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*** if it was bigger on the inside then I pity whoever had to sit and listen to it
== John Galt is {{spoiler|[[BioshockBioShock (series)|Fontaine.]]}} ==
* No, he's {{spoiler|Ryan.}}
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They both try to repress humanity's latent exceptionalism and awesomeness. The heroes both want to use their power to the fullest. The strikers are successful for a few hundred years until the main Anti-Spiral force finds them and Lordgenome defects.
For added hilarity and insanity, John Galt is Simon's ancestor.
== John Galt is a [[Dr. Seuss|Who]]. ==
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* The Gulch mirage is an example to how intellect may be overlooked by the masses, yet discovered by the determined, as society at large is unaware of Galt's Gulch, yet Dagny penetrates it due to her determination to find Quentin Daniels.
* Project X is an example of how human intellect may be turned to destructive purposes through coercion, and how those intellects are ultimately destroyed by their creations. Stadler, although an incredible mind, believes that the only way he can prosper is by forcing others to support him. Ultimately, he dies along with his creation when Cuffy Meigs clumsily attempts to claim it for himself.
* The voice activated door locks are the ultimate example of Rand's philosophy. When Dagny speaks the words of the Strikers' oath, that she will no longer sacrifice herself to others, nor allow others to sacrifice themselves for her, she is permitted to enter the core of the Strikers' society, a power plant where all of the valley's energy is generated, with enough to spare to power the entire world.
* Palm-activated door locks are an example of the sanctity of the human mind-to attempt to force it open and claim its contents against the owner's will will only result in the destruction of all that it holds. Galt's New York laboratory has one of these locks-only his hand can open it. When the police arrive and force the door, all of his work is destroyed without a trace.
* The torture machine is an example of Rand's concept of the Sanction of the Victim. In the novel's climax, the Looters take John Galt to a secret location and attempt to force him to save them and their failing society. The machine breaks, and none of the Looters know how to fix it. Galt then calmly and eloquently instructs him on how it may be repaired. The Looters are literally unable to even harm Galt without Galt's intellect to make their machine work.
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