously.
* [[Weird Moon]]
* [[What Could Have Been]]: At the end of the first volume, you get to read the original oneshot, and look at the original character designs. The Viruses were more like demons, and Lucia's covered eye was different. Sumire's cousins looked very different too.
* [[Whole-Episode Flashback]]: Chapter twenty-two in the manga and episode seven in the anime, focusing on Nahashi's past with Lucia's parents.
* [[Yandere]]: In the manga, Layla, when she's not being an [[Emotionless Girl]]. Although it's not romantic, she has a creepy obsession with "becoming one" with Lola.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Aside from the teal-haired Lucia, characters have plausible hair colors, though Sumire's red-auburn is unlikely to be seen on a Japanese person.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: In the anime, Lucif knocks off his minions, apparently [[For the Evulz]], and in the manga {{spoiler|Sonoka does this to Guy after Yoshiki desouled him.}}
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: Lucia is only fifteen years old, although she looks like she is at least eighteen. It doesn't help that she smokes...
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Sumire's school uniform has this.
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