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* [[Artistic License Astronomy]]: You'll be hard pressed to find any area of space outside of Earth that isn't engulfed by millions of miles of stellar gasses, dusts, and nebulae painting the backdrop, and [[Asteroid Thicket]] is in full effect here.
* [[Awesome Anachronistic Apparel]]: Who says you can't wear a Tux in the 25th Century? This also extends to anyone who wears the various older uniforms of Starfleet.
* [[Badass Decay]]: ''Inverted'' with Species 8472, aka the Undine. {{spoiler|Remember that cliched episode of ''Voyager'' in which the writers try to make them sympathetic by means of an infiltration school? Well, now we see [[The Chessmaster|the]] [[Manipulative Bastard|results]] of that. The reason the Klingon Empire turned on the Federation is revealed later to be that they're ''terrified'' of what the [[Mole in Charge|Undine agents]] will be capable of doing if they gain a full foothold...}}
* [[Broken Base]]: Rifts have formed over whether it's a credible addition to the [[Star Trek]] universe, or simply a flash in the pan and not long for this world. Rifts have formed within the game as vocal Klingon players clamour for content, among other issues. Basically it's the same as any other MMO.
** The Lockboxes and their related Shop Items, the Master Keys. It's basically a lottery, where you recieve random loot whenever you open a box, ranging from awesome rewards (Cardassian Galor or Ferengi Marauder Starships) to near useless Junk. Most people seem to consider it a blantant rip-off, while others scramble for the shops to purchase Master Keys by the crapload. Discussion over that matter can turn very heated in short time.
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** More literally, you meet huge spiders in some of the Romulan feature episodes, but these are less [[Demonic Spiders]] than pesky trash mobs.
** Speaking of Romulans, Romulan Warbirds (D'deridex class) have the Viral Matrix ability, which launches a probe that disables your ship's systems (such as weapons or engines) for a few seconds. Along with a [[Tractor Beam]] (if you get close enough) and a few Heavy Plasma Torpedoes, they can be very annoying.
* [[Canon Discontinuity]]: While Cryptic does have the option of incorporating any "soft canon" such as other games or novels as they see fit (see [[Sure Why Not]] below), they've also outright discarded certain soft canon events, such as the entirety of the ''[[Star Trek: Destiny]]'' novel trilogy and its immediate successors.
** The [[Star Trek: Voyager Relaunch]] novels are a good example, as only ''some'' of them are in the bin. A character who was [[Killed Off for Real]] there ({{spoiler|Janeway}}) is alive and well here. Having said that, another plot point introduced there ({{spoiler|that Miral Paris is the ''Kuvah'magh'', [[The Chosen One]] for the Klingon people}}) is ''also'' alive and well here.
* [[Fandom Rivalry]]: Already suffering from this.
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** The most recent rage is over the Rhode Island ship added to the game. According to them, it SHOULD have been Tier 5 instead of Tier 2, is completely overpowered at it's Tier 2 with the extra console and bridge officer slot, and sets a dangerous precedent that other ships will follow, making the game 'pay-to-win' or 'pay-for-power'. Never mind that the other ships haven't been RELEASED yet, let alone have any known stats to compare to.
** Probably the dumbest argument this troper has seen on the forums was a member complaining that Cryptic embezzled the player base's money to ''buy lunch for the people of an STO podcast who visited the studio'' instead of using it to create more game content. The stupid was so blatant, one of the devs closed the thread, utterly baffled.
* [[Game Breaker]]: Split-Beam Rifles have a secondary attack that allows you to [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|split the energy beam]] and hit up to 5 separate targets at once. The attack itself does considerable damage (just slightly less than the sniper shot from a sniper rifle) and each beam proceeds to do full damage to each target, making it easy to take out multiple enemies faster instead of just focusing on one enemy at a time.
* [[Goddamned Bats]]: ''Syphon Frigates.'' They're not especially tough and will die pretty fast to any kind of firepower, but they launch Power Syphons. Power Syphons start sucking out your warp core's power as soon as they get into range. And Syphon Frigates like to appear in squads of three, forcing you to pause, kill all their Power Syphons and ''then'' go back to killing them... except they like to stagger their syphon launching, ''and'' they can launch more!
** The Targ Handlers. They're damage sponges, sure, but they also spawn endless rushes of Targs at regular intervals until you finally kill them. They like to appear with [[Demonic Spiders|Swordmasters]], too, so when you're trying to kill the Swordmaster you end up with annoying Targs running sideways at you to chip away your HP even more.
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