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== Phoenix actually is part spirit medium. ==
This explains why is is able to hear Mia, even though he hasn't trained in Kurain or elsewhere.
* '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' Acording to T&T, only women can become spirit mediums!
** '''''{{color|red|TAKE THAT!}}''''' The original poster never claimed that Phoenix ''was'' a spirit medium, just that he could be ''part'' spirit medium! He could still be male with spirit medium blood flowing through his veins, allowing him to use the Magatama, and see/hear Mia without her being channeled.
** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' You mentioned that he needs spirit medium blood to use the magatama, but Edgeworth uses it at one point!
** Gah! ''...How did they...?'' Very well, I concede that point. However, that still doesn't explain why Phoenix can see Mia without being a spirit medium, unless he ''is'' part (and ''only'' part) spirit medium!
** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' T&T says that only women can possess spiritual power, which means that he can't even be part spirit medium!
** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' Saying that "only women can possess spiritual power" and that "Phoenix could be part spirit medium" are not mutually exclusive! Let's say that a spirit medium gives birth to a son. That son (though not possessing any sort of "power") would still be part spirit medium, correct? The WMG is saying that perhaps Phoenix has the blood of a Kurain medium flowing through his veins, giving him the brief ability to see Mai at the end of PW:AA. (This could work especially well if you take into account the fact that many legends of ghosts include those who haunt the living to bring those who wronged them to justice.) Phoenix is ''not'' a spirit medium, we accept that fact as true. But, if he has spirit medium blood flowing through his veins, ''and'' (maybe) Mia stuck around to bring her murderer to justice, it's possible that the two coupled together allowed Phoenix to see Mia without anyone else summoning her.
** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' ...Ha! In the bleak darkness of despair, we all see shadows of those we hold closest. If you insist that this glimmer of yearning was something more, then let's see some {{color|orange|evidence}}!
*** Um... Please forgive me, but I do not have evidence, merely a question. If all it was was Phoenix seeing her because it was the "bleak darkness of despair", then why is it that Godot is able to see (or, at the very least, ''sense'' her) at the end of PW:T&T Case 4? Is he having a shared hallucination with Phoenix? Or is it possible that Phoenix, being part spirit medium, was maybe able to "channel" (sorry, I couldn't think of a better word for it, yes I know that it's not channeling) her spirit enough to touch the heart of Godot?
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== Phoenix is [[Detective Conan|Richard Moore]]. ==
Policeman turned lawyer turned Private Eye 'Richard Moore' was Phoenix in between PW 3 and AJ. They both have a terrible curse of dead bodies being everywhere they go. Phoenix has always looked up to lawyers; his ex-wife is thus a lawyer. Both have basic knowledge of crime scenes, but can be pretty incompetent. They both need someone to walk them through it or just solve the case for them (Conan, Mia/Maya/any Fey). Phoenix is shown to have an interest in poker and gambling. All that 'grape juice' really is beer, as we know Richard Moore loves, but he's grown a tolerance to it. Both are world-famous, but after the disbarring, no one brought up his lawyer days out of consideration/fear. He couldn't get a case in his beginning days as a PI because of his reputation as a lawyer. After he 'solved a few cases' however, people began to overlook it. Hobo!Phoenix is Phoenix/Richard after PI-ing also fails for him, since he already failed at being a policeman and lawyer. Rachel lived with her mom up until Phoenix enters his Richard stage of life, then she moves back with her mom by AJ (likely due to bad parenting). Hobo!Phoenix really adopted Trucy much later (he was having a friend take care of her), because he missed Rachel once she went back to living with her mom.
* He also lost the spikes because he didn't want people to recognize him, though he eventually opted for Trucy's knit beanie. He began smoking because he was so jaded. The Phoenix shown in the flashback case (4-4) seemed awfully cocky. After being disbarred, out of shock, this facet of his personality grew worse and worse until it became Richard Moore's personality. By AJ, he's mellowed and cleaned up his act, but he's still more like Richard than his old Phoenix self.
== The Judge was a Prosecutor in his youth. ==
Think about it. His [[Parental Favoritism|Favoritism]] towards the Prosecutors is blatantly obvious. He allows Franziska to physically assault people, Godot gets no reprimand for throwing scalding hot coffee at the defense and even when there's rock solid evidence that the defendent is innocent he still refuses to declare them not guilty until the real murderer is found. And even then he gladly accepts whatever straws the real murderer is clutching at. This would also explain why he is so [[Hello, Nurse!|easily enamored by a couple of female witnesses]] but is completely unaffected by Mia's large breasts.
* Mia never tries to use them on the Judge. He's pretty gullible and is pretty easily led. As for Godot and Franziska, I always interpreted letting them get away with their antics as a result of being afraid of them.
