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* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]. Many for the faction leaders. One debate is whether General Hawthorne, who destroyed Camp Taurajo, was a war criminal responsible for civilian deaths or someone who tried to win while showing more mercy than his comrades.
* [[Alt-Itis]]: Just about everybody who plays the game for long has multiple characters. Even if it isn't to experience life in the opposite faction, there are still six races per faction and ten classes, not to mention the advantages of having multiple professions available on one account. Some players ''never'' get a character to max level, instead rolling dozens of alts. And then Blizzard added the Recruit A Friend program, allowing players to level alts with their friends at triple the normal rate.
** In ''Wrath of the Lich King'', the addition of "heirloom" class items makes this even more highly encouraged, as they can be traded among characters on the same account, scale to character level and increase the rate at which experience is gained, making leveling up additional characters easier.
** In ''Cataclysm'', the heirloom system was expanded to guilds, with heirloom capes and helms only being available once your guild reaches a certain level. Further, ''Cataclysm'' revamped the leveling experience in old Azeroth in order to attract players who are bored with the original content.
* [[Base Breaker]]: Arthas (as a Paladin), Varian, Garrosh, Sylvanas, and Gallywix.
** Thrall as of Cataclysm. A common fan sentiment is that they "like Thrall, but ''hate'' [[The Messiah|"Go'el"]]".
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Every time a class bitches enough to get class buffs or reworks, you can bet your bottom they'll be complaining [[It's Popular, Now It Sucks|they're oversaturated with noobs who don't know how to play them.]]
** The fanbase complained about long convoluted attunement quest chains and being unable to complete them because [[Can't Catch Up|nobody would lift a finger to help]]. Now that that's no longer required and you don't have to run a dozen dungeons (That nobody wants to do anymore) and hope your token actually drops so guilds will look in your general direction. Then they complained about how annoyingly hard the game was only now are complaining about "Casuals" taking over the game. (Don't try pointing out that there are in fact heroic raids meant ''specifically'' for these "Core" players, or that they offer stronger gear and require much more coordination than raid finder - they're not listening.)
** Throughout wrath, the fanbase bitched ''non-stop'' about how "easy" the heroics were. (ignoring, of course, that they were "hard" before people started running them in Naxx gear or with heirlooms.) Then when the last three Wrath heroics were added, they bitched about how "hard" they were and would constantly [[Rage Quit]] the halls of reflection. When Cataclysm was released, what was everyone's response to the heroics? That they're [[Face Palm|too hard]]. Of course nowadays, nobody complains about how "hard" they were because just like Wrath, they all outgeared the heroics enough to just rush through.
** For that matter, they complained about the needless amounts of [[Fake Difficulty]] in the game, alleviating the Catch22 situations. Now they complain about "Wrath babies" or "noobs" running their heroics.
* [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]]: Various quests in Cataclysm involving random creatures nobody likes ([http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27729 eels], [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27187 hyenas], [http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27940 vultures]) show up with no warning when you kill one of them, and have absolutely no mention after you finish them.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]
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** ''Mists of Pandaria'' seems to be causing this too.
** Also, PVE vs. PVP. Players will pull up unoriginal insults akin to [[Fantastic Racism]] without the "race".
* [[Cliché Storm]]: the [[Large Ham]] bosses' favorite way of [[Calling Your Attacks]]. Originally done so you'd know how to prepare for an incoming attack but nowadays it's just tradition.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Quite a few villains qualify, although overall most of them tend to be Anti-Villains.
** Loken from Wrath of the Lich King murders his sister in law and frames his brother's friends for it, causing a needless war, warps his brothers dragon into a monstrosity, and tries to brainwash Thorim.
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*** "An individual who wields Frostmourne will not part with it willingly. Over time the person will go from good to neutral and finally to evil. A non-undead evil wielder will then become undead. Finally the sword is able to suck the being's soul into the sword."
** Chargla Razorflank sells her own people to the Scourge.
** [[Deceptive Disciple|Gul'dan]](despite being [[Faux Affably Evil]]) who voluntarily corrupted his people into a bloodthirsty horde which [[The Man Behind the Man|he secretly controls]], planned the genocide of the Draenei and brought the Orcs into Azeroth so they could trigger two wars. He also created Garona as a "breeding experiment" between an Orc soldier and a female Draenei prisoner, after that she was magically aged, tortured and mind controlled into becoming his personal assassin. Finally, [[It's All About Me|he betrays the Horde to follow his own ends of achieving power.]]
