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{{quote|''"I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."''|'''Frederick Douglass'''}}
The [[Character Alignment]] of sweetness and light. A [['''Neutral Good]]''' character will usually comply with laws if doing so benefits the greater good, but rebel against those they consider unjust or which conflict with the greater good.
Their are different kinds of Neutral Goodness:
[['''Neutral Good]]''' can be the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. [['''Neutral Good]]''' characters value freedom and will protect others' freedom as long as it's not used to do harm.
A [['''Neutral Good]]''' character is not too caught up in [[Order Versus Chaos]]; they are concerned with moral goodness, but often not willing to enforce it in others. Something of a 'classic' hero or adventurer alignment as seen in many RPGs and JRPGs, as well as many anime series, particularly [[Shonen]] (although most of them are [[Chaotic Good]] nowadays) or more idealistic Seinen works.
A [['''Neutral Good]]''' character is sometimes a [[Friend to All Living Things]] and/or a [[Technical Pacifist]], but they don't necessarily have to be either. Just think "basically good person" and you've probably got it. If they do decide to take up arms, they may have a particular affinity with kneecap and other non-lethal shots.
One of the differences between [[Lawful Good]] and [['''Neutral Good]]''' is that [[Lawful Good]] will ''always'' hate [[Chaotic Evil]], and even when the [[Chaotic Evil]] character is the resident [[Token Evil Teammate]] they will just barely tolerate them. On the other hand, [['''Neutral Good]]''' characters may accept and sometimes even be friends with a [[Chaotic Evil]] character (as long as they're on the same team).
[['''Neutral Good]]''' states may be [[Utopia|really nice places to live]], but depending on how [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|idealistic]] the setting is, they may be [[Crap Saccharine World|deluding themselves]]. [['''Neutral Good]]''' characters tend to suffer more personal conflicts in [[Grey and Grey Morality]] settings with [[Order Versus Chaos]] themes.
However, before you all run up to this alignment expecting it to hand out unconditional love and [[The Cake Is a Lie|free cake]] a small word of [[Beware the Nice Ones|caution]]: if this alignment is combined with [[Good Is Not Soft|Good Is Not ]] ''[[Good Is Not Soft|Soft]]'', things can get [[Vigilante Man|interesting]] and you could end up with a [[Discworld|Granny Weatherwax]] Type neutral good character. That is to say, someone who will always, always do what they believe is right, and won’t let either [[Lawful Good|laws]] or [[Chaotic Good|personal freedoms]] get in their way. If played properly alongside [[Good Is Not Nice|Good Is Not ]] ''[[Good Is Not Nice|Nice]]'', this trope can be downright [[Knight Templar|scary]].
If you have a difficulty deciding which alignment a good-aligned character belongs to, the main difference between [[Lawful Good]], [['''Neutral Good]]''' and [[Chaotic Good]] is not their devotion to good, but the methods they believe are best to promote it:
* Even though there are some situations where they can't always use this method, [[Lawful Good]] characters believe the best way is to have a specific, strict code of conduct, whether self-imposed or codified as a law. Their first impulse when making a moral decision is to refer back to this code; those with externally imposed systems (codes of laws, hierarchies, etc.) will try to work within the system when those systems go wrong. Depending on whether they are more Lawful or more Good, they will either refuse to break the code even though it would hurt someone, or else break it only very reluctantly, and only when it would hurt someone if they kept their code. [[Lawful Good]] characters have to be very good at [[Taking a Third Option]].
* [['''Neutral Good]]''' characters are indifferent to [[Order Versus Chaos]], and their only interest is in doing good. They will use whatever means will promote the most good, whether that means tearing down a code of laws, following a code of laws, creating an orderly society, causing the breakdown of harmful kinds of order, or staying away from society altogether. Their only goal is to do good, full stop.
* Most [[Chaotic Good]] characters don't constantly break the law, but they cannot see much value in laws (or, for weaker-CCGs, do not see the value in laws that do not function solely to punish evil). They believe that their own consciences are their best guides, and that tying themselves to any given code of conduct would be limiting their own ability to do good. They do not get along with anyone who tries to instill any kind of order over the [[Chaotic Good]] character or others, believing these people to be restricting their freedom and the freedom of others; however, most [[Chaotic Good]] characters will respect the right of others to impose strong codes of conduct on themselves. [[Chaotic Good]] characters often focus very strongly on individual rights and freedoms, and will strongly resist any form of oppression of themselves or anyone else.
