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Star Wars/Characters/New Jedi Order and Legacy Eras: Difference between revisions

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* [[Berserk Button]]: Likewise, insulting his parents, particularly Mara, will anger him ''[[Unstoppable Rage|greatly]]''.
** He ''really, really'' doesn't like to hear the word "embrace" in any context ''whatsoever'', mostly because of the time he spent tortured in the [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Embrace_of_Pain Embrace of Pain].
* [[Biggus Dickus]]: Tahiri's talk about "big, Strong Jedi Knights".
* [[Black Cloak]]: His signature costume.
* [[Blue Eyes]]: <s>[[Incredibly Lame Pun|Skywalker]]</s> sky blue, probably the only notable physical feature he inherited from Luke.
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* [[Jade-Colored Glasses]]
* [[Kid Hero]]
* [[Oedipus Complex]]: Several fans see shades of this, in his relationship with Vestara.
* [[Out-of-Character Moment]]: The aforementioned act of [[Domestic Abuse]].
* [[Photographic Memory]]
** Except when Jacen, [[Mind Rape|you know…]]
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=== Tahiri Veila ===
* [[Aborted Arc]]: Anakin has a vision in ''Conquest'' of her as a half-Yuuzhan Vong [[Dark Messiah]], and following the events of that book she pretty much has the "half-Yuuzhan Vong" part down, and it's pretty heavily hinted in ''The Final Prophecy'' that this is still a possible future. It never comes up again after that book, even when she goes dark, and her Yuuzhan Vong nature gets a few cursory mentions in ''Dark Nest'' before being dropped nearly altogether in ''Legacy of the Force'' and ''Fate of the Jedi'', despite being a ''very'' prominent aspect of her personality before that.
* [[The Atoner]]: She becomes this by [[Fate of the Jedi|Fate of the Jedi: Ascension]].
* [[Berserk Button]]: Meta: She kills a head of state ''and'' tortures a 14-year-old boy. She also molests that same 14-year-old boy. Guess which one fans complain about.
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** [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [["Get Out of Jail Free" Card]]: {{spoiler|Technically she is still under trial for the murder of Pellaeon - a crime she definitely comitted - but it is fairly obvious she will escape punishment altogether.}}
* [[Karma Houdini]]: See above.
** [[Played With]]. {{spoiler|It looked like a subversion, what with there being a big trial about it, and all.}}
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: She joins Jacen because of Anakin's death. Specifically because he claims he can bring Anakin back or something stupid like that.
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=== Jaden Korr ===
The main character of ''[[Dark Forces Saga|Jedi Academy]]'', a youth full of talent from Coruscant who managed to build a lightsaber by himself. He's sent to Luke's Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 in order to learn the ways of the Force. The player could choose different races and genders for Jaden, but officially, he's a male human with a purple (later green) standard lightsaber. Jaden has since stared in two EU novels, ''[[Crosscurrent]]'' and ''Riptide'', set nearly 30 years after the game.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Assailed by self-doubt and uncertainty, Jaden is solidly a [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type I]] in ''Crosscurrent''.
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* [[Ace Pilot]]
* [[Asskicking Equals Authority]]
* [[Farm Boy]]
* [[Four-Star Badass]]: Becomes an Admiral by [[Legacy of the Force]].
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=== Yuuzhan Vong in General ===
* [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]]: Subverted. They're explicitly no better or worse than humans would have been under the same circumstances.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: Big time. The everyday actions of their lives make them seem horrifically [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] to the eyes of the galaxy's inhabitants, and the feeling is mutual.
* [[Body Horror]]: Ritual body modifications are big.
* [[Combat Sadomasochist]]: The most fanatical warriors (particularly from Domain Shai) are like this, though pain gives them religious, rather than sexual, ecstasy. Even the less fanatical Vong are used enough to pain that they can take even massive amounts of it without dropping.
* [[Elite Mooks]]: With their lightsaber-resistant armor and weapons and invisiblity to the Force, Vong Warriors are ''far'' more formidible one-on-one than Imperial Stormtroopers.
* [[The Horde]]: At first, they're a spacefaring version. After taking Coruscant, they turn into [[The Empire]].
* [[Humanoid Aliens]]
* [[Master Race]]
* [[Organic Technology]]
* [[Proud Scholar Race]]: Subverted with the Shapers. Although they're the Vong's scientists, they just keep and transmit pre-existing knowledge. Creating ''new'' knowledge is heresy of the highest order.
* [[Proud Warrior Race]]: The Warrior Caste.
* [[Religion of Evil]]: The Great Doctrine is... not a pretty religion. It's not as insidious as the Sith, but even more overtly brutal.
* [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]]: Of the "aliens as religious fanatics" flavor, with some elements of "aliens as Nazis" (though that's more [[The Empire]]'s hat).
* [[Space Elves]]: They're basically Space Dark Elves in culture meets Space Orcs in appearance and the Zerg in aesthetics.
* [[Spikes of Villainy]]: A fair bit, mostly on the vonduun crab armor.
* [[We Have Reserves]]: Since they have no qualms about dying themselves or sending subordinates to their deaths, it's unsurprising they rely on this tactic a fair bit. Ultimately deconstructed when they spend so many warriors' lives that they ''run out of reserves''.
=== Nom Anor ===
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* [[Dirty Coward]]
* [[Driven to Suicide]]: In his final scene, Nom stays behind on an exploding warship rather than escape with the heroes- his rationale being that there's no longer any place in the world for him. We don't see him die, but it's heavily implied he goes down with the ship.
** [[Never Found the Body]]: Some fans don't buy it because there was no corpse.
* [[Evilly Affable]]: Nom is a total bastard with few redeeming features, but his scheming plots and increasing status as the [[Only Sane Man]] among the Vong make him a very entertaining character.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]: Kind of… he winds up siding with the heroes, but for his own selfish purposes.
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* [[A God Am I]]: Inverted, since he believes the heroes are gods.
** He actually fits the trope straight, too - he thinks that if he kills the "gods", he can become one himself.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: He's completely batshit.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]}}
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* [[Bad Boss]]: Though by Vong standards he's almost cuddly, even ''sparing the lives'' of subordinates he could have killed. Not that that says a whole lot, mind you…
* [[Body Horror]]: His "uniform" is a suit of armor scales that has basically been ''grafted to his skin''.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: [[Depending on the Writer|Sometimes]]. Authors varied ''a lot'' about how competent they made him- at his best he was about on level with Admiral Ackbar, Garm Bel Iblis, or Pellaeon; at his worst he's a raving animal. It's certainly difficult to see the canny Warmaster of ''Star by Star'' falling into the trap that kills him in ''Destiny's Way''.
* [[Combat Sadomasochist]]: It's a requirment for Yuuzhan Vong warriors.
* [[The Dragon]]
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[For Science!]]: Her motivation in a nutshell, coupled with [[My Country, Right or Wrong|My Species Right Or Wrong]].
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Though she's not as mad as some shapers- just smarter.
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]: She averts the usual Vong fanaticism by being a skeptic and agnostic- she's open to the possibility of the gods and won't go so far as to deny them outright, but isn't exactly a devout worshipper either.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]
* [[Redemption Equals Death]]
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[Karma Houdini]]: He presided over the sacrifice of thousands of captives and instigated several plots to kill the Jedi, but once he has his change of heart, he is welcomed by the Jedi. Considering that he then was instrumental in ending the war and leading the reform of the Vong, this is probably [[Justified]].
== Mandalorians ==
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* [[Badass Gay]]
* [[The Lancer]]: To Boba Fett.
* [[StraightInvisible Gayto Gaydar]]
== Other Characters ==
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