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That Guy With The Glasses/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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* Doug not only got a special advance tour of the [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]] Museum, but lay down on a roped-off couch and ate an apple from the backyard, among other coolness.
* The ending of Nash's first video on ''TGWTG''. Can you say, {{spoiler|[[Autobots Rock Out|"TGWTG, Rock Out!"]]?}}
* JewWario's ending to his [[Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan]]. In which... {{spoiler|He calls out Ouendan and finishes the review being cheered on Ouendan.}}
* 8-Bit Mickey of Game Heroes did a [[Very Special Episode]] covering the protests of the Westboro Baptist Church at a Holocaust museum. During an interview with a member of the WBC, he managed to stay completely and totally cool, not even offering rebuttals. Even at the end, he stated how much the actions of the church made him sick. But never, not once, did he lose his composure.
* [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/2721955 The Charity] [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/11256735 Drives] they've done to create money for the Ronald Mcdonald House. The first, they went 7 hours and raised $26,000 and the second, they went 11 hours and were able to raise $43,000+. Not bad for a bunch a geeks goofing off.
** Actually, the second one did even better - they continued raising money for a few days after the live drive, and managed to raise $50,000. [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|Wow!]]
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