** Kael'thas gets changed into this in The Burning Crusade, although your Mileage May Vary. He becomes a power hungry lunatic who seeks to sacrifice an innocent girl in order to bring his master Kil'Jaeden into the world, who incidentally is the one who gave the order for the destruction of Kael'thas's home (well not him directly, but he and Archimonde would have certainly authorized it and he DID create the Scourge for use against Azeroth).
** Deathwing is an unrepentant mass murderer, who coldly murdered most of his and the blue flight and who covertly helped the Orcs gain control over his rival, Alexstrasza, who he kept as his unwilling consort for a time. His act of entering the world (though admittedly rather awesome) kills countless innocents and causes almost incalculable environmental damage, and he has a genocidal hatred of anyone who isn't a black dragon (and considering the twilight flight even they may be expendable eventually).
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** The whole defending the shard thing became really annoying after awhile, so Azuregos entrusted it to a construct of his called Maws, which is a very special minnow. The player has the option of calling him insane for this, while a pleased Azuregos claims to be a genius instead.
*** He gets worse in cataclysm, it's implied being farmed so much may have caused permanent damage to his brain, eventually he decided just to stay dead for a while and wound up ''falling in love with a spirit healer''.
* [[Creator's Pet]]: Many in the playerbase grew to dislike Garrosh as he rose in prominence during the events of ''Wrath Of The Lich King'', and when it was announced that he would replace well-loved Thrall as the Warchief of The Horde in ''Catacylsm'' fan response was pretty predictable. Now there are many questgiving NPCs who will praise Garrosh for his bellicose manner and warmongering foreign policies. That there are a few NPCs who will express concern about this gives fans a few straws to cling to.
** Thrall basically tells Vol'jin "look, our people ''really'' hate the Alliance and want to kill them right now (and I'm busy), so we need a leader who feels the same." Most of the people who disagree with Garrosh and his policies are off with Thrall, fixing the Cataclysm.
*** Not that players who feel more loyal to Thrall than "The Horde" are given any option...
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* [[Demonic Spiders]]: The Level 90 [[Elite Mooks|starting zone guards]] for Ammen Vale (which is the Level 1-5 zone for Draenei). They make the "Explore Azuremyst Isle" achievement for the Horde nigh impossible because of bad game design. They can (and will if you're not careful or geared enough) one-shot any maximum level player with ranged or melee damage. Corpse running past them is essential to get the achievement. [[It Got Worse|It gets worse]] from here. Horde Rogues or Mages can't stealth past them. The guards themselves can see through stealth/invisibility and have a really large aggro radius to boot. [[Sarcasm Mode|Have fun!]]
* [[Dork Age]]: A fair few people will say either the first or second expansions were this. The Burning Crusade gets it for the storyline problems already mentioned, a perceived disrespect for the lore and a setting too detached from the rest of the Warcraft world (which has become something of a [[That One Level|scrappy world]] now that vanilla content has been rejigged in Cataclysm, making Outland paradoxically the oldest and grindiest level bracket). Wrath of the Lich King gets it for making heroic dungeons too easy (raid content too at first, but they implemented a lot of optional harder modes with better loot to fix that, not that anyone actually listened), a painful lack of new content for PVPers and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|some really ugly looking gear]].
** It's also worth mentioning that in ''Wrath'', the "too easy" heroics were because more people got geared or would run with geared players and wind up walking through the dungeon so easily and only having trouble with say, Oculus. From 2008-early 2009, most people weren't complaining about heroics being "too easy" unless they were Naxxramas or Ulduar geared. They weren't as hard as the Cataclysm heroics were at launch, however. The Cataclysm heroics also got easier as people with Tier 12 or 13 gear joined the queues, more people learned how to fight the bosses, and as the bosses got a few nerfs.
* [[Draco in Leather Pants]]:
** Sylvanas. She and the rest of the Forsaken have suffered a great deal. On the other hand, they are also quite ruthless, often beyond the scope of what their circumstances would justify, and fans tend to forget this part.
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** Sassy Hardwrench, the goblin player character's secretary, is often named in hypothetical plans to overthrow Gallywix.
