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** For that matter, Che is not his name (it's Ernesto). It's a nickname based on a [[Verbal Tic]], if he'd been Canadian we'd be calling him [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Eh Guevara]].
* ''[[Cracked.com]]'''s [http://www.cracked.com/article_18606_8-historic-symbols-that-mean-opposite-what-you-think.html 8 Historical Symbols That Mean the Opposite of What You Think] explores cases of people mistaking real-life symbols for their opposite meanings. [[Misaimed Fandom]] is implied by many if not all of these, but especially the Crazy Horse, Guy Fawkes and Che Guevara examples.
* [http://www.venganza.org/ Pastafarianism] originated out of an open letter to the Kansas Board of Education that parodied the idea of teaching Creationism as a science. However, once it gained notoriety, it developed its own [[Misaimed Fandom]] as atheists came out of the woodwork, praising the open letter's contents as a [[Take That]] to ''religion in general''--which grew even more prevalent when Richard Dawkins considered the letter a ''valid anti-theological argument''. The argument is simply "you can't prove a negative", as in "you can't prove the FSM doesn't exist/didn't create the universe", in response to those who claim that the lack of proof of God's non-existence is evidence for his existence. [[wikipedia:Russellchr(27)Russell's teapot|Russell's Teapot]] is a more classic example.
** Ultimately, Pastafarianism's creator subverted this trope: Although he had originally professed that he had nothing against religion, he [[Sure Why Not|embraced his atheist fans]] and catered to their desires. Now that Pastafarianism is a [[The War On Straw|Straw Religion]] with the message that "[[Belief Makes You Stupid]]," it's attracted its fair share of ''serious'' followers.
*** And, recently has started recruiting clergymen. For just $20 USD anyone can be legally ordained as a minister in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
** There are many other parody religions such as the [[wikipedia:Church of the SubGenius|Church of the Subgenius]] and [[wikipedia:Discordianism|Discordianism]] as well.
** It's not that their major argument was "You can't prove a negative." though it was a small part of it. They were against the "Teach the controversy" idiocy. Then you wouldn't be teaching science and christian creationism, but also pastafarianism, scientology, hindu creationism, the [[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy|Great Green Arkleseizure]], ad nauseum, until nothing ever gets taught.
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* [[Mary Sue]] has a misaimed hatedom and a fandom, believe it or not. One of the most widespread usage of the term "[[Mary Sue]]" is to complain about a protagonist or character they don't like, as well as "They are cliche" and a tool to attack the author. <ref>Yeah, some people don't take criticisms of mary sues too seriously, but one ''really'' shouldn't neglect how many people throw the term around merely as [[Flame Bait]]</ref> The term "[[Mary Sue]]" has begun to lose almost all meaning to some people, partly ''because'' of term abuse.
** [[Common Mary Sue Traits]] should be mentioned; because many people assume that it's merely ''because'' of those traits that make a character a [[Mary Sue]] and avert them by making them look as boring as possible and turning them into an [[Anti-Sue]], or immediately dismissing someone as having even one or two of those [[Common Mary Sue Traits]] as a [[Mary Sue]], without even ''acknowledging'' that those are ''not'' the sole determinant of a [[Mary Sue]]. Many Litmus exams out there also have a tedndency to pretty much list character traits the person who wrote the test ''doesn't like'' and wants to eliminate from fiction by listing it as a [[Mary Sue]] trait.
*** Tellingly, the actual [[Trope Namer]] from "[[A Trekkie's Tale]]" doesn't really have all that many of these traits (although the ones she does have are obvious and parodically over-the-top). Still, you may have noticed that "Mary Sue" is, in fact, a perfectly ordinary name and not something like "Serenity Jupiter Princess Moonlight Kirk". Although [[Time Marches On]]; as do names. Mary Sue wasn't ''as'' uncommon as a name around the time the story was written as it is ''now'', but the same can be said about names like "Dorothy", "Blanche", "Ethel", etc.
** And then there are those people who, because of he constant misuse of the term, misunderstand [[Mary Sue]] as a slur against strong female characters and attempt to reclaim it. Basically, people should be proud to call their characters Mary Sues.
* KFC attempted a ''[[Battlestar Galactica]]'' related promotion, the "Frak Pak Sweepstakes". Considering what the word "frak" is a substitute for, this got a bit of attention from the fanbase, albeit not for the intended reasons.
** What's worse is what they did when they realised their mistake: they dropped "Pak" and replaced "Frak" with "[http://www.toplessrobot.com/fraklogos.jpg Can't-Say-That-Word-On-Television]". So it became ''literally'' a "fuck pak". Way to go, KFC.
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* Even though nothing vaguely resembling their ideologies appeared in the mythology, many Neo-Nazis have hijacked Norse paganism as a vehicle for their beliefs, which has also on occasion led to persecution of neopagans out of misunderstanding.
* A major reason for the "[[All Girls Want Bad Boys|chicks dig assholes]]" meme on the Internet, at least in those sad few corners where it's still taken seriously.
* Karl Marx would be banging his head at the usage of "Marxism" as well as "socialism", "communism", and other terms like "fascist", "totalitarianism" and "Nazi" being used interchangably.