* Makes sense, because judges are usually lawyers with additional training. So it's a 50/50 at the very least that the Judge was a prosecutor.
== This series is linked to the Buffyverse... ==
...via Wolfram and Hart. They are the ones Lana Skye "sold her soul" to, and are also responsible for extraditing Godot from Hell.
* There really IS a Demon Prosecutor somewhere.
{{quote|'''Lotta Hart:'''Y'all know my cousins from somewhere? }}
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== The Judge is a [[Reality Warper]] ==
See the above suggestion.
** Fridge Horror since on the first day of case 1-4, {{spoiler|Edgeworth}} was declared guilty for about five minutes before {{spoiler|Larry}} stepped in. He was later found not guilty. So did he become guilty and then reality flipped back or what?
== Ini and Mimi Miney have a brother called Moe Miney ==
Line 59:
== The "legal system" in the games is, in fact, an aspect of the afterlife where the people are judged for their sins. ==
Though the lawyers in the system don't know it, they're in fact tasked with helping the process of judging people who have died, to decide whether they're good and go to heaven, or bad and go to hell.
* '''''{{color|red|HOLD IT!}}''''' If this is true, how could Edgeworth and Phoenix both be put on trial, be found not guilty, and then continue to defend/prosecute?
** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' Because they're lawyers, and very good lawyers at that - if we're dealing with people's souls here, wouldn't the Powers That Be want to hold on to two of their most effective and scrupulous employees? {{spoiler|This could also explain Edgeworth's "suicide" note and disappearance, which turned out to only be a year-long journey of personal discovery; as well as the fact that Phoenix can fall into a freezing river, at night, in winter, from which very few bodies are ever recovered, and survive with nothing worse than some bruises and a cold. They're so valuable that they literally cannot die.}} The real question is why there are recurring defendants.
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* This particular trope amuses me, in part, because it can also be argued to be rather close to the original Jewish plot of the Book of Job. (For those unaware: in the traditional Jewish viewpoint, it is far less of a bet between God and Satan and rather a case of ''humanity itself'' being put on trial--with Job being the defendant/defense attorney representing humanity as a whole, God being the judge, and [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?letter=S=270 ha-Satan being the prosecuting attorney]--right down to using curses as "cross examination", using Job's best friends as a form of attempted witness against the defense, and so on.)
** Some modern (Christian) Biblical researchers even have pointed out [http://www.physorg.com/news75128924.html Satan has a traditional characterisation not unlike Miles Edgeworth] before his [[Heel Face Turn]]--an overzealous prosecuting attorney willing to do ''anything'' to win a case.
*** ...And Edgeworth wears red, the traditional colours of Satan/hell/devils/etc.
** And this pretty much makes this trope officially [[Older Than Feudalism]].
** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' What are the murder victims then?
*** People who are still alive.
*** Spirits who are undoubtly going to heaven or hell?
*** Made up people to create an exscuse for the dead people to be put on trial.
== The characters in the game series "speak" in text. ==
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* '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' When Sal Manella uses the word 'R0xx0rz,' Maya thinks he's saying 'Rocksores' which only makes sense if she only heard it out loud. Come to think of it, the same concept is actually used as evidence during a trial: the Maggie/Maggey issue.
** Maya may just have been unfamiliar with the word. She's not exactly a character one would expect to be fluent in 1337-speak, and could have been trying to "translate" it without having any idea what it meant.
** As for the Maggie/Maggey evidence, this actually becomes a piece of [[Fridge Brilliance]] when you realize that the defendant who makes this mistake is ''missing his glasses''! As for Gumshoe...well, he IS Gumshoe. He probably just didn't read the picture very carefully.
*** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' The person in question lost the glasses when the murder occurred. Before that, he still had them, so he would have had no problem reading the textbox, meaning [[Fridge Brilliance]] is not a valid option in this case!
Line 103:
* A tip of the Attorney Badge to xdelicious, who's Phoenix Wright [[Xanatos Gambit]] submission inspired this theory.
** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' The troper responsible for the [[Xanatos Gambit]] entry is baffled by this. It's clearly stated in the fourth case of ''[[Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney|Apollo Justice Ace Attorney]]'' that the false evidence was presented in a trial which von Karma had nothing to do with... unless one considers {{spoiler|Kristoph Gavin}} to be von Karma's apprentice.
*** Well, they certainly have a shared tendency to [[Disproportionate Retribution|overreact]].
** Not to mention that Trials and Tribulations makes it clear that von Karma is deceased.
*** The above theory was written by someone who had only heard vague spoilers for the third and fourth games, as such, consider it Jossed
Line 134:
** What's going on in this thread, pal?
*** Say, Nick, you can hook me up with this Ema chick, right? Nick, buddy?
*** ::Wince:: Your Honor...this is...this is undue badgering of the troper! I won't let this...rookie slander the woman whom rid me of my hair!
