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Merlin (TV series)/Recap/S03/E04 Gwaine: Difference between revisions

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== Gwaine ==
Merlin and Arthur are galloping through the woods, stopping to look down at a tavern nestled at the foot of the hill. Arthur decides to treat himself to a tankard of mead and check out the mood of the population whilst he's at it. Once inside, the land-lady Mary seems rather taken with Merlin, much to Arthur's disgruntlement. Merlin on the other hand, suddenly thinks that coming here was a great idea.
That's the cue for a burly, scarred, leather-clad, nasty looking man ([[All There in the Script|who the credits tell us is named Dagr]]) to waltz in the door, upset the tray of one of the barmaids, and demand a share of money from Mary. When she doesn't hand over enough, he pulls a knife on her. At that point Arthur intervenes, and seems to have the upper hand - at least until the man whistles for his gang to come join him. Immediately the tavern is filled with ruffians armed to the teeth. A bar patron with fabulous hair gets to his feet, hands over his mug to the thug, and cheerfully punches him in the face. A full scale [[Bar Brawl]] commences. Merlin helps out with his magic where he can as Mary hits people over the head with plates. Merlin slides behind the bar and passes a jug to the helpful stranger - he takes a swig before breaking it over someone's head, also finding time to introduce himself as Gwaine. Arthur is having trouble with Dagr who throws him to the ground and pulls a knife on him. Gwaine throws himself between them and tackles the man to the ground. On trying to get to his feet, he realizes that he's been stabbed in the leg with the knife and collapses, hitting his head on a seat as he does.
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In Arthur's room, Arthur asks after Gwaine as Merlin watches the knights arrive for the melee. As usual, Merlin isn't keen on the entire of a tournament, whilst Arthur insists that it's a necessary test of courage and strength.
Elsewhere, Dagr from the tavern and one of his cohorts are buying artifacts known as the Stulorne blades from a nervous looking old man. Though they appear blunt, they're actually razor sharp. After recieving his money, the old man fetches two crystal necklaces and mutters a spell over them. They glow with power and he hands them over, stating that the wearer of the crystals will be able to take on the form of whoever's blood they touch. As soon as his back is turned, Dagr stabs him ([[Merlin (TV series)/Recap/S01 /E02 Valiant|Hmm, that seems familiar...]]) and tells Ebor that they're going to take their revenge on Prince Arthur of Camelot.
Back in Camelot, Gwaine pulls on his boots but neglects to put on a shirt. On hearing bells outside, he slowly walks over to the window and looks out, all the better for the audience to admire his [[Shirtless Scene]]. All done? Okay, moving on... He strolls through the lower town (with shirt), checking out some of the girls and then spots Guinevere passing the other way. He nabs a daisy from a nearby basket and hurries after her.
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'''Gwaine''': There, that wasn't so hard, was it? }}
He makes an attempt to carry her laundry for her, but soon realizes that he's really not getting anywhere with her. Gwen amiably gives the flower back to him, suggesting that he give it to the next girl who captures his fancy.
In the forest, Dagr and Ebor approach the campfire of two knights and attack, quickly dispatching the men and their servants. Ebor brings out the crystals and wipes his bloody sword over them. By placing it over his neck, he takes on the form of the dead Sir Oswald lying at his feet. Ebor does the same with his own crystal, and the two ride for Camelot to take their place in the melee. Arthur greets them happily in the courtyard, recognising Oswald as an old friend and being introduced to Sir Ethan. Arthur offers Merlin's services to each of them.
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The fake Oswald and Ethan waste no time in exploiting the situation. Comfortable in their guest quarters, Merlin is made to lug their heavy luggage up seven flights of stairs and shift it either side of the bed, before lifting it up onto a nearby cupboard. A flick of Oswald's sword and all of its contents rain down on Merlin's head.
Over dinner with Gaius, Merlin complains about Oswald's treatment of him. This is surprising to Gaius, who remembers him as a gentle man. Merlin [[Spit Take|Spit Takes]] soup all over Gaius's face when he's reminded that not all masters are as good to their servants as Arthur is. At that point Gwen opens the door, looks mildly confused as to why Gaius has soup all over his face, and tells Merlin to come with her. She takes him to the local tavern where Gwaine has rung up a very large bill. The tavern-keeper is agitated that Gwaine has no money and demands that Merlin find someone who can pay. Gwaine is no help, choosing that moment to collapse on the floor.
