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* [[Axis Powers Hetalia|Ancient]] [[Boisterous Bruiser|Rome]], and how! He is said to have conquered most of Europe, but is shown being almost more spacey than his own grandson, [[The Ditz|North Italy]]. He even spaces out when giving Germany a lecture on his own history.
* You know how we said they're never [[Ax Crazy]]? We lied. Meet ''[[Baccano!]]!'''s Claire Stanfield, an [[Professional Killer|assassin]] that is ''very'' good at tracking people down, [[Torture Technician|extracting information]], and killing things. The catch is that he has a huge list of quirks (constant [[I Have Many Names|name-changing]], a tendency to [[The Dulcinea Effect|attach himself to]] [[Handsome Lech|anything in a skirt]], a habit of going ''way'' [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|overboard]], a complete disregard for contract confidentiality, a firmly sustained belief that [[A God Am I|he is God]] -- the list goes on) that can make him more than a little annoying for his employers to deal with. Still, he is really, ''really'' good at what he does.
* Nizuma Eiji, mangaka prodigy of ''[[Bakuman?]]'', can't work without making lots of loud sound effects and preferably turning up the stereo to battlefield volume. His way of blowing just about everybody off makes [[Dollhouse|Topher]] look like a master of tact in the workplace. Altogether, the T.O. team seems to have branched out by making the Bunny Ears thoroughly obnoxious.
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** Shin of the White Knights is one of the best linebackers in Japan because he [[Training From Hell|trains almost nonstop, and in unorthodox ways]] (doing ''vertical push-ups'' with his ''thumbs'' at one point). He also has no grasp at all of how to use electronics, to the point that [[Walking Techbane|if it's electronic and he touches it, it's broken]].
** Otawara, also of the White Knights, is extremely slow-witted and crude; Running gags involve him farting and his pants falling down. Oh, and, while he isn't the most powerful lineman around, he's close, and he's [[Lightning Bruiser|incredibly fast for someone his size]].
** Jo Tetsuma of the Seibu Wild Gunmen [[Silent Bob|almost never speaks]] unless Kid tells him to, and [[Literal -Minded|follows orders to the very syllable,]] even to illogical extents. In addition, he is only shown in two situations to take actions under his own initiative. However, his single-minded obedience to commands makes him one of the best four wide receivers in all of Kanto.
** Kengo Mizumachi of the Kyoshin Poseidons is a spastic, energetic, irrepressibly cheerful guy who is constantly making a fool of himself but couldn't care less. Also, the only reason he started playing football is because no other sport provided an adequate level of challenge for him.
** Agon Kongo is a dark take on the trope, along with being a kind of insufferable genius. He never trains and spends his days lazing about, picking fights, womanizing, and [[Murder Arson and Jaywalking|giving his brother (the team captain, no less) noogies]], yet he gets away with it because he's the most talented athlete of the century.
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