** Marx, in 1883, saw where interpretation of his works were headed even in his own time, and said, "If that is Marxism, then I am not a Marxist."
*** The comment is actually ironic, referring to a French group that had appropriated Marx's name called the Marxiste. That's why the original quote was in French despite the fact that Marx was German and wrote primarily in German, English and Greek. Later when the Marxiste were forgotten (and the word came to refer to Marxists in general) conservative commentators started reading it as a catch-all dismissal of Marxists or Marxism.
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** Depends when and where you're using it. Deadpan Snarkery can be very endearing to many people, as it shows that you have a sharp wit and good sense of humor. So it depends on the situation.
** It's best to go heavier on the deadpan and lighter on the snark; even so-so material can be funny if it can be delivered with a straight face, but too much acerbic snarkiness just makes one look like a smug asshole.
** Likewise, people try to replicate a couple characters who happen to be jerks such as ''[[House (TV series)|House]]''. Never mind that in the case of ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'', you would ''not'' want to work with him and you would not want to work for him, either. And in the case of internet critics like ''[[The Angry Video Game Nerd]]'', ''[[The Nostalgia Critic]]'' or ''[[The Nostalgia Chick]]'', they are characters that are ''intended'' to be pathetic masochists.
*** Video game critics like [[Zero Punctuation|Yahtzee]] and the ones mentioned above usually slam video games of their flaws to the extreme because that is a part of their character. Somehow, many people take nearly everything that is said at face value and use the nearly cartoonish criticisms as the basis on why no one should play a certain game. Just take a look at many user created video game reviews and you're bound to find a handful of people that can't seem to say at least one positive thing about the game they are slamming.
** Similar to the deadpan snarkery, criticism and critiquing in general seems to have taken a direction at jerkassery. The rise of harsh critics that judge the skill of others like [[American Idol|Simon Cowell]] and [[Hell's Kitchen|Gordon Ramsey]] have given people the wrong idea on how to critique others. The shows with the harsh critics are used on people who think they are talented when they are actually horrible and are ripped apart by the harsh judges. The same critics can also be seen giving advice to people who have potential and can be pretty heartwarming at times. However, nearly everyone believes that slamming someone's work to pieces without saying anything positive or even offering advice on how to improve is the way to get people to improve when it would actually either get the person to ignore them or completely give up on what they were working on because they feel no one actually likes what they did.
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* Similarly, there are a few people who like to claim any vague similarity to something else is [[Plagiarism]], usually in regards to a work they dislike.
* Anime is now forever tainted in eyes of many of the survivors (and their direct descendants) of Japanese atrocities in WWII in the Philippines. Why? Because anime is popular in the Philippines and has caused an upsurge in Japanophilia. Problem is, some of these self-declared Japanophiles go too much to one extreme and downplay Japanese atrocities in WWII as exaggerations or fabrications by Americans, and sometimes say that it would've been great that [[Imperial Japan]] had won since the Philippines would have been part of it. Understandably this horrifies and enrages the aforementioned survivors, as well as fans who aren't that extreme and don't want to get lumped in with said [[Misaimed Fandom]].
** What makes these freaks especially stupid is that anime as we know it wouldn't exist without the sweeping cultural changes wrought by Japan's defeat. In the quintessential [[Alternate History]] where the Axis wins, [[Osamu Tezuka]] spent his life as a medic in a field hospital & guys like [[Hideaki Anno]] and [[Yoshiyuki Tomino]] were probably drafted into the military and promptly shot dead by native resistance fighters in some forsaken bamboo jungle.
* There is a branch of Social Darwinism based off ideas in Richard Dawkins' book ''The Selfish Gene''. When he found out about it he added a forward to later editions specifically refuting it.
** The original idea of natural selection [[Social Darwinist|had its fair share of misaimed fandom at it, too]]. In the past it was used as an excuse by racists to subjugate the people they were against.
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* Yes, it's still rape if the victim gets off. Really, [[Humans Are Morons|it's sad this has to be here]].
* Around this wiki. Sorry fans, but a character [[Die for Our Ship|being in the way of your preferred couple]] only makes them a [[The Scrappy|Scrappy]] in ''your'' head. Actual scrappies need general fan consensus in order to earn that moniker.
* The Nazis and their admiration for [[Frederick the Great]] and [[Otto Vonvon Bismarck]]. Frederick the Great was a massive Francophile who hated the German language while Bismarck would have been horrified at the Nazis insanely belligerent policy and Hitler a lowborn demagogue.
* The "Nintendo Seal of Quality". There have been people saying that Nintendo should bring it back...despite that you can name a hundred [[So Bad It's Horrible]] games that bear this seal of quality. It never meant "Good" game, it meant "Not a ripoff cartridge". It's also sad that [[Viewers are Morons|this has to be here]], despite how many games reviewed by internet critics like the [[Irate Gamer]] and [[Angry Video Game Nerd]] that ''have the seal in the corner''.
** For god's sake, [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/89/DrJekyllAndMrHydeNESBoxart.jpg look at the bottom right]. Yep. That's the seal.
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