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Isaac is a Venus Adept, a playable character in ''Golden Sun'' and ''Golden Sun: The Lost Age'', and a main character in the overall ''Golden Sun'' series. He's the silent protagonist and party leader of the original ''Golden Sun'', and gains a speaking role in his appearance late in ''Golden Sun: The Lost Age'' as a co-leader of the game's extended final party.
In ''Dark Dawn'', he keeps a cabin observatory which he uses to keep an eye on Mt. Aleph along with Garet, and also as a place to train his son, Matthew. He is greatly concerned over the unrest that has swept Weyard since the restoration of Alchemy, as well as eventual coming of the Mourning Moon, a devastating giant Psynergy Vortex that appears every decade.
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* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: For some reason, he dishes more damage then even [[The Big Guy|Garet]] by default.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Shows prowess in both combat and magic.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Personality-wise, he's the Red to Felix. When he speaks in the second game, Isaac is a little more impulsive and abrasive.
* [[Scarf of Asskicking]]: Passes it on to Matthew.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Once he starts talking in the second game.
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Garet is a Mars Adept and a playable character in ''Golden Sun'' and ''Golden Sun: The Lost Age''. He is the one who is tasked to personally accompany his closest friend, Isaac, on the latter's quest and endeavors all throughout the ''Golden Sun'' series, but is also a foil for the occasional comedy relief.
In ''Dark Dawn'' he joins Isaac in keeping watch over Mt. Aleph while trying to keep his son Tyrell in line. He's simmered down with age, but often gets irritated at Isaac's unflappable personality.
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* [[Informed Flaw]]: Gluttony, pretty much contained to Fanon as he denies it in game.
* [[Irony]]: Despite being a Fire Adept, out of the original group he was the most eager to see the ocean for the first time.
* [[The Lancer]]
* [[Magic Knight]]: He can become very magically powerful
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: By default Has an overall lower damage output than Isaac and has low PP, but can take damage like nobody's business.
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Ivan is a Jupiter Adept and a playable character in ''Golden Sun'' and ''Golden Sun: The Lost Age''. As a party member, he is a mage-style Jupiter Adept who has an extremely similar successor in Sheba in the second game.
In ''Dark Dawn'' he lives in Kalay, the merchant city of his old caretaker Hammet the merchant. He designed the soarwing glider that allows one to fly using Psynergy. His daughter Karis is a childhood friend of Matthew and Tyrell.{{hardline}}
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Mia is a Mercury Adept and a playable character in ''Golden Sun'' and ''Golden Sun: The Lost Age''. She is the only mage-style Mercury Adept in either game, and is probably the only Adept that can be labeled the "designated healer" to the player's party.
She eventually gives birth to Rief, a party member in ''Dark Dawn'', as well as Nowell, an NPC from the same game.
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* [[Always Save the Girl]]: And how! Just watch his [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] at Venus Lighthouse.
* [[Anti-Villain]]: During the first game.
* [[Badass]]: When you can stand up to a pair of pyromaniacs about thirty-times your level ''and not show any sign of retreating'', you qualify for the title.
** [[Badass Cape]]
* [[BFS]]: Same as Isaac.
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* [[Hero Antagonist]]: In the first game, though it isn't revealed until he becomes the player character in the second game.
* {{spoiler|[[Hero with Bad Publicity]]}}: In ''Dark Dawn''.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: Similar to Isaac in this regard.
* [[Magic Knight]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: An interesting case; Felix is Latin for "lucky." Now let's see: {{spoiler|He ''nearly'' drowned, was ''nearly'' crushed by a boulder, ''nearly'' came to blows with Saturos and Menardi, ''nearly'' came to blows with Isaac and company, ''nearly'' drowned ''again'' after ''jumping off a lighthouse into the ocean'', was ''nearly'' killed by a tidal wave, was ''nearly'' killed by Agatio and Karst, and then ''[[Overly Long Gag|NEARLY]]'' killed his own parents.}} If all those [[Department of Redundancy Department|"nearlys"]] didn't indicate, he has survived [[Trauma Conga Line|every single one of these deadly situations]]. So, yes, he is very lucky! In an ironic subversion, stat-wise, his luck is the worst.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: It is said in [[Golden Sun: Dark Dawn]] that Felix has been missing for the past 30 years.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: His personality fits the typical Blue Oni mould: when he speaks, he's shown to be more aloof and less impulsive than Isaac is.
