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** Also in the [[Star Trek]] novels, and as a result of the Quch'Ha plague seen in ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise|Star Trek Enterprise]]'' season four, many Klingon families of the 22nd-23rd centuries lost their forehead ridges. A division between those who retained them and those who lost them resulted in an unofficial caste system within the Klingon Empire. The ridgeless Klingons - the Quch'Ha, or "unhappy ones" - were somewhat undesirable in the social hierarchy. Some Quch'Ha disguised their status with artificial foreheads. The two Klingon races are discussed in depth in [[Star Trek: Forged in Fire]] and [[Star Trek: Seven Deadly Sins]] in particular.
** In [[Star Trek: Typhon Pact]], the Gorn caste system is explored in some depth. It includes Political, Warrior, Technologist and Labourer castes. The Tzenkethi also have a caste system of sorts, with different echelons into which their citizens are placed after testing in youth. However, they dislike it when people use the term "caste system" to describe it.
** The Yrythny in the [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine relaunchRelaunch]] are divided between the Houseborn and the Wanderers. Yrythny breed by laying eggs in the water, which develop as tadpoles before coming ashore later in childhood. Those young which come ashore at the same House at which they were laid are Houseborn, and make up the ruling caste. "Wanderers" are considered inferior on account of having gotten "lost". Tensions between the castes are high, and a full-blown revolutionary war was seemingly brewing among the Wanderers as of This Gray Spirit.
* In [[Star Trek: Stargazer]], there's the Balduk, with their High Order, Middle Order and Low Order militaries. Also the Pandrilites, whose elevated and lower castes are supposedly now united by their adherence to the Three Virtues. Pandrilite protagonist Vigo has come to question this, though; an old mentor became involved with a radical sect insisting oppression of the lower castes is ongoing, and Vigo's faith in his people was shaken.
* In the ''[[New Jedi Order]]'' books, the [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|Yuuzhan Vong]] use a caste system: there are the Intendents (bureaucrats, basically), Warriors, Priests, Shapers ([[Mad Scientists]] with [[Organic Technology]]), and the Shamed Ones, outcasts who basically share the same level as the Vong's slaves. Interestingly, there is no leadership caste, but the [[Evil Overlord|Supreme Overlord]] usually comes from the warrior caste.
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