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* ''[[Nanoha Force|Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha FORCE]]'' introduces the Huckebein family, carriers of the [[Cursed with Awesome|Eclipse virus]] which grants them ridiculously powerfull [[Anti-Magic]] abilities [[Super Strength|among]] [[Healing Factor|other]] [[Swiss Army Weapon|things]]. by themselves they're pretty strong but for most or them the only reason they can fight against the obliterating magical powers of the main cast. Lampshaded mercilessly with the fight of [[Lady of War|Signum]] Vs. [[Smug Super|Cypha]] where the latter was receiving a sound beating until she activated her full [[Anti-Magic]] hax.
* In ''[[Mirai Nikki]]'', police detective Keigo Kurusu's future diary feeds him data from whatever investigation he's currently conducting. The solution? {{spoiler|Expose his [[Dirty Cop]] ways and get him kicked off the force, meaning he's not on any investigation, totally bricking his diary.}}
* Accelerator from ''[[To Aru Majutsu no Index]]'' is practically invincible due to his power--changingpower—changing any vector he wants. He can easily deflect bullets, kill someone by [[Cruel and Unusual Death|reversing their bloodflow]], turn air into plasma bombs, et cetera. However, much like Firestorm in the Comics section below, he has to actually mentally perform all the relevant calculations to do any of this. {{spoiler|Brain damage}} all but cripples his abilities.
** {{spoiler|As of New Testament, he cannot deflect [[Hollywood Voodoo]] because there are no vectors to redirect.}}
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* Shadowcat of the [[X-Men]] can only stay phased inside an object as long as she can hold her breath. 'Cause, you know, there's no air inside solid objects. (When the character debuted, it was pretty clear that she couldn't breathe ''at all'' while phased, which made sense because air, while not solid, would still be out-of-phase relative to Kitty. It was invoked for story reasons, to make the character sometimes vulnerable when in costume. It changed to its current interpretation around the time of the Mutant Massacre, when she got injured and her default state became "phased". If she couldn't breathe while phased, this would have killed her quickly.)
* Colossus of the [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]] can turn himself into organic steel completely, including all the internal workings of his body. Apparently he does not have blood in this form (and neither does it require it). One downside to this is that if something does manage to injure him through the [[Nigh Invulnerable]] status, turning back into the more frail and bleeding human form would be a Very Bad Idea. Fortunately he can still heal with time. In his metal form, the equivalent of setting broken bones requires heavy machinery.
* Firestorm's main power is transmuting matter. He can change practically anything into practically anything else, such as [[Alchemy|lead into gold]], or air into gold, or bullets into water, or water into plutonium. Not even considering his additional powers, this would make him nigh-godlike, except for a [[Logical Weakness]]: he has a normal human mind and no [[Super Senses]], so he needs to mentally keep track of the chemical composition of everything he transmutes. This means that he can transmute things freely into elements and very simple compounds (like water (H<sub>2</sub>O) or salt (NaCl), and maybe even TNT (C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>2</sub>(NO<sub>2</sub>)<sup>3</sup>CH<sub>3</sub>) at most), but making things more complicated than that requires great concentration, if he can do it at all.
* Having witnessed the fiery deaths of his family, along with the rest of his species, the [[Martian Manhunter]] now suffers from pyrophobia. (The pyrophobia of the ''other'' Martians is handwaved as being a psychic block implanted by the Guardians of the Universe to stop them becoming too evil or something, but with J'onn [[Fridge Brilliance|it makes sense]].)
* While not his most prominent weakness, [[Superman]] is at least hurt by high powered sonics. His super senses and invulnerability seem to roughly cancel each other out in this instance.
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** The Vord Queen specializes in these, to the point where at any point where her enemies seem to be winning, she improvises (or already planned) a solution that nullifies her foes' advantage. At one point, when {{spoiler|Araris}} goes full-on [[Chrome Champion]] on her, she figures out a rather simple weakness, and coats him in ice, making the metal that makes up his skin extremely brittle and excruciatingly painful.
* One of the main limitations on magic in the [[Dresden Files]] (or, rather, the mortal magic, as werewolves and faeries seem to sidestep the issue) is that you really have to know what you're doing for something to work. You can't transform someone into a frog without knowing an awful lot about the anatomy of frogs... and if you don't want to destroy someone's mind in the process you have to really know neurosciences. So, essentially, it's impossible. Also banned because it's so dangerous.
** Not sidestep so much as displace; weres get help (through bargain, artifact or rituals of communion) from something which ''does'' know all of that, and some nonhumans such as certain faeries fall into that category. Their minds and senses simply give them complete and accurate knowledge of all of the details of the relevant natural processes; for them extrapolating from a strand of DNA to a creature's adult form, natural environment and group dynamics may be as simple as pluralizing a word... and requires no greater intelligence than the latter feat would for a human. This actually carries its own [[Logical Weakness]] in that a being ''that'' aware of cause and effect is at base restricted by that awareness.
* The ''[[Mistborn]]'' series follows a very strong [[Magic A Is Magic A]] system, so many powers can potentially be a double-edged sword. Someone burning tin (which gives [[Super Senses]]) can be incapacitated with loud noises or flashes of light, for example, and to be any good as a Coinshot (telekinetic control of metals), you'd better have a ''really'' good understanding of elementary physics- try and Push something bigger than you are and you'll be the one flying across the room instead.
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* Much of ''[[Pokémon]]'''s [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors]] falls into this. For instance, electrical attacks are stronger against Water- and Flying-types because they conduct electricity. Meanwhile, Ground-type Pokémon, being [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|always grounded]], are immune.
** [[Fridge Logic|Even if they're part Flying-type...]]
* In ''[[Magicka]]'', while your characters are all [[Squishy Wizard|Squishy Wizards]]s already, you can shock yourself if you use electricity while soiaked.
* A stone based monster in ''[[Final Fantasy IX]]'' can be killed instantly by using a Soft on it, which is normally used on petrified allies. The game states that the monster "became too soft to live".


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