*** Wait a sec, folks. This gal's got her two cents, too! Ain't this "Mia" gal dead? ::''Looks at picture'':: HOO DOGGY! That's ghost I saw in my [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100910141344/aceattorney/images/a/a5/Victorywv1.png picture!]
**** (Slams Gavel) That's enough! The evidence presented to me is quite clear. I see no reason to continue this trial. This court finds Ema Skye VERY HOT BUT IS STILL A [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]
Line 156:
* ''''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' ::slaps paper:: Are you implying that everyone in that case was hot? :slams hands on desk: There is just one thing off in your logic. ::points:: What about the people who were in the other building? ::close up and speedlines:: What about Oldbag?!?!
** (Barges in) Mr, Edgeworth, sir! We just got a report back from the boys in the lab, and it says Kay's very short skirt is more than a little titillating! I think this might be enough to prove she's hot, pal!
* ''''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' Kay Faraday is a pettanko with no real sex appeal! Plus, while not making a comparison to the hotness of other Ace Attorney females (such as in the Is Ema Skye Hot WMG), the fact is, the player has been exposed to way hotter, and as such, Kay Faraday and her mild attractiveness should leave no impact on the player. Thus, she shouldn't be considered hot. (On the subject of her younger self being adorable, however...)
** ''''''{{color|red|NOT SO FAST!}}''''' You refer to the precedent set by the Ema Skye WMG. However, it was established there-- and thus stands true here-- that ''only OBJECTIVE hotness matters!'' Furthermore, in addition to her still having a chance to [[She's All Grown Up|fill out a bit more]], breast size is only one aspect of perceived hotness! I submit for your consideration her incredibly short skirt.
*** We accept her skirt into evidence and concede on the matter of Objective Hotness. Ah, but lest you forget the rest of her outfit, her ugly rubber boots nullify the hotness of her legs and short skirt. While you could be looking at a whole lotta leg or some fetish-y Zettai Ryouiki, these abominations of footwear stare you right in the face. You cannot concentrate on a ruffling skirt when those things catch your eye. Furthermore, Kay has no fashion in any sense of the word. Her ensemble does her body a disservice. Her scarf does a fine job of covering up her neck and collar bone and any other sexy elements. Her outfit in general looks terrible, and her face is an awfully generic "mischevious face", offering no unqiue appeal. Now if you wish to suggest that Kay is hot au natural or in other clothing, without her joke of an outfit, I may have to reconsider.
Line 190:
For those who say this is a completely overcomplicated explanation that makes no sense, you've obviously never had anything to do with Chrono Cross.
* Yet more 'Nickwank' * tallies*
* Ezekiel finds this explanation both straightforward and logical.
* ''''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' If Ema Skye did not exist, then {{spoiler|Damon Gant would have had no hold over Lana concerning the murder of her fellow detective. The only reason he could blackmail her is because she was worried that Ema would be found guilty of that very murder!}} Or are you suggesting she's the kind of person that can turn a blind eye to injustice for the sake of her own career? {{spoiler|For that matter, without having Ema in the room as a scapegoat and a way to get an emotional stranglehold on Lana, Gant would have had no immediate reason to kill Detective Marshall, which means he wouldn't have committed the murder of Detective Goodman either. True, he might have manipulated Lana some other way, but the point is that case 1-5 ''would never have happened''.}}
* Ack! Well...what if case 5 and the SL-9 Incident never happened at all? Then {{spoiler|Gant would never become Police Chief. But perhaps he was given a chance to {{color|red|change history}} so that he WAS Police Chief. But, because it is a Monkey's Paw alternate universe, him becoming the police chief also resulted in him becoming a blackmailing murderer}}
*** '''''{{color|red|HOLD IT!}}''''' Alternatively, in the first run through, Lana was found guilty. Over the course of the next two games, Ema realized that Phoenix Wright would be able to save her and so built a time machine to send back a note to herself telling her to go find him, thus created an altered timeline which eventually led to the Apollo Justice and Investigations plots.
Line 213:
== Misty Fey is Miles Edgeworth's mother. By this same logic Gregory Edgeworth is Mia and Maya's father. ==
Miles mother is never mentioned in canon and the Fey's father is mentioned only in passing. So what if the other is the missing parent of each family? Say Misty and Gregory fell in love with each other. Mia was born, but they realized they had a problem when Miles was born. Kurain's inner family politics is vicious and the Branch Fey families are not afraid to use anything or person to their advantage. There is also the fact that Kurain is not all that friendly towards men. In order to protect and give Miles a normal life, Gregory covered up all connections he had with Misty so they could never use his son as a pawn. Misty and Gregory still secretly kept in touch with each other and visited each other occasionally, later resulting in the birth of Maya. When the tragedy of DL-6 occurred, Misty knowingly went along with Gregory's lie about Yanni Yogi in order to protect their son from suspicion. The guilt of that act, as well as the shaming of the Fey family name is what drove her into self-exile. As the result of those two's efforts neither Miles nor the Fey sisters realize they are siblings.
