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* Spoofed in the [[Tanya Huff]] novel ''[[Confederation of Valor|The Better Part of Valor]]'' when the main character explains how she wound up with a terrible assignment and says the lesson to be learned is, "never call your commanding officer a bastard to his face."
* [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] by George Orwell in his essay ''Looking Back on the [[Spanish Civil War|Spanish War]]'':
{{quote|We have become too civilized to grasp the obvious. For the truth is very simple. To survive you often have to fight, and to fight you have to dirty yourself. [[War Is Hell|War is evil]], and it is often the lesser evil. [[The Bible|Those who take the sword perish by the sword]], and those who don't take the sword perish by smelly diseases. The fact that such a [[Captain Obvious Aesop|platitude]] is worth writing down shows what the years of ''rentier'' capitalism have done to us. }}
== Live Action TV ==
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== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Captain Planet]]'': Everyone knows that [[Green Aesop|dumping an oil tanker in the ocean is a bad idea,]] yet everyone keeps going on about it. The writers reportedly did this on purpose, since more nuanced villains might have been too close to home--ihome—i.e., companies their young viewers' parents worked for, or they might fall squarely into [[Straw Man Has a Point]] if they allowed a realistic protrayal of an oil executive being upset at what his employees were doing.
* [[Redakai]]'s pilot had the aesop "Slavery is bad." Really, there weren't enough plot points or other threads for the moral to be anything else. The "Taunting someone for a skin-blemish" potential moral is never closed. Nope. Slavery is bad.
* Parodied on ''[[Family Guy]]'' when Congressman finally realize smoking is bad.


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