[['''Neutral Good]]''' character types include:
* [[Superhero|Superheroes]]es who have to deal with an [[Untrusting Community]]
* [[Badass Pacifist]]
* [[The Heart]]
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* Many [[Shonen]] protagonists, if they're not [[Chaotic Good]] or [[Lawful Good]].
* The "[[The Kirk|ego]]" in a good-aligned [[Freudian Trio]].(At least is less lawful than the [[The Spock|"superego" character]] and more lawful than the [[The McCoy|"id" character]])
* Many [[Guile Hero|Guile Heroes]]es
* [[Great White Hunter]]
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]], if not [[Lawful Good]]
Others, such as the [[Ideal Hero]], [[The Messiah]], and [[Friend to All Living Things]], can vary between [[Lawful Good]], [['''Neutral Good]]''' and [[Chaotic Good]].
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** Retsu Unohana as well, going by her willingness to heal any injured people she and her lieutenant come across, including those technically on the other side, and exiles from Soul Society, the Visored. ''Somehow'' the first three mentioned here all had [[Knight Templar]] Yamamoto as their mentor.
** Yoruichi is also of this alignment, though she used to be [[Lawful Good]] in the backstory.
** You could also probably argue that many of the human character fall here. Orihime and Chad certainly do, considering the overarching motivation of both is helping people. Ichigo vacillates between this and [[Chaotic Good]], as does Tatsuki and maybe Karin. Ishida tries to be [[Lawful Neutral]] but isn't very good at it; he goes between [[Lawful Good]] and [[Neutral Good]] as well
* Negi Springfield from ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'', a cute ten-year-old [[Chick Magnet]] and descendant of an exceptionally powerful wizard who's devoted to protecting all of his 31 students (who all happen to be cute in their own special way). While he generally tries to act a proper <s> English</s> Welsh gentleman, he consistently defies orders even if given direct orders to stop one of his student's [[Plan|plansplan]]s, much less uphold the [[Masquerade]] of keeping magic secret, he will instantly and without hesitation break every rule if it so much as gets in the way of his students having fun, nevermind when they are in actual danger. It's especially evident when he chooses to {{spoiler|learn [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique|forbidden]] [[Black Magic]]}} if only to protect those around him.
* Dr. Tenma of ''[[Monster (manga)|Monster]]''. His entire philosophy is that no life has any more inherent value than any other, and he attempts to save as many as possible.
* Kakashi in ''[[Naruto]]'' believes that breaking rules is bad, but not helping those close to you is worse, and tests all his potential students to see if they will disobey orders in order to help each other. He puts this into practice when, rather than immediately going off to his next mission as Tsunade orders, goes to find Sasuke. In Kakashi Gaiden, it?s noted that he started off as more [[Lawful Neutral]], as a result of his father being ostracized for failing a mission, to save his friends- even by '''said friends'''- and committing suicide, but the [[Neutral Good]] Obito changed that.
** A good portion of the rising generation of ninjas is like this, as they typically abide by the rules, but are willing to disobey orders in order to accomplish what they consider important or help those they care about.
* Rushuna, of ''[[Grenadier]]'', a massive [[Technical Pacifist]] who primarily uses the tactic of either [[The Power of Love|smiling sweetly]] or [[Blasting It Out of Their Hands]].
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* China and Taiwan from ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia|Hetalia]]''. China tends to be kind-hearted and rather nice unless either [[Money, Dear Boy|he wants to make money]] or [[Beware the Nice Ones|is pressed too far]], Taiwan is mostly [[The Cutie]] and acts cheery and cute to everyone.
** Also Vietnam and Thailand. Viet is the [[Cool Big Sis]] of the Asians, while Thailand is very much a [[Nice Guy]] but it seems he may not be above tricking people to get what he wants and needs.
** Lithuania, Canada and Finland, too. They all seem to be among [[Nice Guy|the most genuinely nice]] members of the cast -- againcast—again, [[Beware the Nice Ones|until pressed too far]].
** Iceland starts as [[True Neutral]], but after the [[Hetalia Bloodbath 2010]] he shifts towards this alignment.
** North Italy and Spain gear towards this alignment too, contrasting with [[Lawful Neutral]] Germany and [[Chaotic Good]] Romano.
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== Comic Books ==
* [[Wonder Woman]] is arguably this, as she tends to be able to break rules (her own and those of society) when the situation calls for it but also doesn't needlessly break them (she is an ambassador to Man's World, after all).
* ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'' more or less locked [[Captain America (comics)]] into Neutral Good, though some would still argue he's [[Lawful Good]]. Considering that he has twice given up his name because he disagreed with the actions of the American government, there's definitely an argument that he's been [[Neutral Good]] for a long time. Simultaneously, [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]], who had long been more of a [[Millionaire Playboy]] hero that did what he felt was right, became [[Lawful Good]]/[[Lawful Stupid]] at the same time.
* [[Spider-Man]] alternates between this and [[Chaotic Good]]. What sets him most into this area is his motivation: he's a good guy because his Uncle Ben would have wanted him to be a good guy. He's not battling injustice or upholding the law; he's doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing.
* The [[GL Blue Lantern Corps/Characters|Blue Lantern Corps]] is composed of hopeful individuals who are equally concerned with helping everyone, whether evil or good, chaotic or lawful. They are the [[Badass Pacifist]] corps, if there ever was one.
* While often portrayed as [[Lawful Good]], [[Superman]] can sometimes be this, especially in recent comics. While he tries to maintain good relations with the Law, he isn't above going against the letter of the law if he feels it is the right thing to do. (The storyline "Last Son" comes to mind, where he rescues a Kryptonian boy... by smashing up an armoured government transport. He knew where the boy was by attacking a secure government location and ''making'' them tell him. See? [[Neutral Good]]). However, Superman was much more visibly Neutral Good back when he was first [[The Golden Age of Comic Books|created]]. At the time he was a borderline vigilante who often dealt with [[Lawful Evil|societal problems]] that the regular authorities could not or [[Lawful Stupid|would not]] touch.
* [[Batman|Tim Drake]] initially came off as this when he became the third Robin. Although he had lost his mother to a criminal (who also severely injured his father), revenge and punishment has never been his motivation. He became Robin because Batman ''needed'' a Robin to save him from his own darkness. Jason Todd had been dead for several years now, Dick Grayson was firmly established as [[Nightwing]], and he was the only one with the skills and motivation to fill the void. Tim is one of the few people who Batman feels will eventually surpass his teachings and actually improve on his crimefightng methods. The other is Dick Grayson himself, who also falls into this alignment.
* [[Empowered]] from [[Department of Redundancy Department|Empowered]]. [[Samaritan Syndrome|Especially with her motivation for being a SuperHero.]]
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* This seems to be the default alignment for members of the [[Batman|Bat-Family]]. Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, and Tim Drake all potentially qualify, motivated most by a desire to help people. Some, though, tend to veer off elsewhere, as with [[Lawful Good]] Cassandra Cain, [[Chaotic Good]] Stephanie Brown, [[Chaotic Neutral]] post-[[Face Heel Turn]] Jason Todd, and [[True Neutral]] / [[Chaotic Neutral]] Damien Wayne, and these ones tend to be noticeably more arms-length (and, [[Unfortunate Implications|coincidentally,]] are all the offspring of villains). Bats himself swings all over the Alignment scale ([[Depending on the Writer]]), but is generally considered either [[Lawful Good]] or [[Chaotic Good]].
* [[Doctor Strange]] is this with shadings of [[Lawful Good]]. He has to work within rules and laws, but they're the rules and laws of magical and often alien worlds, and he frequently resorts to [[Guile Hero]] mode to make them work ''for'' him.
* The [[Flash]] family covers the whole "Good" alignment axis, with Wally West holding down the Neutral Good fort. Wally's got one of the least complicated origin stories of his generation of superheros -- hesuperheros—he got superpowers, and decided he'd use them to help people. While he set out to work within the framework of law and order set by his mentor, Barry Allen, and is generally respectful of the laws of the land, he wasn't opposed to stepping outside of that framework when circumstances supported it and has worked with his baddies to achieve a common goal, befriended a (not particularly evil) super villain or two, and joined a Black Ops group when he thought it would serve the greater good.
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** Luke Skywalker. What else can you say about a guy who was [[Tyke Bomb|effectively turned into a weapon aimed at the Empire]]... who then [[The Power of Love|won the crucial battle with love?]]
** From the prequel movies, Qui-Gon Jinn. Given what happened later, the Jedi Council [[Ignored Expert|probably should have listened to him a bit more]].
** Anakin viewed himself as this, willing to do good even if it put him in conflict with the rest of the Jedi. However, his self-perception and his reality may have been very different, as he had strong aspects of [[Chaotic Good]]. This was particularly evident in his tendency to question Obi-Wan's decisions, to say nothing of the Jedi Council's, as well as ignoring the rules of the order much of the time. Palpatine's [[Mirror Morality Machine|offer of the secret to preventing death]] resulted in Anakin doing whatever it took to get it. [[Lawful Evil|And we all know how ]]''[[Lawful Evil|that ]]''[[Lawful Evil|turned out...]]
