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[[File:see_my_vest_simpsons_5800see my vest simpsons 5800.jpg|link=The Simpsons|frame|[[Ear Worm|For my sweater, there's no better, than authentic Irish setter!]]]]
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Someone who delights in animals suffering when used to make food and clothing from them. Someone who prefers any product which required an animal to die. Fur is not for [[Pretty in Mink|warmth, style, or just enjoying how it feels]], it's because [[Kick the Dog|they know innocent creatures died for it]]. Or if makeup is [[Animal Testing|tested on animals]], it's not better because of any supposed advantages to the testing, but because these people know that their hair spray has also hurt innocent creatures.
Some [[Evil Poacher|Evil Poachers]]s are driven more by a hatred of animals (or possibly [[Animal Nemesis|one particular animal]]) than profit -- especiallyprofit—especially in cartoons.
This trope is not really [[Truth in Television]]. Sadists tend to hurt animals directly, and tend to move on to hurting people. People who wear fur or eat meat are not doing so for sadistic reasons. Most animal rights activists likely don't believe this is true either, as they bank on people's compassion in many of their campaigns -- notcampaigns—not that that [[The War On Straw|stops them invoking this trope]] ''in'' said campaigns.
A [[Sub-Trope]] of [[Strawman Political]], though it can be used simply as a [[Card-Carrying Villain]].
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* ''[[The Glove of Darth Vader]]'' is all over this. Trioculus takes a break from pursuing our heroes to hunt animals.
* The Extinctionists in the sixth [[Artemis Fowl]] book, ''The Time Parodox'', act like this. They are described as haters of animals that they feel are useless to humans, and they wear expensive fur coats and other animal skin clothing. In a novel twist, some are described as hating animals so much that they are vegetarians and will not eat animals. "How could I sully my body by ingesting such a disgusting creature?"
* The High Horse, in Graham Masterton's ''Night Wars'', is a particularly [[Squick|squickysquick]]y example of this trope (then again, it's ''[[Gorn|Masterton]]''). He wears a cape of live animals sewn together...and [[Meaningful Name|rides three horses stacked on top of each other and fastened by bolts]].
* The [[Neil Gaiman]] short story "Sunbird" follows a society of epicureans that pursues only the rarest meals. They don't seem to delight in suffering, but do take pride in the fact that they may be eating something right off the face of the earth. {{spoiler|Trying to sample phoenix doesn't go as they expect...}}
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== Music ==
* [[Barenaked Ladies]] avterted this in "If I Had $1000000", where they sing about how if they had a million dollars, they'd buy a fur coat -- butcoat—but not a ''real'' fur coat, that's cruel. Of course, they also say they would also buy a green dress, but wouldn't buy a ''real'' green dress because [[Running Gag|that's cruel]].
== Tabletop Games ==


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