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* In the ''[[Heralds of Valdemar|Vows and Honor]]'' duology by [[Mercedes Lackey]], the protagonists foil a bandit party that's been preying on caravans, slaying the men outright and slaying the women after the bandits rape them. They kill the bandits, save their leader. Said bandit leader gets transformed into a buxom blond woman, stripped naked, and sent back to his/her fellows. Do not piss the sisters off...
* Inverted in ''[[Animorphs]]'', where Cassie, when confronted with a racist when travelling back in time, turns herself white - [[Animorphism|into a polar bear]].
* [[Rod Serling]] wrote a story called "Color Scheme" where a racist rabble-rouser in the South gets changed into a black man; his victim (a black civil rights preacher whose youngest daughter is killed when his house is set on fire by the mob the racist guy stirred up) turns white and [[Ironic Echo|uses the rabble-rouser's own words against him.]] [[Downer Ending|It ends]] with the preacher returned to his black self but pushed past the [[Despair Event Horizon]] and believing [[God Is Evil]] and [[Humans Are Bastards]] while the racist-- stillracist—still black-skinned, what's left of him-- hashim—has been dragged to death behind a car.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* An episode of ''[[South Park]]'' has the boys making [[Token Evil Teammate|Cartman]] think he's...[[Redheaded Stepchild|a ginger]]. Freckles and hair dye. The episode then turns this on its head--ratherhead—rather than making Cartman rethink his horrible attitude, he actually ''starts a ginger supremacist movement'' and nearly kills every non-ginger in the town.
* ''[[Gargoyles]]'' villain [[Big Bad|Demona]] summons and binds [[Great Gazoo|Puck]] and forces him to grant her various wishes, [[Jackass Genie|which he delights in twisting because he dislikes her]], and because her wishes consist of "[[Kill All Humans]]," a species of which Puck is fond. She also wishes that she would not turn to stone during the day like other gargoyles -- whichgargoyles—which Puck grants by causing her to turn ''human'' during the day instead. And in this case, it's permanent. As usual, Demona learns nothing.
* In the ''[[Tiny Toon Adventures]]'' episode "A Walk On The Flip Side" (a parody of ''[[The Twilight Zone]]'') has Montana Max, "rabbit-hater extraordinaire", wake up to find that he's a rabbit himself.


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