* [[Scarf of Asskicking]]
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: At the end of the first game, Felix himself states that he's no match for Isaac (due to Isaac's [[Took a Level In Badass|levels in badass]], natch!). Typically by the time the first party joins the group, Felix is almost as powerful as Isaac is, if not ''more so'' due to the longer and more annoying dungeons, the trickier and more frequent bosses, and the subsequent [[Level Grinding]].
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* [[The Lancer]]
* [[Playing with Fire]]
* [[The Red Mage]]: Offensive spells, debuffing spells, and the ability to heal? Oh yeah, she qualifies.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: From being a [[Damsel in Distress]].
* [[Tsundere]]: "S-Stupid Sheba! [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|It's not like I'm blushing because I like Isaac or anything!]]" [[Victorious Childhood Friend|Poor Flameshippers]].
** [[Fan-Preferred Couple|Poor]] [[Birds of a Feather|Mudshippers]] as well.
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Sheba is a Jupiter Adept introduced as an NPC in ''Golden Sun'' and becomes a playable character in ''Golden Sun: The Lost Age''. As a party member, she is a mage-style Jupiter Adept in an extremely similar vein to Ivan in the first game.
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* [[Shipper on Deck]]: One particularly funny moment in the second game features her mentioning Valeshipping (Isaac/Jenna) with Jenna turning red in embarrassment.
** She then immediately jumps on Jenna's follow-up comment of wondering about how Garet is doing.
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: Similar to Jenna, she goes from [[Damsel in Distress]] to a snarky [[Black Magician Girl]].
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By the time of ''Dark Dawn'' he sails around Weyard in his ship and is considered a hero to the seafaring world for sailing the Sea of Time surrounding Lemuria, and is also friends with the Champan pirate Briggs, who ironically was unintentionally responsible for him being imprisoned in ''The Lost Age''. While he never appears to Matthew's party, he is instrumental in helping them obtain a sea-worthy ship.
* [[The Big Guy]] and [[The Smart Guy]]: Which, of course, makes him a [[Genius Bruiser]].
* [[Combat Medic]]
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen|Defrosting Ice Sailor]]: He's rather distrustful of the party at first, and it takes them helping him get his orb back for him to warm up.
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* [[Intergenerational Friendship]]: Being Lemurian, he gets this with a lot of people, albeit technically. It's funny to consider how he's a lot older than Briggs, or even [[Cool Old Guy|Kraden]]. {{spoiler|The sequel amps this up even more - like Kraden and the other Warriors, he's had his lifespan permanently affected. Lord knows at what rate he'd age if he ever move back to Lemuria...}}
* [[Irony]]: The first half of ''The Lost Age'' is getting Briggs the pirate to prove that law-abiding Piers isn't his accomplice. In ''Dark Dawn'', it's mentioned that they've since become best friends.
* [[Jack of All Trades]]: He can heal, cast magic and even has a decent physical attack skill.
* {{spoiler|[[May-December Romance]]: According to Kraden in ''Dark Dawn'', Mia's daughter Nowell has a crush on Piers, and this is why she bailed on Kraden and Rief. No comment on whether her affections are reciprocated, though.}}
* [[Play-Along Prisoner]]: His intro scene in Madra.
* [[Privateer]]: Although [[In Name Only|it's just his class title]].
* [[Punny Name]]
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Spends ''Dark Dawn'' sailing the seas on his own.
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* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Sadly not playable. Of course, considering that he's a [[Muggle]], this does make sense.
* [[Gentleman and a Scholar]]
* [[Hostage for McGuffin]]: In the first game; he is more of a free entity in ''The Lost Age''.
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* [[Badass]]: His holding off the party single-handedly at Mercury Lighthouse {{spoiler|while Menardi escapes with their 'hostages'}}, establishes him as [[Badass]]. It's pretty clear that if not for his [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors|being weakened by the light of Mercury Lighthouse]], and/or [[Bond Villain Stupidity|if he'd had Menardi's help]], he likely would have won. Alex himself was moderately surprised that Isaac's party managed to pull a victory.
* [[Battle Couple]]/[[Dual Boss]]: With Menardi.
* [[Big Bad]]: He's explicitly referred to as the "leader of [his] raiding party" in the second game during Kraden's [[Mr. Exposition|summary]].
* [[Climax Boss]]: Is fought alone about a third of the way through the game.
