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* ''[[Ghostbusters]]'' has the iconic warning "Don't cross the streams," which they inevitably have to do at the end of the movie. As former [[Trope Namer]], it was also causing confusion, since this overlaps with [[Godzilla Threshold]]. In this case, the non-disaster when they do end up crossing the streams makes internal sense: they are firing into a {{spoiler|[[Parallel Universe]] and presumably, [[Inferred Holocaust|the disaster Egon predicts happens]] '''[[Inferred Holocaust|there]]''' - and closes the gate}}.
* In ''[[Orgazmo]]'', Choda Boy swears off using his dangerous "Hamster Style" at a young age due to its unpredictability, but at the movie's (heh, heh) climax, he employs it with great results.
* Agent J in ''[[Men in Black (film)|Men in Black]]'' is told by Agent K to never, ever touch the red button inside their car. When the two need to get across the city in a hurry and the tunnel is jammed, he is told to at last push the button -- transformingbutton—transforming the car into a high-speed rocket that drives along the ceiling of the tunnel.
** In the second movie Jay uses "Pressed the Red Button" as a type of code, indicating that it is reserved only for the [[Godzilla Threshold|biggest emergencies]]. They seem to prefer to not even use the neuralyzer if they don't have to, so going for a rocket car ride would likely be a last ditch number on their list of priorities.
* The Omega 13 from ''[[Galaxy Quest]]''. Somewhat played with. None of the characters even ''know'' what it does, including the aliens who built it. So they don't want to use it, because they don't know what it will do.
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*** An unusual example, in that this was a ending-the-universe danger, but never actually crossed the [[Godzilla Threshold]] before it was destroyed.
* The [[Chronicles of Thomas Covenant]] (at least the second one), after spending the last two series trying to prevent Lord Foul from obtaining Covenant's [[Cosmic Keystone|white gold ring]] in the final confrontation {{spoiler|Covenant just hands him the ring. It turns out to be a massive [[Batman Gambit]], as Covenant had finally come to understand how the whit gold worked, and was able to trick Foul into destroying himself with the power.}}
* [[Thursday Next]] has something to break in event of "unprecedented emergency" -- with—with the explicit note that your death is not an unprecedented emergency.
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* In ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'', {{spoiler|Ultimecia's master plan is to compress time. The heroes' plan to prevent her from doing that involves letting her do exactly that.}}
* In ''[[Chrono Cross]]'', the [[Big Bad]] is defeated by literally crossing the time streams.
* Happens again in ''[[Ghostbusters the Video Game]]'', {{spoiler|except this time due to being in the ghost world - where the same rules of physics don't apply, such as the lack of gravity on the actual landmass - one can probably assume that you can [[Forbidden Chekhov's Gun|cross the streams]] without frying your ass to bits because the chances are ''reversed'', thus making it more safe to try.}}
* The Great Clock's purpose in ''[[Ratchet and Clank Future A Crack In Time]]'' is specifically stated several times throughout the game to be ''maintaining'' time, not reversing it. Time-travelling with it would cause the entire universe to collapse on itself. Naturally, {{spoiler|Clank has to use it to turn back time by only a couple of minutes at the end of the game after [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Azimuth]] kills Ratchet}}.
* The command that stops the [[Big Bad]] from sacrificing you to end the world in ''[[Chzo Mythos|Trilby's Notes]]'' is {{spoiler|DIE. Yeah.}}
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== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Johnny Test]]''--Johnny—Johnny teams up with some villains to save the Earth, and they're told right before they head out to not use their powers while holding hands, since it could multiply their powers by 500% or something. Naturally, when their plans are thwarted, they turn to this. It ''sounded'' like the villains refused to do this, and Johnny teamed up with his... dog.
** The dog can talk, and they ''always'' team up.
*** They did this gag before. "We have to cross the creams!"


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