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Dragon Quest IX/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Rookie Red Ranger]]
* [[Spoony Bard]]: Always starts as a Minstrel. Amusingly, this is due to the people of Angel Falls taking one look at your character's Celestrian uniform and thinking, "Well, they're dressed like an idiot, what else ''could'' they be?"
* [[Third -Person Seductress]]: A shockingly well supported option for customization.
* [[Vague Age]]: Age is never brought up (beyond being one of the younger Celestians at [[We Are as Mayflies|"less than 300 years old"]]).
* [[Virtual Paper Doll]]
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* [[Master of None]]: Lets just say that compared to some of the other classes, Armamentalists are a bit... sub-par. Fource has tiny upgrades to a handful of different stats, as well as the Fource spells themselves -- which rely on the [[Guide Dang It|hidden]] Elemental Damage system and as class skills. (However, these Fource skills are ''percentage'' boosts, so if you do master the Elemental Damage system, they are very, very powerful at high levels.)
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Power-Up Letdown]]: Maxing their skill tree gives you the [[Sarcasm Mode|awe inspiring and unique]] HP +30 (a boost to your max HP by 30, where even an easy [[Bonus Boss]] will deal damage in the high 100s with good defenses). The progression from the previous part of the tree costs a heavy 18 points to make it worse. This reward is not unique in anyway (Half the classes give HP bonuses at some point, all doing it earlier, for fewer points and or higher bonuses), or substantial (like the other bonuses for finishing a tree).
* [[Prestige Class]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: To Angelo from ''[[Dragon Quest VIII]]'': they equip all his same weapons and the males have a surprisingly similar outfit plus a [[Nice Hat]] (though as an inn guest, he recognizes priests as being his class).
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* [[Crutch Character]]
* {{spoiler|[[Eleventh-Hour Ranger]]: Joins during a post-game DLC quest.}}
* [[Expy]]: His character design is Tenshinhan from [[Dragon Ball]] with wings instead of a third eye.
** It could be Piccolo as well, seeing as he's the hero's teacher. {{spoiler|Also, the way he [[Taking the Bullet|saved the life of said hero.]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Failure Knight]]}}
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Head of the fantastic Quester's Rest establishment, Patty has a reputation for being quite the organizer. She's even earned the playful nickname 'Patty the Party Planner'. Anyone who needs help setting up a solid group just needs to consult her, and she'll set them straight in no time!
* [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration]]: Her nickname.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: To Erinn.
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
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* [[It's All About Me]]: Very self-absorbed. Has a private fishing spot that he refuses to let anyone enter, even when the fishing was poor and threatened the whole village.
** Talk to him after {{spoiler|Lleviathan swallows Jona and threatens him}}. His first thought? Outrage that you dared enter his private beach.
* [[Jerkass]]
* {{spoiler|[[My God, What Have I Done?]]: What causes his [[Angst Coma]].}}
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Jona's father, who was lost at sea during the earthquake. Still, Jona clings to the hope that [[He's Just Hiding|he survived somehow]] and will return eventually. {{spoiler|He actually drowned, but with his dying breath wished to continue looking after her, and was transformed into Lleviathan.}}
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: {{spoiler|He found a way to care for Jona after his death... but did so well that the rest of Llaffan started sponging off of the whale's bounty instead of working.}}
=== Dourbridge ===
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* [[Bonus Boss]]
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]
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A mysterious ghost that the hero encounters throughout their adventures. She is always searching for someone. {{spoiler|It turns out her death is what caused Corvus to descend to [[The Dark Side]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Atoner]]: She unknowingly betrayed Corvus by dosing him with a sleeping potion in an attempt to keep him from harm; it was actually a trap by her father to exchange him for the village's safety. This resulted directly in Corvus' capture by [[The Empire]] and his subsequent madness. Her ghost now seeks to find Corvus and tell him what really happened, so she can calm his fury. She finds him just in time to keep him from destroying the world.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Big Damn Hero]]: The entire final battle is the heros stalling for time until she can arrive.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Expy]]: Her role in Corvus' backstory makes her very similar to Rose from [[Dragon Quest IV]].}}
* [[Invisible to Normals]]: She's a ghost.
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