* {{spoiler|[[Disney Villain Death]]: He and Menardi fall ''inside the beacon'' after Isaac & Co. defeat them. More specifically, they ''[[Driven to Suicide|cast themselves in there]]'' after their failure to stop the heroes even ''after'' their dragon fusion.}}
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Menardi is a Mars Adept who along with her partner Saturos is a main antagonist in ''Golden Sun''. She along with Saturos leads the original effort to break the seal on Alchemy and bring it back to the world of Weyard, and is opposed by Isaac's party all throughout the first game. She is the elder sister of Karst, who becomes an antagonist in a similar vein in ''Golden Sun: The Lost Age''.
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* [[Cool Big Sis]]: She seemed to be this towards her little sister Karst.
* {{spoiler|[[Disney Villain Death]]: She and Saturos fall ''inside the beacon'' after Isaac & Co. defeat them. More specifically, they ''[[Driven to Suicide|cast themselves in there]]'' after their failure to stop the heroes even ''after'' their dragon fusion.}}
* [[The Dragon]]: Less obvious in the first game, where is appears that she and Saturos form a [[Big Bad Duumvirate]]. The sequel makes it clearer that she was his [[Number Two]].
* [[Dub Name Change]]: Phoenixia in the French version and Adexia in the Italian version.
* [[Facial Markings]]
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Agatio is a Mars Adept who along with his partner Karst is a main antagonist in ''Golden Sun: The Lost Age''. The pair nominally follows in the footsteps of the original game's Saturos and Menardi and shares their goal of lighting the four Elemental Lighthouses and restoring Alchemy to the world, but seek vengeance upon Isaac in response to the deaths of Saturos and Menardi at his hands at the end of ''Golden Sun''. Of the two, Agatio appears to have the higher authority because he is more powerful.
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** ... which is roughly the definition of a [[Kung Fu Wizard]]!
* [[Battle Couple]]/[[Dual Boss]]: With Karst.
* [[The Brute]]: He's stronger than Saturos, but lacks his charisma, [[Magnificent Bastard|magnificent bastard-ery]] and leadership skills.
** He is not stronger than Saturos. This is made very clear by talking to people in Prox. This is a case of [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]].
* [[Climax Boss]]: Alongside Karst {{spoiler|at Jupiter Lighthouse. ''Twice'', if you wanna get technical.}}
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Karst is a Mars Adept who along with her partner Agatio is a main antagonist in ''Golden Sun: The Lost Age''. The pair nominally follows in the footsteps of the original game's Saturos and Menardi and shares their goal of lighting the four Elemental Lighthouses and restoring Alchemy to the world, but seek vengeance upon Isaac in response to the deaths of Saturos and Menardi at his hands at the end of ''Golden Sun''. Of the two, Karst is the more personal side, for Menardi was her sister.
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Mia's cousin and fellow Mercury Clan disciple, {{spoiler|and the closest thing the games have to a [[Big Bad]]}}. Very little is known about his motivations until the end, where it is revealed that {{spoiler|he is playing every side in an effort to obtain the [[Title Drop|Golden Sun,]] which will grant him godlike power.}}
* [[Affably Evil]]: Certainly a whole lot more courteous and polite than Saturos and Menardi were. {{spoiler|It may be all [[Faux Affably Evil|fabricated in order to further his own ambitions]], [[Manipulative Bastard|of course]].}}
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* [[Big Bad Friend]]: Mia's friend/cousin/fellow apprentice; the game was never really clear about just how they are related beyond belonging to the Mercury clan. The Sun Saga books in ''Dark Dawn'', however, out him as Mia's cousin. {{spoiler|If you didn't pick up the Sun Saga books, careful analysis of a mistake Tret makes in ''Dark Dawn'' about Amiti's parentage cements the aspect.}}
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: He betrayed the Mercury Clan before the game began, then he betrayed Felix's group by running off without them, then he hired Karst and Agatio just to rub salt in the wound before betraying ''them'' by [[Suspicious Videogame Generosity|healing Felix's group]] but ultimately betrayed the heroes a second time by {{spoiler|running off to Mt. Aleph to gain the Golden Sun's power}}. Considering that Karst and Agatio were just replacements for Saturos and Menardi in his eyes, it's extremely likely that he would have betrayed them too {{spoiler|had they not been killed}}.
