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* Lampshaded by almost all the villains Gohan fights in one-on-one battle in ''[[Dragonball Z]]''. Goku also suffered from this in the ''[[Dragon Ball]]'' series and in ''GT'', which annoyed him even more, as he was reaching his sixties and was one of the strongest beings in the universe.
** Subverted with gleeful enthusiasm in [[Dragonball Z Abridged]] whenever they can get some footage to support it.
{{quote|'''Gohan:''' I'm not going to back down. I might be younger than you, smaller than you, weaker than you, and much less experienced, [[Brick Joke|but I learned more about peach farming than you... ]][[This Is Gonna Suck|I think this was a horrible decision.]]<br />
'''Recoome:''' [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|Recoome agrees.]] }}
* Prevalent in [[Nasuverse]] works. Then again, the one saying it is usually [[Our Vampires Are Different|far]] [[All Myths Are True|beyond]] mere humans.
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** The Thousand Master himself, and a bit of a sore point. When a threat level of Ala Rubra was placed, with Zect and Eishun listed as the most dangerous... then Nagi was mentioned as, "oh, and this kid is pretty good too," complete with his own picture, which is suddenly scowling. Oh, and Zect looks like an eight-year-old while Nagi was fifteen or so.
*** Recent events seem to say that {{spoiler|Zect <s>is</s> was [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|over 2000 years old]].}}
* ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'' is notorious for this, as every single one of the main characters' families plays the [[Just a Kid]] card. [[Spell My Name with an "S"|Jenrya's]] mom was probably the most memorable -- shememorable—she was the only one who never really supported the idea of her son fighting, even after seeing him in action.
** [[Digimon Tamers|"Tamers"]] wasn't the only season to have a [[Just a Kid]] situation. Iori/Cody got this treatment from his older teammates, two of whom (T.K./Takeru and Kari/Hikari) conveniently forgot that Iori/Cody is two full years older than they were during their first adventure with the Digimon (at least that's the age gap in the American version. Correct me if that isn't universal).
*** Issuing requested correction: Iori is ''one'' year older than Takeru and Hikari were when their adventures began.
* In [[Highschool of the Dead]], despite most of the main cast being high school age and obviously competent from the reader's perspective, they receive this treatment once they reach the Takagi mansion. This mostly speaks towards a [[Values Dissonance|cultural stigma in Japan]] that you're not really an adult until you're 20 and are dismissed as a kid up to that point. Fortunately, the cast gets their chance to prove themselves.
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* ''[[Sliders]]'': Quinn Mallory
* ''[[The Wire]]'': Omar Little, one of the lead characters, dismisses many young players in the Baltimore drug trade because they're "just kids", including using the phrase exactly to describe Michael, who is meeting with Marlo, in late season four. One such child, {{spoiler|Kenard}}, is looked at by a Baltimore police officer as an example of how Omar's influence and brazen antics have spread to young, impressionable children, who view him as a hero. Near the end of the series, {{spoiler|Omar is unexpectedly gunned down by Kenard, and had dismissed the child as a threat when he walked into the store}}.
** The trope is then used word for word in the season five finale. {{spoiler|Michael}} has become a stick-up boy in Omar's mould, and when he holds up {{spoiler|Marlo's "bank"}} is told "Shit, you just a boy!"; {{[{AC|blam}}] "And that's [[Only a Flesh Wound|just your knee.]]"
* ''[[Game of Thrones]]'': [[Badass Grandpa|Tywin Lannister]] dismisses the 18-year-old [[Young and In Charge|Robb Stark]] as a threat because of this, figuring that he'll probably run back home to the North at the first sight of battle. {{spoiler|He is oh so very wrong. When the dust settles, his son is a prisoner of war, and half his army has been destroyed. Turns out that Robb is actually quite the tactician.}}
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** Also played straight with Rolf in ''[[Fire Emblem]] 9/10'' (less so in the sequel since [[Time Skip|he does get older]]) by his brother Boyd, and the majority of the people on his support list, excluding the [[Ill Boy|sickly priest Rhys]] and his mentor [[Tall, Dark and Snarky|Shinon]], for the most part. Some of his support conversations basically begin with someone telling him that he's too young to be on a battlefield, [[Berserk Button|while he denies it vehemently]], and later proves them wrong at the A support level.
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda]]'' series: The younger Links occasionally get this treatment. Apparently, even after thousands of years of legends about boys in green saving the world, [[Genre Blindness|nobody has realized]] that you should ''let boys in green do what they want''.
** In the defense of the general populace of Hyrule, wearing the Hero's clothes doesn't necessarily make someone the Hero -- theyHero—they could just have strange fashion sense or be obsessed fanboys. And it's not exactly unusual for children to dress up as heroes from old stories. Even Adult Link isn't immune to such skepticism -- thereskepticism—there's a scene in ''Twilight Princess'' where several people seem to think that Link is just dressing up as the Hero to make himself seem tougher.
*** Or, put another way, letting boys in green do what they want could lead to a Tingle-shaped nightmare.
*** Or the ''Wind Waker'' example: EVERY kid HAS TO wear the green clothes of the hero when they reach certain age, usually on their birthday. Now, would you let them do what they wanted?
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** If playing as X in ''[[Mega Man X]] 4'', Frost Walrus says this pre-battle: "They sent a kid like you after me? I promise to end this quickly".
** Also from the metaseries is [[Hot Mom|Hope Stelar]] of ''[[Mega Man Star Force]]'', where she calls her own son (and the hero of the game) "Just A Boy" in the third game.
** In ''[[Mega Man ZX]] Advent'', Atlas, the Mega ([[Viewer Gender Confusion|Wo]])Man of Fire, tells young Thetis, Mega Man of Ice and fellow member of a [[Quirky Miniboss Squad]] that he's just a kid and wonders why he was picked to be Model L's [[The Chosen One|Biomatch]] .<ref>The [[Transformation Trinket|Biometals]] are the [[Legacy Character|Legacy Characters]]s of [[Mega Man X|X, Zero]], [[Mega Man Zero|X's Four Guardians, and Dr. Weil]], FYI.</ref>. Slightly irked, Thetis is quick to mention that as a teenager, there isn't much of a gap between them age-wise.
* NES ''[[Ninja Gaiden]]'' (For NES): Ryu Hayabusa mistakes MIB agent Irene Lew as "Just a girl. Get out of here." He is promptly shot and captured.
* Used frequently in the ''[[Pokémon]]'' games. Every evil "team" has at least one member that says some variation of this, despite the fact that physical age has no effect on battles. Even Team Rocket continues to do this in the second generation games, which is surprising, considering that it was a kid who caused them to disband three years before.


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