** Although there will always be some question about whether he was [[Neutral Good]] or [[Lawful Good]], it's implied in ''Revenge of the Sith'' that Obi-Wan Kenobi withheld knowledge of Anakin's relationship from the Jedi Council, and even explicitly states his disagreement with the Council's assignment for Skywalker in the waning days of the Clone Wars. This would imply that, like his old master, Kenobi generally played by the rules but was willing to break them. Of course, it's possible that Kenobi was the only truly [[Lawful Good]] member of the Council, and that the rest were [[Lawful Neutral]], which was the reason Palpatine chose to wait until Kenobi was away before making [[The Reveal]] to Skywalker. It could also be reasonably argued that the Council had drifted so far into [[Lawful Stupid]] that they did Palpatine's work for him. Mace Windu's unrelenting hostility towards Anakin in particular tended to only increase the latter's rebelliousness. Anakin might have actually been closer to [[Neutral Good]] were his relationship with the Council not quite so adversarial.
* The Dude from ''[[The Big Lebowski]]'', whenever he gets the motivation to do anything. He's way too laid back to want to enforce or tear down society's laws.
* Axel Foley from ''[[Beverly Hills Cop]]''. A policeman, but one who often does not go by the book, and even breaks the law in the interests of what's right in the long run.
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== Literature ==
* Fat Charlie from ''[[Anansi Boys]]'' by [[Neil Gaiman]] probably counts as this. He tries to be at least.
* Gandalf from ''[[The Lord of the Rings|Lord of the Rings]]'', seeing as they all but say his name when they describe [[Neutral Good]] in one of the ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' Player's Handbooks as "Serving kings and magistrates but not being beholden to them".
* ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' possesses a great capacity for love and faith in his friends. He willingly consults authority figures for help and advice, but isn't afraid to subvert them to do what he believes is the right thing (which may or may not be because different authority figures are wrongly persecuting him half the time). Dumbledore also exhibits this alignment as well. He maintains firm discipline at Hogwarts and insists on certain behaviors from students. For example, when he needs Harry to do something when the latter is scheduled for detention Dumbledore reschedules the detention rather than simply cancelling it. At the same time, Dumbledore does subvert, or outright ignore, the rules (especially of the Ministry of Magic) when they get in the way of opposing Voldemort.
* Lu-Tze of ''[[Discworld]]'' hangs someplace between this and [[Chaotic Good]]. He also takes the [[Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught]] philosophy to its logical extreme-he tells his apprentice that yes, rules are sometimes obstructive and must be broken to get anything done, but that's why they're there; so that you ''think'' before you break them.
* In ''[[The Malloreon]]'', Belgarion walks the fine line between [[Lawful Good]] and [[Neutral Good]]. While he tries to keep things fair in Riva through the law, he scraps a rule about noblemen not having to pay a specific tax the very second his 'ear to the ground' lets him know it exists. Absolute legal power is fun like that.
* Somewhere between "Literature" and "Comics", there are the protagonists of the [[X Wing Series]]. Wedge Antilles might seem [[Lawful Good]] but will disobey orders, frequently [[Fake Static|faking interference]], if he sees the need. He's a [[Mildly Military|Mildly]] [[Military Maverick]] who gets enough success that the New Republic loves him. He also leaves the New Republic when he finds that the Rogues can't get back at a traitor due to diplomatic immunity, and all of his subordinates follow.
{{quote|'''Antilles''': "I joined this Rebellion to fight the Empire's tyranny. Just because we have Coruscant doesn't mean it's ended. The New Republic might not be able to strike at Thyferra, but there are Rebels around who can. I quit."
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** Also, Kaylee and Wash from the same show. Though they may have chaotic good leanings. They are just generally good, happy (for the most part) people who always try to do what they believe is right. They are also the two least violent people in the show making them [[Technical Pacifist]].
* Hercules, as depicted in ''[[Hercules: The Legendary Journeys]]''.
* ''[[Angel]]'', as the lead in a series rife with [[Character Development]], naturally varies in his alignment, but his default "ensouled" alignment once he gets his own show seems to be [[Neutral Good]]: helping others and protecting those who can't do it themselves, no matter the personal cost.
* In ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', Buffy herself fits this category. She accepts (somewhat reluctantly) her destiny, then proceeds to fulfill it in her own way. She accepts her [[Mentor]] while rejecting his organization. In the end, the only thing certain about her is her devotion to good. Most of her [[True Companions]] end up in this category.