** Boss Mida, a fan made character also involved in Gallywix removal plans.
** John J. Keeshan and Bravo Company, although Keeshan himself borders on [[Memetic Badass]] status.
** Rheastraza, just for the [[Tear Jerker]] quest line she is involved in. Also, {{spoiler|the unhatched black dragon egg she purified, although it's not even born, is one of two player favorite candidates regarding the future leader of the Black Dragonflight}}
** Tichondrius. Well, he was quite charismatic.
** Asric and Jadaar, a male blood elf and a male draenei respectively. The two would trade insults while investigating Griftah's activities in Shattrath during The Burning Crusade expansion. Fan reaction to the two prompted Blizzard to bring them back in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
** Cro Threadstrong, an Orc NPC in Shattrath who yells about waging war with a nearby apple vendor.
** Sabellian, Deathwing's younger son who is a questgiver in Outland. As of late, there have been several calls for Sabellian, who is much less evil and more sane than his father, to take control of the Black Dragonflight after Deathwing's inevitable demise at the hands of players.
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]:
** It's unlikely Onyxia would have been gotten away with a thousandth of what she got away with if not for people's assumption that she was the returned King's mistress and previously Bolvar's. In all likelihood, she really was the returned Varian's mistress for the short time she had him [[Charm Person|spellbound]].
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** And that's only the general forums. Each sub-forum seems to have its own Fan Dumb that does nothing but whine and complain about whatever the subject of the board is. For example, the class forums are often less filled with constructive advice on how to improve the class so much as they become slagging matches between users about how the class developers favor some classes over others. The story forums are more or less the same, just replace 'classes' with 'factions' and 'class developers' with 'creative developers'.
* [[Fan Hater]]: One of the most plagued games by this. Many fanhaters also refuse to acknowledge that the game actually ''isn't'' addictive and it's not causing the players to give up their lives.
** Players of [[EveEVE Online]] seem to have a major superiority complex about [[WoW]]. Mention [[WoW]] in any forum or in the in-game chat in Eve and you'll be buried in people shouting "Eve is a much more complex and difficult game and [[WoW]] is the training wheels of the internet and..." It's rather sad considering Eve itself has enough [[Fan Hater|Fan Haters]] that its playerbase could be expected to be a little wiser.
** Mentioning [[WoW]] is practically taboo in the Guild Wars community. Anyone suggesting implementation of a feature from or making a comparison to [[WoW]] on a Guild Wars fan forum is quickly shot down by legions of other members insisting "Guild Wars is nothing like that piece of crap" and all but calling the initial poster an idiot for liking [[WoW]]. Invariably at least one person will bring up the Skinner box argument that "you only enjoy it because they're manipulating your psychology." This really is the case with GW fans and any P2P MMO (Aion, Rift, etc... SWTOR is the current punching bag), but [[WoW]] is generally the most loathed.
* [[Foe Yay]]: In ''Wrath of the Lich King'', the Lich King and Tirion Fordring have it in spades.
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** The minor elementals (fire, earth, water and air) deserve a mention. They're extremely irritating and have erratic pathing. Which results in you being forced to fight them (usually thanks to the dazed mechanic). It doesn't help they're immune to their respective element, but they're usually easy to kill.
* [[Good Bad Bugs]]: In an early release of ''Frozen Throne'', Anub'arak's carapace skill stacked over time, giving him enough armor points to make him virtually invincible.
** In Lost city of the Tol'vir, a few ranged players discovered a glitch that allowed them to jump onto a statue during a boss fight and plink away. The adds summoned by the boss never touch them, and for hte most part it's impossible for them to pull aggro. This was removed.
* [[Growing the Beard]]: The game was infamous for its questing: while trying to avert completely depending on [[Level Grinding]], it pretty much invented [[Twenty Bear Asses]], leveling was filled with boring, irrelevant sidequests no one cares about. Now with Cataclysm update many locations were reshaped in such a way so each zone tells a story and most sidequests are directly tied into it. The game is becoming more and more convenient over the years too, with things such as Dungeon Finder that lets you forget about crying "LFG" for hours being drowned out by people selling things.
