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In [[Real Life]], however, throughout most of the civilized world, life is ''just'' peaceful enough that this is typically a bad idea. With an individual who normally is expected to carry a weapon (such as a knight, policeman, or soldier), if they have a means to store a weapon that can be easily drawn, this trope then is restricted to them actually ''carrying it'' (For example, a policeman who has a gun in his hand everywhere he goes, leaving his holster empty.)
Some weapons (such as rifles, large machine guns, and [[Arm Cannon|Arm Cannons]]s) can't be sheathed/holstered, and due to context, the trope is often averted by necessity. If you are a soldier, then chances are, not only do you play the trope straight, but you're actually better off for it. The same does not hold true for an average white-collar office drone walking down the street holding a claymore. (the mine or the sword).
Compare [[Improbable Use of a Weapon]], when a weapon may be appropriate, but the one used is unlikely or impossible. Also, [[Ornamental Weapon]], where it is carried, but doesn't get used for other reasons. [[Brats with Slingshots]], which has a tendency to reflect this trope but with Children.
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* ''[[30 Rock|Thirty Rock]]'': Pete is justifiably alarmed when Kenneth turns in a gun as well along with his page's badge. For non-fans: they work on a television show, folks.
** When Liz visits a bad neighborhood nicknamed "Little Chechnya", she asks if she just saw a man walking down the street holding a gun. She is told, "Yeah, but don't worry, he's not a cop."
* On ''[[Garth Marenghi's Darkplace]]'', most of the characters, who work in a hospital, seem to have guns at all times. This comes in handy when they're attacked by [[Animate Inanimate Object|Animate Inanimate Objects]]s, undead warlocks, and Scotsmen.
== [[Manga]] ==
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** Interestingly enough, many gun shops in the US (which often contain an attached shooting range and offer gunsmith services so you can get your weapon fixed) will have a strict rule concerning concealed or holstered weapons: They STAY that way while you are in the store. If you want to have the gunsmith look at the weapon, or if you want to use the shooting range, you walk in with the weapon out where they can see it. And unloaded, until you actually ''step in'' to the shooting range.
*** This way you pulling the weapon out won't be misconstrued as you drawing a gun to rob the place or shoot someone. And yes, there ''have'' been cases where a guy walked into a gun store (with customers in there) [[Too Dumb to Live|and tried to rob it]]. One had to ''[[What an Idiot!|walk past a police car]]'' to get to the gun shop...
*** Gun shop carry rules are also often in place to prevent incidents of negligent discharge in the "trying out holsters" situation (holsters come in all manner of designs to accommodate differing body types and carry positions. Quality holsters can be expensive, and carrying a 4lb4 lb chunk of metal on your body in a poorly-fitting holster can be very uncomfortable, making "try before you buy" a good idea in holster selection if you're not independently wealthy).
** Depends highly on the state. Usually concealed carry states forbid bars and schools. The federal government also doesn't like it in most federal institutions, so Courthouses and such are off limits. The VA actively sends police officers to check on every admitted patient. Federal lands are a mixed bag, as hunting in national parks and national forests is a big debate.
*** A law was recently passed that applies all states' concealed carry licenses (or rather, the 49 for which such licenses exist) to be applicable in national parks. Since rifles and hunting-suitable large-caliber handguns are basically impossible to conceal, they can still only go through a national park while unloaded and locked away.
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* There are some places in [[Eagle Land|the States]] where guns are allowed in ''bars''.
* Despite being under Norwegian sovereignty, [[wikipedia:Svalbard|Svalbard]] allows everyone to carry rifles openly (although there are some rules on how to carry them in populated areas). Why? Because of [[Everything Is Worse With Bears|Polar Bears.]]
** To be fair, [[His Dark Materials|Svalbard polar bears are]] [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race Guys]]s clad head to toe in [[Meteoric Iron]], so...
*** Note also, that if they are going out of the settlement, they are not ''allowed'' to carry a rifle, but instead ''required'' to do so.
* Averted in the UK, where handguns aren't allowed, at all. So when a French cop working in St Pancras station for the international customs office (they have French cops on the British side and vice-versa) forgot to take her gun out of her holster when she walked across to the non-international section of the station to buy lunch, she got in ''serious'' trouble.


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