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* ''Both'' versions are simulated by Riddick in ''[[The Chronicles of Riddick|Pitch Black]]''. He dislocates both shoulders (eat your heart out, Riggs!), and slips his cuffs through some [[Benevolent Architecture|Conveniently Placed Starship Damage]] before cutting them off with a [[Laser Blade|Conveniently Placed Plasma Cutter]].
* The American president (played by [[Harrison Ford]], no less) from ''[[Air Force One (film)|Air Force One]]''. The film's rating permits showing that using a glass shard cuts you while you're cutting the rope.
* [[The Matrix Revolutions]]: Trinity, in the real world, gets tied up by Smith in Bane's body. She's thrown down into a hatch where some [[Conveniently Placed Sharp Thing|conveniently placed sharp things]] were broken earlier.
* In [[The Lord of the Rings]]: [[The Two Towers]], the Orcs and Uruk-hai carrying Merry and Pippin are attacked by the Riders of Rohan, allowing the hobbits to crawl to a nearby sharp rock to cut the ropes binding their hands.
* In the sci-fi movie ''Xchange'', the conveniently placed sharp thing is a spool of monofilament line capable of cutting through basically anything. And it shows that when a nervous person is working with monofilament behind their back, [[Fingore|someone's apt to lose a thumb]].
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* An episode of ''[[Captain Planet]]'' had Gi tied to a chair in a room used to gather coral from a reef. One sharp piece falls conveniently nearby and we all know what happens after that...
* In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', Aang uses the [[Spikes of Villainy|ludicrously spiky helmet]] of ''his own guard''.
* [[Inspector Gadget]]: Given Penny's propensity for getting [[Bound and Gagged]], inevitably she stumbled across more than her fair share of [[Conveniently Placed Sharp Thing|conveniently placed sharp things]].
=== Crushed hand variant examples: ===
== Anime and Manga ==


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