Merlin helps him back to his bed (the [[Ho Yay]] just writes itself) to the sound of Gwaine's declarations that he's his best friend and that he'd love to see Arthur's face when he gets that bill.
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Merlin apologises to Gwaine as he gets his things ready. Gwaine is taking it in his stride, stating that he never stays in one place for very long. He tells Merlin to watch out for Arthur, conceding that he's the one noble that might be worth dying for. Outside in the corridor he meets Guinevere, who tells him that he did a brave thing. She assures him that one day Arthur will repay him, and gets a little dreamy-eyed when she talks about what a great king he'll make. Realizing that this is the reason that Gwen turned him down earlier, Gwaine says his goodbyes.
Knowing that Arthur won't back out of the tournament, Merlin decides to keep a careful watch on the fighting and use his magic if necessary. As the day breaks on the day of the melee, Merlin gets Arthur's weapons organised. Uther brings Arthur the sword that he used to win ''his'' first melee, and reminds him that all of Camelot is eager for a victory. Elsewhere, Guinevere looks out over the people heading towards the tornament grounds with a worried look on her face.
Oswald and Ethan prepare in their tent whilst Merlin tries to caution Arthur. He replies that the melee isn't some stupid game; it's about proving to the people that he's fit to lead them.
The crowd stands and cheers as Uther joins Morgana in the royal box. Everyone takes a seat, including Gwen up in the stands. Two lines of knights get ready down either end of the field. Uther makes the signal, and the two sides gallop toward one another. The melee ensures, with knights getting thrown off their horses, dragged through the sand, and sword-fighting on foot. Merlin tries to keep track of what's happening, and watches as Arthur is pulled off his horse. Oswald nearly kills him as other kngihts are taken off the field in stretchers. Another rider enters the field and Merlin uses his magic to force him off his horse. Arthur and Oswald continue to battle and soon Arthur finds himself facing Ethan as well. At that moment, another competitor enters the field and backs up Arthur. No prizes for guessing who it is. Merlin notices Gwaine's trademark move (catching his opponent's sword) as he dispatches Oswald and Ethan. Finally Gwaine and Arthur come face to face.
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{{quote|'''Arthur''': They'll expect us to fight to the end now.}}
Arthur takes off his helmet and concedes the field of battle to Gwaine. He removes his helmet and reveals his face to the crowd. Uther ain't happy, and orders Gwaine to be siezed.
Outside the medical tent, Gaius declares that Oswald and Ethan are dead. Uther tells Arthur that Gwaine should be immediately executed, but Gaius yanks off their crystals and removes their helmets to reveal Dagr and Ebor. Arthur states that once again he owes Gwaine his life.
In the corridor outside the council chamber, Merlin and Gwaine wait for Arthur to join them. Arthur tells them that though Uther is prepared to overlook the fact that Gwaine fought in the melee, Gwaine is still banished from Camelot. Merlin wants him to change his mind, but Gwaine understands and doesn't hold Arthur responsible. Gwaine and Merlin say goodbye for the second time, with Gwaine declaring that he could never serve under a man like Uther.
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'''Gwaine''': Maybe one day we will again. }}
From the battlements, Arthur and Merlin watch as Gwaine leaves the city. He turns back to wave goodbye, and Arthur laments the fact that Gwaine could never be a knight because of his low birth... only to get distracted by the fact that Gwaine meets up with Gwen in order to say his goodbyes. Their friendliness riles him up, and Merlin points out that Gwen can hardly set her sights higher considering she's just a commoner who could ''never'' consort with a nobleman. Below, Gwen kisses Gwaine goodbye (on the cheek) and Arthur reminds Merlin to shut up.
== Tropes ==
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* [[Bar Brawl]]
* [[Broken Aesop]]: The moral of the story is that nobility is based on a person's worth, not their birthright. It's somewhat ironic then that the man epousing this motto is a nobleman pretending to be a commoner, and the nobles that he condemns are in fact thuggish commoners in disguise.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Arthur does not like Guinevere showing affections towards other men. It's [[Played for Laughs]] here, but [[Merlin (TV series)/Recap/S04 /E09 Lancelot Dudu Lac|the next time it shows up]] isn't [[Wham! Episode|half so]] [[Tear Jerker|funny]].
* [[Genre Savvy]]: From Merlin at the beginning.
{{quote|'''Merlin''': This is the part where I tell you something isn't a good idea and you ignore me, isn't it?}}
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