* ''''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' Gregory never lied about Yanni. He was deceived into thinking so by the real murderer.
* ''''''{{color|red|HOLD IT!}}''''' Gregory wasn't deceived, he simply didn't know. He was unconscious when Von Karma shot him, and his last memory was Yanni Yogi attacking him when a gunshot went off, so he assumed that Yogi shot him.
** Hence the deception.
** ''''''{{color|red|HOLD IT!}}''''' Gregory is a smart man (he'd have to be to make a dent in von Karma) and he'd know that there would be two immediate suspects for his murder, Yanni Yogi and 'his own son, Miles'. Yanni because he attacked him, and Miles because he ''threw Yanni's gun and it discharged''. While Yanni was pursued as the prime suspect, the police ran into such a brick wall during their investigation that they resorted to using Misty Fey. But they could have just as easily turned their eyes to the only other person in the elevator, Miles. The games have shown that time and time again the court system is brutal; even self-defence is hinted to ''ruin'' the defendent's life. Gregory would know this, and that would be a powerful motivator to say it was Yanni--a likely candidate anyway, to remove any chance of suspision turning to his son.
Line 274:
*** Sources please. Which [[Word of God]] is this?
*** While I don't know nothing about this [[Word of God]] you guys are talking about, I never doubted that he survived that. What makes you think he died, pal?
**** The last picture in the credits, where he's shown standing next to Misty and Mia, basically watching over the others with them.
== The Ace Attorney series takes place in an alternate universe where the Nazis won. ==
Line 292:
**** He's French illegal immigrant. In AU's, everything is possible.
** Game 3 case 1 mentions both the Union Jack and "stars and stripes" still exist, how would this be if the Nazis took over?
*** It's a common misconception that the goal of Nazi Germany was world domination, or even domination of Europe. They supported fascism elsewhere, and definitely wanted to set up Western Europe as client states and recolonize, but they never actually seriously set out to conquer the world.
*** Even if they conquered the world, states need flags too.
* Incidentally, Apollo Justice takes place in ''another alternate universe'' where the Nazis lost, but the Soviets won. Think about it. The AJ courtroom has [[wikipedia:Red Flag|plain red flags,]] and Apollo wears all red and says its his favorite color. Hmm...
Line 333:
Well, he's only 21. How ''else'' do you think he got that evil?
* Does that mean that Corrida is also a former child star?
** A slightly less successful child star. This feeling of inferiority led him to discover Matt's deep, dark, secret of totally having a crush on the red-headed girl from math class, ''even though girls have cooties''. Juan then planned to expose this scandal, ruining Matt's 'no girls allowed like a spring breeze' image. This, in turn, led Matt to hire the school bully to give Juan a wedgie.
*** I remember reading a forum post which mentioned how interesting it would be if Matt and Juan's rivalry started in childhood and escalated. You know, Matt flicked paint on Juan's head, then Juan stole Matt's pencil, and so on.
Line 353:
* And got his sister in law disgraced.
* This is... unsettlingly plausible.
* Which means that Dahlia and Iris are...
** ...That makes so much sense. -ponders- He married Morgan to stimulate his business and when Misty took over because of her greater spiritual power, he plotted with Morgan to disgrace her. However, he wasn't going to wait twenty years and left her, taking his children with him and then being convinced to drop Iris off in Hazakura Temple. This theory certainly explains why you can show Morgan Mia's picture and she just smiles. Secretly thanking her bastard of a incarcerated ex? Hell yes! Plus, Dahlia seems to [[Like Father, Like Son|likes to dye her hair...]]
Line 381:
** The Answer's obvious. He woke up one morning, with a bad hangover. And his penis was missing again. This happens all the time--it's detachable.
*** This had ''better'' be unrelated to Missile eating all the hotdogs.
{{quote|'''Gumshoe:''' Weenies, pal!
'''Gumshoe:''' I can't get enough of their tender juiciness! }}
Line 395:
Related Guess: Phoenix carries a bit of Fey blood. How else does he see or hear Mia's spirit without having Maya or Pearl around to channel her? Also, Ami's [[Butt Monkey]] status can be seen by what happens to the things most closely related to her. The Sacred Urn has been broken at least three times, and those are just in the last twenty years or so. That gold statue of hers and its sword have been involved in two murders in one year, one of those being Ami's direct descendant.
== Winston Payne will be the protagonist of the next Ace Attorney Investigations. ==
Nuff said.
