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* [[Ancient Astronauts]]: Both the Cetans and the Maians have visited Earth in the past.
* [[Annoying Arrows]]: Enemies will keep fighting even if they've been turned into a pincushion by crossbow bolts or thrown knives...but since the former are laced with a tranquilizer and the latter are poisoned, they won't be fighting for long.
** And there's the fact that the Crossbow has an instant kill function, which kinda averts the trope.
* [[Area 51]]: Where you meet Elvis. [[I Thought It Meant|No,]] [[Name's the Same|not]] the King, but a [[The Greys|Grey]].
* [[Artificial Brilliance]]: Elvis is a particularly good shot with the Farsight (which, to be fair, has an auto-targeting system). On "Deep Sea" he can take care of the enemies in the first section all by himself if you let him.
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* [[The Can Kicked Him]]: A guard can found unconscious and face-down in Carrington's bathroom in the Villa level.
* [[Captain's Log]]: A few levels begin with Joanna recording one.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: Joanna, according to her inner monologue.
{{quote|"They'll be unable to conduct operations without any power."}}
** There's also:
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** Ditto for the UGL Liberator SMG in ''Zero''.
* [[Cherry Tapping]]: Tranquilizer weapons in the first game. The sedation feature, which causes the screen to blur and darken each time you're punched or hit by a tranq weapon, is one of the quirkier features of the game, largely because ''your sedation level doesn't drop to zero when you're killed''. You'll respawn as trippy as you were before your buddy finished you off. Better hope it wears off before he finds you again!
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: The Skedar.
* [[City Noir]]: The Chicago level.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: dataDyne troops wear dark blue or black while CI agents wear light blues and greys. Even your crosshairs are colored to reflect this (red for enemies, blue for civilians/friendly fire).
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: Cassandra's bodyguards wear high-heeled boots for some reason.
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"We're going to the helipad, I assume?" }}
** Joanna does this [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork|about Jonathan]] as well.
* [[Computer Equals Monitor]]: In Area 51, apparently all records are kept on the monitor (!) of a single computer<ref> What, no cloud computing in 2023?</ref>. As well, destroying the monitor of a mission-critical computer will result in a failure.
* [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]]: The toughest of the AI opponents you can fight against in multi-player are Dark Sims, who move faster than you, always get headshots with hitscan weaponry even if they don't actually have a line of sight to your head, spawn armed with the best weapon in the current setup, and teleport when you aren't looking. To be fair, the game tells you this beforehand, leaving them a challenge for masochistic players.
** The computers, however, are ''all'' cheating bastards. Even the super-easy Meatsims can fire semi-automatic weapons faster than you, reload every weapon at the same speed, use lock-on weapons while moving, and have perfect aim with non-hitscan weapons. Perfectsims also act as if they can see the radar even when it's set to off.
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* [[Cutscene Incompetence]]: The ending of "Carrington Institute: Defense". Apparently Joanna can defeat dozens of enemies per level, {{spoiler|but can be captured by a single unarmed Skedar which knocks a pile of crates onto her}}.
** The very lame ending to the [[Brutal Bonus Level|grueling]] Maian SOS is {{spoiler|Elvis getting hit with a tranquilizer and keeling over.}}
* [[Cyberpunk]]: Sorta.
** [[Cyberpunk with a Chance of Rain]]
** [[Cyberpunk Is Techno]]: The soundtrack in several levels. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jISjdqrzkRs&feature=related Exhibit A:]
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* [[Elevator Action Sequence]]: "Mr. Blonde's Revenge" has a fight with a guard on the elevators.
** In the second level, Joanna punches out a guard in the elevator (possibly a [[Mythology Gag]] since the same thing happens in ''[[GoldenEye 007 (1997 video game)|Golden Eye 1997]]'').
* [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]:
* [[Elite Mooks]]: The masked dataDyne guards, and also the black-clad dD soldiers.
* [[Enemy Chatter]]
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* [[Epunymous Title]]
* [[Escort Mission]]: Both games have their fair share of these, some much more annoying than others.
* [[ET Gave Us Wi -Fi]]: [[Artificial Gravity|Antigravity technology]] and other advances are due to help that dataDyne and other corporations received from the alien races.
* [[Exact Eavesdropping]]
* [[Executive Suite Fight]]: In dataDyne headquarters.
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** Elvis' [[Badass Boast|"I'll kick your ASS!"]] and "Kiss my alien butt!".
** The guards say things like "What the hell?", [[Precision F-Strike|"You bitch!"]] and [[Curse Cut Short|"Holy Shhhh--"]] when they spot you and/or get shot.
* [[Goggles Do Something Unusual]]: The IR scanner, which can detect enemies using cloaking devices, and even find weak spots in walls. (Needless to say, [[Real Life]] infrared technology does not work that way.)
