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''But we are interested in another city. Maybe is not one of the biggest, since only live there fifty monster families. Maybe is not one of the most famous, since even in some monster maps doesn't appear. But as you get to know it... Sure it'll become your favourite! It's Villa Susto... where they reach the adventures of the Mini Monsters. Who are the Mini Monsters? If you want to know... keep reading.''}}
''Minimonsters'' is a comic book series created by the Spanish author David Ramirez. It was published monthly in the Spanish magazine ¡Dibus! between years 2000-2015. At the moment, there are four monographic albums, collecting all their adventures: “El Veneno de Porcelana” (2003), “El Perfeccionator” (2006), “¡Historias para no Dormir!” (2007), and “El Gran Partido de Calabacesto” (2012). A fifth one is currently in progress.
The plot takes in a small town called Villa Susto, where they live monsters who want to be far from humans. Victor Von Piro (A high-class vampire and main protagonist) moves to Villa Susto, much to his changrin. There he meets his new friends, The Frank’s gang: Frank Einstein Jr. (A genius Frankenstein and leader of the gang), Lupo (A narcoleptic werewolf), Momses (A mummy with an obsession of sports), Gus (A cute, but fearful ghost) and Piruja (A very amorous witch). Together, they will live a lot of misadventures involving them and the rest of the people in Villa Susto.
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** First album: [[Big Bad Ensemble|Rattus Sapiens and Quasim]].
** Second album: [[Fiery Redhead|Miss Hit]].
** Fourth album: [[The Rival|Morty Vivente]]. {{spoiler|<nowiki>Usurped by [[I'm aA Humanitarian|Arrmando el Arraña]]</nowiki>|}}
** Currently, we have [[The Hunter|Flan Hellsing]].
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Frank has this with his gang, especially Gus.
** Lupo towards his younger siblings.
* [[Bitch Alert]]: When Miss Hit appears for the first time, it's clear she's bad news. [[Punctuated for Emphasis|Very. bad. news]].
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: Lupo is slow due to his constant sleepiness, but he is very far from being stupid, as it shows that he’s very witty. It could be considered as a [[Genius Ditz]] case.
* [[The Bully]]: Quasim. He's huge and strong, and no one can beat him... {{spoiler|Except Miss Hit}}.
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* [[Darker and Edgier]]: Downplayed in "El Perfeccionator". While the story remains comical, things like split personalities and Frank's [[Character Development]] makes the story slightly darker compared to the other ones. Not to mention the character of [[Knight of Cerebus|Miss Hit]].
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Everyone in the comic has acted like this at least once.
* [[Dressing as the Enemy]]: SubvertedPlayed with hilariously in the first album, when Victor dresses himself as a beetle in order to trick Rattus Sapiens.
{{quote|'''Victor''': Stop complaining and kneel... AT THE BEETLE GOD!
'''Rattus Sapiens''': The Beetle God [[Comically Missing the Point|GOES IN UNDERWEAR?!]]}}
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** Also, in the end of the first album, the Frank's gang after {{spoiler|accidentally drinking the poison. They end up with a big case of diarrhea}}.
** Morty's face expresses this perfectly in the fourth album when {{spoiler|Frank shoots and scores the winning goal}}.
** Frank does a nice one, seen [[https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/p130x130/1959261_10202441295010466_711215417_n.jpg?oh=b6eda4fec4478ba4909af2ba8910e839&oe=54F84BE4&__gda__=1420623189_0a72bb50f9ecb4dafd4b2d2d3e0c0306 here]].
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: As a group, The Frank's gang (Blue) towards Morty's gang (Red).
* [[Rotating Protagonist]]: Although Victor is the lead character, the story focuses on other characters as well.
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* [[Wham! Episode]]: "El Perfeccionator" is considered to be this.
* [[Wham! Line]]: In the second album, we have this line, which sets a notable [[Mood Whiplash]] and things become [[Serious Business]] (This doesn't quit the comedic elements totally, though).
{{quote|'''Miss Hit'''/{{spoiler|'''Henrietta'''}}: You've been slow to realize... {{spoiler|''*switches to her Henrietta persona*''}} ...Frank.}}
** {{spoiler|It was revealed previously to the viewer (And before, it was a [[Captain Obvious Reveal]]), but not the main characters, so it's quite shocking [[In-Universe]].}}
* [[With Friends Like These...]]: Victor has this relationship with the Frank's gang.
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