** Who?
** Why would the janitor of the Prosecution Offices start solving crimes?
== 7-8 years latter, Pearl Fey has [[Gag Boobs]] ==
Because it would be funny (on a related note, [[Relative Error]] MUST be her reaction to Trucy/Apollo)
* On that note, Maya turns out to take after her sister as well.
** The prosecution submits that being a pettanko is part of Maya's charm, as well as her personality. Unless they give Maya a personality redo like with Hobo!Nick, a flat chest will forever and always be associated with her.
* HOLD IT! Maya is still tiny at the age of 19. Pearl with Gag Boobs? Maybe. Maya? Nope.
Line 413:
== In German versions of this game series, The Von Karmas And Klavier were trained in Japan ==
Think about it. In the original Japanese versions, the Von Karmas etc. were from America, and the regular lawyers from Japan, where the series takes place. In the American version, since the setting shifts to America, the prosecutors are now from Germany. In the German version of this game series (which I know there is one of, but I can't find any information on), the series will come full circle, and the Von Karmas and the like will be from Japan.
* Sorry, fellow troper, it's not the case. I have one of the European versions of JFA (comes with French and German language options as well as the regular English one.) And I can say from my playthrough of it in German that the Von Karmas, at least, are from Germany as much as they are in the English version. Would have been brilliant if it did go full circle like that, though.
== [[Metal Gear|The Patriots]] are the Totalitarian Dictatorship from the previous WMGs. ==
Line 444:
== Phoenix will become a Godot-esque character ==
Being so badly damaged by the Gramarye case, he will retake the bar exam--as a prosecutor. Then, he will face down Apollo in the courtroom. Why? [[Rule of Cool|BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE EPIC]].
** And he'd never drink more than 17 bottles of [[Frothy Mugs of Water|"grape juice"]] per trial.
== Phoenix prefers noodles to burgers. ==
Line 455:
== The games are designed to spawn memetic mutation. ==
I hold as evidence that the collective writers here have, on several occasions, slipped into character, or at least used the various catchphrases from the games. This also tends to occur in just about any Ace Attorney-related thread [[Neo Silver Thorn]] has ever read. As such, it leads me to believe that the games are, in fact, an experiment in memetic mutation that Capcom is performing on the gaming community.
* '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' I object! That was...damn it.
** ''::bows::'' Your honor, the prosecution would like to thank the defense for proving its point.
== Machi smuggled in the cocoon in order to pay for Lamiroir's eye surgery ==
She really means a lot to him, we can see that, and I can't see him wanting the money for himself. Not only that, it's not long after the end of the trial when she decides to get her eyes fixed. (Seemingly on the suggestion of Phoenix, who already pieced it together.)
Line 474:
[http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/9850/8842cedefe.jpg Namely this one]
Namely Capcom was worried that if it was just Mia Fey and April May like that then people would get the wrong idea of what the game is really like. So Maya was added in to hopefully make things seem more innocuous, but like other examples of censorship whether it actually does do that is of course up to you.
** Why is April May even in that picture? She was an accomplice to Mia's murder and gave testimony in an attempt to get Maya arrested for it.
*** Probably because April is the only other female character in that case and Capcom thought that was a justifiable enough reason.
**** It would have been better if they just had Mia and Maya hugging each other in a sisterly way.
Line 526:
== The Judge and Manfred von Karma share a grandchild ==
So, according to Court-Records.net, the Judge has a grandchild, name and gender unknown. According to Game 1, Case 4 we know that vKarma ''also'' has a grandchild. Wouldn't it be fun if the grandchild was teh result of the Judges (potential)Son, and vKarmas other daughter?
== Zak (or Maginifi) got rid of Apollo ==
Line 546:
== Manfred von Karma made a deal with the Devil. ==
'''This is a more sensible version of the WMG above.'''
Manfred von Karma made a [[Deal with the Devil]] for something. (Maybe a child who was ''just like him''?), the price being that he would go to Hell as soon as he felt true failure. He killed Edgey-Daddy, and so the black mark that Edgey-Daddy gave him didn't feel like a 'failure', however when Phoenix Wright beat him, he felt true and utter failure, and the contract was fulfilled, meaning that the child that was ''just like him'' (Franziska) was no longer “just like him�, and was able to grow and change as evidence by her breaking down in front of Edgeworth, and learning that there is more then just "perfection" in life.
Line 559:
It can hold statues, spears, cameras on stands, fishing rods, metal detectors, ''dogs'', a parrot, dancing cardboard badgers, jars, CSI equipment, folding screens, monkeys, dead lions, trunks, umbrellas, sacred swords, jockey calendars, cane swords, glass bottles, noodle stands...
The explanation is: Each attorney involved with a case is given a small portal to the case's assigned phantom zone and all evidence they find or need can be conveniently stored or accessed through such medium.
