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''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6764362/1/ Ace of Spades]'' by [[Leontina Stardust]] is a ''[[Batman]]: [[The Dark Knight]]'' and ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' [[Intercontinuity Crossover|Crossover]] and [[Slash Fic]] ([[Yaoi Guys|The Joker/Harry Potter]], [[Yuri Genre|Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn]]).
After saving the world Harry gets [[Shell-Shocked Veteran|PTSD]] and [[Power Incontinence|loses control of his magic]], {{spoiler|[[Accidental Murder|accidentally killing Ginny Weasley.]]}} The Magical World, not wanting to get their hands dirty with charging their world's savior quietly strips Harry of his wand and has him secretly sent to a Muggle Asylum. Forsaken by the very people he saved Harry is shuffled between various mental institutions; none of which are prepared to help a wizard and [[Go Among Mad People|Harry's condition worsens into full on psychosis.]] Harry ends up in Arkham where he makes the acquaintence of a [[Psycho Psychologist|mad doctor with a burlap sack over his head that wants to use him in his experiments]], a police officer that is actually concerned about his well-being, and [[The Joker|a fascinating man with scars on his face]] who [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|who also wants to see]] [[Omnicidal Maniac|the world burn...]]
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=== ''Ace of Spades'' provides examples of: ===
* [[Accidental Murder]]: {{spoiler|Harry killed Ginny.}}
* [[Affably Evil]]: Harry and his new "friends."
* [[Attempted Rape]]: {{spoiler|Harry's cellmate. Harry kills him in self-defense. Later a man drugs his drink but Harry is saved by Batman (much to Harry's humiliation.) Averted with [[Marital Rape License|the Joker]]}}
* [[Axe Crazy]]: The Joker and Harry.
* [[Bastard Boyfriend]]: The Joker to Harry.
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: This is part of the reason why Harry becomes [[The Farmer and the Viper|obsessed with Jim Gordon.]]
* [[Bedlam House]]: Arkham Asylum
* [[Being Tortured Makes You Evil]]
* [[Big Brother Mentor|Big Sister Mentor]]: Harley Quinn to Harry.
* [[Broken Ace]]: Harry as [[Meaningful Name|the Ace.]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]: The Joker, Harry is an aspiring one as well.
* [[The Commissioner Gordon]]
* [[Composite Character]]: This Joker is a fusion of the Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson versions.
* [[The Corrupter]]: The Joker.
* [[Crazy Jealous Guy]]: The Joker is jealous of the time Harry spends with Bruce Wayne and of the attention Harry gives to stalking Jim Gordon.
* [[Cute and Psycho]]: Harry and Harley Quinn
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Harry.
* [[Dark Fic]]
* [[Death Dealer]]: Harry as Ace.
* [[Discard and Draw]]: {{spoiler|Harry loses access to all his magic for a time but comes to be able to perform wandless magic summoning fire very well.}}
* [[Dragon-in-Chief]]: Harry Potter / the Ace of Spades is much more powerful than the Joker but the Joker makes it clear who's in charge.
* [[Driven to Madness]]: Harry.
* [[Dude, Where's My Reward?]]: After saving their world, [[Obstructive Bureaucrat|the magical world]] has Harry Potter committed.
* [[Et Tu, Brute?]]: Harry feels very betrayed when Ron and Hermione testified against him.
* [[Evil Is One Big Happy Family]]: there are many cameos of other members of Batman’s [[Rogues Gallery]].
* [[Evil Makeover]]: Harry as the Ace of Spades.
* [[Evil Mentor]]: The Joker.
* [[Fallen Hero]]: Harry.
* [[The Family That Slays Together]]: [[Badass Family|The Joker, Harry, Ivy, and Harley.]] [[Dysfunction Junction|Joker is like the daddy, Ivy is like the mommy and Harry and Harley are like the bratty kids.]] "It's ''my'' turn to fire the bazooka!"
* [[Fan Art]]: [http://windwarzch.deviantart.com/art/FanArt-Ace-of-Spades-216370731\] and [http://manatilol.deviantart.com/art/ace-of-spade-fanart-1-263216752\]
* [[Five-Bad Band]]:
** [[The Big Bad]]: The Joker
** [[The Dragon]]: Harry Potter, {{spoiler|Previously Scarecrow}}
** [[The Evil Genius]]: Poison Ivy
** [[The Dark Chick]]: Harley Quinn and {{spoiler|Luna Lovegood}}
* [[Fusion Fic]]: The fic [[Broad Strokes|loosely follows the plot]] of ''[[The Dark Knight]]'' and Harry seems to have taken the place of Two-Face in the narrative. (The [[Fallen Hero]] that is corrupted by the Joker and has ties to Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon.
