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** Well, considering her dad is Eli David, and Eli David is, well. . . Eli David -- possibly. Not to mention, I'm assuming we're supposed to assume she recognized (the lack of) some defining features that meant he wasn't Mossad. Which isn't ''that'' plausible, granted, but still. And maybe she was just making a conclusion based on the rest of the situation up til then.
*** Actually, it's a bit of [[Fridge Brilliance]]. Ziva was the control officer of at least one agent (Ari) and was nominally a Liaison Officer at the time. It would absolutely make sense she would know who the agents operating in her area are.
* Joe Friday occasionally went undercover as a criminal on ''[[Dragnet]]'', which can be unintentionally hilarious, because ''everything'' about Jack Webb screams "cop," even when he uses the alias [[The NamesName's the Same|"Joe Fraser."]]
* ''[[Covert Affairs]]'' is a justified version: Since the CIA actually gives out real names with an assumed cover identity, nobody is really expecting Annie to not give out her real name. Also subverted in one episode-when she helps her sister with some photography, the agency orders the pictures of her taken down.
* In ''[[Alphas]]'' Gary's autism makes him not very good at going undercover, often refers to himself as a secret agent, often in front of people who aren't supposed to know, and when another member of the team is giving a cover story has identified it as such.
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