* Some of [[24|Jack]]'s closer friends at CTU, like Chloe and Tony, tend to be [[Neutral Good]] in that they more often follow orders and the law than he does, but tend to put themselves at risk to help him.
* ''[[iCarly]]'': Carly started off as a Neutral Good person, but shifted towards [[Chaotic Good]] in season 3.
** Freddie started more like [[Lawful Good]], only to shift towards [[Neutral Good]] as well, although since he's more than willing to tag along with Carly and even Sam's schemes, in practice he's acts [[Chaotic Good]] as well.
* ''[[Lost]]'': Jack Shephard is probably Neutral Good. Hurley also fits the "basically nice person" description.
** Hurley is another example of [[Neutral Good]]. Ben Linus becomes this at the end of the series.
* Both JD and Turk from ''[[Scrubs]]'' are this in contrast to the rebellious natures of Dr. Cox and the Janitor and the more traditionalist beliefs of Carla and strictness of Kelso. Turk even speaks out to Carla at one point that tradition is not as important to him as to her.
* Justin in ''[[Wizards of Waverly Place]]'', althought meant to be a by-the-book character, is a example of this.
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* Needless to say, as the [[Trope Namer]] and [[Trope Codifier]], ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' offers plentiful examples.
** This is the most common alignment for [[Our Gnomes Are Weirder|gnomes]]. They are usually kindhearted and live in close-knit communities, but generally blanch at restrictive rules. They live in harmony with nature, which usually precludes a lawful or chaotic bias.
** Guardinals are a "race" of [[Neutral Good]] angelic beings who exemplify that alignment. They represent the nurturing, protective aspect of nature (hence the name) and appear as [[Petting Zoo People|humanoid animals]]. In ''[[Pathfinder]]'', they are renamed as "agathions" and represent a "peaceable kingdom" where everything fits into its natural place, taking animal forms based on the role they serve, and help the souls of the dead reach inner peace.
** Also in ''[[Pathfinder]]'', [[Neutral Good]] is the default alignment for [[Our Angels Are Different|angels]], due to their commitment to the ideal of Good at all costs (though there are large minorities of [[Lawful Good]] and [[Chaotic Good]] angels as well).
** Pelor, the sun god in the ''[[Greyhawk]]'' campaign setting, has a dual role as the protector of the meek and a crusader against evil without preference for order or chaos. Garl Glittergold, the god of the gnomes, is a watchful protector with a playful sense of humor.
** Saranrae, ''[[Pathfinder]]'''s sun goddess, fills a similar niche to Pelor's. Shelyn, the other major [[Neutral Good]] deity, is the goddess of beauty, love, art, and music.
* It's hard to believe that anyone in ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' could qualify as Neutral Good, but Captain Kayvaan Shrike of the Raven Guard Chapter does. He takes Raven Guards he has trained, known as Shrike's Wing, and goes on campaigns of mercy to rescue civilians that other Imperial commanders have given up on.
== Video Games ==
* Amaterasu from ''[[Okami]]'', who will even take time from saving the world to feed poor, hungry kittens and help an old lady dry her laundry. She has shades of [[Lawful Good]] -- her—her main opponent is the [[Chaotic Evil]] [[Eldritch Abomination|Yami]] -- but—but her quest is more about restoring peace and beauty than order.
* [[Love Freak]] Flonne from ''[[Disgaea]]''. Just click the link for [[Love Freak]] already... it does the explaining for us.
** Artina from the 4th game, being the "medic that treats all" type. {{spoiler|As "Vulcanus, Thieving Angel" though, her actual alignment can be hard to get a bead on, as while she's still her old self underneath it all, she now charges money to demons for her services and steals, er, "repossesses" money from the Netherworld in the name of Celestia. However, it's mostly an act, as it was a Black Ops mission with the net objective of saving all three realms.}}
* ''[[Star Wars]] [[Knights of the Old Republic]]'' 1 and 2 give most of the senior Jedi this alignment. While it frees them to do as they think best, it can also leave them wondering what to do in a situation.
** Carth Onasi explains the difference between a warrior and a soldier: "Warriors attack and conquer, they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent -- usually from warriors." Carth is [[Lawful Good]], but this spells out a [[Neutral Good]] philosophy just as well.
* [[Star Wars: The Old Republic]]: [[Sergeant Rock|Aric Jorgan]], the first companion for a Republic Trooper [[Player Character]], is this. He dislikes bravado/greedy behavior, and [[Knight Templar]]/ [[Just Following Orders]] mindsets, equally. Considering that most everyone in The Republic is repeatedly [[Shoot the Dog|Shooting The Dog]], corrupt, or [[Face Heel Turn|secretly working for]] [[The Empire]], [[Only Sane Man|this says a lot about his character]].
