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Regardless of what temperature it is outside, lying motionless for a while has a tendency to make one feel cold. We give off less body heat when we're still, after all. So a person who's, say, falling asleep is bound to get colder more quickly than someone who's moving around and still fully awake. If that person is somehow sleeping out in the open, without a blanket (or if they've just fallen asleep in a [[Heavy Sleeper|really weird place]]), they may find themselves shivering in their sleep, turning over in a really fashion way, or clutching themselves. They're uncomfortable, and they show it. If they ''had'' a blanket, it has slipped off them as they've turned and shuddered.
This is, of course, a cue for another character to come along, see their distress, and react to it--byit—by tenderly draping a blanket (or, in less providing situations, a coat) over their shoulders, petting them on the head, and saying, "Sleep tight, X." Freed from their discomfort, X usually smiles in his or her sleep, possibly clutching the hem of their new blanket for effect - even in their sleep, they're grateful for the warmth. A variant on this scenario occurs when there's [[There Is Only One Bed|only one blanket]] between the two characters, and Character Y must lie down beside X and share. This version is perfect for building [[UST]].
However, the [['''Comforting Comforter]]''' isn't always romantic. It can be used to show the affection and care between any two parties, whether they be [[True Companions|close friends or teammates,]] perpetually feuding siblings, parents and children, and even [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other|old married couples]]. Frequently, it serves as a [[Pet the Dog]] moment for Character Y, especially if Character Y has been a [[Jerkass]] in the past to Character X -- he can be nice after all, but only if nobody's awake to know about it.
When done properly, it's [[Heartwarming Moment|incredibly sweet]] and [[Tear Jerker|touching]]. When done ''improperly,'' though, it can feel a lot like [[Glurge]] or [[Nightmare Fuel]] if played for creepy.


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