** {{spoiler|And in the sequel, he betrays Amiti's mother before the story begins by leaving the nation. Later on, he openly backstabs Blados and Chalis, who were in turn planning on betraying Tuaparang and its High Empyror (something which Alex was implied to have already done) and then he [[Story and Gameplay Segregation|betrays]] ''[[Story and Gameplay Segregation|you]]'' by saying he'll handle Blados and Chalis while you fire up the Apollo Lens ''which he very clearly never does''.}}
* [[Enigmatic Minion]]
* [[The Evil Genius]]: Definitely so in the first game. The sequel hints that he's being elevated to the status of [[Big Bad]], or perhaps was all along.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: It's not known whether Alex was ever a "Face" to begin with, but it's established before the Mercury clan is even introduced that he's a bad guy.
* {{spoiler|[[Hidden Agenda Villain]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Immortality]]}}: This was revealed to be his goal at {{spoiler|the Apollo Sanctum in ''Dark Dawn''.}} It's possible that it was just [[Magnificent Bastard|one of many]], however. {{spoiler|Similarly, whether he's still aiming for the same thing or has an entirely new plan is also unknown.}}
* [[It's All About Me]]: Which is pointed out by Jenna and Sheba several times.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: A very good one, as it turns out. {{spoiler|In the sequel and ''Dark Dawn'', it becomes clear that he's a [[Magnificent Bastard]] as well.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Pound of Flesh Twist]]: Instead of getting the full force of the Golden Sun infused into his body, the Wise One tricks him into getting sealed at the bottom of the earth for who knows how long. Hopefully the next game will reveal how he escaped.}}
* [[Smug Snake]]: ''Very'' smug in the first game, when he mostly hangs back and lets everybody else do the work for him. Then he begins to graduate to [[The Chessmaster|chessmaster]] status.
* {{spoiler|[[The Unfought]]}}: {{spoiler|Three. Bloody. Times. If the last third of whatever the final game in the series isn't just a rolling boss battle with him, there's likely to be a fandom outrcry.}}
* [[Wild Card]]
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* [[BFS]]: Aside from boasting the Ragnarok and Odyssey spells, improved graphics allow for different weapons to actually be shown; long/broad swords are big enough to be comparable to [[Final Fantasy VII|Cloud's]] and are apparently so heavy he holds it down by his leg.
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Dub Name Change]]: His Japanese name is ''Muuto'' (Likely intended to be the German name "Mut").
* [[The Hero]]
* [[Heroic Mime]]: Just like his father before him, though this time there are a few "emotional responses" (emoticons) that the player can pick for him to provide some variety.
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A young Jupiter Adept who is Ivan's daughter and a childhood friend of Matthew's and Tyrell's. She decides to accompany the two on their quest to obtain a Mountain Roc feather. She is strong-willed, reliable, and clever.
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* [[The Chick]]
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: "Get OFF the roof, Tyrell!"
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: Barring class changes, Karis is easily the fastest character in the party.
* [[Hot Chick with a Sword]]
* [[Lady of War]]: Can use light blades.
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* [[Anime Hair]]
* [[An Axe to Grind]]: Seen wielding one in promotional art. Of course [[Heroes Prefer Swords|He can use swords, too]].
* [[Badass]]: He qualified for the title the moment he tried to beat down Arcanus. [[Curb Stomp Battle|He got his ass kicked]], but the fact that he even ''tried'' is impressive.
** [[Badass Boast]]: And if that wasn't enough, he outright ''threatens him'' during the final dungeon.
* [[The Big Guy]]: He's the only party member other than Matthew who's able to wield long swords.
* [[Blue Eyes]]: Notable for being quite different from his father's [[Brown Eyes]] and not having an identified mother he could have inherited them from.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]
* [[The Determinator]]: For better or worse, Tyrell just will not back down from something when he's got his mind set on it.
* [[Dude in Distress]]: Like with practically every other male PC in the game, first thing you have to do is rescue him before he's on your team.
* [[Dub Name Change]]: Not as drastic as it was with the party members of the first two games, but his name is "Terry" in Japanese and Italian.
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* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Especially apparent in the first half of the game.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Most definitely when you examine some of his character traits.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: Even more so than his old man.
* [[The Lancer]]
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: To {{spoiler|''Arcanus'' in Luna Tower}}. [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|Surprise!]]
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* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: Most people would be scared to death of a Psynergy Vortex. Rief gets excited, then entranced, and nearly jumps into the damn thing. [[Don't Touch It, You Idiot!|And his sister yells at him.]]
