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Grave Academy: Difference between revisions

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* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: The upcoming Grave Sewer Area, is this on steroids, since it contains raised walkways, tunnels and even a ''Shop''.
* [[Action Girl]]: Sophie, though most female characters are implied to be this, but the series hasn't shown a fight with them yet.
** Brenda, Blair, Carmela and Juliet confirmed as of chapter 8.
** Let's just say that women are not the fragile sex in here...
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* [[Alpha Bitch]]: Juliet.
* [[All-Ghouls School]]: No, ''Duh''
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]: Feral Monsters, and most Hunters.
** Not most, just most until now, but we are told that they are mostly good.
** Actually {{spoiler|NONE of the Hunters seen until now were evil! Except [[Mook|Mooks]]}}
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* [[Battle Aura]]: Powerful Monsters when they get serious.
* [[Ballroom Blitz]]: Played With, it looks like Jack and the crew are gonna do this, but they are gonna join the fireworks party instead.
* [[Bersek Button]]: Bad-parenting to Kain, and parental abandonement to Ran Mao.
** Harming a student in front of Jack.
** Call Margareth a little girl. I.DARE.YOU.
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** [[Extra Ore Dinary]]: The Crystal Alignement, kind of.
* [[Evil Plan]]: The Six Renegade Hunters (current villains in the Fanfic) are setting up a nice evil plan...
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: Gary,and Jack too.
* [[Faux Action Girl]]: Margareth hasn't participated in any action, but she certainly has the attitude.
** {{spoiler|later subverted.}}
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** Margareth ''Rabbit'' takes the prize.
* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: Vampires sometimes have them.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: Luke and Gary at the Fireworks Party.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: DEAR LORD CHAPTER 8! Starts with a lot of humour regarding Brenda, Luke, Margareth, Samantha and Kain, and ends with a rampaging Brenda cornering the group, whose members are already in a bloody mess themselves, and them she ALMOST KILLS {{spoiler|KAIN!}} luckily, the J's and Carmela arrived, but the chapter ends with the cliffhanger... and will only come back on 12/02!
* [[Nature Spirit]]: Nymphs, like Samantha, and Ents.
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* [[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: Brenda's Beast Mode.
* [[Telepathy]]: Most Experienced Monsters are able to do this.
* [[Tengu]]: The Combat Teacher, Aaron B. Vengeance.
* [[The Capital of Brazil Is Buenos Aires]]: Averted ''Hard'', since it's a Brazilian Forum.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: The leader of the Renegade Hunters is played up like this.
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* [[Tsundere]]: Sophie, ''Big Time''.
** Carmela and Juliet too.
* [[Uberwald]]: Where the series takes place.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Jack and Sophie.
* [[Wide Open Sandbox]]: With over 70 species of monsters to choose!
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** [[Unexplained Recovery]]
* [[Hollywood Dateless]]: he's physically based on Landon Liboiron, so it's surprising that's he never gets a date.
** Justified, as he's constantly being lecherous.
* {{spoiler|[[Living Mc Guffin]]}}
* [[Major Injury Underreaction]]: Beast!Brenda breaks his arm with a punch in chapter 8, he barely winks.
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''Blair Liddel''
A young Witch prodigy, she is highly praised for her magic, but she hates all the attention, and although she looks like a poster ''popular kid'', she has many nerdy and derpy hobbies, like [[LAR Ping]], liking to study, designing clothes, etc... She's i the Sapiensorens Republic, like Gary. {{spoiler|she's also the [[Knight of Cerebus]] for the first volume, as she was revealed to have been working for the villain all along. However, it's noteworthy that she was coerced into doing so, as her entire clan was wiped out by her sister, Blair(her real name is Alice, and since that day, she took her sister's name), who was ALSO under the villain influence, throughout her stay at the castle, she became real friends with everyone, and decided that she wasn't worth it, luckily, she was snapped out of it by Luke in their fight}}
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* [[Rock Theme Naming]]: All of the members of the council are likened to a Gemstone, his is a Deep-Blue Sapphire.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Buckloads with Sophie, Robin and Samantha, but mostly with Robin, {{spoiler|See [[Break the Cutie]] and [[Mercy Kill]]}}.
* [[Shout-Out]]: His Horse's name to the writer of Dom Quixote. {{spoiler|Turns out it was [[Foreshadowing]]...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler]]}}
* [[Tarot Motifs]]: His Spells.
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