* Klonoa is pretty much the embodiement of [[Neutral Good]]. It would be nigh impossible to be exceed him in [[Friend to All Living Things]] and [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]].
* Marona from ''[[Phantom Brave]]''. This ''should'' be especially hard for her to maintain since [[Untrusting Community|everyone she meets]] [[All of the Other Reindeer|tends to hate her by default]], but she manages to [[Pollyanna|keep up a happy face...somehow]].
* Most of the protagonists in ''[[Soul Nomad and The World Eaters]]'' are probably neutral good, helping people for their own sake and wanting to save the world for the good of all... Barring [[Token Evil Teammate|Gig]], of course, who'd rather [[Chaotic Evil|burn what's left down to the ground and do a funny little dance on the ashes]].
* Auron from ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' is like this after rethinking his worldview after his pilgrimage with Braska {{spoiler|and his death}}, being willing to help protect Yuna regardless of what that requires. "We will protect Yuna from ''anyone'', even a Maester".
* Ramza from ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' is perhaps the purest example of this trope in [[Final Fantasy]], even more so because he lives in a [[World Half Empty]] where almost nobody else believes in honesty or honor. Even when he ''knows'' that [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]], he's still going to save his sister, stop the world from being destroyed...and do it without making any sacrifices or compromising himself.
* [http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i212/Kerrah_photos/NEUTRALGOOD.jpg Malfurion Stormrage] from ''[[Warcraft]] III''. In the vanilla Night Elf campaign, one of the main conflicts is between his [[Neutral Good]] and his wife's [[Lawful Neutral]]. She eventually bends and [[Character Development]] slides her to being [[Neutral Good]] as well.
** [http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i212/Kerrah_photos/NEUTRALGOOD-1.jpg Khadgar] from the [[Expanded Universe]], seems to have a very strong air of "I respect your order and ceremony, but can't be bothered for it myself" about himself. In the novel ''[[Tides of Darkness]]'', he arrives to the meeting of the leaders of [[The Magocracy]], cutting short their mysteriousness to get to the point and deliver the news that they're in danger and need to prepare. Even after he becomes a member of the very same council, he just mostly hangs on the other side of the world, building defences against the orcs.
** Also Jaina Proudmore, probably the only human leader who is interested in peace (or perhaps even alliance) between The Alliance and The Horde post-Warcraft 3.
** The ultimate example is probably Tirion Fordring, he went against his own masters to rescue an orc from execution. Later on he is paired with [[Chaotic Neutral]] (or perhaps [[Chaotic Good]]) Darion Mograine and his army of Death Knights.
** [[Shell-Shocked Veteran|Farseer]] [[Iron Woobie|Nobundo]] was willing to upset draenic society to some degree by introducing shamanism...but only with Prophet Velen's okay. He's also a former vindicator, and no less honorable for the "former" part.
* Sanger Zonvolt and <s>Elzam von Branstein</s> Ratsel Feinschmeker from ''[[Super Robot Wars]] [[Original Generation]]''. They are not part of the Earth Federation Army officially, but will occasionally show up and help them. And when they do, they do it with obedience to the rules, and much [[Badass|Badassery]]ery.
** Masaki Andoh and the rest of the Elemental Lords (Yang Long, Tytti and Mio) also fit the bill. Technically, they abide to the laws of La Gias, but they are given the special permission to break the law if they see the law straying from its path. Masaki only uses it once and that's not out of whim and dislike towards law. In the Original Generation series, Masaki does follow the rules nicely, though he's not part of the official EFA (he tends to <s>wander</s> [[No Sense of Direction|get lost]] and be found nearby... and then tags along).
* Though he started off as arguably [[Lawful Good]] or [[Lawful Neutral]] in the ''[[Metal Gear]]'' series, by the end of ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'', Snake has more or less given the entire U.S. Military and the world governments the bird in order to work on a personal mission he and Otacon share: The eradication of [[Mnogo Nukes|Metal]] [[Humongous Mecha|Gears]] and anti-nuclear proliferation, even if said activities would label him as a Terrorist. But if given the option, Snake would probably had used 'legal' means if they existed, so that puts him in the Neutral Good turf.
* Most of the heroes of ''[[Chrono Trigger]]'' are [[Neutral Good]], with Frog leaning more towards Lawful and Ayla more towards Chaotic, but at the very least Crono. Marle and Lucca are this for the fact they have been just as willing to aid authority, they are not afraid to also go against authority.