* Also, consider that Ace Attorney Investigatons (the only game in the series that does not involve trials) does not have a Court Record, instead having the pieces of evidence written down. This is obviously because within the game, Edgeworth is not in any actual trials, and thus does not have access to the Court Record.
* Have you ever considered that they just take pictures of the evidence?
Line 630:
== The "Little Thief" system shown in '''Ace Attorney Investigates''' is a precursor to the MASON System in '''Apollo Justice''' ==
'''First off''', when we first see the "Little Thief" system, we know it's before Apollo Justice for several reasons, one of which being that the Gavinners are the group playing on the stage in the kidnapping case.
So, what's to say that, during the break between AAI and AJ Edgeworth doesn't manage to get his hand on a version of "Little Thief". Somehow it gets to Phoenix, and Phoenix creates a virtual "time machine" that is the MASON System. That's why you may have to find something in the "future" before you can present it in the "past"- because you're not actually going between the two time periods in a logical, orderly manner!
* Also, it seems highly unlikely that Phoenix became a master programer before AJ. Alternatively, Kay could helped program the MASON system. Phoenix asks Miles for help with the jury system being reinstated and Miles contacts Kay to see if she could help with this project.
Line 646:
== Kay will next show up in her own Investigations style game ==
Where she as Edgeworth's successor(and maybe part of the new Yatagarasu on the side) takes Edgeworth's investigative role and goes to trial unlike ''Edgeworth Investigates''. Having to deal with a competitive and lecherous Klavier, a older and even more bumbling OVER PROMOTED Chief Gumshoe, a surly and bitter Ema (who '''doesn't''' like that Kay actually managed to reach her dream) and goes up against Apollo and others such as older more disgusting Grossman. One case will be against a newly reinstated Phoenix defending Maya, which will be unwinnable, because Phoenix as his new [[The Chessmaster|Chessmastery]] self will the universe's resident [[The Ace|Ace]].
* '''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''' Isn't it because law is hindered and can't always bring about truth the reason that Kay becomes the Yatagarasu? One would think she'd find being the Yatagarasu more valuable than being a lawyer, and invest her full time in it. Plus, Kay comes across as a kleptomaniac even outside of stealing 'the truth', considering how she's always talking about stealing everything in sight (or even intangible things like lines and jobs).
== Shi-Long Lang really is a werewolf. ==
Line 652:
== Shi-Long Lang is actually [[Star Fox (series)|Wolf O'Donnell]] stuck in a parallel universe ==
Wolf flew a little too far towards the edge of the universe and ended up in Zheng Fa. The only way he can get back to the Lylat system is to take down the Interpol agents whom hold the secret to universe-to-universe hopping.
== Kristoph Gavin defended {{spoiler|Quercus Alba}} ==
{{spoiler|Alba}} would want the best lawyer around to take his case, but seeing as Edgeworth handled the investigation Phoenix and his known associates would refuse the case as they would conclude that he's guilty. Who amongst defense attorneys at the time is both known to be exceedingly skilled and [[Amoral Attorney|amoral]] enough to want to defend him? Not to mention, despite {{spoiler|losing his ambassadorship}}, {{spoiler|Alba probably still has a lot of fame and wealth}}; a client of that nature would match Kristoph's M.O. to a T. Oh, and it even adds another layer to his {{spoiler|[[Disproportionate Retribution]]}}; we know from a credits sequence in ''Investigations'' that {{spoiler|Alba}} was found guilty, which would mean that Gavin lost to Edgeworth in court: {{spoiler|"Not only did I lose Zak's case to this second-rate defense attorney, he's even a known associate of that prosecutor I lost to last month! HE MUST PAY!"}}
* ...This is awesome.
* This is now my headcanon.
Line 700:
== Diego's love for Mia was unrequited. ==
* Mia never refers to him as her boyfriend, and doesn't make any particular effort to speak to him when they meet again.
* Diego, despite his obvious feelings for her, never refers to her as his girlfriend.
* Grossberg refers to Diego as Mia's boyfriend, but she doesn't acknowledge it. He may have known about Diego's feelings for her and just assumed.
* Mia was extremely shaken by the events of 3-4, but that could have had just as much to do with {{spoiler|seeing her first client kill himself in front of her}} as anything.
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== There is ''some'' kind of relation between Phoenix and Kyon from the [[Haruhi Suzumiya]] Franchise. ==
During his time as a lawyer, Phoenix is basically Kyon with more facial expressions, right down to the sarcastic remarks in his thoughts, the [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]] failure when Mia is first channeled, the heroic "She's annoying me to death, but I still love her as a friend" moment and the fact that everybody and their mothers seemd to be able to read his thoughts for some reason. Also, Kyon implies that he, surprisingly, actually used to be rather naive and childish just a few years ago... does that remind you on a certain cold-killer X taking law-student?