* [[Gentleman and a Scholar]]: Kraden compliments him for it.
* [[Overshadowed by Awesome]]: Intellectually, since Karis gets more exposition talk and by extension looks smarter. In the healing department, since Karis can also cast multi-target healing spells, cheaper, and without needing half a dozen Djinn set to her. And as a Water Adept, he's overshadowed by Amiti, who by default has more offensive powers, near-equal healing capacity, and [[Boring but Practical|knows how a sword works]].
* [[Proper Tights with a Skirt]]: Male example.
* [[The Quiet One]]: [[Strong Family Resemblance|Gee, I wonder where he got that?]]
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* [[Kamehame Hadouken]]: The Umbra Knuckles' [[Casting a Shadow|Shadow Cannon]] unleash.
* [[Kung Fu Wizard]]: Fights with a martial-arts style, when not [[Shock and Awe|shocking-and-aweing]] or [[Blow You Away|blowing people away]].
* [[Literal -Minded]]: Maybe, if this line at the Watchtower says anything.
{{quote|'''Sveta:''' How does a treasure sleep?}}
** She also has to read Tyrell's mind in her first appearance to notice he's dissing her, despite insisting otherwise immediately afterward.
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* [[Rapunzel Hair]]: Her braids are pretty long.
* {{spoiler|[[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]}}
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Matthew, during the finale.
* {{spoiler|[[Spoiled Sweet]]}}
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]: With lavender undertones.
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First appearing as the infant son of the pirate Briggs in ''The Lost Age'', Eoleo is now the prince of the pirate nation Champa and a Mars Adept. He first appears imprisoned by the Belinsk beastmen and sentenced to death, but is freed by Matthew's party. He joins their party after {{spoiler|his father's death in the Grave Eclipse, whereupon he swears revenge on those responsible for it.}}
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* [[Dude in Distress]]: You have to break him out of prison after he's arrested for piracy and sentenced to a [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]. Because of his powers, he's being kept in a suspended cage.
** {{spoiler|Then, during the eclipse, he gets confronted by a group of [[Demonic Spiders|powerful Eclipse monsters]] and you have to rescue him again.}}
* [[Dub Name Change]]: Leoleo in Japanese; notable as the star sign Leo is [[Magma Man|associated with fire]] (which the game itself nodded at), while his English name brings to mind Eolus, Latin god of the ''[[Critical Research Failure|wind]]''.
** It ''is'' possible that his US name is a combination of both, as both his tool of trade (you can't sail a pirate ship without wind) and some of his Psynergy (notably Thermal) seem to incorporate just as much wind as they would fire (or more).
* [[Enfant Terrible]] / [[Goo-Goo Godlike]]: In ''The Lost Age'', where he uses his developing powers to ''cause a prison break''.
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== Dark Dawn's Antagonists ==
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* [[BFS]]: The sword he carries around is indeed quite big.
* [[Blood Knight]]
* [[The Brute|The Brutal]] [[The Dragon|Dragon]]: Works more closely with the actual [[Big Bad]] on more occasions than Chalis does, and he's the superior fighter.
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: It's actually kind of surprising how...''gleeful'' he is in taking an antagonistic position towards Matthew's party. He's clearly having a lot of fun.
* {{spoiler|[[Casting a Shadow]]: He's actually a Dark Adept from the hidden Umbra Clan.}}
* [[Climax Boss]]: {{spoiler|In Belinsk Ruins, right before the Alchemy Dynamo is activated.}}
* [[Dual Boss]]: With Chalis and in the game's finale, with the Chaos Hound as well.
* [[Dub Name Change]]: From Spade to Blados.
* [[Expy]]: Appearance-wise, he seems to be based somewhat off [[Anti-Villain|Saturos]] from the first game - likely invoking said character's [[Ensemble Darkhorse|popularity with the fanbase]]. His personality, [[Complete Monster|on the other hand]] ...
* [[Facial Markings]]: Looks kinda like Himi's Third Eye... [[Epileptic Trees|Make of that what you will]].
* [[For the Evulz]]: This is pretty much the only reason he does anything ''ever''.
* {{spoiler|[[Fusion Dance]]: The involuntary version, with Chalis and Volechek, to form the final boss.}}
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Katanas Are Better]]: His [[BFS]] is one.