* In the prequel novel to ''[[Fate/stay night]]'', ''Fate/Zero'', the [[Neutral Good]] character is Rider (Alexander the Great). His [[Boisterous Bruiser]] qualities does fit him as a [[Neutral Good]] character, having that much of a wild life and bravado (look at what he's done to his Master), but adheres well to the rule of Holy Grail War when it comes to battle.
* Nowe, the "dragon-boy" from ''[[Drakengard]] 2'' and a more traditional hero in contrast with [[Heroic Sociopath]] Caim, has helping out his fellow men as his top priority. This view leads to him questioning whether the methods used by the Knights of the Seal are truly righteous after seeing the suffering of the Empire survivors... and finally, to him leaving the order and seeking a less extreme way of bettering the world.
* Balancing out the [[Chaotic Good]] [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]] and [[Lawful Good]] Knuckles, Miles 'Tails' Prower seems to embody Neutral Good the best among the [[Power Trio]]. He is noticeably more responsible than Sonic. He encourages most of the ideals of freedom Sonic lives for (unlike Knuckles, who frowns on Sonic's 'irresponsible' behaviour), and usually adheres to them, but will take the time to slow down.
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* Being a [[Legacy Character]], [[The Legend of Zelda|Link]] often finds himself shifting alingments through the series, but can be generally put into this territory by default. Mostly due to him being a [[Kleptomaniac Hero]] in pretty much every incarnation.
* [[Super Mario Bros.|Mario and Luigi]] of the Mario series are Neutral Good, since the series does not focus too much on either Lawful or Chaotic aspects.
* Kathryn Akkaraju in ''[[Shogo: Mobile Armor Division]]'' typically follows orders, but later helps Sanjuro -- evenSanjuro—even while disobeying orders and getting confined to quarters for it- in order to help uncover the truth about Gabriel and Shogo's motives.
* Kasumi, from [[Dead or Alive]]. Despite her need for revenge in the first game, which caused her to be forced into exile, [[Technical Pacifist|she never tries to kill the ninjas that are sent after her.]] She's also one of the [[Nice Guy|nicest characters in the game.]]
* [[Ratchet and Clank|Ratchet]] is borderline [[Neutral Good]], but he veers more into a [[Chaotic Good]] territory - he breaks stuff [[Rewarding Vandalism|for fun and profit]], after all. [[Robot Buddy|Clank]], on the other hand, is the epitome of [[Neutral Good]].
* Annie Frazier of ''[[Backyard Sports]]'', being a "friend to animals" and a [[Granola Girl]], fits this trope. Ricky Johnson from the same series does too.
* JC Denton could be considered this alignment in the original ''[[Deus Ex]]'' based on his dialogue, unless the player decides to make him go around killing people. He's intelligent enough to question many of the orders that he's been given {{spoiler|and eventually defect from the UNATCO}}, but only does so after it's clear that he has no other choice, and otherwise is supportive of the idea of democratic government. Nicely summed up in the following quote.
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** [[Little Bit Beastly|Mak]][[Ms. Fanservice|oto]] is definitely of this alignment. Like Litchi, she's kind, friendly, and doesn't have a genuinely malicious bone in her body. However, if you make the mistake of [[Berserk Button|threatening or harming]] [[True Companions|her friends]], she has [[Good Is Not Soft|no qualms about beating you into a mushy pulp]]. Also, {{spoiler|she works as a mole in the [[The Empire|NOL]] for [[La Résistance|Sector Seven]], although this more out of loyalty to her friends than anything else}}.
** Finally, there's [[Petting Zoo People|Ju]][[Badass|bei]], one of the legendary Six Heroes, Ragna's mentor and the strongest living thing on earth. However, unlike the previous entries, [[Good Is Not Nice|Jubei is a foul-mouthed and ill-tempered old]] [[Trickster Mentor]], but he [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|genuinely means well]]. Still the closest you can get for [[Big Good]] who knows what's at stake, though.
* [[Touhou]] has 2 characters that exemplifies [[Neutral Good|Neutral Goodness]]: Keine Kamishirasawa and Byakuren Hijiri. The former isn't afraid to fight Reimu to protect her people, and Reimu is the de-facto pillar of order in Gensokyo. The latter is [[The Messiah]] for the [[Youkai]] in Gensokyo, despite being a human. Both of them ([[Sealed Good in a Can|especially Byakuren]]) pays dearly for their ideals.