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]: {{spoiler|Carrington sends a message to the Maians asking for help in foiling the conspiracy between dataDyne and the Skedar.}}
* [[Government Agency of Fiction]]: In the game, the NSA is practically Trent Easton's private army and joins the dataDyne corporation and the Skedar in an attempt to lead a coup against the President. In [[Real Life]], the [[NSA]] is the United States government's [[Big Brother Is Watching|signals intelligence]] branch and deals with cryptography and other fairly boring stuff like that.
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* [[Homing Projectile]]: The Rocket Launcher has a lock-on feature, although it's not perfect and it's possible to [[Shoot the Bullet|shoot the missile down]].
* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: The mission briefing to "Maian SOS" implies this.
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: Elvis, [[AI Roulette|at times]].
* [[Hyper-Destructive Bouncing Ball]]: The always entertaining "Proximity Pinball" secondary function for a grenade, which causes the explosive to ricochet around before detonating next to someone-possibly even ''[[Hoist by His Own Petard|yourself]]'' if you're unlucky.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Though the "quick select" menu only shows up to ten items (weapons ''and'' gadgets), they all are still in there somewhere; the rest have to be accessed through the Pause menu. Expect to do so very often if using the [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|"All Guns in Solo"]] cheat, especially given the very, very diverse arsenal.
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* [[Improbable Aiming Skills]]: Elvis, to some extent. Jonathan also counts since he's equally deadly with a revolver as enemies are with scoped rifles.
* [[The Infiltration]]: Numerous levels, including "dataDyne Central: Defection", "G5 Building: Reconnaissance", "Area 51: [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Infiltration]]", "Air Base: Espionage", etc.
* [[Infinity+1 Sword]]: The FarSight.
** [[Infinity-1 Sword]]: The RCP-120, although the K7 Avenger might be a better candidate since it appears in many more levels.
* [[Instant AI, Just Add Water]]: Dr. Caroll.
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* [[I Should Have Been Better]]: Joanna says "I should have been quicker" when she rescues Mr. Carrington from being held hostage. [[Stock Phrases|Of course]], [[You Did Everything You Could|he tells her it's not her fault.]]
* [[It Has Been an Honour]]: One of the last things {{spoiler|Dr. Carroll}} says to Joanna before his death.
* [[It Is Dehumanizing]]: dataDyne always refers to Dr. Carroll this way, since they believe he's [[Just a Machine]].
* [[It May Help You on Your Quest]]: Elvis seems fond of giving you items which become extremely useful later on the level.
{{quote|''Good to see you, Joanna! Take this - you should find it useful...''}}
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** Mission Status: {{spoiler|Unknown}}. Agent Status: {{spoiler|Missing}}.
* [[Mutual Kill]]: dataDyne and CI soldiers will occasionally do this.
* [[My Friends and Zoidberg]]: It becomes something of a [[Running Gag]] that nearly every time the President is mentioned by other characters, it's almost like he's an afterthought.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Played straight with the Devastator grenade launcher and Slayer rocket launcher, which really are deadly; averted with the wildly inaccurate Reaper, which might well be the single most useless weapon in the game.
* [[Neutron Bomb]]: The aptly named N-Bomb, which is essentially a grenade that knocks out everyone in a radius of several meters.
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* [[Pistol-Whipping]]: The secondary fire mode of the Falcon 2 and DY357 is a melee smack.
** And in ''Zero'', any gun can do this with the 'B' button.
* [[Planet of Hats]]: The [[Martial Pacifist]] Maians against the [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] Skedar.
* [[Player Versus Player]]: The counter-operative mode.
* [[Playful Hacker]]: Elvis, who appears to be perfectly familiar with both the Cetans' and the Skedars' computers.
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* [[Short-Range Long-Range Weapon]]: Guards will not fire at you past a certain distance, even assault rifles (except snipers). When you get close enough, they try to punch you out instead of shooting you.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Numerous ones to other sci-fi and [[Cyberpunk]] works.
** The design of Area 51's laboratories, hallways, and even the autopsy rooms is lifted straight out of ''[[Independence Day]]''.
** The flying cars and neon billboards could be an homage to ''[[Blade Runner]]''.
** The K7 Avenger is visually based on the design of the pulse rifle from ''[[Aliens]]''.
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** One of the weapons might count...the [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Slayer]], a rocket launcher like the one used on the Judge.
** Joanna's auto-targeting HUD, and the MagSec machine pistol, both make it clear that somebody on the design team has watched ''[[RoboCop]]'' before.
* [[Sigil Spam]]: The weapons-manufacturing [[Mega Corp]] dataDyne likes plastering their "dD" logo on all their architecture. (Admittedly, it is quite a cool logo.) Not to mention the fact that the Carrington Institute's logo appears on Joanna Dark's [[Spy Catsuit]] (I'm sure that would help with her plausible deniability if she was ever captured!).
** The Skedar also seem to like etching their symbol into every available surface and sculptures of it appear all over the place in the Battle Shrine.
* [[Showdown At High Noon]]: The bonus mission "The Duel", complete with back to back stance and scripted steps. Higher difficulties demand you to best more duelists in a row.