** [[Every Japanese Sword Is a Katana|More like a nodachi.]]
* [[Obviously Evil]]: Let's see: [[Good Hair, Evil Hair|The fauxhawk]], blue skin, [[Good Colors, Evil Colors|black clothes]] with [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|red eyes]]. [[Sarcasm Mode|Yeah, this is a guy you can trust]].
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Starscream]]: Turns out he was planning to use the Apollo Lens against the Tuaparang.}}
* [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: Turns out he's not a big fan of Arcanus, or his [[Smug Super|self-absorbed, know-it-all attitude]].
* [[Theme Naming]]: After card suits in Japanese. In English they use a tarot card theme.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]
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* [[Above Good and Evil]]: She claims that they don't exist, and mocks Matthew openly for thinking that he's "on the side of angels".
* [[Affably Evil]]: Unlike Blados, she's rather polite and "enticing" around others. Even when {{spoiler|Alex}} is, predictably, [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|betraying her]], she never loses her cool.
* [[Battle Couple]]: With Blados.
* [[Blue Eyes]]: The sinister variation.
* {{spoiler|[[Casting a Shadow]]: Same deal as Blados.}}
* [[Climax Boss]]: {{spoiler|In Belinsk Ruins, right before the Alchemy Dynamo is activated.}}
* [[Dual Boss]]: With Blados and in the finale, the Chaos Hound as well.
* [[Dub Name Change]]: From Heart to Chalis.
* [[The Evil Genius]] [[The Dark Chick|Chick]]: Manipulates nations into doing her bidding [[The Vamp|with her "assets"]]. {{spoiler|Not to mention the fact that she's a bigger [[The Starscream|Starscream]] than Blados.}}
* [[Femme Fatale]] with [[Femme Fatalons]]
* [[Fetish Fuel Station Attendant]]: The [[Too Many Belts|belts]], the [[Pretty in Mink|mink scarf]], the [[Zettai Ryouiki|thigh-boots]], the [[Theiss Titillation Theory|lift-to-access]] [[Magic Skirt|skirt]], the [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|pink]] [[Rapunzel Hair]], the "handlebars", not to mention her weapon of choice is [[Femme Fatalons|razor sharp claws]]... Yeah, we're good to go.
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* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]: Appeared to have one of these during the ending, telling Sveta to give her the Umbra Gear to activate the Apollo Lens so Sveta wouldn't have to die. However, if you use Spirit Sense on her, she reveals that she still intends on using the Apollo Lens for their own designs to the bitter end.}}
* [[Hellish Pupils]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bitch]]: Messing with nations to get them to play into her hands is her modus operandi.
* [[Obviously Evil]]: The demon look pretty much gives it away.
* [[Red Right Hand]]: She has goat-like horns. [[Genius Bonus|Incidentally]], "horned" is an archaic reference to [[The Vamp|an adulterer]].
* {{spoiler|[[The Starscream]]: Same as Blados. If you speak with her during the finale, she offers to take the Umbra Gear, but reading her mind reveals that she was going to satisfy her own ambitions.}}
* [[Theme Naming]]: After playing cards in Japanese, after the Tarot deck in English.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Hot Dad]]: ... Maybe, in a [[Draco in Leather Pants|villainous kind of way]].}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: It's due to his machinations that Blados and Chalis manage to play Matthew's party like a fiddle.
** {{spoiler|[[Magnificent Bastard]]: Officially elevated to this in the finale. He backstabbed ''everyone'' and [[Karma Houdini|got away without so much as a scratch]].}}
* [[Mask Power]]: It only covers part of his face and one eye, though.
** {{spoiler|Compare with the Luna Mask. [[Luke, I Am Your Father|Any questions?]] }}
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* {{spoiler|[[Older Than They Look]]}}: He doesn't seem to have {{spoiler|changed a bit since his last appearance in TLA.}}
** {{spoiler|Which makes sense considering that the Golden Sun affected the original eight party member's life spans, drastically slowing their rate of aging. Alex absorbed ''quite'' a bit of the Golden Sun's power.}}
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]: Anyone who's played the GBA games (or hell, looked further up this very page) will instantly recognize who he is. {{spoiler|And at the Apollo Sanctum, if you still haven't figured it out, Kraden blows the lid wide open.}} Somewhat subverted when you consider how he isn't exactly ''trying'' to conceal his identity.
** Kraden even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] this at one point early in the game wondering who would fall for that.
* {{spoiler|[[The Unfought]]: '''''Again!'''''}}
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