** You'd actually be very surprised how [[Waste of Time Story|little]] people pay attention to it.
* [[Hate Dumb]]: Many people trash the game because "It's a [[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]] ripoff" or without having ever touched it. Naturally this leads to some sometimes funny comments like how much of a ripoff of ''[[Lord of the Rings]]'' it is. (If this game is a ripoff of ''[[Lord of the Rings]]'', then it's safe to say ''every'' form of fantasy is a ripoff!) There are many people who in fact act all [[New Media Are Evil]] and that the game will addict you if you touch it. This is of course ignoring that ''IT'S A GAME'' and not something that chemically addicts you, and how many people act like [[Double Standard|playing any other game for 14 hours a day or doing stuff like reading or watching TV is somehow more productive than playing this one.]]
** There have even been instances of [[Hate Dumb]] for this game on this very wiki in the Headscratchers section.
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* [[Holy Shit Quotient]]: The [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq4Y7ztznKc opening cinematic] for ''Cataclysm'' ranks pretty high.
** Stepping through the Dark Portal into the broken world of Outland for the first time (and right into the middle of a battle between the Alliance & Horde and an army of demons) in ''Burning Crusade'' was up there as well.
* [[Hypocritical Hatedom]]: Whenever an article about how [[New Media Are Evil]] shows up, if the New media that's being demonized is [[World of Warcraft]], the comments will often be (stupidly) ''agreeing'' with it or saying "This is proof that WOW is evil". Whereas if an article had said the same thing about any other game would have gamers are up in arms about it and saying "See? Typical scapegoating BS".
* [[Internet Backdraft]]: Where do we even start? Forum MVP Palehoof gives a good rundown [http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=20677635725 here] of all of the various changes Blizzard has made to the game that caused the community to revolt. You can see/add more examples on the [[Internet Backdraft]] page itself. It's notable that three of these have actually been successful in getting Blizzard to change its policies: the outcry against the ban of a GLBT guild for forum advertising, the firestorm that came from Blizzard's announcement in July 2010 that the forums would begin requiring users to post with their real names, and the outcry against charging customers a fee to use the [[Real ID]] cross realm dungeon finder.
** Currently, Blizzard is facing the community's backlash against the new "Worgen racial mounts", which are actually a copy and paste job on some Human horse mount models minus the saddles, that were announced to be included in the 4.3 patch. [http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3116591708?page=19#368 This post] explains perfectly why the community is so up in arms over the decision.
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** JOHN J. KEESHAN. Yes, he is so awesome his name has to be spelt in all caps at all times.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: So many that they had to be listed on the [[World of Warcraft/Memes|Memes]] page.
* [[Misaimed Fandom]]: You're not supposed to agree with Malygos in ''Wrath of the Lich King'', people. No matter how profoundly ''wrong'' Blizzard make their characters, there will always be someone on the official forums to claim they're right.
* [[Mis Blamed]]: The mob respawn rates at the start of ''Cataclysm'' actually weren't entirely Blizzard's fault; they were a programming oversight. The insane respawn rates were due to so many players clogging the zones at once that they respawned almost instantly. This was after Burning crusade's launch the mob respawn rate was too low so people would camp required mobs.
* [[Moe]]: Mylune, a Dryad with [[Puppy Dog Eyes]] that gives you quests to save the critters that roam around a burning forest. She even ''squees.''
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: Potentially, ''you'', if you play a Death Knight. While soulless in the service of Arthas, you're complicit in genocide, butchering civilians under the protection of [[Knight Templar|the Scarlet Crusade]], and torture. Depending on the individual Death Knight, this may or may not be [[More Than Mind Control]].
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*** Made even worse that a scripted event following the quest has two of the pygmies killed in a very throwaway manner. [[Blatant Lies|"We will take care of them very well"]] indeed...
** Malygos crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] in a few ways (kidnapping, torturing and brainwashing Keristraza, and {{spoiler|forcing mages to work for him under threat of their families being killed}}), but the realization that he's redirecting leylines to power his dragonflight (which places all of Azeroth in danger) is what causes Alextrasza to reluctantly call for his death.
** Deathwing crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] by betraying the other dragonflights and using the Demon Soul's power to kill off most of the Blue Dragonflight, and now planning Azeroth's destruction. The Red Dragonflight considers the Black Dragonflight beyond redemption in Cataclysm.