* ''[[Metroid]]'': Samus Aran probably falls here overall, as she has worked closely and obediently with the Galactic Federation in Prime 3 and most of Other M, but she's a Bounty Hunter so that she can be free to tell the Federation to sod off when they get evil, as was the case in the finales of Fusion or Other M.
* Leliana In ''[[Dragon Age]]: Origins'' will often dance between this and [[Chaotic Good]]. She's a born again follower of the of the Maker, and the Chantry. She believes in doing good as it is the Makers will. but she can't quite shake her roguish [[Chaotic Good]] or even [[Chaotic Neutral]] past. Whether she stays on the Neutral Good or goes back to her roguish lifestyle depends on the players actions and what is said to her through the course of the game. AKA whether or not she is hardened.
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* Sandra from ''[[Sandra and Woo]]'' is neutral good, for example she [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2009/01/05/0022-the-next-big-thing/ cares for the environment], [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2009/11/30/0116-jesus-of-nazareth/ admires Jesus for his teachings about ethic and forgiveness] and - above all - always tries to be nice to [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2009/10/15/0103-the-new-toy/ Woo],[http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2009/06/22/0070-that-boy-needs-therapy/ her father] and [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2009/02/02/0030-naypyidaw-sector-1/ her friends]. However, she is also a remarkably [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2009/12/10/0119-the-departure/ good liar] and somewhat [http://www.sandraandwoo.com/2009/04/30/0055-youve-got-mail/ resentful].
* Lee Free Sr. in ''[[Everyday Heroes]]'' balances out here. His motivation, defense of the little guy against the system is Chaotic Good but as a skilled and knowledgeable lawyer he uses the law
* Criminy in Sinfest. Jesus being here should be a no brainer. Fuschia started as [[Chaotic Evil]] but eventually moved to [[Neutral Good]] by 2010.
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== Western Animation ==
* Aang from ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', complete with [[Friend to All Living Things]] and [[The Messiah]], not to mention going against the evil government. Avatars in general seem to be [[Neutral Good]] by default.
** <s>[[Retired Badass|General]]</s> [[Cool Old Guy|Iroh]] is clearly [[Neutral Good]] with his concern over balance and injustice.
** After going through [[True Neutral|all]] [[Chaotic Neutral|neutral]] [[Lawful Neutral|alignments]] ([[Neutral Evil|except for one]]) during the series first, {{spoiler|Zuko seems to}} end up here. However, as the sequel book "The Promise" shows, he still struggles with working out what, exactly, counts as "good".
* [[The Messiah|Ren]], from ''The [[Pirates of Dark Water]]'', although he sometimes leans towards [[Lawful Good]] or even [[Stupid Good|just too damn nice for his own good]].
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** Perhaps the truest representation in the main Titans Team is Beast Boy. Sometimes he can come off as [[Chaotic Good]], but that has more to do with his status as the team's [[Wacky Guy]]. When you get right down to his motivations he does what he does because it is ''right.''
* [[Only Sane Man|Stan]] [[The Everyman|Marsh]] from ''[[South Park]]''. While [[The Smart Guy|Kyle]]'s [[Chaotic Good]] , [[Fat Bastard|Cartman]]'s [[Neutral Evil]] (or [[Chaotic Neutral]] / [[Chaotic Evil]]) and [[The Quiet One|Kenny]]'s [[True Neutral]].
** Later season shift this a bit with Kyle actually being more of the [[Neutral Good]] role (except in moments when Cartman him into [[He Who Fights Monsters]] territory) with Stan veering much more into [[True Neutral]] or [[Chaotic Neutral]] territory.
* ''[[Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers|Galaxy Rangers]]'' - Niko falls here. She's a little more willing to bend regulations and keep something quiet if speaking openly is going to harm someone, essentially splitting the difference between [[Lawful Good|Zachary]] and [[Chaotic Good|Doc]].
* [[SpongeBob SquarePants]], more so before the first movie, the rest of the time, including pre movie he is [[Chaotic Neutral]].
* Clockwork from ''[[Danny Phantom]]''. He alternates between breaking the rules and following them--thethem—the constant is that whatever course of action he takes is the one that is best for the time stream. However, he may come across as [[True Neutral]] or even [[Lawful Neutral]], since his best interests (for the time stream) do not always coincide with the protagonists' best interests (for themselves and the people around them).
* Most of the kids from [[Dungeons and Dragons (animation)|Dungeons and Dragons]] fit this alignment (confirmed by their 2nd Edition stat sheets). The exceptions are Hank ([[Lawful Good]]), Eric, and Bobby ([[Chaotic Good]]).
* T.J. Detweiler from ''[[Recess]]'' is both this and [[Chaotic Good]].
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