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One man's snarling three headed dog is another man's cute little puppy.
A Fluffy Tamer is a person skilled with animals, and is especially good at the kind of snarling beasts which qualify to be called [[Fluffy the Terrible]]. A Fluffy Tamer isn't merely good with such creatures, they are the ones most likely to name them "Fluffy" in the first place. To them, such creatures are as adorable as any kitten or similar house pet. They would either be mortally offended by the idea of [[What Measure Is a Non-Cute?]] or hold it in completely opposite regard than your average person. The main drawback of such a pastime seems to be having to [[Hands Off My Fluffy|deal with consequences]] of [[Muggles]] and [[Idiot Hero|Idiot Heroes]]es freaking out when they see a beast and mistake Fluffy Tamer for [[Damsel in Distress]] or something. [[Overused Running Gag|Repeatedly]].
Such characters are frequently a [[Friend to All Living Things]]. Other times this preference may only extend so far and won't encompass ''all'' scary beasts but perhaps just a particular kind. They may also be a [[Nightmare Fetishist]], who finds beauty in all things terrifying.
A surefire sign of a Fluffy Tamer is speaking to such ravaging beasts in [[Baby Talk]] and ''not'' getting eaten. If the [['''Fluffy Tamer]]''' works by being terrifying to all animals, she's less likely to call him Fluffy and more likely to [[And Call Him George|name him George]]. Compare [[Admiring the Abomination]], where the character is more impressed than afraid of Fluffy's acid spit and fifteen-inch fangs; contrast [[Animals Hate Him]], who may ''think'' they're good with animals but really aren't.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl]]'' has an NPC standing outside Amity Park (which only admits "cute" Pokémon) complaining about discrimination against his Steelix.
** Thanks to the complete aversion of [[What Measure Is a Non-Cute?]] any Pokémon trainer can become one of these. Want to raise a giant fire breathing dragon and call it Snookums? Sure, why not? The embodiment of nightmares? Player Characters will be Player Characters. However the Tamer Class among [[NPC|NPCs]]s is the closest to this trope.
* Pet classes in MMOs will often count. For example, Hunters from ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' can tame things like Devilsaurs and Core Hounds.
** An NPC example is Watcher Leesa'oh at the Cenarion Watchpost in Zangarmarsh, who gushes over her beloved tiger, Buddy.
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* In ''[[The Impossible Man]]'', Angela loves her pet [[Chupacabra]], Eli. Just don't call it a [[Mon|Kaijumon]].
* Shephard from [[Freeman's Mind|Shepard's Mind]] has his little alien weapon critters, [[Fluffy the Terrible|named Sparky (the shock roach), Gil (the spore launcher), and Barney (the barnacle grapple)]].
* [[The Nostalgia Critic]] hates "relatable" animals and they despise him right back, but give him a drooling demon dog from ''[[Star Trek]]'' and he'll descend into [[Squee|squeefulsquee]]ful goo.
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* The beloved pet of ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'''s King Bumi is a [[Mix-and-Match Critters|goat-gorilla]] named Flopsie.
* Lilo from ''[[Lilo and Stitch]]'' single-handedly turns a rampaging, gentically-modified alien into a loving pet. She procedes to do the same to 625 other such creatures in [[Lilo and Stitch: The Series|the series]] by finding "their one true place."
** And in one of the episodes, Mrs. Hasagawa has adopted and tamed multiple experiments--butexperiments—but she insists on calling them her 'cats' despite none of them looking any close to one.
* On ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]'', Cosmo has a pet hydra named Snowball.
* [[Batman: The Animated Series|Harley Quinn]] and her "babies" -- the—the Joker's pair of snarling pet hyenas.
* Molly from ''[[Bump in the Night]]'' tries to tame the Closet Monster in "Comforting the Uncomfortable."
* Charlotte from ''[[Making Fiends]]'' has the ability to friend most, if not all, of the fiends Vendetta makes, even to the ability to taming all her guard dog puppies, and keeping them as pets.
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* Your average circus, zoo or water park animal tamer, charged with telling giant carnivorous animals to perform tricks for our amusement.
** Killer Whales come to mind, although they and pandas may be a subversion in that they are generally considered cute.
** Killer Whales also don't attack humans in wild, and most accidents involving whales in captivity had them going mad (who can blame them?) or simply forgetting their size / making a mistake (which is usually deadly for a trainer, as Killer Whale weights 7-9 tons, and human 70 - 90  kg).
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGJUREA0cmQ This brave fellow] shows that if you raise Polistes wasps from an early age and desensitize them to your fingers they will happily eat whatever you hand them on your finger. It's implied he's not only feeding a wasp, but a queen wasp whose behavior could determine whether the colony will accept him or sting him mercilessly.
* ASPCA agent Mark MacDonald, who often appears on Animal Precinct, one of the Animal Cops series, is known as the Beastmaster (not to be confused with [[The Beast Master]])for his ability to calm and handle the various creatures the agents are called on to rescue.


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