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* The first movie of ''[[Kara no Kyoukai:]]'' has to do with this, as half a dozen schoolgirls throw themselves off of an abandoned building seemingly without reason. In the end, the one who's been astrally projecting herself from her hospital bed and is responsible does the same thing.
* In ''[[Alive the Final Evolution]]'' those infected by the suicide virus behave this way.
* This is [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|Maiza's]] reasoning for approaching Firo and [[I Cannot Self-Terminate|asking the kid to kill him]] (more specifically, he's both [[Seen It All]] and finally received closure over his [[Dead Little Sister|Dead Little Brother]]) at the end of the first arc of ''[[Baccano!]]!''. Firo's response is to nod, smile...and then give a number of entirely bullshit reasons for why he [[2001: A Space Odyssey|can't do that, Dave]], before admitting that he really just doesn't want to lose his mentor.
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* [[H. Beam Piper]] wrote a story titled "Last Enemy," about a culture that had accepted reincarnation as a scientifically proven fact. As a result, they'd developed a rather ''different'' attitude toward death -- it was, at worst, a (temporary) inconvenience; often enough, it was a social event. "Evidently when the Akor-Neb people get tired of their current reincarnation they invite in their friends, throw a big party, and then do themselves in in an atmosphere of general conviviality."
* Cruelly subverted in Dostoyevsky's ''The Possessed''; sympathetic (if batshit insane) nihilist Kirillov, [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] and [[Anti-Villain]], wants to kill himself for his own philosophical reasons, and wants his suicide to be a serene, noble apotheosis. Everything is prepared, and he has been anxiously waiting for the right moment since ''years''. However, when the time comes he hesitates. [[Complete Monster]] Petr Stepanovic, who needs his death for his own diabolical schemes, tries to kill him, and fails; Kirillov, humiliated and disgusted for his own cowardice, finally shoots himself. It's worth noting that his death basically allows Petr Stepanovic to pull a [[Karma Houdini]].
* In Richard Hooker's ''[[MashMASH (novel)]]'', "Painless Pole" Waldowski decides to commit suicide during one of his frequent attacks of depression, and the rest of the camp pitches in to "assist" him. Subverted, in that he doesn't actually die.
** [[Robert Altman]]'s [[M*A*S*H (film)|film version]] has the character deciding to end it all because he can't face his future as the "latent homosexual" he's convinced himself to be. During his "funeral" the [[Trope Namer|trope-naming]] song is performed. (Altman ensured that the lyrics would have an appropriately mawkish tone by assigning the task to his fifteen-year old son.)
* A common cause of death in [[The Culture]]: some people are immortal and almost everyone lives for hundreds of years.... but when they feel that they've seen it all, they typically decided to end their lives painlessly.
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