Conclusion: Kyon too will end up as a Hobo in a few years, he just needs some traumatic experience to make him snap.
== Phoenix Wright is responsible for every single one of Winston Payne's failures ==
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Phoenix had been planning to set up the jury system for a long time and had to keep his friends uninvolved, since he wanted them to be the jury for the first trial using this system. It's also for this reason that Phoenix refrained from introducing or mentioning them to Apollo. If he just lost one wrong word to them, they'd automatically disqualified for being too involved in the case. Ema, however, still disqualified in the end, because she donated the camera to him, so he replaced her with Thalassa. The other five jurists are Edgeworth, Maya, Pearl, Maggey and Iris. (Not Gumshoe, since he was involved in the trial which started the whole mess).
* Pearl is too young to be a jurist. You're not legally an adult in Japan until 20 and Pearl would be only 16 at the time of Turnabout Succession. Repalce her with Larry Butz.
* Only lays can be jurors, which means that it couldn't have been Edgeworth. Perhaps Lotta?
== Alcohol is outlawed in the setting of ''[[Ace Attorney]]'' ==
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== The MASON system is... ==
A mix of science (Little Thief) and what for all intents and purposes we're going to call "magic" (Kurain-style channeling). When you "travel" back in time, you're really viewing a channeling of a person's past self being channeled through a type of Little Thief System.
== Akbey Hicks is Machi Tobaye's father ==
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== Becoming a defense attorney or prosecutor is as simple as applying to McDonalds. ==
I mean, come on. Well-known Defense Attorney Diego Armando {{spoiler|wakes up from a five-year coma and immediately becomes a prosecutor}}. Calisto Yew, {{spoiler|as an ''identity'', didn't exist until the case of Cece Yew and goes right to being a defense attorney.}} Nobody bats an eyelash at either of these. On top of this, Klavier Gavin could not ''possibly'' have had enough time to study law ''and'' become a super-popular rock star at age 17.
* So Franziska trained in Germany for years to become a perfect prosecutor, and when she applied, she realized that all she needed was a badge/name tag and a smile (though she probably let her whip do the smiling)?
The law books are just fluff and the reason Phoenix has so much trouble with them is because he learned everything via word-of-mouth from Mia.
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** Sal Manella, who is presently writing his first series.
== Ron DeLite is an alternate-universe [[Baccano!|Jacuzzi Splot]]. ==
He just traded in his [[Fail O'Suckyname|retarded name]] for retarded hair.
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== De Killer's role in [[AAI 2]] theory ==
After finding a successor and training them, it's time for their first job. Of course, Shelly would come along to supervise in case something went wrong. Probably why he's wearing his emblem so openly; to draw away attention from the real assassin and just freak us all the fuck out. Speaking of new assassins, I bet it's a girl... alias? Jane Doe.
* Or possibly he's hired to assassinate the case's victim but is beaten to the punch by the real killer, and part of the over-arching story covers trying to discover the client.
** Well, that's just as - if not more of an interesting thought. *scratches chin* Okay, so... If that's the case, then maybe Edgeworth will team-up with de Killer at one point to catch the real killer, [[Let's Make a Deal|but only if he doesn't arrest him?]]
Line 888:
The reason only women in the Kurain Tradition can hold spiritual powers is that it's a hold over from the White Tower and the only weave properly remembered by the Kurain Tradition is a special secret weave that temporarily allows spirits bound to the wheel to be drawn into the real world again so long as they have a willing host body to inhabit. Explaining how events like 3-5 can occur
Phoenix is a reincarnation of Rand al'Thor. He has an almost suicidally stupid belief in the basic goodness of the female half of the human species (Compare Lanfear and Dahlia anyone?) His mentor sacrifices herself to protect him from a villain he later takes down (Mia/Moraine). He has one princess like love interest who is also, as or more powerful than his mentor was in spiritual power (Maya/Elayne) Pearls has been shown to be quite violent in her quest to keep 'Mystic Maya and Mr. Nick' together though lets be honest, who doubts that as soon as Pearl hits puberty her long cherished hero worship of Nick won't turn into a full blown crush even as she batters Nick into who she thinks he should be with regardless of her feelings just like Aviendha. Which would leave Iris to be an incarnation of Min, a more simple down to earth girl with little to no special powers but a strong love connection to her man who just wants her beloved to be happy no matter the cost.
Any one else care to expand?
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Because by finding out about Wright's disbarment, he would acknowledge that the law itself was imperfect and that only the truth is absolute. Of course, this troperette has no idea when [[GK 2]] takes place, so this could just be Edgey's take on things.
* ::''Taps papers. Grins.'':: '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' ::''Slams desk.'':: '''''[http://aceattorney.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline TAKE THAT!]''''' Phoenix's disbarment does not happen until weeks after Investigations ends!
