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'''Bob:''' [[What Could Possibly Go Wrong?|What's the worst that can happen]]?<br />
''([[It Got Worse|terrible things happen]])''<br />
'''Alice:''' [[I Warned You]]. }}
That statement, whether or not it uses the [[Stock Phrase]] "[[I Warned You]]" or "[[I Told You So]]" is this trope, ''provided '''the warning took place'''''. If it did not, due to [[Poor Communication Kills]], [[Not Now, Kiddo]], or the warning not reaching its intended recipient, but the [[Stock Phrase]] is dropped anyway, the trope has been inverted, not played straight.
Generally -- thoughGenerally—though not always -- [[Played for Drama]] if played straight. If [[Played for Laughs]], expect [[The Cassandra]] to be an [[Insufferable Genius|exaggeratively smug]] or [[Good Is Not Nice|jerkish]] in using this trope (a likely consistent trait that lent to no one listening to them in the first place) and at least one indignant victim to try and silence them (usually by yelling a bitter "[[Big "Shut Up!"|Oh Shut Up!]]").
[[Subverted Trope]], [[The Cassandra]] has every opportunity to say [['''I Warned You]]''', but ''doesn't even bat an eye''.
Contrast [[Poor Communication Kills]], [[Not Now, Kiddo]], where the information doesn't reach its intended destination. Compare [[Cassandra Truth]].


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