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* [[Fanfare]]: The game plays victorious fanfares whenever you are winning a battle, and during the victory debriefing screen.
* [[Firewood Resources]]
* [[From Nobody to Nightmare]]: The [[Eagle Land|Americans]] in the New World campaign start out as a small colonies subjugated by the British that no other nation (including the natives) take seriously and simply get dismissed as a "nation of shopkeepers". Even after you gain independence, they are still not considered a threat since everyone were convinced that their democratic form of government will surely collapse in chaos. By the end of the campaign, if you go by the American victory condition, they will have united all of North America and driven all European imperial powers off the Western Hemisphere.
* [[4X]]: A real time strategy version of this.
* [[Garrisonable Structures]]: Citizens can be ordered to take cover, at which time they will garrison themselves in a nearby city or tower, and use guns or bows to defend themselves. Scholars generate the Knowledge resource when garrisoned in a University, and can be moved from one to the next. Oil platforms require a worker to garrison him/herself inside to function.
* [[Geo Effects]]: The major one being attrition: units in enemy territory suffer damage over time. The Russians have a "Russian Winter" perk that means this applies much more on their land.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: The Katyushas and just about any Artillery Weapons available.
* [[Instant Win Condition]]
* [[Invaded States of America]]: Besides starting a [[Nuke'Em|nuclear war]] with them, the Soviets can also stage a conventional invasion of the United States during the Cold War.
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* [[Reinventing the Wheel]]
** To ''Rise of Nation'''s credit, while the campaigns play this trope straight, as you advance through different eras the names of the technologies are at least altered to match the time period (if still serving the same function).
* [[Risk -Style Map]]: The Conquer the World campaigns have a strategic map which looks very much like Risk maps, complete with Risk army pieces and bonus cards.
* [[Scenery Porn]]: The landscapes are quite pretty, especially the Caribbean-esque archipelagos.
** Maps in the Conquer the World campaigns actually resemble (quite closely) the area they represent (a battle in Japan will take place on a map of Honshu, attacking Britain will require a dock built in the English Channel, etc.)
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* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]]: There's something to be said for watching a nation that's getting [[Curb Stomp Battle|destroyed]] plead frantically for peace even as your troops are marching on their capital. Not to mention how much fun it is to [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|nuke the fishermen, use cruise missiles on the Citizens, and launch airstrikes against the Scholars]] of the nations you've defeated.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment]]: Using nukes reduces the "Armageddon Clock". Using too many means the game ends in apocalypse.
* [[Video Game Flamethrowers Suck]]: Almost, but not quite. As in most games, they're not much good in combat. But most games don't allow you to set fire to wooden buildings, which flamethrowers are pretty handy for both in real life and in this game.
** Flamethrowers also instantly force all units garrisoned inside structures to evacuate, so if you can get them close enough, they'll make citizens and injured units eject out into the battlefield for your other units to mop up easily. It's also a useful way of making a formidable garrisoned fort or tower into a less-formidable empty one, though it's probably easier just to pound the thing from afar with artillery.
* [[A Winner Is You]]
* [[Worker Unit]]: Actually called citizens.
* [[You Have Researched Breathing]]: Even if you are in the modern age, you will still have to research things such as crop rotation or medicine as if they are totally unknown to your civilization.
** Although, some researches are cheaper if someone else on the map has already researched it. Also, science research tends to lower the cost of other types of research.
* [[You Require More Vespene Gas]]
* [[Zerg Rush]]: The Terracotta Army wonder automatically produces free infantry.
** In the New World campaign, the native American nations will start with this as the only tactic available to them, since unlike the European colonist they don't have access to gunpowder weapons and only have their larger population as an advantage. But eventually, [[Took a Level In Badass|they will get access to gunpowders weapons to level the playing field]].
** Later upgrades allows citizens to instantly become militia.
** One of China's bonuses is instant citizens. Combine that with the Partisan upgrade in the Modern Age and you'll get an inexhaustible horde of AK-47 wielding villagers.
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