* [[Single Biome Planet]]: The Skedar homeworld is implied to be [[Crapsack World|one big battle-scarred wasteland]], due to a combination of earthquakes, scorching heat from [[Alien Sky|the star system's three suns]], and thousands of years of constant warfare on the [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil|Skedar's]] behalf.
* [[Sinister Geometry]]: The weird polyhedral structures that are scattered all over the Skedar planet. (Overlaps with [[Spikes of Doom]].)
* [[Slow Doors]]
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** Note that the silencer and scope attachments cannot be applied or removed at will; they're treated as separate weapons.
* [[Sniper Scope Sway]]: The game has this feature for all scoped guns, but it's especially bad on the sniper rifle. To compensate, you can crouch while firing for greater stability.
* [[Sniping Mission]]: The first part of the Villa. Averted on Perfect Agent; instead of sniping the guards to save the diplomat, you ''are'' the diplomat and have to use the laptop gun.
* [[Soft Glass]]: You can even punch through it.
* [[Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb]]: Twice - in Area 51, and {{spoiler|the Carrington Institute}}.
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* [[Trial and Error Gameplay]]: The original game's lack of mid-level saving of any kind means that if you get killed in ambush, use an expendable gadget in the wrong place, or allow your [[Escort Mission|braindead AI companions]] to get themselves killed, it's back to the start of the level. More evident on the two higher difficulty settings.
* [[Troperiffic]]: Rare more or less attempted to cram as many action movie and sci-fi tropes as possible into a single game.
* [[Try Not to Die]]:
{{quote|''Jonathan'': Oh yeah, that crate? It ''really'' [[Made of Explodium|doesn't like being shot]].}}
* [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future]]: Apart from the flying cars and alien technology, this could almost be a modern shooter. Canonically, the game is set in 2023.
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* [[Video Game Caring Potential]]: If you disarm or surprise some foes, they'll surrender and cause you no further trouble <ref>And if you save the civilian with the keycard in Area 51, you can get a cool hidden weapon</ref>. But...
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: Are ''you'' evil enough to shoot an enemy in the groin after they've been disarmed and surrendered? Yes.
** In the original, foes who have been knocked out can then be killed rather easily, especially if you like headshots.
** In the first mission, you can shoot down flying cars that go by, obviously killing whoever was inside.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment]]: In some levels there are civilians wandering around. You are not allowed to shoot them, and if you do so you instantly fail the mission.
* [[Villain Shoes]]: "Mr. Blonde's Revenge".
* [[Violence Is the Only Option]]: Against the Skedar.
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** Furthermore, each weapon has different levels of shock damage. Viblade? Say goodbye to your health permanently. [[Not the Fall That Kills You|Fall Damage]]? All Shock Damage.
** In the original game, this was how you recover from poison/punching/N-Bomb effects (see [[Interface Screw]], above). In fact, you have to ''actually'' [[Walk It Off]]; the effects don't fade if you just stand still.
* [[Weak Turret Gun]]: The Laptop Gun in its [[Secondary Fire]] mode.
** Most drone guns in the game can be destroyed without much effort, although the ones in Area 51 can be pretty tough.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: The Falcon 2 for Joanna; the Phoenix for Elvis; the DY357 for Jonathan; the [[Golden Gun|DY357-XL]] for Trent.
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* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: After being rescued in the Crash Site mission, the President is never heard from again, although a meeting with him is a plot point later on.
** The aforementioned abandoned sequel probably would've answered a lot of questions about the plot/s.
* [[What Measure Is a Mook?]]: Until you run up against the aliens directly, you're mostly mowing down security guards or government employees. Admittedly, they're working for a corrupt corporation and a treacherous NSA respectively, but you still spend a lot of time killing people just doing their jobs, although to be fair, they're under orders to kill ''you''.
** However, if you feel like it you can just knock out human enemies if you like in most levels. It's just that this is usually only practical if you can surprise lone guards.
** In the level where you have to board Air Force One and the level where you're ''on'' Air Force One, you will fail the mission if you kill guards. You can, however, kill NSA troops, since they're part of {{spoiler|the conspiracy to kidnap the president}}.
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* [[A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing]]: Whenever there is a group of scientists, one of them will invariably try to screw you over by sounding the alarm or pulling a gun.
* [[Word Salad Title]]: Aside from being the codename of the main character, the name "Perfect Dark" doesn't mean anything in particular besides that it [[Rule of Cool|sounds really cool]]. Because of the difficulty in localizing the title, the game was going to be renamed ''Red and Black'' in Japan for the same reason until they decided to just transliterate the English title.
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Apparently, your enemies.
* [[Why Isn't It Attacking?]]: When Joanna and Elvis enter the Cetan ship, they comment on how unusual it is that there are no guards around. {{spoiler|The reason is that they all have cloaking devices.}}
* [[You Are Too Late]]: Joanna rescues Daniel from being held hostage at the villa, but not before dataDyne recovers Dr. Caroll from him.
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