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Star Trek Online/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Not long after the game was released, many players complained that they didn't believe Cryptic listened to them. So Cryptic made a section of the forums to let everyone know exactly what they were planning to add with each update in advance, and to answer questions about that content. Players are extremely happy with it.
** Dstahl stepping back into the Exective Producer role, after having previously left for a different job, has many of the fandom welcoming him back with (mostly) open arms.
** Basically, every new season of the game brings something squee-worthy for longtime ''Trek'' fans (and, very often, quality of life patches and improvements to old missions that had grown stale and annoying). Of course, the forums will always have someone bitching that the game is in fact [[Ruined FOREVER!]], but then it's both ''[[Star Trek]]'' and an MMO, so [[Hatedom|that's just]] [[Unpleasable Fanbase|to be expected]].
* [[Artistic License Astronomy]]: You'll be hard pressed to find any area of space outside of Earth that isn't engulfed by millions of miles of stellar gasses, dusts, and nebulae painting the backdrop, and [[Asteroid Thicket]] is in full effect here.
* [[Awesome Anachronistic Apparel]]: Who says you can't wear a Tux in the 25th Century? This also extends to anyone who wears the various older uniforms of Starfleet.
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