** Sylvanas and the forsaken appear to be [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]] nowadays. They're now deliberately creating more undead to swell their ranks, and in the Gilneas starter quests for the Worgen, the invading forsaken (under direct command of Sylvanas) attempt to use Arthas' plague (you know, that one that even ''Garrosh'' thinks is going too far.) Oh, and according to a terrified mother they're freely murdering any children they find.
** Dar'Khan letting Arthas in to have his people getting slaughtered.
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* [[Nightmare Fuel]]: See [[Warcraft/Nightmare Fuel|here]].
* [[Nostalgia Filter]]: Consider how much of the game changed since its release in 2004. Several classes, especially the hybrids, actually are ''playable'' and ''actually'' work the way you would expect them to. Content is actually not being wasted by locking the majority of the playerbase out by attunement chains. (Most of the [[Can't Catch Up]] was caused by other players, though, so it's not Bizzard and Vivendi's fault since they didn't intend for selfish players to refuse to help their friends in need.)
** And the Elemental Invasion. Wait around the cities and someone's going to say how the Zombie Invasion was better and that the fandom rejoiced. This is ignoring how, during the zombie invasion, there was just as much complaining about how many people were interrupted by zombies or how much they event sucked and should have been optional.
** Attunement in ''general''. This supposedly weeded out the "Bad players" back in the day, when all it took to get attuned was to be lucky enough to ''find'' a group that formed for it, especially on some servers like most Wasteland EST PvP Servers. This lead to a [[Can't Catch Up]] in which perfectly good players were stuck waiting for an attunement group to form while everyone else was busy trying to get the bosses down.
*** And evidently people used to "need a brain" to get to end-game. Evidently, "Needing a brain" meant "being able to be lucky to have a group that would do convoluted attunement chains" and "having the free time to run dungeons enough to get gear so the guilds would even look at you."
* [[Older Than They Think]]:
** Lor'themar actually wasn't invented for WoW and first showed up in a Korean-drawn comic.
** Goblins have been called "Gnome wannabes", ignoring that goblins and gnomes both showed up at the same time in ''[[Warcraft]] II'' and the former had a much larger role. In the next game gnomes were [[Put on a Bus]] and goblins had a major role as a neutral force and were almost their own faction according to concept on Sons of the Storm. [http://wow.4fansites.de/artikel0001.php Even in World Of Warcraft, goblins were considered to be the fourth Alliance race until they decided to bring gnomes back].
** With the Mists Of Panderia leak, some of the playerbase has accused the Pandaren concept of (among other things) ripping off [[Kung Fu Panda]]. The Pandaren started out as an April Fool's joke by artist Samwise Didier that proved so popular that it led to their debut in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, years before Kung Fu Panda even came out.
** When Cataclysm was announced, there was outcry from the fanbase declaring that Deathwing is a [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]], while in reality he has been a fixture in Warcraft lore since ''Warcraft II''
* [[Play the Game Skip the Story]]: Most players ignore what NPCs actually ''say'' and just look at the quest requirements. Story? Plotting? To the majority of players, it may as well not exist. Interestingly, Blizzard is aware of this and [[Word of God]] says that quest designers are explicitly limited in the amount of text they can put into a quest description to avoid "Too Long Didn't Read" syndrome.
* [[Replacement Scrappy]]:
** Garrosh Hellscream replaced Thrall as leader of the Horde. Considering that Thrall is well-loved both by the player base and in-universe, some of this is bound to happen. Even if Garrosh's character was becoming [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|more likable and competent]], he would [[Never Live It Down|still get some scrappism ]] for the act of displacing Thrall alone.
*** Though, since Thrall has become more and more of a blatant [[Creator's Pet]] throughout Cataclysm, more and more players are changing their minds about this, and now there is a new outcry starting {{spoiler|now that the creators have stated their intent to reinstate Thrall as Warchief at the end of [[Mo P]].}}
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*** Well...that, and "[[Tsundere]]" is pretty much her ''only'' personality trait. [[Shallow Love Interest|At all]].
** For the people who read the [[Expanded Universe]], Med'an is this, as he is amongst the most triumphant examples of the [[Canon Sue]]. He is a son of two popular characters (Garona and Medivh), making him a unique hybridization of races. He has been chosen as the new guardian of Tirisfal. But he is not just any guardian of Tirisfal, but a more powerful version, getting not just mage powers, but also paladin, shaman and druid powers. Despite the fact that in the comics, he was empowered to become one of the most powerful beings on the planet, he hasn't appeared in [[World of Warcraft]] itself yet, possibly due to the [[Fan Backlash]].
