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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* It's impossible to tell how many of these Akito from ''[[Fruits Basket]]'' has. When {{spoiler|Hatsuharu almost beats her up for imprisoning Rin, during conversations about Shigure and Ren's relationship, when she stabs Kureno, and when Tohru falls from a cliff in front of her. She consequently goes through a very angsty, somewhat suicidal, phase. She ends up being saved from herself by Tohru's friendship and Momiji's statement that Akito should treasure the ones she cares for}}.
* In ''[[Angel Beats!]]'', Otonashi defeats Naoi by forcing him to face that in the end he was ultimately responsible for his own misery; Naoi's motivation stemmed partly from his belief that his life had been empty, and Otonashi forced him to realize that Naoi could only blame himself for that.
* ''[[Magical Project S]]'': Pixy Misa, the evil magical girl, was overpowering and about to kill the heroine but entered a BSOD when she realised she was about to hurt her loved ones too and reverted to her powerless alterego.
* ''[[Digimon Adventure 02]]'''s Digimon Emperor/Kaiser when he realizes that Digimon are real, and Wormmon has just made a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] to stop him, the boy freaks out, throwing away his costume, crying, and screaming that he's sorry before wandering alone into the desert.
** In ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'', this happens to Beelzemon, the Mega form of the human-hating Digimon, Impmon. After being granted the power to digivolve like he always wanted, Beelzemon attacked the children and destroyed one of their partners (who unfortunately, don't have the pleasure of being reborn as digi-eggs as it was in the previous series). After being defeated in battle and spared, he begins to come to realize the atrocities he had committed and wanders around, guilt-ridden, depressed and haunted by memories of what he did. After surviving what was essentially a suicide attempt (not fighting back when he's attacked by a swarm of digimon which quickly render him powerless), he eventually sets off to make things right, by first making amends with the humans he had abandoned and then by helping the others in the battle against the D-Reaper, and saving the girl who's partner he killed.
* Self-inflicted (of sorts) example with Greed in the manga of ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' {{spoiler|The second version of him, while having mostly the same personality, is at first much more malicious in keeping with the behavior of the other homunculi who are [[The Heartless]]. After Greed kills Bido, who was the only surviving member of his former [[True Companions]] after the rest were slaughtered by Bradley, Greed's memories return and Ling starts mocking Greed in his head while he's tormented by the memory of his comrade's screaming voices.}} While this also counts for [[Amnesiac Dissonance]], it fits this too, because basically the [[Power of Friendship]] is used as a weapon against him.
* One contractor from ''[[Darker Thanthan Black]]'' has a renumeration of temporarily regaining her conscience and humanity every time that she uses her powers. The power in question is [[Bad Powers, Bad People|the ability to destroy other people's internal organs in a manner akin to Ebola]], so the regular [[Villainous BSOD]] is pretty much unavoidable.
** Havoc got a more permanent one -- after losing her powers when Heaven's Gate collapsed, she got all her emotions back. Which is a bit of a problem when your power is to create wide-scale [[Explosive Decompression]], and your renumeration is to ''drink the blood of children''. The only way she got anywhere near Hell's Gate was after making Hei promise to kill her should her powers -- and her old mindset -- return.
* Cyrus in ''[[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure]]'' has a BSOD for most of a chapter when he realizes that his grand plan to fix the world (by [[In Their Own Image|destroying and rebuilding it]], natch) only managed to summon a pair of very angry gods whose fight will destroy everything ''without'' any hope of revival. Even near the end when he manages to get his act together, the impact of all this leaves him drained to the point where one of his officers has to help him stand.
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* The game ''You Find Yourself In A Room'' believes that its hatred and anger toward humanity and torment of yourself as you play is fully justified because it's a superior emotionless being disgusted by the flawed entities that created it. You then get a chance to point out that hatred and anger are actually emotions. This trope results, as it falls into a despair in which it simply lets you go, finding no more meaning to its life.
* [[Final Fantasy IV|Golbez]] fleeing from Cecil after the first fight is heavily implied to be that of a [[Villainous BSOD]] (presumably, he retreated out of the shock that {{spoiler|Cecil was his younger brother}}).
* Queen Grimhilde (from ''[[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Snow White]]'') suffers this trope during the battle with her in [[Disney Villains Revenge]], which causes her to destroy the mirror before being killed herself.
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