* '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' Gyakuten Kenji 2 ends on April 9th 2019, a week or less away from Zak's arrest! therefore, it ''is'' possible!
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Just an idea- when Phoenix or Edgeworth exposes a hole in her theory, she'll draw back as if expecting them to hit her.
* It's a nice theory, but '''everyone''' does that, while Edgeworth has the same possible reason, no one else does.
** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}'''''' The great majority of witnesses and prosecutors simply act surprised or tense. No one actually does anything similar to Franziska's bracing and instinctively dodging in self-defense. Also, consider her behavior of whipping people into submission when irritated with them! It is a classic sign of childhood bullying or physical abuse. Therefore, we have strong evidence to suggest that ''Franziska von Karma was abused by her father!''
== Edgeworth dies at the end of his Investigations series ==
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* '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' While he could have lied about his name, age and hair color, and could have become an absurdly rich TV star within 6 years, there's one thing he would have a very hard time changing: {{color|red| his height!}}. Data says that Matt Engarde is five centimeters taller than Doug Swallow. That's nearly two inches.
** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' As Doug Swallow, he logically would have spent lot's of time {{color|red| hunched over while working in a lab.}} However, as actor Matt Engarde ::close up, speed lines:: {{color|red| he would stand up tall to become more presantable!}} Thus explaining the height difference.
*** '''''{{color|red|OBJECTION!}}''''' And what of Engarde's supposedly long-lived (since childhood) rivalry with Juan Corrida? Or do you propose that Swallow and Corrida somehow met outside of the acting biz or made up a good rivalry story for publicity? (Though if the rivalry were invented, it obviously got very real very fast)? I am quite intrigued.
== Talented Spirit Medium automatically gain [[Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective|Ghost Tricks]] upon dying. ==
Remember: When Maya first channeled Mia, she had told Phoenix beforehand that she wouldn't be able to do it, since she is still in training. However, suddenly, Mia was channeled and tried to justify it to Phoenix by saying "Remember that I am of Fey Blood too.", hinting that the spiritual powers remain even after death and make it easier for her to take control of Maya's body, despite her being a little unskilled. Following this line of logic, Fey Women don't need {{spoiler|the Temsik radiation}}, their own supernatural energy is enough to give them Ghost Tricks upon death. This explains how Phoenix keeps hearing Mia's voice: Her Ghost Tricks are limited Ghost-to-Human telepathy and significantly boosting a living Medium's powers.
* Alternatively: Magatamas are crafted from fragments of the Temsik meteor, which would guarantee that a medium would die within range of the radiation, and get tricks upon death... Provided that that medium was still wearing her magatama, of course... (Or, in Phoenix's case, hadn't gotten it stolen/lent it to anyone)
** Doesn't make sense, as Magatama have different colors are are traditionally made of jewels native to Japan. (Yes, Magatama ARE real beads, not something the series made up) Also, the greater Magatama is persumably very, very old... It sure goes back longer than the metorite shower in temsik park.
== Wright & Co. Law offices has a tagline focusing on "the truth" ==
None of the clients who choose Phoenix on their own are actually guilty, and the one time he ''did'' have a guilty client, Nick was the one offering his services. {{spoiler|Matt}} obviously wouldn't know or care about an emphasis on the truth, and de Killer wouldn't care, since {{spoiler|blackmail}} has a way of getting people to see things your way. If there was a reference to finding the truth in an ad, then guilty clients wouldn't be as likely to go to that law firm, but innocent ones would. It would also explain the apparent lack of popularity and... unique clientele.
* [[Eureka Moment|Everything makes sense now.]]
* I always thought it might be "We help the hopeless."
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== Phoenix Wright has the [[Steins;Gate|Reading Steiner]] ability and is sending D-Mails or using Time Leap Machine ==
That Explains how you're in Phoenix's shoes... with items you WERENT supposed to have, bringing them back and forth between times.
== Manfred von Karma did give a damn about Edgeworth. ==
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== The Judge is behind EVERYTHING. ==
After all, he's the ONLY absolute constant in EVERY trial. Every single trial has the Judge, whose name is never revealed, presiding. Everyone pays him the utmost respect, and thus he is never suspected
of his crimes. The biggest evidence for this? In Rise from Ashes, it is the Judge who gets the [[Big No]] when everything is figured out. In every crime, the Judge either manipulates the evidence to lead it to someone else or manipulates whoever is found guilty into doing it for him.
* The judge isn't present in EVERY trial. What about his brother (the one with the yellow beard)?
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== The series takes place millions of years [[After the End]]. ==
Millions of years is plenty of time for something big enough to warrant another calender change, thus why it is still the early 2000s. It also explains why cell phones are still like the ones in the 90s and why Kurain has existed for generations and it still doesn't exist in [[Real Life]].
== Redd White knew about the SL-9 case from 1-5. ==
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