* [[Scrappy Level]]: Vashj'ir, for its mob density causing mobs to have a completely three dimensional attack range as well as how many bugs it had and respawn rates up the wazoo.
** Gnomeregan.
** The Oculus
** Uldaman. It's actually something of a [[My Greatest Failure]] amongst the developers, since they wanted it to be a winged dungeon yet wound up with a rather tedious dungeon with a pretty unique boss mechanic. The main downfall of Uldaman was that the level range was ''too high''. Normally you're good if you're within a couple levels of thei dungeon mobs, but in Uldaman, you'd start off at the mid 30s, but later on would get to 40+ meaning low level players would [[Surprise Difficulty|get ambushed by mobs in their 40s]]. For awhile the recommended level range ended at ''51''. It has been nerfed a ''boatload'' of times and [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap|became a much better dungeon since]]. Oh, and Enchanters had to run this because there was a trainer in there.
** Tol Barad is the most disliked battleground, because the attacker must capture all three bases to win and gain control of Baradin Hold and the Tol Barad dailies, whereas if the defender has one base under their control or not completely taken by end of the time limit, they keep Tol Barad for another two hours.
* [[Scrappy Mechanic]] : '''Daze''', a debuff that's present on everything in the game within minimal level range that dismounts and slows you if you're attacked from behind, it can make "Short jaunt through this area" into "Will you stop knocking me off my horse?!"
* [[Seinfeld Is Unfunny]]: Prior to Cataclysm, the old world and well, a lot of this game in general has had elements copied by others. Would you believe that this game had given enough content to justify an expansion pack, yet they chose to wait off until they had much more content for a single one?
* [[Sequel Displacement]]: What are these "classic trend setting strategy games" of which you speak?
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: Dear god, Aggra. The only reason she seems to exist is to be with {{spoiler|and get knocked up by}} Thrall. Magnified by the fact that she sunk the Thrall x Jaina Ship.
* [[Stoic Woobie]]: Baine Bloodhoof.
* [[Surprisingly Improved Sequel]]: Burning Crusade was alright in the gameplay department, but a lot of people lamented the story it put forth, the scattershot villains, the feel of the setting and the fact that very little was improved on base game mechanics. Wrath of the Lich King, on the other hand, was praised for how it allowed the player to actually affect the status quo of the world (at least for themselves), the much more "Warcraft-ish" feel of Northrend, the much tighter plotting and far more engaging villain groups (ranging from Arthas Menethil to a new villain who finally tips his hand in Storm Peaks and rockets to near the top of most fans' [[Magnificent Bastard]] list). It did have its own problems (see [[Dork Age]] above) but Blizzard has shown an admirable ability to learn from their mistakes with expansions and Cataclysm seems to be a successful attempt to combine the best of Burning Crusade, Wrath and vanilla [[WoW]].
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* [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks]]:
** BALANCE! Also, many old-school players tend to complain that the game has gotten too easy, while others note that there are challenges available to those who seek them out, and Blizzard is trying to make more content for the majority of players instead of just the hardcore. In general though, people have been saying this pretty much since the first patch, but mysteriously still play.
*** Shamans v Paladins, unique to the Horde and Alliance, respectively, until Burning Crusade. The devs admitted there's no way to balance them while still making their mechanics and abilities unique.
** Sylvanas' voice since patch 3.2.
** Theralion's voice, going from a [[Camp Gay]] voice to a generic deep and evil voice.
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** In the Goblin starting area, the player takes part in a game of footbomb, a sport involving heavy machinery and high explosives. The coach wants to win the game [[Rule of Cool|with style]], so he tells you to kick the bomb through two smoke stacks off in the distance. In the beta, the bomb falls into the nearby volcano, which causes it to erupt, which would've highlighted the Goblin's seftdestructive behaviour of decadence, lack of fore-thought and addiction to high explosives. In the final version, the quest does nothing more than have the player look up into the sky just as [[Big Bad|Deathwing]] appears.