* [[Genki Girl]]: Harley Quinn.
* [[Go Among Mad People]]
* [[Hero Antagonist]]: Batman
* [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: Harry/the Ace to the Joker.
* [[I Reject Your Reality]]: Harry has become delusional believing that Sirius must {{spoiler|still be alive and have somehow become Jim Gordon after falling through the veil.}}
* [[Knife Nut]]: The Joker and Harry.
* [[Knight Templar]]: The wizarding world and their attempt to "help" Harry.
* [[Living with the Villain]]: [[Odd Friendship|Harry befriends Bruce Wayne]]; neither realize the other's true identity.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: The Joker towards Harry {{spoiler|It's pretty clear that [[The Man Behind the Man|he was behind the Scarecrow's torturing Harry.]]}} Also Harry plays {{spoiler|Jim Gordon's son}} and Bruce Wayne like a piano.
* [[The Mentally Disturbed]]: Harry and his new friends.
* [[Mind Rape]]: It's what Scarecrow does for a living.
* [[Never My Fault]]: It's not Harry’s fault he {{spoiler|[[Unreliable Narrator|accidentally(?)]] killed Ginny}} It's all ''THEIR'' fault.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: Poison Ivy reminds Harry of his mother and {{spoiler|[[Tear Jerker|Jim Gordon reminds Harry of Sirius Black]] (a [[Parental Substitute]] of a [[Parental Substitute]].)}}
* [[Patchwork Fic]]: The fic is based loosely on the Nolan-verse but it also incorporates elements from the earlier Batman movies as well as the Batman comics and animated series.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: {{spoiler|this is the kind of wandless magic Harry comes to specialize in.}}
* [[Power Incontinence]]: Harry becomes so stressed he loses control of his magic.
* [[Protagonist Journey to Villain]]: Harry.
* [[Psycho Ex-Girlfriend]]: Averted. Harley Quinn is psycho and the Joker's ex-girlfriend but she’s moved on and bears no animosity towards the Joker or Harry.
* [[Psycho Psychologist]]: Dr. Crane/Scarecrow.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: Harry.
* [[Sanity Has Advantages]]: Harry is '''''THIS''''' close to discovering that Bruce Wayne is Batman but instead he gets [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny|distracted by some pretty rollerskates.]]
* [[Scars Are Forever]]: Of course Harry already has the one scar but the Joker gives him some more.
* [[Self -Harm]]: And Harry gives himself some more scars.
* [[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: Harry and [[It Got Worse]] from there.
* [[Slash Fic]]: [[Seme|Joker]]/[[Uke|Harry]] and [[Butch Lesbian|Ivy]]/[[Lipstick Lesbian|Harley]]
* [[Social Engineering]]: Harry is a master at it.
* [[The Sociopath]]: The Joker, Insane!Harry, the Scarecrow, Harley, Ivy.
* [[Stalker Without a Crush]]: Harry towards Jim Gordon after Harry {{spoiler|[[Insane Troll Logic|come to the logical conclusion]] [[Wild Mass Guessing|that Jim Gordon is Sirius Black]] with [[Easy Amnesia|amnesia.]]}}
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: Even when depowered and suffering from [[Power Incontinence]] Harry is still one of the most powerful characters in the setting he's in.
* [[That Man Is Dead]]: Harry Potter is dead. There is only Ace.
* [[Title Drop]]: Harry's new villain name is Ace of Spades.
* [[Too Funny to Be Evil]]
* [[Transplant]]: Harry Potter and {{spoiler|Luna Lovegood}} in the [[Dark Knight Trilogy]].
* [[Troubled but Cute]]: Harry
* [[Unreliable Narrator]]: Harry is nuts so his perceptions are a bit skewed.
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: Harry to whatever the Joker has "not" planned. Harry wants to burn the world down but it's also pretty clear he's being deceived...
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Harry.
* [[Villain Team-Up]]
* [[Wholesome Crossdresser]]: After escaping Arkham Harry is eager to get out of the straight-jacket even if it means wearing Harley's clothes.
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: Harry as Ace.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: {{spoiler|during the prison break the Joker encourages Harry [[The Dog Bites Back|to kill the Scarecrow]] who was torturing him ([[The Man Behind the Man|in all likelihood on the Joker's orders]])}}
* [[You Look Familiar]]: Harry upon meeting Jim Gordon [[Actor Allusion|because Jim Gordon and Sirius Black are both played by the same guy.]]
* [[You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You]]: If Harry told his doctors anything approaching the truth, they would only assume he was more delusional.
* [[Yuri Genre]]: Harley and Ivy are the [[Beta Couple]].
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