** There was a lot of [[Foreshadowing]] throughout Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King in regards to the Infinite Dragonflight and who their leader is. One quest in Dragonblight heavily implies Nozdormu, leader of the Bronze Dragonflight, has/will perform a [[Face Heel Turn]], but Chromie hand waves this saying he must be fighting the Infinites. As of Patch 4.2 he's back with no explanation given (his return was shown in a novel released ''after'' he appeared).
*** {{spoiler|Although it turns out he ''did'' go crazy in the distant future.}} - making this a bit of an aversion.
** There's a questline (leading to the Twilight Highlands) that in Cata beta eventually reveals Archbishop Benedictus as a servant of the Old Gods. Upon release however the traitor has been discovered to be Major Samuelson, a royal guardian and essentially some noname. {{spoiler|Leading to a surprising subversion in 4.3 where Archbishop Benedictus is in fact a traitor and a dungeon boss}}.
*** Though this is, in itself a bit of an example. {{spoiler|Rather than Benedictus being confronted by someone canonically close to him, or even anyone from the Alliance, he's confronted by Thrall, a Horde character who had never even ''met'' Benedictus prior to that point}}.
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** Except actually not... the Lich King implies he can kill you at ''any'' time. In fact, if you go too close to him in one part of the world, he ''does'' kill you. But he [[I Need You Stronger|keeps you alive, specifically so you can get stronger]] and lets you kill all his lieutenants and undead armies so he can raise you as his new lieutenants, a lot stronger than the previous ones. In fact, if you fight him, he does ''just that''.
** However, if he could kill you at any time, and had an army that could overrun the planet without him keeping then in check, why did he need the players as new champions? Him getting duped into becoming the Lich King by Ner'zhul and the dreadlords was still nagging at him. He wanted to prove to himself that he was not weak, and that heroes getting corrupted was just the way of things... that can seem a little weak, especially with all the theatrics. His pride and self-doubt were holding this evil overlord back.
* [[Vocal Minority]] / [[Silent Majority]]: Did you know there are people who actually ''don't'' play this game for 14 hours a day? Did you know that there are plenty of people who actually play ''other games'' too? Or that there are people in the military playing it, college students, or people with 40-hour-a-week jobs and a family? The way the [[Hate Dumb]] carries on about it, you probably wouldn't believe so.
** Likewise there are often just as many if not more people who are ''glad'' for patch changes than those screaming on the bitch board.
* [[What an Idiot!]]: Garrosh is universally hated by faction leaders(and also by many players, through he has gotten better), due to his utter lack of diplomatic tact and reactions to events that border on the psychotic. After ceding the post of Warchief to him, Thrall counsels Garrosh to trust his advisors (the other racial leaders, Vol'Jin, Cairne, and Sylvanas) and rely on their counsel. Garrosh then turns around and makes personal enemies of two of them; the normally placid Vol'jin threatens to kill Garrosh ''to his face,'' while Sylvanas openly flouts Garrosh's authority and insults him behind his back. Garrosh then ''kills Cairne,'' an almost universally beloved figure among the tauren (and players too), leaving the chieftanship to Cairne's now [[You Killed My Father|extremely pissed son Baine]]. And this is within a couple of months of taking over. Time will tell what other [[Sarcasm Mode|feats of leadership Garrosh will achieve]].
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** Also, voidwalkers, if you listen to their quotes. For instance, upon being summoned: "I don't like this place...", or being dismissed: "Release... at last..."
** Garona. Literally her entire life sucks from beginning to present.
** Jaina. Just look at how much she lost: Homeland, lovers ( {{spoiler|two of whom spectacularly [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|went]] [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|insane]], [[Face Heel Turn|turned evil]], and died}}), mentor, father, any hope of peace... {{spoiler|And now new homeland too, if the new expansion is to be believed. Goddammit Garrosh.}} Not to mention that it potentially gets worse, as seen in {{spoiler|the [[Bad Future]] that is End Time - her immortal soul is trapped forever in the incinerated ruins of the world, and is only freed when killed by the protagonist's party.}} Mercifully [[Averted Trope|averted]] if you complete the final boss of Cataclysm (which, canonicly speaking, happens), so thank goodness for small favours.
** Kael'thas. He and his people were pretty much Azeroth's [[Chew Toy]] in ''Frozen Throne''... And then ''Burning Crusade'' took away pretty much everything that made him sympathetic.
** How often do you pity a dragon? Kalecgos loses the girl he loves, and he watches his ruler go batshit.
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